Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.


Dallen Larson

Inactive Member
hello. My name is Dallen. I'm very interested in a space rp, though I am not very computer savvy and getting started is kind of confusing me (even though I'm sober this time around I'm still lost). I seem to keep ending back where I start. I think I made a wiki but can't find it now lol.

I already started a post in the open section, but I'm not sure how to get accepted into the canon universe. All I really want is a human bounty hunter, all the rest I can play out in rp. I'll probably never even view my app again once I finally get it done. Help is appreciated.

As for how I rp: I like to start somewhere random, then keep going while making crap up along the way. Any are always welcome to join, and if none join I still enjoy moving forward alone. My first attempt at a story will be mainly horror somewhere far away from the rest of the galaxy. Eventually, assuming I survive, I want to explore the main worlds where everyone stays. Thanks.
Hello Dallen,

Welcome to the Star Army Role Play. or SARP.

Searching I found

You linked him to the Freespacer page, Which is incorrect. Freespacers are a species, and Humans are not part of that species.

To be canon, you have to submit your character formally in this form

However, just because your character is approved, doesn't make what you do canon. Unless you join a plot, you can do all the roleplaying you want in the Open Forums, but its not canon.

Dallen needs some work to bring it up to the typical standard that SARP requires.

Build and Skin Color: Athletic. Pale. Both of these are vague. A swimmers build, vs a runners build, vs a weight lifter build. All are examples of athletic. Each has different aspects. As for Pale, in SARP skin colors vary. Pale does not tell us anything really. If he is Caucasian then use that, if you want him to have white alabaster colored skin, say that.

Eyes and Facial Features: Brown eyes. Handsome. Soft eyes. Strong chin. Same here more detail is needed, brown eyes, what shape are the eyes, round, almond shaped, Handsome is subjective but can be allowed, The soft eyes should be grouped with the eye information. alabaster

Ears: Human.

Hair Color and Style: Black hair. Rugged. Hair, how long is his hair. What style is it cut. Is it a high and tight, a crew cut, mullet. details. Rugged isn't a hair style.

Distinguishing Features: You should consider this field, everyone has something unique. Or mostly unique. Does he have a scar, or mole, does he have a sixth finger on his left hand, or a tattoo. Those are all Distinguishing features.

Thanks. I changed all that mess you told me to, even though I just wanted to say 'I look like Keanu Reeves damn it!' lol. Anyway, did my best but I'm sure I'm still missing a bunch of crap.