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How are you alike/different than your PC?

Konoka Miyazawa

Inactive Member
I'm wondering how close personality wise people are to their PCs.

For instance.
I'm like Konoka in that I can get hyper and be generally immature. Unlike Konoka, I can turn it off! Lol. And unlike her, I have a filter. Konoka says whatever she's thinking. (For instance. In RP she just met Hasegawa Sumaru and outright asked "So..are you a dude?")
Also Im capable of being quiet. Konoka? No.
And oh I wear all black a lot of the time, whereas Konoka when in not in uniform unfailingly manages to end up in something pink. And she loves shopping (I hate it!)
I'm also generally a darker individual than her. She's idealistic to a fault, but Im more of a realist (if generally optimistic most of the time).
But like Konoka, silence annoys me, Im a loud, chatty, and klutzy girl. And I love sweets.
Also like Konoka, my friends try to hide the coffee from me -_- They know caffeinated me is never good (people on the Eucharis quickly learned this about Konoka. Ramiro Valencia once outright took her coffee cup away!)

So what about you? How much does your PC resemble you IRL?
Luca [The Character] inspired me to take up physical exercise and I used to have his Sideburns when I was at Senior School. If I grew the rest of my face, I'd have Lucien McGarland's beard.

I have Keib's disillusionment with establishment running strong with me at the moment, and Blast is basically my angry dark side - I only seem to be able to write as him when I'm immensely frustrated with something.

Henry Morris has my attention to detail when the chips are down and the analytical mind when I need to think. Danny has my darkly humorous helplessness against the world around.
I'm not very similar to any of my characters, although you can certainly see small parts of me within my character. In the end I feel that I am most like Yaeko, sadly enough.

Ramiro was originally meant to be a very simplified version of myself, but that was 4 years ago. He and I are alike in that we are both aspirational, we are both very simple, and we are both hopeless romantics. However, I have much more intellectually based than him. He his also much more bold and straightforward than me, something that I have desired to fix within myself. He is also more of a rugged man than I, on top of being a little more sheltered.

Yaeko was meant to be the funner and bubblier version of me. Her and I are alike in that we both have a very long fuse, but a big boom when it goes off. We don't like to say what's on our minds, but are willing to have that conversation if we have to. We always have to be proving ourselves and we are always jumping the gun. We are different in that she is extremely feminine in her daily activities. She can be extremely violent, whereas I don't usually get that way.

Tite'Yanus was meant to be a self-centered version of me. He has my arrogant and show-boaty attitude. He's got my sense of humor and my dryness. He is more of an infantry type, just like I am. Although he is much more sexually promiscuous than I am. He also takes my likes and dislikes to greater extremes, turning my appeals into likes and my pet peeves into pure hatred.
Vidiam has all of my sarcasm and antisocialism.

Merril. . . is a new beast for me I guess. Maybe my indignance.

Seiren's reflective of my stranger moods, whenever I feel bizarre in the head or really creative with my random junk lying around.

Taela's got my irritation, definitely.

Kyoka's got. . . I dunno. Maybe honesty? Not quite sure.

I don't really pay attention to any of their fashions, considering that most of 'em are military, but Seiren has my love of comfortable things.
Well, I'm going to avoid the obvious, after all I am just a human, and my characters are all NH series lifeforms. I'll go over my two fav's.

His sense of loyalty is pretty much like mine, once he gives it be it to a friend, coworker or organization, he will protect it to the best of his ability.

Sune is uncomfortable in open spaces on planets, he enjoys them for a while, but after a while it starts to bother him. - This is the opposite, I love being outdoors, and feel most at home in the mountains.

Sune's sense of justice/law is pretty much mine, he believes that the law should apply equally to everyone regardless of station.

Sune likes trying new foods, and activities. So do I.

Sune is passionate about puzzles, solving them. The more complex the better. He's also very analytical. When it comes to puzzles I can take them or leave them. But like Sune I enjoy challenges.

Sune likes order, he is always careful about his appearance, his quarters are kept neat and tidy. I like order, but I am not the neat freak Sune is.


Katae lives by one of my basic tenets, "Always do your best." I live by this as well.

Katae loves coffee, I modeled her passion for it from my biological mother. I prefer tea myself.

Katae is a workaholic, I am slightly so, but I do know how to relax.

She comes from a strong family background, and is protective of those in her charge. I share these traits.
It's pretty normal to draw inspiration for character from facets of your own personality. I think that it's a great help, personally; acting out the words and action for your character from your own experience often makes them seem more real, or at the very least less forced.

Also, this is a great way to praise yourself without sounding like a narcissist.

My first character, Rico Sanroma, draws mainly as a vast over-exaggeration of my own personality mixed with super-chauvanism and/or narcissism. He talks in a slurry slang that I often do, has a tendency to speak to people with nicknames or addendum as I do (Hey baby/bro/sweet-thang/Sonny Jim/etc.), and he is something of a jerk to his friends, much like I am. My two younger brothers and I are all the same in that respect, we're kind of mean to the people we feel comfortable around. Couldn't tell you why; it's amazing that we all still have our friends, now that I think about it. Exhack put it best when he described Rico's character as a Jerk With A Heart of Gold. Rico is a crass, sometimes-dickish man with a good sense of friendship and loyalty behind the swears and nicknames. And he's just plain fun to roleplay as.

Sanjuro Ashitaka also plays a massive over-exaggeration of my own feelings of organization. Sanjuro's OCD to cleanliness vaguely mirrors my own need to prefer things organized, just tuned up to a much larger scale. When I see one or two things in the roleplay that I know can be "cleaner", Sanjuro sees ten or twenty. Other than that, Sanjuro is actually nothing like myself, but is still fun to play and ruin another characters' good day.

And obviously Cassefin Montreal is just my own forbidden desire to be a tsundere girl. Doshhi pretty much nailed it; everybody wants to be a girl. Girls just want to have fun.

All of my character have small parts of my own personality instilled in them. To me, it makes them feel more alive and vivid, seeing pieces of yourself in your work.
Aratani: affable
Rei: a fighter
Masumi: intelligent
Aashi: empathic

Aratani: I am not as into tinkering
Rei: I'm not as stoic
Masumi: I couldn't take aether to the chest like her
Aashi: I am definitely not aromantic