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RP [Kyoto War College] Acknowledging a Hero


The Pixel Knight
Inactive Member
Kyoto, Yamatai,
Kyoto War College

The sound of birds weaved through the sky, cutting the long-era of traffic and urban sprawl in the distance. A tired sun rose over the buildings, painting Kyoto in a beautiful light. It had been many years since he had seen such a beautiful day, Rolf thought. Perhaps that was the intensive courses, studying, or his wife talking, but certainly his fiery blood was soothed by scene. Ever since he had begun, he had taken to watching the trees, with their changing colors. He remembered standing under one when black smoke still filled the sky so long ago.

Today, it felt like the smoke had cleared for the first time.

"You know, when you first came here, I was convinced you would leave on the front page of a news tablet," spoke Taisa Inoue Ketsuko, she was adorned in full-dress, awards glittering her figure, "I had no faith in you."

To say the least, Inoue was not his biggest fan.

"I worked for this very moment to hear you say that," chuckled Rolf, not looking at her, almost out of respect. He had cleaned up a bit of his diction, especially when speaking to Taisa's like Inoue. Her nose curled in response to that, but perhaps she had learned finally learned how to speak to the man. Few had bothered in their experience with him.

"You should hurry inside," curtly suggested Ketsuko, "The Shosho wants everyone arranged well before we start."

"I'm waiting on someone," objected Rolf, idly brushing his white panel. He turned, eying the Taisa, "Thanks, Inoue-Taisa."

Ketsuko's eyes widened. The Malifarian chuckled again, "Don't worry, if I walk out naked, you'll get your wish." At that the Taisa shook her head, the edges of her mouth showing some sort of wearied smile.

Rolf's attention returned to the open garden. Patiently, he waited for someone. The Empire had taken many people away from him he wished to be there, either by duty or death. Deep inside, he hoped she would not be too busy to attend. Working alongside a Ketsurui princess and SAINT always seemed to be much more important concerns. Hopefully Chiharu was on his side today.

Chiharu replied with an aircar. A basic one, likely rented, slipped through his clear morning sky and toward a landing lot not far from the auditorium where the ceremony was to take place. Whoever was in the aircar wasn't very punctual.

Or maybe they were busy. Rolf couldn't be sure. But it was hard to imagine either of the people he'd thought of arriving in a basic, rented aircar. They had panache too big for that.

Yet, as the aircar's door hissed open in the distance, Rolf caught a glimpse of a peaked cap. He peered to see the rank. Whoever it was turned to face him, still a few hundred yards away, and waved. The person -- likely a woman by the silhouette -- gracefully flew his way.

It was a Chusa. Wearing panels of white, not black, but also with the requisite medals on her chest. Her brown bun nestled behind her head and below her cap. She took to boots instead of heels, but they still had some formality.

But Rolf could not miss the glittering green gems of her eyes when they made contact with his.

"Am I late?" she loudly said as she closed in on him.

"Yukari!" yelped Rolf, lunging forward, unable to contain himself. The muscly, short man scooped up the Chusa like a sister he hadn't seen in years. The handle of his honor-blade, 'Hitodama' jutted her side, one of the many honors he wore himself. As far as he had come, with her help, she was like family at this point. "Not at all, tha' ceremony starts at 1000, but the 0945 is for the graduates. I can't believe ya made it, I swear I thought ya'd be too busy!"

In a mild realization of his outburst, he settled Yukari down, coughing into a fist, "Ahem, Chusa."

Yukari laughed and hugged the stocky man back, face alight with pride as she took a full view of him.

"You appear so fine when you try, Eastwood-san," she said with teasing propriety. She took notice of his achievements, including the Blazing Sun medal atop them all. She allowed herself a minor indiscretion and, as the soon-to-be new officer stood there, she touched it with two gloved fingertips. She closed her eyes too, thinking, feeling back to those times, those days.

"And you have grown so much." A wistful tone slowed her words in the air and to his ears.

