Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 28.1] Kuvexian Invasion - Preparations (YE 40)

"Well if you mean directly, I would say it was because of Ozaki Kasumi. She put in a request for me to be assigned aboard. We have only recently met. If you mean personally, because I wanted to serve like my parents. My father who I haven't met is helmsman for the YSS-Sakishima, and my mother Ichika served in infantry. She now works for some group out west. 188..6..04 I think is what it was called? For a group called Section 6, it's some new group in the USO.", Setsuya answered honestly trying to get a bead on this guy. He seemed somewhat socially awkward, which was understandable.

"What about you mister Wazu? I feel like you have been aboard for while."
Tsuguka's ghostly lack of expression was allowed to persist for several moments past normal conversation standards. It was a deep twisting feeling within the red neko, perhaps finally coming to terms with why Hanako herself had always kept other crew members at arms' length.

"...I'd love to help you with some personal recommendations, but unfortunately those soldiers will not be assisting us at this post." The words were placed very carefully. "No, this ship is always on the cutting edge. It's not a surprise at this point, to be honest, that we find ourselves with a completely fresh crew again. I feel it has always been my Shosho's chosen method to find diamonds in the rough, and then, well..."

A small hush. They were watching the rather tall Santo Hei Setsuya pass, carrying a container. Half of it was an interest into how the relatively niche 33A-model would perform, and half of it was avoiding the spread of gossip.

-"She lets them get roughed up."- A direct telepathic message to the Taii, like an intimate whisper in the ear, though the angular face still had it's attentions elsewhere. -"I can offer you effective power armour team strategies and equipment loads, of course, as well as in-depth information on the enemy, and personality profiles on my superiors... But I fear that our Ketsurui Hanako is not a beast which wishes to be predictably tamed into one strategy or organisation, and that has always been explicitly true with the team members she chooses to recruit, too..."

-"You are welcome to judge it as my personal failing, but it seems to me that we are best to douse the enemy with them as an oni might a thunderstorm, and not seek to limit their potential or ambition with sticking to defensive formations... Yes. Give them targets, note how they complete these goals, and then give them more suitable targets."-


A real-world glance, perhaps considering if they were going too far, but also wary of the short time that they might all have left to form a workable bond.

-"The truth is... I don't know what they did when they designed us, but I have never seen a Nekovalkyrja flee in fear. Not for any reason. Especially when logic dictates their armed advance as foolish."-
Wazu would swallow one of the pills, and put the case away.

Biological processes were so slow. Not that nekos would understand. Not that anyone here might understand. It hurt having to wait so long, stuck in this malaise. As they moved by, it was pretty clear that Tugs was feeling it as well. Or perhaps he was just projecting. Something to consider as they moved towards the armor bay.

At least it seemed that Uso was doing well. Well-er maybe. Another thing to consider.

He still needed to respond to her.

He could feel his options cycling through, struggling to click over between bland conversation and more truthful bits about his past. All of those felt more like bragging. After all he had lost more admiral ranks than post people would ever be offered.

"I have been around a long time." He said, his words certainly sounding socially awkward. A certain lack of slang along with an overly correct speech made it sound like he'd just downloaded the Yamatain language so he could speak it.

It wouldn't be long before they reached the armor bay.

It was then that it hit.

That feeling always seemed impossible to explain to people that had never felt it. Especially so for nekos who'd never be able to feel it. The tired was still there, the malaise too, but it was like someone had put it on mute. It was the feeling of pulling off a dirt road and back onto the lit highway. His pupils dilated just a bit, everything seeming that much brighter, that much faster.

It was time to figure out how to use a power armor.

His words would come out a lot faster now,

"How about you place the box on the floor here. I can unpack the armor and get it running. I do not think my miniaturization is on par with the Mindy, but I am also not planning to seek out harm."
Setsuya set down the crate as requested and stepped back from it, "I like to keep my loadout balanced. What exactly was your occupation, I did not think to ask."
Wazu smiled,

What did he even do here?

