Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Lazarus Hard work and happiness


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Retired Member
"I should get scared more of it means you'll pat my head, Miles."

Aiesu was particularly petchulent today.

"I don't know, when you get scared you get all sweaty and slimy” Miles visibly frowned: “ It does not really do well for your hair to be inviting to touch."

"Well, how about this. Its me, you, treasure-hoarder and wifey. I wouldn't mind doing things I could be praised for. I'd even be somewhat cooperative."

"I don't want your admiration or approval. Just your headpats. Its supposed to be a foreign tradition."

Miles squeezed the brow of his nose with a slow sigh.

"Headpats are reserved for those worthy of them, so, you need my approval before you get headpats. There is an order here."

"Well, why don't we form some sort of trade agreement, as two nations cooperating with one another" the small L’manel smiled - fingers skimming through notes. "Here. I'll debug the navicomp and I'll go through the upper ducts and sort out the wiring issue and you give me a back massage."

Aiesu received no response. She had to up her game:

"I know you've been putting it off for weeks now Miles, because you don't want to take life-support offline to take the assembly apart” a crooked grin spread across her childish lips: “Being small isn't always a curse."

Miles shifted his grip on Aiesu, before holding her out at arms length - like a kitten he was debating leaving in the rain.
"How does pulling your weight aboard this ship qualify you for special treatment?"

Oh dear.

"Well... Er ...It would be encouragement..” She fumbled - feeling his large hands beneath her arms, fingers along her back, shoulders along her shoulders: the beginnings of hyperventilation: “I-I'm a bad apple and if you want me to unlearn my bad ways, I have to start somewhere… Yes."

"Last I checked, being able to get to our destination and not exit FTL in a star is encouragement."

Miles wasn’t having any of it.

"Well of course it is. You've got a wife and a future and dreams…” then sour realization, remembering where she was: “What have I got?"


"He doesn't even like me anymore. He hates change as much as I do."

"I think its just space and him don't get along."

"When was the last time he got to roll around in dirt and grass? Eat some plantlife that was minding its own business before he romped along?"

"...One month before you got here.” Aiesu was becoming somber now: her smile bitter; “...I hate the outdoors and even I could go for some of that right now."

"If I were him, I'd be angry enough to be soiling things by now, Allergies be damned." Miles noted.

"We've… already passed that point. Now he just ignores me."

"Like his spirit has been broken” Miles noted, still holding her out at arms length.

"I'm worried he's going to get sick soon. We uh...” Aiesu had to remind herself that she wasn’t her aspectation: “His kind are known to die of broken hearts. Nothing I've tried has worked."

"All the more reason we need to work as a team. Sooner we do, sooner we get to do like regular people. You know, partaking in lazing about and indulging in recreational activities which don't involve snorting, injecting, inserting chemicals into our bodies."

"I've rewired your shitty work on the power systems enough times to count for something."

"Just so you can power your workstation."

Aiesu inwardly flinched.

"I got the water working when you didn't want to get out of bed!"

"Your gills were dry that morning."

"No they weren't. I keep oil for that."

"No wonder you stain all your shirts."

Now she was annoyed:
"Yes, because it contains methylene blue so I don't get a fungal infection. I have to oil them every morning and every night or I'll get sick and die” she almost shouted, bitter before forcing herself to soften: "By the way, thank-you for the decongestant. Its nice that every time I sneeze, I don't ruin another shirt."

"No problem, and I figured you would appreciate the pseudoephedrine content.'

"Oh ha ha. Given that we're flying alone in space, I think my consumption is actually very low of these things all things considered."

"I'm concerned that if we have to land, we'll have to barter."

"Given that we're flying alone in space, it means you're having to only deal with a small select group of people, a group of people which do not expect you to fit within a specific guideline for social contact. Less stress, less drugs."

Miles was sound in his logic, or so he thought.

"You'd think so but its not social contact that stresses me out.. I don't hate being around people, its just a lot of work and as you know, I'm very lazy."

"Last I checked, work is a stressor” he held Aiesu higher.

Her small synthetic toes wriggled.

"S-So is being pursued by government agents and being forced out of my accomodation, watching a minor get sodomized by a foreigner and his wife and flying on a ship I have very little faith in through space I don't trust when I've literally never been into space before and I'm terrified.”