The Malifarian's brow grew heavy over his eyes as he looked down at the red medal. Truthfully, it was thanks to Yukari and all those around her that he had such a decorative looking chest of medals to display to the much less decorated around him. He reveled in his fellow student's silent envy from time to time, but as the Chusa took hold of it, a somber air wasfted over his mind. A lot had happened to plant those ribbons on him.

"I didn't do it alone," Rolf answered, placing his hands on his hips, staring down at her fingers. "With you included, I'm pretty sure I can count how many people believed in me on one hand."

Rolf's lip curled, and his face scrunched like a sponge, his bubbling passion threatening to turn him into a scene, "Thank ya for bein' there."

Yukari let her fingers rest on the medal a moment more. "Always," she quietly said, then brought her hand back and tried to smile. Her own medals, especially the one at the top, weighed heavy all the sudden.

"Let us go," she said with more force than she meant. Discomfort from old memories threatened to settle in, and this was Rolf's day. She wanted it to count. With her own weapons at her hips -- her kodachi Furejonetsu and her SiZi -- she motioned to the auditorium with her eyes. "You need to be pinned soon, yes?"

"Heh heh. Right."

The two officers, or rather, the officer and midshipman, went into the graduation hall. There were several Shoi-Kohoseis, officers of varying ranks, and family members spread around. Some faces were smiling, some faces were crying, and quite a few of them cast scornful looks in Eastwood's direction. Even in the bannered auditorium, there was no place where Rolf could escape his reputation.

One face in particular, turned to notice the small man and his pinning officer. It was Taisa Inoue Ketsuko, currently rounding people up.

"Midshipman Eastwood, get-..." barked Ketsuko, before her attention tugged to one side, in Yukari's direction, "In... line..." The higher ranking officer caught what looked like a lump in her throat. "Freeman-Chusa, I... did not... I did not think you would come."

"Taisa," Yukari said and quickly bowed. She had been taking in the pomp and circumstance of the hall before the Taisa had approached them. Rolf would not be able to appreciate it the same way she could, and she wanted to experience it to the fullest for him. If anyone was looking at her shoulders, with the famous vessel on one and the All-Seeing on the other, she didn't pay them mind.

When Yukari came out of her bow, she spoke in formal Yamataian, eyes straight on hers and without a waver. "I must thank you for caring for Eastwood-Shoi while he has taken on this challenge. You have done so much to make him a fine officer candidate. It is a great honor to be able to award him his pin."

Inoue visibly blushed, and bowed in return, almost deeper. There were a few stares being drawn more and more by the Taisa's reverance.

"Your praise means a great deal to me, Freeman-Chusa," Ketsuko held her bow, "It is the honor of this esteemed institution to receive you as the guest of honor this day."

"Please, Inuoe-Taisa-san," Yukari said, lightly flustered. She bowed her head only the second time, but kept her eyes on the Taisa. "I am but one guest among many. Families and friends and lovers. I am forever grateful I was allowed to come, but if I become a hinderance to the event, I surely will depart with understanding and thanks."

A questioning glance painted Ketsuko's face as she looked up, and straightened herself. She shot a glare at Eastwood, before pulling out small folded program. On it were words printed on quality paper, the outside reflected the graduation date, the mon of the college, and the words 'Event Program'. Inoue offered it to Yukari, with one hand outstretched, looking a bit embarassed.

Yukari blinked and took the program with a quiet, but confused "thank you". She carefully unfolded the paper to examine what it said, after she looked at Rolf, puzzled. The Malifarian seemed mildly disinterested in the conversation, his attention off elsewhere.

One page was a list of events, with the awarding of graduating degrees and honors. The whole spectacle seemed to run rather short, but there were a great deal of Shoi Kohosei's present to make that last. On the right, were names and pictures of people present: The current dean, the master of ceremonies, some of the instructors, a guest speaker, and a guest of honor.

