Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Greetings and Salutations!


Inactive Member
Hey, I've been lurking for the last day or so poking around the forum and wiki so I thought I'd do something other than dizzy myself with the wiki and actually make some forward progress and how better than by the magic of templates!

What do you call yourself? Dusain I also answer to among other things HEY YOU!

How'd you find Star Army? Specifically, a banner ad on one of them fancy RPG community boards.

What interested you in joining? I've been interested in getting back into RPing for a little while, but I've never been especially fond of pure fantasy or crossover universes. An original sci-fi with the option of mil-fic much more my style, also really who can say no to engineered cat girl soldiers anyway I don't have a heart of stone.

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before? Yes, primarily star wars and an old world of darkness based one that died rather quickly.

Any previous experiences you want to share? Wouldn't you like to know -.^

Now for the questionnaire!

Do you prefer:
  • hmm.. I've played a pretty fair mix of characters though probably slightly more female and neuter (fondness in the past for playing ungendered droids.) than male characters.
  • Spontaneous or planned RP?
    A little of both I tend to like to have a vague agreed upon end goal and maybe a loose story framework to work in. Spontaneous just has a habit of puttering out because people lost interest rather than something interesting actually happening at least that is my experience.
  • Military or civilian characters?
    I've played almost exclusively military, police, or mercenary in my past RP's though I try to avoid the trap of the generic jarhead though I'll leave it up to others to decide whether I've been successful in that.
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens?
    Humans and androids. One for it's normally the other for you can literally look and be almost anything within reason.
  • Being on a starship or being on a planet?
    Honestly either is typically fine for my standards outside of fighting I've never really viewed the environment as being very important pretty much everything is going to be driven by the characters anyway.
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time?
    I've never done any kinda of real-time RP that wasn't just kinda a temporary lark though I think the play by post format has helped my writing skill more than the confines of real-time ever could have.
On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: 2-3
  • Violence: 2-3
  • Sexuality: 2-3
    I don't really like things being real squeaky clean, but in general, I'm not particularly bothered when it comes to any of this.
What's something cool you'd love to RP? In general anything and I do kinda hope for a solid chance to bolster by writing when it comes to interpersonal stuff mostly in the past I've done spec-ops small unit rp stuff which I still love, but probably help by ability to write and fit in if I develop skills beyond five hundred ways of describing being shot at.

Now, I'm going to go rest my head a bit before pounding my head against the wiki some more.
Heya! Welcome to the site!

I'm IQ, also relatively new here. And let me tell you, don't go aimlessly wandering on the wiki, check for active people and ask for help.

The wiki is... Massive. I only started using it after three days or so, with loads of help of various friendly veterans ^^"

So other than that, I hope you'll have fun here!
Hello there! : D Welcome to SARP, in a sliiiightly more formal way than diving into the wiki head-first at least!

Based off of what sort of RP you'd be interested in, Uso' Star Organization run by @Jack Pine and @Zack and I think to an extent @Alex Hart is a neat place to check out - a lot of the things that happen there are half-planned, half-improvised. They're even getting involved in their own little "war" with a company that's been causing them some trouble, so if you wanted to play as, say, a merc, they're looking for some. I know a lot of Yamatai plots tend to have some degree of interpersonal relationships at their core, though things like that often isn't always in the "proper" mission threads.

Relationships are often (but not always) expressed and/or advanced in asides, usually taking the form of a JP, or "Joint Post": a single forum post written by multiple people in cooperation using a system that gets compared to Google Docs. An example of a JP is here; this is one of my favorite JPs that I've written ( @Ethereal and @META_mahn were also involved in the writing there).

But of course, where you go is up to you, and like what IQ said, ask us questions! There's so much to SARP, and you'll probably find someplace that'll suit your needs!
Ha, trust me I'm well aware of the damage of wiki trawling *stares into the middle distance* some many nights lost to the battle of Tvtropes *shudders*.
Hello there! : D Welcome to SARP, in a sliiiightly more formal way than diving into the wiki head-first at least!

Based off of what sort of RP you'd be interested in, Uso' Star Organization run by @Jack Pine and @Zack and I think to an extent @Alex Hart is a neat place to check out - a lot of the things that happen there are half-planned, half-improvised. They're even getting involved in their own little "war" with a company that's been causing them some trouble, so if you wanted to play as, say, a merc, they're looking for some. I know a lot of Yamatai plots tend to have some degree of interpersonal relationships at their core, though things like that often isn't always in the "proper" mission threads.

Relationships are often (but not always) expressed and/or advanced in asides, usually taking the form of a JP, or "Joint Post": a single forum post written by multiple people in cooperation using a system that gets compared to Google Docs. An example of a JP is here; this is one of my favorite JPs that I've written ( @Ethereal and @META_mahn were also involved in the writing there).

But of course, where you go is up to you, and like what IQ said, ask us questions! There's so much to SARP, and you'll probably find someplace that'll suit your needs!

Hmm, Uso hasn't gotten to them on the wiki crawl...I might have gotten distracted by something shiny. To be fair a lot of the merc thing was well its star wars who wants to be a stormtrooper when they can be a Jedi or a Sith.
Yeah check us out sometime, I would be happy to have you @Dusain . You can reach me, Zack, or Alex here on the site via PM, or on the discord. We also have two USO servers on discord, so please message me if you wish for a link.