"You forget!! I'm not some ex soldier like you or the missus and I'm not naturally hardened to rigors like Lalah is. I only have so much energy in a day and as wonderful as your treatment is, marching one lap through the decks is still physically exhausting for me… I've even been so kind as to not ask you - as I've contemplated so many times - to turn the gravity down - because I know my muscle would further deteriorate and it would be a self-defeating thing."

"I thought you liked the concept of foreigners sodomizing your fellow Lorath..”

"I've been very tempted to ask 'can we turn it off on Fridays so I can for a few hours not hurt quite so badly and then I can keep up with the rest of you'?"

Aiesu felt her hips twinge at those words.


“and I do recall you having a set of running-legs before we swapped you into the cybernetic legs."

"Y-Yes, running legs” Aiesu pushed her glasses up her nose. “And less stress. And lots and lots and lots of painkillers."

She was quite impressed he could hold her like this for so long. Glancing down at herself, she was already wondering if her small body had lost weight.

"I don't have less stress and lots and lots and lots of painkillers anymore."

"Sounds like I may need to recalibrate your legs."

"My legs are fine. Its my back."

"You do tend to slouch a bit too much."

"We've only been here a few months and my bones are already thinning. The microgravity differences are tiny but I'm still deteriorating because unlike you two wonders of modern science and mrs massochism off jerking herself off in the cargo-bay, I’m not used to this sort of thing. I’m a civilian."

"What it comes back to is that we need to get planetside” Miles declared.

Aiesu felt agreement, but she had more to say.

"We should also think of the cause… This is a modified vessel and at the end of the day, that means its made for performance above consistency… Its not squeeky clean standards compliant -- which is fine because you and her are robust enough not to notice and the dragon is stubborn enough not to bother bringing it up because they don't want you to think they're weak."

"And that comes back to you squirming under the deckplates and helping me keep things within specifications” Miles barked.

It was no longer like holding a child but an unruly dog.

She’d flinched though. Arms up, ready to cover her face.

Another approach, maybe.

"And, since you're sickly, perhaps you will receive an entirely medical-grade theraputic massage afterwards. Not as reward, not as motivation, but as treatment."

The small l’manel was smiling a little too much.

"...T-To be honest, if there are litle jobs you can't reach I may as well put my short-ass to use getting to them."

"Considering the small size of this ship, and the way which components were installed, and the vessel being designed to be serviced by NH-12 type Nekovalkryja which stand at eight inches in height. I'm entirely sure you're going to be put to a lot of work."

"That, or you can make tiny less-than-perfect constructs. Little tiny ones that…" She was joking, but that made an alarming amount of sense: "...I could actually. I mean, automating the repair of this rickety thing shouldn't be that hard. You built it without a proper shipyard so you did the best you could. I'm impressed we haven't flown apart yet to tell the truth.” Nervous laughter came: "As soon as we manage to get to some better tools to iron things out, most of the problems we're experiencing should pass."

"Again, that brings us back to barter."

"You used civilian tools to repair a military vessel. Of course it'll be imperfect!"

"Well, what do you think we can effectively trade for better equipment?"

"Well…” Aiesu’s gaze went skyward. She was a professional negotiator, afterall… “I've got a lot of extra medicine and I know your wife has high heels and fishnets somewhere. I'm thinking the dragon could maybe…"

Silence hung between the two of them, waiting for Aiesu to finish her sentence.

"I mean, she’s the child of some bigshot looking for adventure — She's already taken one for the team, what's one more?"

Aiesu cleared her throat following the awkward silence, trying to make it clear she was joking.

"Possibly, but... wait, ain't she rich?" Miles gazed at Aiesu, like she’d had a stroke.

"Yes, that's the joke." she stated flatly.

"So the joke was not about her being a bit of a slut?"

A slow shrug came. "Little sweet, little savory."

"Should we just ask, or should we just lift her credentials and tap her account while she is not looking?"

Aiesu considered this for a moment… A wicked smile, smug tones:

"I'd rather we asked. Given she has a stake as a passenger and she's particularly fond of you and how things work on Lor, I think you'd be the one whoring…“ almost laughter now: “Though Lorath tastes are pretty different."

"We're not on Lor though, we'll be needing to court the tastes of Yamataians and Nepleslians."

"Why? She'd be the client."

Miles blinked.

"Oh — You make it sound so scandalous. Geeze, this won't be the first time I've put my dick in someone wealthy and cashed in on it."

Aiesu snickered.