The name under the guest of honor was hers, Chusa Freeman Yukari, in neat flourish under it, "A Hero of Yamatai". Under that were only the unclassified achievements that dotted her colorful career. At the very bottom of the short, condensed list of positions and services was the title "Mentor".

Yukari's face exploded with red. Tears pushed at the corners of her eyes.

No one had said such things about her before. Tom of course, and Nyton spoke as highly of her as she did of him, but ... not on fine paper, and not in so public a setting.

She keyed on "public" and held up the program over her face. Unfortunately, that left her staring at some of her past. Her roles in the war, especially the Battle of Yamatai, stood out. Her many "hats" she had worn, though not all of them.

But "mentor" was what truly endangered her composure. Suzume had alluded to it before. Rolf stated so, plainly, for all to see, at a moment that was his. Had to be his.

She couldn't look at him. She knew if she did, she would cry and hug and kiss the fool. He had tried, and still was trying, to live up to being an officer, a first-rate officer that she'd always told him he could be. That he would be, if only he kept focusing on it. After the hard road he'd walked, much of it alone, he had reached the end and instead done ... this.

Yukari swallowed and wiped her eyes behind the program. Volumetric makeup didn't smear, a fact at that moment for which she was grateful. She lowered the program and attempted to put on her warmest smile.

To Inoue-Taisa, she spoke. "Please forgive me, Taisa-san. I am so overcome with embarrassment. I forgot about this great honor you have bestowed on me, a soldier. I fear I do not recall what duties you require me to fulfill. Perhaps I am simply too old to remember! Please forgive this old soldier." She tried to laugh, but it sounded stilted.

To Rolf, she sent only heat and shame and gratefulness and love. No words. Just the feelings of them, encased in such immense pride in him.

The Taisa seemed a bit overwhelmed by Yukari's humility, and it took a fair amount of discipline for the higher ranking officer not to lose face. Instead, she focused a mix of ire and frustration in Rolf's direction to compensate for distraction. Rolf, on the other hand, continued to be respectfully avoiding any interference in the conversation of two higher ranking officers, albeit with a crooked smile on his disinterested face.

"Freeman-Chusa, it is a title, merely that. You are expected to enjoy the event as a guest," explained the reverent Taisa, "Perhaps... " Inoue seemed to press this wishfully, "Speak to the other attendees afterwards, but you are free to act as you wish. As this is a," Another dart in Rolf's direction, "surprise to you, you are not expected to act in any form except how you do so naturally." Inoue bowed again, "Now, please excuse me, I must organize the graduates for the ceremony."

After Ketsuko excused herself from the exchange, wiping a tear or two off her cheeks the moment she turned, Rolf spurred the conversation silently, stroking the spike on his chin.

"Didja know you were kinda' popular wit' some of da' younger crowd around here? Freeman-sama:" Rolf slyly sent, "dutiful protector of the princess, a servant of the empire, a hero of the empire. Turns out havin' good character has got iss' perks, even if you aren't the shiniest rank pin in tha' room."

He scratched his nose, "Iss' not much, not enough for whatcha doin', whatcha' did, and did for me, but I thought you might like t'see it."

Yukari had made sure to deeply bow again as the Taisa left, then put the program over her face again as she turned to fume at Rolf.

Except she didn't fume. She just ... smiled. As she kept blinking and wiping at her eyes.

"I am none of the things in this program," she sent, chastising him. Her words rang hollow to the notes her sending struck. "Or any of the things youths or the mature think that I am. You have conflated my person with someone closer to yourself, let alone Tom or Nyton. This is squarely ridiculous to have done this to me."

The Chusa saw him stroking the stupid spike on his chin, flashing the stupid grin on his lips, showboating with the stupid sparks in his ruby eyes.

"And once more, you wholly have placed your own achievements below the minor advice I and many others gave you. You have earned this yourself, and to do something like this devestates that achievement. I will not stand for this."

Yukari retained enough presence of mind to look for video recorders. Seeing only personal ones, she turned and, without letting him choose whether to accept it or not, hugged him. She hugged him and kissed his stupid cheek and hugged him tighter, arms around his neck.

