Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

[Internal Memo] IPG Assessment of Foreign Threats


Inactive Member
For circulation to all active Operators within the DIoN or awaiting foreign dispatch.

With the draw down of conflicts, the IPG's internal focus must now extend to our neighbors to ensure that their interests do not conflict with those of the DIoN.

(I) The Yamatai Star Empire (YSE) - The previous wars are clearly their responsibility. The Mishhu were creations of PNUGen. In addition, they have shown increasing aggression towards the Freespacers and the militant off-shoot, the Independent Worlds League (IWL). A repeat of the Freespacer genocide cannot be allowed to happen.

Operators within Yamatai are instructed to observe all high-ranking military personnel and take note of their standing philosophies. The Senate can be ignored. It is a rubber stamp for the military since most of its members are serving Nekos.

At this time, we do not assess the Empress to be a significant figure. That role and position is largely symbolic, the person on the throne is weak-willed and not even the head of the Ketsurui Clan. As such, the Empress is a mere figurehead, a smokescreen for the true rulers. The Empire's control lies in the hands of the Premier Ketsurui Yuumi and Taisho Ketsurui Yui. The former holds power over domestic and foreign affairs while the latter controls the military. And with elections due for the Premiership, it is worth watching who will be participating in the race.

(II) The NMX - The only confirmed NMX presence on Nepleslian borders is the hold-out fortress of Ukk. Due to their self-sufficiency, entrenched positions and minimal starship presence, a blockade squadron is enough to ensure they do not get loose.

(III) The Abwehran Star Empire (ASE) - Beyond contact in the International Relations Conferences, the DIoN has not had proper diplomatic relations with the ASE. As such, all insertions will have to be covert in nature until such time as formal diplomatic missions are exchanged.

Intelligence has identified several persons of interest who are probable ASE agents operating on various Imperial worlds.

Priorities for the ASE revolve around their expansion plans, if any, and their military capabilities. The military reformation started in YE 31 does not yet seem to have ended and information is contradictory. Ascertaining the truth of their military organization and capabilities is a necessity to understanding their position.

(IV) Gartagen Union (GU) - To be viewed with suspicion. They are currently harboring the traitor Wazu. His elimination, however, is a project for a future date. The Pan-Union Trading Company (PUTCo) has been linked to several illegal operations within Nepleslia but only in passing. No concrete evidence indicates complicity. It is an organization to keep watch of, especially owing to its private army and attempts to develop power armor. Weapons smugglers have been linked to the PUTCo, though they have provided legal documentation to prove their innocence.

The GU is clearly expansionist and this requires careful observation. The territory of Ether is currently located to various Freespacer holdings. Given the pacifist nature of the Freespacers, it is possible that overzealous elements of their military or the PUTCo will attempt to annex those locations.

The official Nepleslian policy regarding Freespacer holdings remains unchanged. It is war to the hilt to anyone who touches them.

Their military is smaller than the SMDIoN, though individual ship designs and equipment may be close. However, Intelligence predicts that the 2nd AF, even with its outdated ship classes, would be able to secure every Gartagen world. Alternatively, 3rd AF and 4th AASP would be to perform the same function with possibly fewer casualties, given their more recent equipment.

Until such time as we decide that their expansion is a threat to the Imperium, all Operators are to observe and report. Action against PUTCo may be necessary if we keep seeing them pop up in reports.

(V) The Lorath Matriarchy (LM) - The LM is to be considered an ally, though an unequal one. Their territories and holdings do not border ours and their military force is largely a defensive one. Nonetheless, their ability to defend their turf would make any conflict with them as long and protracted as the war against the NMX or the Elysian Wars.

The current military exchange program is the most telling sign of friendship. Operators assigned to the LM are encouraged not to step on too many toes and to work with the diplomatic mission first to obtain data. Only if the official channels fail are Operators authorized to pursue alternative methods. However, alternative methods should be prepared and set up in advance, ready to be called upon if the need arises.

The major issue to focus upon are the continuing tensions between the LM and the YSE. Obviously no love is lost between the two. A war between them would likely require Nepleslia's intervention, even if only as peacekeepers.

(VI) The Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth (IAC) - No action or deployment is currently necessary.

(VII) Azorean Commonwealth (AC) - The AC has already begun dealing with NAM regarding raw materials and spare hulls. As yet, they have not requested Nepleslian weaponry or completed warships but the time may come. Their military is small and their warship designs are showing signs of modernization with NAM support.

They are another potential target for the expanding GU, who be looking to acquire them as a protectorate or for complete annexation. The government's position on what to do if either case should happen has not been finalized, but it is safe to say that it would not be welcome. IPG resources may be mobilized in such an event.

(VIII) Freespacers - The Spacers are not a security concern and are to be left to their own devices. All Operators, however, should render aid to Spacers who ask assistance.

Non-Government Entities (NGEs)

(IX) Independent Worlds League (IWL) - The IPG is not to aid nor abet them. Though we may sympathize with them, they are not to be given support in their war against Yamatai. Nor will the IPG consider them a threat. Any suspected IWL members or facilities are to be noted and then ignored. Freespacer members who request aid against the YSE are not to be given military aid.

Any member of the IWL who requests political asylum within the DIoN is to be secured by the IPG until such decision is rendered by the government.

(X) War deserters - Following the collapse of the UOC and the various military drafts during the recent war, increased numbers of deserters have been noted throughout the galaxy. These brigands are the responsibility of the NSN. The IPGND is to assist where it can but our resources are not to be put towards this task unless these groups or individuals present a threat to Nepleslian interests, shipping or citizens.

That is not to say do not prosecute if found. Deserters who do not willingly surrender themselves without violence are pirates and will be prosecuted by all arms of the government within the letter of the law. Extra-judicial methods are not necessary.

(XI) Ex-Paragon - Two incidents have occurred which now causes the IPG to re-evaluate the threat of this group. In YE 34, a group of former Paragon mercenaries took then-Rear Admiral Valken and his family hostage, demanding money, warship plans, and passage to the GU. The attempt was stopped by NSMC units and the blowback was the mandatory retirement of Admiral Veles and the reorganization of the IPG.

The second incident was when the 4th Fleet Flagship, NSS Dauntless, was destroyed in Nepleslia Prime by a vessel chartered to ex-Paragon members. Soon after, a convoy that was announced to be carrying Grand Admiral Valken was attacked. While the Admiral was not in the convoy, it is clear that he is being targeted.

IPG resources are to be devoted towards tracking down the sources of funds, equipment and information used by these individuals. All known former Paragon members are to be detained and questioned. Any who resist are to be killed or captured. The only exception is the squad present in 4th Fleet who have been vouched for by the Grand Admiral. Current IPG stand towards all ex-Paragon is Guilty Until Proven Innocent.

Information regarding the location of Paragon power armors is another priority as they now represent a military threat to Nepleslia.


Shang Zhi Kai
Commandant, IPG