"There's a lot more to Lorath prostitution than rubbing bits together. We're a nation dominated by women: How do you think that would affect our tastes? — Think of all those queasy romance novels you Nepleslians hate."

"I don't know, she was pretty into getting the dicking."
"She was drunk, Miles And a minor, need I remind you again."

Miles' expression remained rather neutral, as if failing to see the problem.

"Just... Wine and dine her first. Please?"

"Wine... dine? Considering the foodstuffs your people eat, that translates to getting her drunk again, so, what was the point you were trying to make?"

"Pharmacological abuse is also pretty common for this sort of thing though she's no experience with that. I trust your judgement, though keep in mind if you give her my tolorances you'll put her in a coma."

"Coma means she can't put a budget on our spending."

"Coma means she won't pay us,” Aiesu spat, unimpressed.

"...Granted..." nonchallantly fell out of Miles’ mouth.

Aiesu too pursued this line of thought: "I mean, she is overdue a physical and she won't let either of us administer it…” her smile became perverse: “So if you do put her in a coma, you know where my door is."

"You're the worst employer ever, you know."

Aiesu pushed her thick matted hair from her face as if she’d heard this a thousand times.

"I know."

Her eyes fell, noting the way Miles held her: closing her hands about his wrists and giving a possessive squeeze before she continued:

"So! I pull my weight, you romance the lizard, we get paid and then we can fix this crate so that we're not constanrtly busting ass trying not to die in deep space."

"Sounds like a plan."

Finally he set her down - rewarded with only a nod of thank-you.

"You know, the part that I'm failing to get here is how I ended up being the one to romance the lizard by default."

"Well, it can't be me. She's curious but there's no value in a cripple outside of novelty and - let's be honest - I'm not exactly desirable."

"Its not your wife, given how while she likes Sana, she keeps her distance..."

Aiesu’s mind went to the sheer number of times Lalah had walked to the opposite end of the room whenever Sana had entered. She’d always been exceptionally polite about it — and Sana oblivious — but Miles and Aiesu had noticed.

"...And if she wanted female company, that aide of hers would be perfectly good."


"But haven’t you noticed, she hangs on every word you say…?"

"Hm. About that aide, there really seems to be some odd chemistry there."

Aiesu tried not to laugh.

"You think she listens to your old war stories because they're interesting?"

"Well, yeah,” Miles said, proud of himself: "I mean, Sana and I saw some pretty intense shit."

"Exactly. You and the dragon both like military history…! You're like…” she began trying to gesture with her hands: “someone older she can look up to, as someone who wants to joined the armed forces but can't. I mean I hate to say it but I'd even wager she turned out a she because her father was a notorious a cream pie and her mother wouldn't have any of it. I mean you know how it is, like father, like…”


Aiesu caught herself on the verge of the disrespect she so wanted to make:


"I don't see why not. She seems plenty strong, and smart enough and--- Oh... Family dynamic controlling her life, that seems like a trend on your world.."

"Backfired in my mother's case” Aiesu sighed: “I bet she wishes I was never born."

"I'd like to say 'Don't say such things, she'd never think such a thing', but I'm fairly sure that would be a lie."

"Its funnier when I'm the one saying it” Aiesu barked.


"…What's this about a personality partition, Miles?"

She hadn’t wanted to bring it up, but anger wouldn’t let her not.

"Been talking to my wife about our work we did, or did you read the documentation I left on your desk months before we left Lor?" Miles replied

"I went crawling through the code of the braincase and found a third partition I don't remember agreeing to…I'm not sure what it does but I remember only agreeing to two, not three… I'd like an explanation.”


"Miles, are you interrogating me? Stealing from me? Making me humiliate myself for your amusement as your employer?"

The small girl was hyperventilating now.

"It gives an additional 'fall back' option if your primary and secondary partitions fail. It is set up for receiving input, and has a default personality template with less... detrimental features."


"And yeah, that last point you made was kind of on the table as well, if the wife was feeling kinky."

"...You... Added a partition to make me more likable?" she spat.

"More like... an absence of the perpetual self-loathing and sabotaging behaviors… And with that comes increased likability."

"I'm not self-loathing. I love myself so much. There are millions of me!"

"If I were to poll the millions of you out there, how many of them would respond that they loathe themselves, you, or a combination of both?"

"…Very few."

"I'd buy that for a pebble."

"Go sit on an egg, Miles. I want this partition out. I'm not going to be made into a toy! If you want something to bully, go pull a construct out of storage!"