Snarky responses abounded. Though it didn't seem appropriate to respond with those. Nor did it even feel like the time to pine about how he couldn't seem to get an agreement together on how to deal with the Rixxikor.

He approached the crate, and started tearing at the tape along the top.

He felt great right now, like he could win a knock-down, drag-out, fight with a brick wall.

"Hanako has asked me to advise her about the Rixxikor situation."


the top of the box came open, and was discarded. Inside were several canisters of black goo, a datapad, a bulky green backpack, and various weapons... EMP pistol, part of an HPAR master set...

He would pick up the pad, and start reading through the instructions.

"I am not sure how far we have gotten in regards to that. Right now I think the best plan would be to transport the Rixxikor to an appropriately managed reservation so that they would not be in a position to cause problems for themselves or others."

He tapped a button on the datapad and the cylinders opened up, allowing the dark goo to ooze out through the tops and form one large blob that sat ontop of the box.

Two small eye stalks then appeared and slowly moved about, observing the room itself.
"So civilian contractor?", Setsuya asked before the goo blob arose from the box, "Fascinating. Some form biotech, or nanotechnology? When you said armor I wasn't expecting some kind of adaptive polymorph system."

Her surprise showed through, her emotions a little more evident than the muted state she had been diplaying. She observed the creature like blob with something visibly akin to wonder.
YSS Eucharis

Upon arrival, Hanako went straight to her console and grabbed the manual telephone phone built into its edge and dialed the memorized number of direct line to the intercom in main engineering. "Attention engineering, this is the captain. Prepare all ship systems for prompt departure."

A warm electrical hum and a mechanical rumble began to spread throughout the starship as its intricate and numerous mechanisms began to activate. Outside of the ship there was a whoosh sound as the aether engines came online at minimal power, changing from dark to a glowing teal.
Certain choice words from Tsuguka were filed away by the Taii for perusal now and again before their battle. The intimate telepathic communication had led Majime to the decision that it was prudent to absently brush her pinky finger against Tugs' wrist to retain their point of telepathic contact while they made their way into the Eucharis.

"If I am hearing you correctly, then these soldiers that seem to routinely fall under the Shôshô's supervision are better skilled at being pointed to objectives rather than being told how to get to them." Ikigai Majime thought on that before continuing, "It is as counter-intuitive to a trained officer to command in that way, as is brushing aside the forewarning of a Yamataian veteran. I will deeply consider your words and analogy."

"I understand that you in your last mission, you were at a point the team lead while the former XO commanded. This did not work out and I don't want to do that to you and potentially re-live a negative engagement. I am also aware you have commanded successful missions. That leads me to believe you are best left to take up the mantle of a mission on your own, without direct oversight. Of course, the decision will be made by the Shôshô, but if she defers to my judgement, I want to know your thoughts on whether you feel comfortable commanding the away team."
Landing Ramp -> Cargo Bay

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Hanako-Shosho's leadership is poor. I deeply respect the woman, and consider this posting to be in my lifeblood now." Tsuguka followed the red-haired woman into the interior of the ship diligently, though chose to adjust their hand arrangement to a rather ridiculous-looking 'pinky swear' style setup. It was more efficient. "If you consider our leader's background, at the very start of our race when we were all basically considered automated slave-weapons... Sometimes it seems to me that she values independence above all things. Sponsoring it within our crew certainly improves our adaptability, and that is certainly nothing to be ashamed of."

"Considering the alternatives..." A distracted look, eyes moving upwards to Majime's fluffy triangular ears. Between this new bridge officer and Yamashiro Natsumi, it would seem their Shosho had a penchant for diminutive, youthful bridge bunnies, too. "No, I would very much like to remain at the front where I belong... It's only right that I should give this new generation the benefit of my experience. And, after all, I'm still only just learning too lead, myself. As long as the Eucharis sails and I'm entrusted with this position, it's my duty to adapt to the situation for myself."