"Thank you," she whispered in Yamataian, gulping a sob before it left her throat. "Thank you so much."

The Malifarian didn't answer, in fact he seemed a bit struck by the gesture, having the Neko bowl him over as she did. Those sparky eyes looked more like red headlights in the moment. As it washed over him: the warmth, the kindness, the gratitude, he couldn't help but feel very small. As if to fight it, he threw his arms around her and squeezed her tight; the two short soldiers were barely a noticeable sight amongst all the other teary people around them. Rolf was silent, save for a restrained breath which held back the weight of the moment.

"Woulda' been real embarssin' if you hadn't shown up," choked Rolf finally, leaning back, grinning like a fool, stopping his own tears with a finger and thumb. "It's a good thing you're you, otherwise I'd just be the guy that--..."

"Rolf!" howled Ketsuko.

"Oogh, I gotta' go," said Rolf, leaning to one side to avoid Ketsuko's gaze for what very well may have been the last time.

Yukari let go quickly. A bit too quickly. She reassembled herself with a clearing of her throat and a return to attention, then snapped a bow — a low one, too low for Rolf. She cared not a bit.

"Good luck," she said, beaming through her hastily hidden embarassment. "I will see you when it is time." She came up from her bow, smiled and turned away, still red, to find a seat somewhere. She had a bad feeling it would be up at the front, but if it was, she vowed to be straight-faced until the ceremony was over. She knew as well that she wanted to talk to the people here. They might revere her too much, but she thought she could blunt that some by showing that she, like them, was just a soldier.

Kyoto, Yamatai,
Kyoto War College

Yukari had been sat all the way to the front, in a row saved for honored guests. She was seated next to a Shosho who served as the guest speaker, and what she could also only assume was the Dean. Rolf had landed her into a very much looked at spot, cameras continued to sweep up and down to look at the more high-profile members. The Shosho seemed to stiffen every time she sensed the cameras go by, and appeared to quietly admire the Chusa next to her.

At this point they were going through the graduates, one by one, each being pinned by their families, friends, or former comrades. Pinning members would get up from their seats in the smaller audience, and either rush or march up to the stage to pin their respective Kohoseis. More often than not, it was happy families that rode up the stairs: wives, children, husbands, parents. It took some time for some to compose themselves, and even more to manage to get the pin on right, but they were afforded all the time they needed.

Thankfully, Rolf was not too far down the list, and it wasn't long before his name was called.

"Shoi Kohosei Rolf Eastwood; Malifar, Yamatai, will be pinned by former superior, and guest of honor, Chusa Freeman Yukari."

The Malifarian strode out at that, looking more dignified in stance than he had ever been in at any short moment in his life. With careful marching step, he took center stage, staring forward. On his right, was the master of ceremonies, holding the Shoi pin that would be pinned on his uniform.

Yukari stood up from her seat and marched. Her steps came sure and swift, but measured as she went up the steps without looking anywhere but forward. The medals and regalia of her uniform shone under the lights of the hall. She came to a stop at the master of ceremonies and turned to face her. She smartly bowed and took possession of the pin with both hands. She bowed to it and again to the master.

The shiny pin had that beautiful blue heart behind the white enamel triangle. The fleet was 1st XF, likely a placeholder until Rolf's assignment came down. Behind it was the pin itself, waiting to be pressed to his chest, past his clothes so that it could just barely touch skin.

Yukari faced Rolf. She held the pin with the point toward him and used both hands to slowly push it against him, above his medals. She did not smile or wink or gesture. As the point slipped past his clothing, she did not speed up or falter. She'd practiced the moment, wanting it to be right for him. The point touched his skin, and she stopped.

The point recognized where it was. The shaft seemed to lose a layer of itself, splitting off to form a kind of cone around the shaft that remained. A circular piece of the pin from the higher up the shaft spread into a wider shape and moved downward to add friction and securely link the pin to his clothes. The process used his own hemosynth for activation, a microscopic dot of blood that powered the process. A kind of "first blood for the Empire."

