Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP It's cold out here ((1v1))

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Edtoto started to think about the word and the actions. "Eat... Hungry... Yes. I would like Hungry? That right?" She asked, looking around. She stood up, wincing again as she thought. "Mine on ship... You have any?" She asked. She seemed fairly distressed about a lack of food. She didn't know if the I'ee ate the same stuff as the Vekimen. She didn't know really anything about the I'ee other than a few small things she learned. Did they eat things she could eat just as effectively? Food was food yes, but it could poison her...
Sally shook her head sadly with a mournful whine. "I don't think our food would be good for you.", she muses, climbing up to the upper cargo cage and retrieving a canister from it. It was about a litre in volume, with a clear, plastic shell that showed the sweet nutrient fluid inside. Sally then mimed opening the canister and drinking from it. "You would not like, I think..."
Edtoto stared at the Canister for a moment, before opening it and sniffing the contents. It was rather sweet, but she picked up an all too familiar scent masked by the sugar that made her pupils constrict. Before anyone could say anything else on the matter of her liking it or not she had already chugged half the container and was working on the other half just as quickly. She dropped the canister once it was empty, and just stared at the floor with an unnatural intensity. Her eyes quickly relaxed into wide circles, which was an uncommon look for her. After a few moments, she shuddered rather violently.

She started to twitch, bringing a shaking hand to her muzzle. "I... goood," She mumbled, slipping back to her native tongue. She slumped to the floor, her tail and legs shaking rather intensely. She rocked back and forth her hands clenching and relaxing over and over again.
The I'ee ambassador squeaked when the Vekimen began hungrily devouring the contents of the nutrient drink, not sure whether to stop her or not. "G-good?", Sally inquired nervously, reaching out an arm to steady Edtoto when she shuddered. "Are you ok, Edtoto?" She let out a concerned whimper when the Vekimen slumped to the ground, hugging her gently, not knowing what exactly she should do.
Edtoto didn't respond. She did start letting off a weird chittering sound. She looked like she was laughing, and rather heavily at that. When she felt the I'ee hug her she leaned back and started to laugh even harder. She felt like she was going crazy, without a single though having enough time to actually process before being replaced with another. She went on in this fashion for several minutes before her body lost all rigidity and she went limp in Sally's arms. The transition was almost instantaneous, the the alien couldn't even manage to fully open her eyes.
The two I'ee chattered with one another during Edtoto's strange fit. Yui, cynical as always, assumed that Sally had inadvertently poisoned the alien, which only made Sally even more upset. When she felt the Vekimen go limp in her arms, she whimpered and hugged the alien closer to her body. "Please don't die. You're my friend. I don't want you to be dead.", she murmured, her abdomen deflating and making a sad whine.
Edtoto groaned a little, clutching her head. It was pounding harshly, and she really didn't want to open her eyes. She was being spoken to though. It took her a few seconds to wrap her already overloaded brain around the words. "What is dead? What is friend?" She asked. She sounded like someone who not only barely spoke the language, but someone who didn't know how to speak the language /and/ was hungover. She tried to roll over and lay down to cover her eyes. On the plus side though, she wasn't hungry anymore!
Sally was relieved to hear Edtoto speak to her, holding her close and squeaking. "You are my friend! I like you!", she said, letting the Vekimen roll over and handing her one of the cushions. "Are you ok now?" Yui chattered softly to herself with amusement, as close to snickering as an I'ee could manage. "I think it is the sugar.", she said to Sally. "Edtoto must not be used to having so much." The ambassador was still doting over the alien in her arms, gently nibbling away on Edtoto's mane in an instinctive effort to groom and comfort her.
Edto groaned, hearing the two talking. She didn't really care what they were saying. She felt like she had to respond, though. She moved her head a little as she felt something combing through her mane. "Ok... I am friend" She mumbled out, leaning to the side and falling asleep almost instantly. Looking back, she had been frozen for quite some time, woken up, got into a gun fight, learned a new language, and was drugged. Unintentional maybe, but that didn't matter at this point. She was exausted now.
After a time, Yui felt well enough to return to the ship's controls, assessing the current state of the vessel. The Alcubierre drive needed to be recharged, so she began moving the craft closer to the sun, unfurling the solar panels and angling them towards the star for maximum surface area coverage. In any case, they ought to lay low for a while to let the Thoot miners calm down and get back to their business.
Sally remained close to Edtoto as she slept, cradling the Vekimen in her arms and combing her claws through her mane. She'd hoped her life as an ambassador would be more peaceful, but at least she had made a new friend, and one of a new species to boot.
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