Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

In an Explosion of Awesomeness and Hubris...


Inactive Member
...I have arrived, bringing my own brand of crazy and a penchant for joining more plots and ideas than is good for my sanity (What's left of it at least).

Hello to all. I am Dadsky, a roleplayer of some skill and experience, having had about four years of my life spent on play-by-post roleplaying forums of varying skill and commitment levels. I consider myself a competent, yet unispired roleplayer. Before that I roleplayed on a number of game platforms, most notably Runescape (Unrelated note: I suffered a severe attack of nostalgia when I saw one of my cousins playing it).

I love roleplaying in all it's forms and in a wide variety of genres, but sci-fi was and always will be my first love. I saw that you guys even have options for creating races and factions. This intrigues me greatly, but I think I'll take it slowly and get my bearings for a little while (read: a year, maybe more) before jumping into a commitment like that. Especially since I believe new members can't do that kind of thing anyway. Patience is a virtue as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention that I can't draw to save my life, let alone anyone else, so concept art would be few and far between.


Beyond that I like to think of myself as a bit of a joker, an easy to talk to kind of guy, despite my cynical streak a mile wide. I enjoy a good conversation about nearly anything. I'm in training to be an officer in the Australian Army Reserve, but that won't stop me from joining in here. Flexible training timetable is good training timetable. I'm also a legal adult (YAY!), which means that I have way too much time on my hands in and around being semi-unemployed in a tight job market, but that's just life. Still, leaves plenty of time for drinking... >_>

My plan of attack is currently to jump into the Star Army, perhaps as a Yamataian (I don't like Nekos. Personal preference and all), and go from there, rolling with the punches as they come. If anyone has any advice, I welcome it, because this place seems to be a mite more complex than most of my previous haunts.

I shall now end this aimless and shoddily edited ramble, trading it for the sweet embrace of sleep.

Cya 'round.
Greetings Dadsky,

Welcome to Star Army Role Play, we have several folks who come from the land down under.

I am Nashoba, one of the Site Admins, Game Master and Faction Master.

If there is anything we can do to help get you started on SARP, please feel free to ask. Check out our New Players' Guide. It has a lot of good information to get you on the path. We also have an IRC which has folks online 24x7 so there is almost always people who can answer most questions. If you want to dive into SARP, we have our Open Roleplay where you do not need to make a formal character. If you want to join one of our formal plots, each faction has a guide to walk you through the process. You are not limited to a particular faction, many folks have characters in more than one.

Look forward to seeing you around.
Salutations and Grand Welcome, Dadsky.

It is great to see someone who's so passionate about their introduction as to write so much! I look forward to, eagerly mind you, seeing what you can tribute to the website. I am Semjax on here, however if you ever happen to tumble into the IRC channel you can contact me as Kia, Sorin, or Semjax whichever I am on at that particular time. I hope that you and I can be great friends, and eventually roleplay together! See you around the forum, Dadsky!

I'm Wes, Star Army's founder/webmaster guy and I'd like to personally welcome you to the Star Army forums and community. It's good to meet you.
I think I can add 'easily distracted' and 'forgetful' to my list of qualities. Easily distracted because I got distracted by other things on the internet, like cat videos (not really). Forgetful because I forgot about this place! Not my finest moment, I know.

In my defence, I have been working pretty much full time between first joining and now. Since I have just gone from full time to part time work in my day to day, I was poking around and got an email for this place. An email which stimulated feelings of regret and embarrasment.

In other words, I'm back and I'm going to actually do something this time! I mean it!
How does one forget Star Army? How?!

But no matter, Dadsky from the land of Do-all-the-Roleplay and Knight of the Land of Runescape, you have entered the land of Star Army, and I hope that thou enjoyest your timest herest. If you need anything, I should be able to help, just send one of the magical items from the land of Star Army known as a Private Message, and I will travel to thou with aid.

I will seest thouest on the field of Roleplay.
What up, I'm Kampfer, the FM of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.

We're your resident gritty cyborg space marine faction that has more guns than diplomacy, so if that tickles your fancy, give either I or my co-FM @Lamb a PM.