When his pin was affixed, Yukari stepped back and saluted.

There was a certain silence that pervaded the room, Yukari had garned a bit of applause at her mention, but now the whole room was patiently quiet. The amount of ritual and procedure the Neko had taken in elevating the Malifarian brought a more traditional style to the ceremony. All eyes weaned on the moment, the respect, the pride, and the precision. Even Rolf was silenced, perhaps even awed by the responsibility Yukari had conveyed in her gesture.

He saluted, his eyes lost in Yukari's focus, just as mesmerized as the crowd was.

An applause rose, despite requests to hold such gestures until the end of the ceremony. There was a resolute perfection witnessed in the process, an absolute sense of control that embodied not just what Rolf strived for, but what everyone in that room wearing the uniform strove for. If there had been any doubt to Yukari's reputation in the hall, it had been wiped aside in that moment.

Rolf dropped his salute, as the air began to stretch, and its high faded, people began to realize their were more candidates to graduate. At that second the newly appointed Shoi made a firm right face, and marched off the stage.

Kyoto, Yamatai,
Kyoto War College

With the final names called, and the ceremony concluded, the freshly appointed officers began to depart to celebrate with those who came to watch them. The sun was high in the sky at that point, not too harsh to ruin the air, nor force people to congregate under the safety of the oaks and greenery. The world had largely remained unchanged, but many people that day were on greater courses in their life, Rolf included. Having shaken up the entire ceremony, some people shot him looks of awe and jealousy as they went by him by the stairs. Some of them even began to pester him about the whole guest of honor bit.

The freshly appointed Shoi simply brushed off their concerns, as he did most things in his life. Unfortunately, the crowd that pestered him was relentless, a couple of them asking if they could speak to someone so apparently well regarded by one of the instructors. Knowing his limits, Rolf began to try and look for Yukari among the heads that hounded him.

Yukari already was outside, talking to a Taii and what appeared to be his family. The young officer — an engineer — had been looking for tales not of her, but of her husband. She regaled him with some of Tom's best from Miharu, and hinted at other heroic things he had done. The Taii also wanted to know about how, if he wasn't being forward, Tom had proposed to Yukari.

"I have a girlfriend, but I haven't yet, y'know."

Yukari told him that story too, its awkwardness abbreviated for the setting. The Taii seemed inspired by it and thanked Yukari profusely for humoring his requests.

"Do not thank me, please, Taii-san," Yukari said with a big smile. "If there is one thing I enjoy discussing, it is my comrades — especially my husband!"

The Taii thanked her again anyway and set off, newly invigoured to propose to his girlfriend and that engineers could be heroes too.

Yukari looked for Rolf before anyone else decided to ask her something. So far, she had successfully downplayed herself for others, but there always were some who had ... strong feelings.

"Rolf-san, are you close?"

"Chusa!" Rolf called out, throwing his hand up over people much taller than him. That sent some around him looking about, and Yukari soon found several sets of freshly pinned Shoi's staring at her. The prospectful young officers all looked ready to swarm her instead, but the moment they took their step, a harsh voice rang out.

"Don't you dare embarass yourselves infront of the guest of honor," hammered Taisa Inoue Ketsuko in perfect Yamataian elocution. The Shois who were smart scattered to their families, and the rest scared off by her stoney gaze. Rolf looked like he had just bat off a swarm of pigeons.

Ketsuko stepped gracefully down the stairs, her own honors shining brightly in the light. "I am sorry about that, Freeman-Chusa, they're a wildly competitive group, thanks to someone," She looked in Rolf's direction, "Now that they're being assigned, they're all clamoring for contacts and recommendations."

Yukari immediately bowed, grateful but also a little red-faced again. She hoped Rolf would not land in trouble even as he was leaving.