More silence.

"You're welcome to a punchbag of my likeness, Miles, just don't mess with the real thing. There’s only one of me and its all I’ve got."

"Mmm, that's all fine and good, but that still does not address you using yourself as a punch bag. That's why that partition is there, to keep that from happening if it goes out of hand,” he went on to explain: "An off-switch for your bitterness, it gives your body an opportunity to conduct some degree of recovery."

"If you want to make me less bitter, I'll find the money you're supposed to be getting from the dragon - Then you can ask me instead” then she thought skyward: "...Though me asking for money from myself basically reveals my position if i don't have the right equipment and I kind of don't given my rig was blown to bits."

"You people really don't understand how money works, do you?" Miles shook his head.

"No, we just go out and earn it, its the men who spend it."

"Somehow, that seems inaccurate, considering most of what I've seen of Lor has indulgences aimed at the women on your world."

"Feh... I'm just happy you got bad-dragon to wear that uniform."

"Why are you happy about it? That raises some implications."

"What, a cute boy girl thing who looks like a girl and sounds like a girl with pure heart in a skirt? Life can be kind sometimes. I might be a horrible scientist and a bitch but I'm a nerd first. I have needs, Miles. I devour your shitty awful foreign culture like a fucking plague and seeing Lalah dance around like a maid gives me reason to live."

This was probably the most honest she’d ever been with him about anything ever.

With the disclosure spoken by Aiesu, Miles crouched down to eye level with the little Lmanel, before he held up his open hand;

"High five."


“So you said you’d show me your mother?”


Sana and Aiesu sat together, staring at a paused image on the television the two had hastily assembled from monitors and projection equipment. Upon the screen was a paused image of loveliness: a woman with wet flesh bathed in light and pale fabric, wielding a septor. The world seemed to float weightlessly around her, droplettes of water diffusing light: her effortless ecstatic expression of utter serenity and…

“H-Here, look lo… Wait, what?”

“Wow, those are enormous” Sana whistled.

She extended her arm as if holding a tv remote - motioning with her fingers.


“I know, right?” Aiesu sat breathlessly - both in mutual appreciation for the form on screen - their skin dirty from he deck-work they’d been doing on the ship almost all day now. Aiesu was wondering when the smell of ozone would clear from her sinuses from the molecular welder - Sana had reassured her so many times that food would make it go away.

The tall chizled woman stuffed a few duqs into her mouth, offering some to the small l’manel who accepted.

“So, Why is she naked?"

“S…She’s not naked.”

“What? How can she not be naked?”

“She’s not!”

“I don’t see any cloth, other than the wing looking things over her nipples and her belly and her neck, and all those drapes that cover literally nothing.”

"She's wrapped in holy love. And ointment."

Sana chewed noisily.

“Why is your mother wearing so little?”

“Well, we’re not meant to hide anything from the Goddess during a ceremony.”

“So this isn’t some sort of recruitment thing?”


“Holyshit no wonder you guys don’t let anybody else watch these religious events. So why is she shiny?”

“The ointment dries into a wetlook film but its no different than spray on tan or something like that. At the end of the ceremony, they bathe to remove it, cleansing the self symbolically."

"I thought you hated all that religious crap."

"Me? I could have been a preistess."

Sana gave Aiesu a very grave look, coughing on her nibbles.






The two stared at eachother, Aiesu sat on Sana’s lap before both returned to the image of loveliness.

“Isn’t it weird to appreciate your mother like this?”

“No, I’m Lorath. This is perfectly ordinary.”

"Why do they cover the neck and the belly like that?"

"Well, the neck is the point of restraint. You are to show it to nobody but those you are closest to and a preistess is the daughter of her mother, who is the mother of all Lorath."

“You mean the Goddess?”

“Basically, yes…”

“And the belly?”

"We're very odd in that we can both be live-borne or from eggs depending on a great deal of factors. Even from eggs, we still have an umbilical cord. Its also symbolic of the mound of venus as you call it, and also the nature of fertility - the uterus and the womb."


"Man, why couldn't we have gotten stuck with cool sexy you, who's like some religious bigshot?"

"as opposed to...?"

“Uncool you, who's a little shit and a miserable pissant who's constantly canniving after my husband's cock or that of the minor onboard."

Aiesu’s lips crept into a smile, as she spoke in formal Lorath for just a moment - the religious tongue.

“The goddess surely willed it…”

Sana was visibly impressed.

