Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.



Inactive Member
What do you call yourself?
I generally go by Noodles!

How'd you find Star Army?
A friend of mine has brought it up a couple times in the past and today they mentioned working on a character, So I thought "What the heck, why not?" and signed up!

What interested you in joining?
I absolutely love, love RP in general, not to mention Catgirls and Sci-fi Military scenarios! I figured it'd be a great chance to meet other people and get some grade-A RP experience! It sucks wanting to RP all the time with no one to do it with!

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before?
Oh yes! It's my number one hobby! When I'm not working or attending class (or occasionally doing social things) I'm generally doing one form of Text-based RP or another (mostly Sci-fi related!)

Any previous experiences you want to share?
I was trying to right this and got far too excited about it, there's so many!
If someone's curious feel free and I can share one or two with you!

Do you prefer:
  • Playing male, female, or other-gendered characters?
    Definitely Female!- I haven't had a male character for Three or so years!
  • Spontaneous or planned RP?
    Generally planned!- It just works out so much more smoothly! Of course that doesn't mean I want to spend forever planning lots and lots of tiny details (although a few is fine!). I'd much prefer to set down a decent framework and then get to it!
  • Military or civilian characters?
    Military! I have a huge amount of interest in the military and there are so many opportunities that you just don't get with civilian characters.
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens?
    Pretty big tie between Anthros and Aliens, both are pretty great!
  • Being on a starship or being on a planet?
    Definitely a super hard choice, but personally I absolutely love RPing on Starhips! I've been in love with them since I was young. I grew up watching Starwars and Star Trek so I have a deep fascination and love for them
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time?
    Honestly that's a case-by-case basis! If I'm RPing with someone that has a different schedule/time-zone I much prefer forum post, however if someone's free time matches up with mine I do enjoy quick responses!
On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: 3
    It's hard to have fun when there's no verbal communication between characters!- The more of this the better.
  • Violence:2
    Sometimes just talking starts to make an RP stagnate! It's good to stir things up with a fire-fight, boarding action, or even just some combat training!
  • Sexuality:2
    Sexuality is an important part of a character's personality, even the lack thereof! It influences the way people interact with one another, including with friends and strangers!
    Romantic/Sexual interactions are a huge amount of fun and often let you flesh (pardon the pun) out your character just that much more, However too much of this and things can turn into an sticky, sloppy mess of constan-,er, Hormones.
What's something cool you'd love to RP?
I'd absolutely love to take part in a large-scale firefight! I've never gotten to do anything like this with a large group of people! It makes the stakes of the RP much higher and really forces you to pay attention! Just because you may of gotten the drop on the enemy directly in front of you, that doesn't mean that you can't be outflanked or fall into an ambush from enemies that you've taken your focus off of (oops!)
A new person? Mandatory "You should check out the Dig-It" and greetings. Have a Legix salute =3=7

(But seriously, hope you have fun. You should hang out in the chat sometime if you want ideas or have questions!)
Hiya! It looks like SARP has exactly what you want! If you've got a friend here you probably know the direction to head in, but just in case, have a link to characters wanted page. Welcome, Noodles!
Welcome to SARP!

Alright, let's see...

Military - check
Planned RP - check
Combination of social interaction and just plain action - check
Mix of alien races - check
Mix of starship and planetside - check
Potential for surprises in fights and large-scale firefights - check

Okay so a lot of the RPs here have all these factors, but I can plug mine, right?
The Ryujo is looking for new characters. :D

And, for the record, you really can't go wrong on this site. All the active plots are good, and there really is something for everyone. Ask questions, check out the wiki (careful you don't get lost in there. :D ) and have fun!