"Please, Taisa-san," Yukari apologetically said after rising, then held a hand to her chest. "It is my fault to bring the burden of myself to your event. Please forgive my intrusion. It is clear you have shepherded so many fine officers. They are the envy of any commanding officer, and they do the Empire so proud."

"Please do not be so humble, your display earlier put more fire in the eyes of these bluehearts than any day of training," waved Inoue, returning the bow once more, but more officially than their first meeting. "Even I felt it, your reputation for precision is more than just a comment on your shooting, Freeman-Chusa. I am just sorry that the young officers' frantic displays may have soured your experience."

At that, the Taisa moved a slight bit closer, and tugged out her sidearm with her two fingers. She then tugged out a small silver marker. "It is embarassing, but I do remember you from the ceremony after the Battle of Yamatai. I was there that day, and in the skies prior. I would like to remember this." She offered the marker, "If you could... humor me, please."

Yukari was about to speak to support the young officers, but the pulling out of a sidearm made her hand twitch. She realized quickly enough that it wasn't a combat draw, and she let her lungs breathe again. Then she saw the small marker, and she tilted her head, blinking.

"I am honored to be of any assistance, Taisa-san," Yukari said, "but I do not understand." She also endeavored to recall the Neko having been there that day, but she did not remember seeing someone quite like the Taisa at that time. She might have been as lower ranked as Shosa at that time, she thought.

"I would like you to sign my side-arm," answered the Taisa plainly, "It's not every day you meet someone with a record like yours. The days of Yamatai turning generals into pop-stars is a thing of the past, but we still remember the real heroes of our time here."

" ... " It was obscenely flattering and grossly embarrassing. The Taisa held no responsibility for either fact. Yukari could not believe it. Signing something? A pistol, even?

She was no celebrity.

But there she was anyway.

The NSP was set to safe. That's when she noticed the style; it was an older one, a Type 28C. It still had the old, darker gun blue finish on it, necessitating the silver marker. She felt the weight and smiled; the 28C was not the same as the 28D she enjoyed, or even the old 28A. But it had a fit and finish she appreciated.

"Do you mind if I write on the top of the barrel?" she asked.

"Anywhere you wish, just somewhere I can see it, peferably," answered Inoue, who was getting redder the longer this exchange went on. The proud Neko didn't seem to be one for this sort of gesture, but she also seemed to be the strike-while-the-iron's hot as well.

Yukari considered saying something kind, but the marker had a thick tip, and the NSP was just 30 mm wide. She decided to write only her name — her given name in Yamataian, her surname in Trade. Yukari took care to hold the pistol steady and use her cursive to write her surname. She admired her handiwork a moment, then on an equally "hot" whim, she wrote a heart after it.

She blew a couple of times on the top of the pistol, then offered it back with both hands to the Taisa. "Is this satisfactory, Taisa-san?"

The Taisa bowed and took the pistol, taking a moment to admire the signature with a contented smile.

"Yes," she answered, like she had just gotten a Game Buddy for Lewis Pasco day. "That is perfect." It took her a moment to realize her lack of bearing, and she carefully holstered the pistol. "I apologize for taking too much of your time Freeman-Chusa. I imagine you have a busy day ahead of you."

"Please, Taisa-san," Yukari said. "It is an honor to be able to, ah, sign for you." It felt strange to say. Would Inoue make the signing public? It was too late to think about it now. "All you have done for Eastwood-Shoi and our family, it is the least I can do to repay you."

The Taisa tossed a look in Rolf's direction, who returned it with a strange, knowing grin. Her face soured a bit, but did not let it sour her attitude.

"It was nothing. He was... hard working," Inoue diplomatically offered, before giving a more genuine answer, "He will do well in the field, I will admit that much. Aloud."

Rolf grinned even wider, but the Taisa refused to acknowledge it, "Now, if you excuse me, I need to get back to work, class is still in session."

Yukari bowed once more. "Thank you again, Taisa-san. I am relieved to hear he will do well. Good luck in your teachings."