“…Or some bullshit” Aiesu snickered.

“Hah, was I yui in a past life or something?”

"If you believe in that hocus pocus crap, you believe in a universe where someone chose for me to be with you because they thought it would benefit you, that I might rub off on you."

Aiesu squinted.

“Why are you laughing?”

Sana was slapping her knee now.

“That you, might rub off on me…”



“Stop laughing.”
Another day gutting the hull of the vessel they were working on had Aiesu and Lalah sat together this time - staring at the salvaged television. As the show rolled, Lalah spoke the lines all in Lorath as she heard them in trade, translating for Aiesu who knew not a lick of the language. She sat on the edge of her seat: both in dungarees fanning one another as the atmospheric temperature condition regulator was currently bubbling in a clear glass container with all manner of hoses connected to it, a computer to the left lifting a number of checks on temperature, voltage and ionization. The two l’manel with their dirty fingers stuffed potato chips into their mouths - Aiesu once again finding herself in the lap of a taller woman. The door was locked and the two at this point had agreed not to tell Miles Lalah was out of uniform — the maid costume on hanger by the door. Aiesu’s legs sat tilted against the wall just to their left. She scratched lazily at her stumps Lalah briefly taking over fanning with both paper fans in the sweltering room - both apparently having some sort of agreement. Little tags danced against a grate, beneath a humming electric fan whirring its sweet wind at the two sweaty l’manel.

“Do they ever bother you?”


“Like when how?”

“Sometimes when I’m outside a kid will turn to their mother and go ‘mommy, that girl’s legs fell off!”

Lalah tried not to laugh. Aiesu wasn’t amused, but she kept going.

“The parent says something like ‘I told you, never look at people who are not like you! Don’t stare you’ll embarrass me and everybody will hate you’ and she drags the child away and there’s this big scene”

Lalah continued to listen.

“And of course, I’m always very embarrassed and I’m all ‘No I’m sorry I’m a monster”

Lalah still, tried not to laugh.

“Does this happen a lot?”

“Sorta until I I found better prosthetics. I’d always explain that just like how people got sick, my leg got sick and I had to have it cut off so I didn’t get sick too.”

“…But you are sick.”

“I know.”

“Very sick.”

“I know. Well one day, a kid goes ‘daddy, that girl’s leg fell off!’ and with zero fucks given, the father says ‘Yeah, that happens sometimes.’…”

Lalah coughed on her lemonade.

“And the kid doesn’t care and is totally okay with it…”

“Huh… I wish my leg would fall off.”

“Why? This isn’t fun.”

Other leg.”

“Oh. Yeah. So why are you…?”

“I dunno. I’m pretty and I like being pretty and when I’m pretty I’m very happy. When I have to be loud and stompy and big and strong, I’m very sad.”

“…So you’re not going to give me some sob story about how some day you liked dolls or some weird shit about one day finding out or always knowing like my patients did?”

“Nope, I just like clothes, being called what feels good and I do what makes me happy.”

“That’s… Anti-climatic.”

“Yep. I’m a dragon who happens to have a dick. Beyond that I’m just an ordinary girl who likes foreign stuff and old war movies and getting drunk.”

“Wow, that really is boring.”

Lalah popped the ring on a can of something Nepleslian - she offered some to Aiesu who declined - before she began drinking - tipping her head further and further back.

“Yuuuurp” she replied, belching before squishing the can up in her fingers, tossing it aside.

“…You’re really strong, you know? I think you could legitimately overpower Miles if you wanted to.”

“The thought had crossed my mind…”

“You too, huh?”

“We’re on a ship billions of miles from civilization hiding out from the biggest scariest empire to ever live. You’re the psychologist, you tell me how it goes.”

“Well fear creates pressure… Pressure becomes…”

Lalah lowered her head some, eyes gesturing for her to complete her sentence.



“Well, we’re both l’manel…”

“No means no, Aiesu. I’m desperate, but I’m not that desperate. Plus, you’re too short for me.”

“…And you’re too tall for Miles…”

The feeling sat bitterly with Lalah.

“Plus he’s married…”

“Don’t give me that shit, Nepleslians love harems and you’re loaded so like fuck all it would make a difference.”

“Do you think he’d..?”

“What, for money?”


“He’s Nepleslian.”


“…What if I told you that you could be shorter?”

“Its rude to joke about that sort of thing, Aiesu...”

“I'm serious.”