"This time, we can do better. We."
"Yes," Wazu replied, "The movement-components are nanotech. The suspension liquid is star-ship armor technology from back when I was doing that. There are also organic components in there that filter air. My species tends to die very quickly in a vacuum, but I have some protection against that."

He would tap the metal band hugging the back of his neck as if that explained everything.

As Wazu continued to read through what was displayed on the datapad the goo would flow down onto the floor and envelop one of Setsuya's legs, slowly flowing around it like a spinning donut, its eye stalks traveling around in a circle like this was all a game.

"And Civillian contractor may not be the right word. Hanako and I have known each other since the YSS Yui... that was more than a decade ago... now I am," He paused a bit, looking for the words. "Someone who is occasionally useful, and occasionally mortal enemy of the empire."
YSS Eucharis

Ikigai Majime had only a little to add and, so, squeezed her pinky around the crimson Nekovalkyrja's and then let go.

"We will be able to, together," was her final remark before stopping mid-stride to bow slightly to Tsuguka, and then she continued walking towards the bow of the ship. She found herself soon floating up the zero G passageway and through the corridor to the bridge. Dutifully, she saluted to the captain on deck and took up a position sitting at the unmanned sensors station.

The XO noticed Hanako setting down the telephone and picked her own up to speak to the MEGAMI, Charisma, "Have the weapons operator report to the bridge."

"Shôshô Ketsurui," Majime said while scanning the console's readouts. Her attention was again on Hanako a second later, "Please let me know if you would like me elsewhere for the time being."
YSS Eucharis
Med lab / Lab -> Cargo bay

While Fuyu couldn't nescessarily make it to the original briefing, a transcript had been forwarded. She was fully caught up, luckily. It was her job to be caught up, regardless. The silver haired neko glanced up to a screen hanging from the ceiling, displaying a myriad of information. After a short while, she let out a soft, inaudible murmur, deciding to check in on the bridge. Folding her arms, she looked at the display one last time, before turning on her feet and walking out of the labs. Though she did swipe her datapad from the desk and tucked it under her arm. She grasped at her lab coat and pulled it closer against her form. She always felt a bit antsy leaving the confines of her workplace. But it was a nescessity to show her face around the ship at least. In order to not to be alienated by the crew.

Besides, she always had a reason to do rounds. Check values, see if systems were in proper orders. It was general troubleshooting after all. Something she didn't trust maintenance with nor was it nescessary to have the engineering sods that already had a lot on their hands either. It was a mutually beneficial situation. A good example of symbiosis. Then again, the mental scolding ensued soon after, don't compare everything to the limited biology classes she had.

With datapad tucked under one hand, and her trusty type 31 in the other, she moved through the ship's corridors. After a short while of walking and not finding anything worthwhile on her scanner, she took a step down into the Zero G elevator and touched down at the cargo bay, looking up at the people present. Mind scattered in a panicked matter, but her physique remained composed. She straightened herself out with a soft cough and nodded. "Greetings," she stated simply.
YSS Eucharis
Cargo Bay

Stella Glass looked up from her datapad to note the entrance of the Type 33 Nekovalkyrja.

"Ah, Kanoe-hei," she began and looked between the Nekovalkyrja and her datapad for a few seconds while tapping something out. "Or should I call you, 'Codetalker-hei?'" She showed the datapad to Fuyu. It was a diagram of a Leader Support Pack that soon zoomed out to show itself situated on the dorsal hardpoint of a fully outfitted Mindy. "This may seem counterintuitive to put on a Santô Hei, but a LSP gives you a greater advantage while hacking and jamming, amongst other benefits. I would appreciate it if you outfitted your own Mindy with one if your squad," she took a deep breath, "leader has not already given you instructions on the loadout appropriate for you." She put her hand out and held the datapad once more, ready to take it back.
YSS Eucharis

The incredibly fluffy Elysian stiffened briefly as the AI's relaxed voice tickled the inside of her mind. "Alright, thanks!" Her little voice carried into the Plumeria's hallways a little bit in response; turning neatly on the spot, Miss Smith wound her way up and forward, her feet making surprisingly little noise as they rolled her minimal mass from heel to toe evenly, propelling her forward.


