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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.01] Sword Flash in Darkness - Concerns


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Chiharu no Iori in Veronica Star System

Katae was sitting on a bench along one of the concourses of the star fortress. From where she sat she could observe the coming and goings of the people. Across for her there were a number of shop each illuminated with various signs meant to entice buyers in to be separated from their credits.

She chose this place to sit because she had been contacted by a member of her crew who wanted to talk to her. Since she was uncertain as to the nature of the discussion Katae chose a neutral location.

Saki was in hurry, she did not want to come late. It was not every day she could get to talk with captain. The blue-haired neko held great respect for the captain and wanted to ask her for little of her time and her wisdom. The captain was already waiting for her when she arrived in the corridor.

"Konichiwa," she greeted her superior officer with a bow, when she reached the bench. "I hope, I don't disturb you taisa. I would hate to intrude on your free time."

"Konichiwa Aria-San." Katae said giving a slight nod of her head in response to the bow. "You are not intruding I am always willing to meet with my crew about anything that concerns them. Please have a seat." she said pointing to her left, since on her right was several packages and a large coffee cup.

Saki proceeded to sit, folding her arms in knees, entangling her fingers together. "Well ma'am." Saki started, then paused for few seconds not to continue. "I want to talk about something with you. It is about nekovalkyrja..... the ones NMX uses."

"I see, they do seem to have quite a few of them. I hope that our forces will be able to stop the NMX from producing any more of them. But what exactly is it you want to discuss about them?" Katae inquired as she picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip and savored it. She also made a mental note to check in on Zeta and her sister aboard the squadron's starbase.

Saki narrowed her eyes during talk about those nekoes being produced. She hated, when people were talking like that. She herself was from test tube too and she liked to think she was born. It was just that her mother was series of machines and her father a Ketsurui technician she never even met.

"Ma'am," Saki replied and looked her in the eyes. "In our last two mission I got to fight against them. I felt sorry for them, but don't be worried I have no mercy with enemies of the Empire, but I do feel remorse. They are nekovalkyrja like me, why do they serve NMX so blindly? I read a little on the topci and met that NMX Neko named Zeta on my first mission with Aeon. Zeta was saying that NMX were horrible and cruel to them all. Why are they still following? Squids rule them with fear, but they are Nekovalkyrja. THey are warriors, they can fight them. I think someone just needs to tell them...... or something."

"Well first, I think that Zeta and her sisters were an exception to the norm. The Nekovalkyrja that the NMX have brought into this war are much like any Neko who is manufactured. They only know what they have been programmed with. So many of them probably see the NMX with the same loyalty as a Star Army one does at first. It is probably only with time and experience that they start to see their masters for what they are.

Unfortunately, some of them growing up in that environment, probably become much like their masters. They learn to enjoy hurting those weaker than themselves or even to feel they deserve such treatment. Its a cruel twist of psychology.

Your idea has some merit, perhaps some sort of broadcast could be created and sent when SAOY forces engage the NMX to extoll their Nekos to throw off their shackles and join our people. But then they may think it only propaganda.

I do have to say I wonder what will become of all the NMX Neko's who have surrendered and are in prisons. Will they be able to be reformed, and join in our ranks or into civilian life. I think for that to happen they may have to be given new identities. I fear the very real possibility of reprisals. This war has affected the civilian population more than most. And people will long for vengence."

Saki rubbed her chin in thought. "Well ma'am," she started. "I wondered about this one thing. According to all I could find, the NMX rules their Nekovalkyrja mostly with fear. Those nekoes won't even start to think about standing up to them, because they are too afraid of them. But we know they are not that frightening. They can be killed as anything else. Especially now, that half of their army are Nekoes like me. Have we ever captured a squid alive? What if we broadcasted that? Vid of Squid submitting to us. They would not fear them so much then, would they? If nothing else, they would start doubt them. Some might try to run, which is good enough I think."

"Well as for the captured Nekoes.... couldn't we just give them Minkan bodies and send them off... to Nepleslia or somewhere? I mean if they would reform. Those would become like their masters could probably be saved only by a bullet. Well... saved." Saki sounded a little sad about this all. She needed to disscuss it though.

Katae thought for a moment, "It is very rare that the actual Mishhu are captured alive. The only ones I am aware of have been some of the fusion ones. Normally they fight to the death. As for broadcasting a vid of a Mishhu being a prisoner, it wouild probably just be treated as propaganda. But it has given me some ideas, especially with our upcoming mission.

As for letting them transfer to other empires could be a possibility, Like you I think that whatever the solutions are, that it include looking out for their safety. There has been too much anti-Nekovalkyrja sentiment rising up from other avenues. So I would not want us to release prisoners who could be readily identified as NMX."

"I think most people will never get used to us," Saki said and shugged. "By us I mean us nekoes. I read, that when we were so different from others in past they feared us and most civilians were not very fond of us. At least the so called middle class. Now we are almost like them and I am starting to think, they are now starting to dislike us, because we are gettin near their image. I often think if upgrading to this new body was a good idea. It did not make me much stronger, I did only pretty much it was expected from me and because it was supposed to be upgrade. Now I am not so sure. Why did we even stop using NH-27 bodies for general infantry? Those bodies were so strong."

Saki lamented over things she did not understands. It was not her place to understand that though. "I am sorry ma'am, I am whining aren't I? Not a conduct, expected from me." She said and sighed.

"We've all been through a lot.I would not listen to too much of the anti-Neko sentiment you hear on the news. Most of it is propaganda spouted by some of the discontented minorities. I have never experienced any such treatment in all my years in the service. Most of our civilians appreciate the sacrifices we make to protect them.
As for the newer bodies, that's obvious. Before these bodies, if a Neko wanted to leave the military they had to change to a civilian body. If they did not they were require to stay within the Empire, and some places actually it was illegal for them to enter; like Nepleslia."

Katae took a sip of her coffee, "Is there anything else bothering you?"
Saki sighed slightly and looked at Katae. "No ma'am. Thank you lot for your time." She said and smiled faintly, standing up and bowing to Katae.