With a bow, Inoue made her way down the steps, and carried herself on with a more spritely walk. After her departure, the saucy Malifarian strutted in a ceremonious fashion to Yukari, watching Inoue leave in the way he watched most Nekos leave.

"She fuckin' hated me," said Rolf, "from tha' minute I walked in."

Yukari rose up from her bow — and shot him a look. "The universe cries out, 'How could such a thing be.' "

"Oough, she ain't just a sniper, she's a stone cold killa'!" Rolf answered, giving her a comically horrid look, his strong claws gripping his panel where his heart should have been. The Malifarian laughed, letting his arms fall out to his side, "You'd think I'd get a little respect around here, but apparently I look like a fuckin' thug on camera. And in person."

"I was about to correct you," Yukari said, her lips cracking into a smile despite him. "A camera is not required to make you look 'thuggish.' It is your very nature, shining like a bright beacon of assholery."

She recalled Nyton, Tom and Rolf using that word before. It fit.

Rolf, despite using the phrase before, caught his chest again.

"Aughk! Double tap? She's merciless! Fuckin' merciless!" laughed Rolf, looking at ease now that the pomp and circumstance had faded. After wearing off Yukari's little barb, he sighed, rubbing his head under his cap. "Still, thanks for comin'. You made Inoue's day, and ya certainly made mine. Y'reminded me why I wanted to do this, I mean, ya been doin' that the whole way, but especially today. I started this whole thing because Suzume said I could be better than what I was, and I took her bet."

He looked at her, square in the eye, red to green, "But I look at you, and I feel like I've still got lightyears to go."

" ... " Yukari beamed again, but she also sighed through her nose. She looked at him as he looked at her, smiling. "Do not say that. Suzume saw so much in you. She still does, and so do I. You might think you have so far to go, but it pales to how far you have come, Rolf-san."

There was a droning silence after that, Rolf seemed a bit encouraged by Yukari's words, but he seemed to yearn a bit more. Despite that, he clapped his hands together, taking a deep breath in through his nose. He looked up at the skies, staring through the leaves again.

"It's about time I started thinkin' about an assignment, yeah?"

Yukari nodded. She also looked up through the leaves, as some had started to turn. Reds and golds and oranges in between.

"You have many options."

Rolf stroked the spike on his chin, pulling the hairs at the tip.

"At this point, there's only one option."


"Where's your next fight?"

Operation security told her not to answer. SAINT instructed her to lie. Even Kotori was not sure, at least in Yukari's mind.

"Kikyo, perhaps," she sent. "But first, we follow the trail of the Shadow Vipers. We have vengeance to extract from their hearts."

"Vengeance?" Rolf licked his teeth, and his hands curled up into fists. "I like that."

The Malifarian curled his neck over his shoulder at Yukari, "Koto-boss need a Centurion?"

"Are you offering?" Yukari asked.

Rolf quirked a brow, tilting his head over as her turned to face the Chusa fully. He held his arms out with that expectant look on his face.

"I juss' graduated tha college afta' spankin' a buncha' books and nekos who don't know betta'. My capstone project was a thesis on fighting all the most unrelenting enemies with nothing but LASR and some dreams. I've had more impossible and an' improbable shit thrown at me than any otha' student, cause tha' teachers hate me. I've taken all of it, and thrown it back in their faces, because at least one thing stuck in my thick skull while I was fightin' with you guys."

The Malifarian tapped his temple with a rugged finger, "Grace Under Pressure."

Those determined eyes bored into Yukaris, awaiting her answer, "So yeah, I'm offerin'."

Yukari peered at him from beneath the brim of her hat, judging the man before her in all of his new light. He knew what he was. He knew he was good, and knew how to apply it.

He still had that cocky attitude that made him Rolf, but would any of his crew wanted him any other way?

She snorted through her nose and grinned. They had a far larger crew than before, a crew who would need leaders. A leader who was a hero in his own right could be just what was ordered.

"I will speak to the Taisa," she said. "And put in the strongest possible word for you. I believe she will welcome you back."
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