"Santo Hei Smith, reporting for duty!" The words had taken a cool directness to their air as they were spoken this time; a pleasant formality.
YSS Eucharis , Cargo Bay -> Power Armour Bay

With a small wave of thanks to the last departing loading crew, Tsuguka faced into the reflective interior of the ship and cooled her nerves for the task to come. Hitching a ride on the cargo lift alongside Wazu's oversized package gave them a bit more solace and room to think, but there were obvious conniptions on her brooding, predatory face. Majime's professional candour had cooled their fear over the new bridge crew, sure, but that didn't change the fact that the members under her own charge were still an entirely untested commodity...

That, and considering they had caught half of the members from the last group after they went on a suicide run with the YSS Orochi, it left Tsuguka with a strange feeling of guilt for an act she hadn't even committed yet. There was no denying this could turn into a real baptism of fire just the same.

Bitter annealing of their spirit, the doll-weapon refocused herself, and brought back the common logic of the situation to keep her steady. They needed to be ready. They needed to at least know each other. According to protocol, this was her task.

A virtual finger constructed a message in her head, and suddenly, several select members of the Eucharis received a written message within their own cranium systems.

From; Nito Heisho Tsuguka Toyoe
To; Nito Heisho Yoshida, Nito Heisho Shinomori, Nito Hei Orshira, Santo Hei Setsuya, Santo Hei Yukiya, Santo Hei Kanoe.

Fellow Nekovalkyra,
Hello and welcome to the YSS Eucharis. Apologies for the short notice, but it would be advantageous if you would meet me in the power armour bay. After you are finished finding a cabin and stowing your personal commodities, of course. The register should denote free rooms on network, but simply utilising a sleeper pod is also agreeable.

The purpose of this meeting is the matter of our power armour team's immediate armament, tactics and organisation. We cannot afford the complacency of waiting until the set mission time, for obvious reasons.

Science and medical personnel I have included within this message, your attendance on actual missions is optional, but I would still like to discuss your preferences in person.

Thank you for your time,
Nito Heisho Tsuguka.

Kai Sagara entered the bridge and quickly did a bow, "Nito-Hei Kai Sagara reporting for duty shôshô. I am honored to be helmsman of such a fine vessel, and under such an esteemed person as yourself."

Kai had jumped at the transfer, though sad to leave the Sakishima. He knew he would be much more useful here.

Setsuya almost literally jumped when she felt the creature wrap itself around her leg. She shuddered for a moment and held down the Hem of her skirt as it climbed her leg, "Why is this thing groping up my leg? Make it stop make it stop make it stop."
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Wazu increased the rate at which he was reading, quickly scrolling through the command list until he found what he was looking for.


The glob of goo would flatten out a bit, quickly zooming over to a spot right behind Wazu before pooling up into a big ball.

a few more moments would go by,

"Fetch," He'd point over at the box, letting the goo slide between his legs and pool back up inside the container, picking up a thick armor plate, as well as various guns, ammo, and grenades, making it look like weapon-soup.


The goo would flow back to him, though far slower this time with all the added weight it was carrying, the goo covering him up to his neck, and reforming itself with the armored plate right over his chest, his back covered with various weapons... more than enough to make it difficult to move, the weight pulling Wazu over until he fell on his back... cushioned by the armor at least... a frowning Wazu starting to go through the various items listed on the datapad, selecting them one at a time and letting them detatch from the goo itself.

"This might take a while..."
At the time that Tsuguka was calling for her fellow PA soldiers to join her in the bay to discuss tactics, one of those soldiers named Yoshida Kokoro was only somewhat busy when the command reached her. After having been dismissed she went about her business of quickly stashing her personal belongings in cabin 4, by the method of throwing it all onto her bed and promising herself to deal with it later, and the knowledge that she had completely forgotten to request any specific cabin in order to be with those she felt most comfortable with. With the thought in mind that she may want to request a transfer, or perhaps simply a three person room with Ozaki Kasumi, she went on with her data pad to perform her usual routine of training.

