Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward First Steps (Ep 01)


Reed when you call out the two strangers quickly turn around, pointing their guns at you without hesitation. The two groups are roughly 50 feet away from each other, and too Reed and Embel's right would be a forking hallway that leads to unknown locations.

"Drop your weapons!" The man calls out sharply and full of intent as he begins to approach slowly, gun raised and sword at the ready. The Woman behind him keeps her rifle up and pointed at the two intruders, she had no need to close the distance with such a dangerous weapon in her hands.

Assembly Floor

As the three walked into the hallway to follow, they soon heard the echo of a voice shouting "Drop your weapons". Though they were only together a short time it was easy to tell that was a distinctly masculine voice and that it wasn't Reed's either.

"Sounds like they got spotted." Tanja spoke as she started to move forward a little faster, with her gun raised and ready to fire.
He kept his eyes on the strangers as he whispered to Embel "Stay hidden, one of them is approaching me. If he gets close enough, try to pull him behind the corner and knock him out if you can."

Reed eyed the weapons pointed at him. He knew that his body armor wasn't going to do much against an NMX Impaler. Despite this, he kept his pistol hanging loosely by his side and calmly called back to the armed strangers.

"Who are you and why are you carrying NMX guns?"
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Hugar's ears twitch ever so slightly before moving quicker, he looks towards Tanja, he then says; "Guns hot? Or do you want to see the situation first?" He asks curiously.
Shadow Flicked out his knife holding it underneath his rifle pointed outward. "Which ever approach we need to move quickly and be ready for anything the NMX may have left people behind." he stated in a level voice.
Embel smiled at the guy who said drop your weapons and chuckled, her tail moving side to side "okay then, here you go" she put her gun on the floor close to her tail knowing she could attack using her pistol or her tail and her rifle if she really needed to.
Assembly Floor - Hallway

Tanja picked up her pace, heading down the hall way, switching the safety off on her pistol. "Safeties off guys, but don't fire haphazardly."

It was not long before the group could see figures down the hall, though with the low lights and the distance, even though they were in firing range, it was hard to tell who was who. The distance was manageable however, soon their foot steps would be heard, but it would only take roughly 5 seconds to get face to face if they sprinted.


The man took two steps forward but that was all. "I said drop your weapons! Not put them away, put them on the floor now!" He shouted, his pistol moving back and forward between the two. Though he looked rather jumpy, the woman behind him kept the rifle calmly trained on the two of them.

Neither the man nor woman noticed yet, but Reed and Embel could just barely see coming up from behind the silhouettes of people as they approached from the direction of the assembly floor, the rest of the crew seemed to be on their way.

"If you don't put down your weapons we'll kill you both!" The man continued on, though still twitchy he had a determined look in his eyes. It did not look like he was in the mood for pleasantries or idle chatter.

Hugar took the chance of the guys not noticing them, and began lightly sprinting, using his survival and hunting skills to make his footsteps lighter, again much like a cat. He ran up on first the woman, she clearly seemed to be more dangerous then the nervous man, and moves to slam his large body into her to take her off her feet, while in the same movement spinning and wrapping his tail around the leg of the nervous one to yank hard to bring him off his feet bringing up his rifle to point it down at the woman.

Seeing Hugar run forward Shadow waited crouched low with his rifle aimed at the potential targets until the Helashio was nearly there and the sprinted after him aiming at the male. Arriving after Hugar Shadow Planted one foot onto the unfortunates chest and aiming his gun at the unfortunate man's head the ID-Sol asked Embel and Reed " you two okay?".

Embel was shocked at what just happened, she wasn't expecting it to be that easy, picking up her weapon she grins and nods "yes we are Shadow" she gave Shadow and Hugar a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

Reed let out a breath that he hadn't realized that had been holding. He slid his pistol back into its holster and started to walk toward the crew.

"Much better now thanks."

The woman gets hit hit first stumbling pretty drastically from the impact, her yelp from the sudden shock causes the man to turn around only to be pulled quickly off his feet. The man was quickly pinned down by Shadow under his foot with a gun to his head, struggling under foot.

The woman on the other hand was recovering just when Hugar's attention was going back to her, and she snapped around with her Impaler Plasma rifle. Just as she she pulled the trigger on the lethal weapon, there was a loud bang from behind Hugar and Shadow and suddenly the gun jerked to the side as a bolt of plasma shot out and slammed into the wall, scorching it thoroughly. She growls after her missed shot and ducks, going to try to shoulder ram Hugar, putting him between her and Tanja who was shooting at her from a distance.

