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RP [Fort Hajime] Phase II pt. 2: Nakaharo Yoshiko

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Planet Kotori
Fort Hajime
13日 3月 YE 38
0600 Hours

"...and that's how to put on an AMES suit," Miyamae Eriko said as she placed the suit that was now off of her body onto a nearby bench. She waved an arm to what had drawn most of the students' attention while they had been putting on their protective suits. Racked up in rows were Mindy power armors and Miyamae walked towards one, saying, "Enter feet first after the front plates open for you, then you slide in." Miyamae got herself into one and then held the helmet next to one hip. "Think you can get in one for now?"
Yoshiko looked at the suits of power armour, practically drooling. She looked at her gloved hands as she flexed them, feeling a little odd in the AMES suit. She then made her way over towards a set of power armour, and gently ran her hand across it, feeling pretty much overly excited. She got into the armour feet first, sliding her arms into the slots. She then moved herself over to grab her helmet, smiling very widly.

This is so cool! Yoshiko thought to herself excitedly. I wonder what we're gonna do now, I bet blow stuff up, right? Or something like that for certain!
Miyamae Eriko walked around those as they were suiting up, saying nothing while the samurai spoke to some here and there about what they were doing. When everyone was suited, she said, "Time to power up the CFS... Go ahead..." After all the CFS had been powered on, she said, "Time to fly to the test range..." She began raising into the air before she was streaming up towards the clouds. She popped above them as she sent her current position, then the coordinates to the test range, into their HUD. They were to pop above the clouds and form up behind her in a loose formation, one stacked behind the other.

Signy Yamazaki and Eira Irie were the first two trainees to ascend towards Eriko's position. The two Neko flew wing to wing as Theliel Kallas took position right behind Eira. There was an opening next to Theliel's position, which presumably would be filled by Nakaharo Yoshiko.

"Woooo!", shouted out Eira as she activated her Mindy's thrusters, "!"

Yoshiko looked up in the air and took off, just after Signy and Eira, crying out in excitement as she ascened upwards. She quickly arrived just next to Theliel and looked over, smiling happily. She couldn't really express the joy she was feeling, and wasn't going to try, but she was atleast gonna greet her friend.

"Hello again Theliel!" She greeted, in a sing-songy voice.
"Ohh hello, Yoshiko!", replied Theliel, speaking a little louder over the sound of the Mindy's thrusters. "I like flying with my real wings, but this is even better!", commented Theliel.

All the while, the two fiery skinned Neko in front of them tossed and turned in the air, wooping with excitement and adrenaline.


Once everyone of the recruits was airborne, Miyoshi Natsumi flew into the air with her Mindy, and took up position behind the last pair of recruits in the formation. With an annoyed expression on her face, Natsumi yelled out over the comms.

"No talking! Stay in formation!"

With the harsh sound of her voice filling their ears, the recruits, including Signy Yamazaki and Eira Irie, went silent and flew with no flips or tosses.
Soon the stacked group had made it to a place that had been marked in bright purplish white symbols. The test range was in sight after Miyamae had led them below the clouds. Its desolate and bleak outlook from the expansive prison overhead on hills surrounding the test range was contrasted only by the brightly painted tree trunks. Miyamae looked over the trees that had been splattered with training paint bullets during training rounds. She flew over the small outcropping of trees to go towards a lake and circled the edge of it to the West, going towards a plain with targets at one end and a raised deck.

Miyamae Eriko landed on the edge of the deck on the far end and waited for everyone else to land, exactly at the coordinates their AIES had directed them to do. She stood with her hands on her power armored hips watching as they flew down.
Test Range

The first two recruits in the formation, Signy Yamazaki and Eira Irie, were also the first two land on the raised deck. As they landed, they glanced around their at their surroundings curiously. They were followed by Theliel Kallas and the others.

"Looks like we're going to be shooting things...", Eira commented to Yamazaki, with an excited sounding whisper.


Miyoshi Natsumi was the last one to land on the raised deck. After landing, she positioned herself next to Miyamae Eriko, and placed her hands behind her back.
Test Range

As Yoshiko landed, she began to get very excited feeling on the inside. She looked around everywhere, and was pretty much ready to explode in excitement. She then walked forwards a little, just right next to Theliel, and stopped.

Yoshiko's brain was all over the place, thinking of all the weapons she could get to use...There was also a possibility she was drooling at all of the weapons she could be thinking of.
Oh my god, oh my god~ Are we gonna get to shoot guns? Like big guns? Maybe a flamethrower! Or or, maybe a grenade launcher~ Perhaps a missile launcher! Oh so wonderful!

She then stopped and calmed herself down the best she could, and looked at Miyamae Eriko.
Miyamae did not hesitate to begin once eyes were on her, "Your Mindy is capable of a great deal with and without accessories. With just your forearm pulse cannons, shoot at our targets on my command. I will designate which ones are yours on your HUD."

She then put up markers for each person on their HUD whether they had ones in their digital mind or via the helmet's visor. She waited for them to get comfortable and gave the command to shoot.

"Begin!" She commanded and many shot right away from their forearm weaponry.

Those that had shot clean shots that had struck the targets would notice the color of the target had turned green while the color of the targets that had not been shot were black.

"Again," Miyamae said. She repeated herself until all of the targets were showing green. Everyone had become able to pinpoint and shoot their target. She looked to the group and singled out Yoshiko.

"Again, Nakaharo."
Yoshiko nodded and stared at the target, then fired at it with her forearm pulse cannon, seemingly calm, but despite her outside appearance, on the inside she was basically exploding with pride and happiness. Oh yay~ Oh yay~ The captain is gonna see me hit the target, and be all impressed, and I bet she'll think of me as the best, right?
Miyamae looked slightly impressed with her body language underneath her PA and she spoke out slowly, "Not everyone has already shot weapons but obviously you have," is all Miyamae Eriko said before turning away and shouting, "Again, everyone! Ichi, ni, san! Go!"
She noticed, she noticed! Yes~ Now I bet she thinks I'm amazing~ Yoshiko thought, before she quickly readied herself and fired at the target again, her face all smiley.
"And fire!" Miyamae said repeatedly and then looked to Yoshiko.

"I want you to intercept a moving target now while flying. Can you do it?" Eriko looked stiff and hardened and didn't seem to have anything but a neutral body position, though she was facing towards Yoshiko.
Yoshiko fired again, and then looked to Miyamae and excitedly nodding. "O-of course!" She replied, a smile on her face. Now I can prove myself more~ Oh yay~!
A Mindy 4 drone rose into the air from behind a target and Miyamae spoke, "That is your enemy for the day. Go get 'er."

The Mindy drone then moved defensively away from the group of trainees and away from Yoshiko, as well.
Yoshiko simply replied with a nod, before she went chasing after the drone on foot, soon realizing she wasn't making much progress. She then went charging at it and started to fly fairly quickly towards it, throwing her body at the drone, hoping to knock it out of the sky.
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The drone was sabatoged by Shiro's actions and went spinning downwards until aether thrusters kicked in and the Mindy drone accelerated upwards.
Yoshiko, who was slightly surprised by the Drone going upwards, quickly attempting to fly forwards and down while gripping the drone, so it would smash into the ground, and hopefully just stop moving. Yoshiko had a bit of a look of irritation on her face, as she had hoped it would just go down easily.

"C'mon...Just go down!" She growled, before smacking it...She then spoke to it semi-politely, hoping it'd listen. "...Please?"
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