Today, that training was to be mostly physical instead of her usual bout of ridiculous, seemingly impossible scenarios that she usually lost at, with the assistance of the data pad to check out how other's routines usually went when training in this sort of fashion. Before she could even really get started however, the message came and, with a shrug Yoshida stopped doing crunches to hop straight up to her feet. "Well then! Pretty sure that is somethin' I should have done too, guess I wasn't thinking about the rest of the squad." Slightly guilty feeling, she began her journey through the ship.

With a hop, skip, and a jump yoshida was tearing through the halls. With the assistance of gravimetrics and just a little bit of actual acrobatic skill she was able to deftly avoid running into anyone, untill she eventually skidded to a stop in the armory, nearly falling flat on her face in the process, saved only by the wild flailing of her arms to regain her balance. And Gravimetrics.

"Ah- Well! I'm here now, nice to meet you! Nito Heisho Kokoro here!" Rather than begin with the shennanigans of explaining exactly what everyone's combat style was right away, and then having to repeat yourself when others showed up, Nito Heisho yoshida instead chose to greet her superior with a brief bow and salute. Unbeknownst to her she still had the datapad in the saluting hand, and promptly hit herself in the forehead. She refused to acknowledge the fact with even an 'ow' choosing to beleive she made at least an acceptable first impression.
YSS Eucharis
Landing ramp -> Med Lab

Taharial walked up to the ship she had been apart of for so much of her career but it also felt like she was never here, with one last look around the docks she walked on silently, her wings tucked around her body, the deep red colouration still as vibrant as ever as she had coloured them a few days before coming back to the ship. She had gotten the intel from the mission that was happening on the way to the docks so knew what they would be up against and was prepared for it, she took a deep breath and mumbles to herself "Ah it is good to be home."

When on the ship Taharial made her way to her little pride and joy the Med Lab making sure to message everyone that was still on the Eucharis from her last deployment to the ship.

Hello again, It is an honour to be back in the folds with all of you, if you got time and want to chat I will b in the Med Labs but don't feel the need to come down here just for me.

With the message sent, she walked in and stretched happily "Hello old darling, how I have missed being inside this room." Without looking around she goes to where the scalpels where kept and she starts to play with one and spins it around in her hand as she smiled and turned around. She noticed that things were different in the place she called home, had there been someone new in here. she was a little shocked as this place was her's alone for so long that there was someone new. She was also kinda happy as that meant that she could talk shop with them and have some help with the crew.

She was prepared for anything now but instead of going to meet people she wanted to check on her own things and sort out some of her notes from her posting away from the YSS Eucharis before they headed off to deal with the enemies of the SAoY and come out victorious as always. Alone with just her thoughts, she smiles happily and starts to write out formulas and compounds she was dealing with to see if they can be used for medical purposes.
YSS Eucharis
Cargo bay

"You call me what you wish," she stated with a faint smile. Immediately doubting whether it was an appropriate response regarding. Though she decided to just shrugged it off mentally and nodded as the Stella began speaking. "But... Ehrm, Glass-hei, I presume?" She asked with the faintest of smiles. She had looked over the crew's profiles thoroughly, but she was at the moment too scatterbrained to actually remember. Accepting the datapad from Stella, she nodded in thanks and examined the details closely. Softly bobbing her head before looking up to the woman again, handing the datapad back. "I see, that's... It'll come in handy, thank you." She renewed the smile again, before her own datapad went off. Pulling it up and glancing at the message. She then looked back at the engineer. "Do you arrange the request, or shall I?" She asked.

From Heisho Toyoe. To meet her in the Power Armour bay. She looked back at Stella and nodded an invitation, to walk with her if she had anything else to inform her off.