The moment of pause after the gun shot was the signal the man needed, though he was pinned under the ID-SOL he did not plan to be for long, taking his sword and slashing at the back of his leg quickly and while he was still in pain from the slash he quickly moved to get free and pull himself up as fast as he could, raising his sword and his gun, ready to fight as he tried to keep his eye on Shadow and on Reed.

Tanja lost her chances at any follow up shots from this distance, but getting caught in the melee would do more harm than good in this situation, so she kept her pistol trained on the group, ready to take the next shot that was presented to her.

"And of course now things get complicated." muttered Reed as he drew his vial and clicked the button. The nano-bots flowed out of the hilt to form a sword as Reed ran in to help Shadow.

As he closed the distance, he pulled back the sword and took a swing at the man, taking care to avoid hitting Shadow.
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Hugar stood his ground, bracing for the shoulder ram and dropping his rifle only for his tail to catch the rifle freeing up both of his hands. He quickly wraps one arm around the girls neck and uses the other arm and hand to grab her rifle, he uses his strength to grip the rifle and aim it at the other guy who was focusing on Shadow and Reed, he figured the girl wouldn't shoot if her friend was in the line of fire, so he digs his feet into the ground and with one jerk launches the girl into the wall while pulling the rifle at the same time to get her hands off of it and put her closer to Tanja, but not melee ranged.

"RAAGH you basta'd" Shadow shouted keeping his rifle aimed low he shot at his assailants feet and Batted the sword aside with his other arm trying to slice the man's throat with the knife. What he was doing would hurt but he'd could take a few little cuts from a puny little upstart who didn't know what they'd gotten themself into.
The fidgety man with his nervous back and forward glance was able to notice Reed coming in for an attack and block the vial blade with his own sword. The caution against hitting Shadow had slowed the swing enough to make it easy to react to. Before he could follow up however he took a shot to the leg from Shadow's rifle, crying out in pain. However now he was no longer focused on Reed, quickly turning his torso and flicking Reeds blade to the side with a skillful parry her fired a shot from his pistol at Shadow, and though the plating in his coat kept it from penetrating, the stopping power was not something that could be shaken off and gave the man enough room to dive and roll to get some separation from his two assaulters, he couldn't fully run thanks to the leg wound, but now he had enough space to fend off melee and his gun was facing them once more.

Hugar managed to get his hands on the woman, grabbing her neck and rifle, but with with her two hands on the rifle to his one, even with his larger frame, she was able to struggle against him and keep the rifle from veering too far away, pulling the trigger and firing another powerful blast that managed to graze Hugar in the leg, causing intense burning pain like nothing he had felt before. The choke hold finally caught up however and the woman lost her strength in her arms, the perfect chance for Hugar to throw her to the side and get her away from her rifle. However with the leg injury Hugar couldn't generate his full strength and the woman didn't hit the wall with much force.

She was about to try to rush in once more but she soon found herself facing the ground after taking a shot to her shin, throwing her leg out from under her.
Reed backed off and pulled his pistol from its holster once more. He took a second to aim it at the man before firing a shot at his shooting arm. Not waiting to see if the shot connected, he darted back in with his sword slicing in an arc toward the unfortunate man.
Hugar moved over and quickly restrained the woman using some rope he always carried on him for survival purposes hooking her arms around her back then quickly tieing her legs as well. After finishing that he stands and hands Tanja the plasma rifle wincing a bit and rubbing his leg realizing now that the wound was there due to the adrenaline dieing down. "Shit..." He took a breath and moved his gun back to his hands from his tail and moved back towards the other fidgety guy weapon pointed at him. "You are outmatched, your friend has been captured, and you should surrender. We are not here to enslave you or anything we just want answers to some questions." He shouts at the guy hoping it gets to him.
Embel watched the fighting as she dived to get her weapon again she aimed it at the guy just in case he tried to run from then, all the fighting happened so fast that she didn't actually need to help the others but she felt a bit bad that she didn't help, but you can't be in all the fights she smiled slightly as that fought came into her mind.
The woman struggled against Hugar rather energetically as he tried to tie her up, making it difficult for him to get the ropes secure. However even if it was a struggle, the woman had no weapon and an injured leg, she wouldn't be able to inflict much harm like this.

The male however was a bit more dangerous, even with his injured leg. However that leg kept him from getting out of the way in time of the shot and he ended up taking it to the arm, dropping his gun. However he wasn't done, seeing reed approach he raised his blade to contest his strike. The impact of the weapons colliding caused the man to stumble slightly but even in his stumbling posture he brought his sword about to follow up after Reed's swing and try to attack him with a vertical slash.
Seeing the man about to swing at Hugar Shadow ran forward bullrushing the injured man and trying to swing him into the wall. "I am going to smash your head like a bloody fruit" Shadow repeatedly slammed the man's head against the wall attempting to crush it.