Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Operation Fire Hammer - Raiken Test Run


Inactive Member

Mission Objectives

Primary Mission Objectives (Will be crossed out as they are completed)

- Deploy onto Vasai, and establish a suitable landing zone for further
reinforcements and troop deployments

- Breach outer walls, infiltrate capital

- Locate reactor complex, destroy or capture it

- Eliminate FIR Forces

- Extraction

Secondary Mission Objectives (Will be crossed out as they are completed)

- Disable Wall Defenses

- Destroy Communication Array

- Locate and eliminate FIR Commanders
Operation Firehammer Prelude

- Space above FIR Planet, Vasai -
- Aboard the "Raining Vengeance", Raiken Dreadnought and Flagship -

- Combat Information Center -

"FIRE THE STARBOARD CANNONS!" The Fleet Admiral roared.

"Firing Ityse-Roi!"

The Raiken Dreadnought's guns hummed, and fired lances of light at the nearby FIR Cruiser. The Cruisers shield lit up, flickered, and shattered like glass, and the remaining rounds slammed into the ships hull. The ship held together for a moment, and then erupted into flames, breaking apart and venting atmosphere.

"Direct hit, the ship is disabled, and venting." The weapons officer replied, a look of pleasure crossed her face.

The Fleet Admiral called out, "Finish it off."

The Dreadnought turned towards the disabled Cruiser, and the underside of the ship began to glow brightly, and twin beams of harsh green light lanced out and tore the enemy ship in half. A moment later, the ship's reactor detonated, leaving nothing but dust.

"Ship is gone, Ityse-Roi."

The Admiral spent no time gloating over another destroyed ship, there were plenty more to demolish. "Get those guns charged, plenty of targets to clear."

"Admiral! We have an enemy Dreadnought, bearing down on us!"

The Admiral smiled, a rare thing, "Finally, they send something to challenge us." He noted the Dreadnought was preparing to broadside them. "Bring our front to them, give them a smaller target, and get the GRFL cannon online, NOW!"

The "Raining Vengeance" swung around, but the giant ship wasn't fast enough to avoid the first salvo from the enemy. The rounds lit the shield up, but this was a warship designed to take a beating.

"Admiral, shields down to 60 percent."

"Is the gun charged?" He replied, indifferent to the status of their shields. Hearing the reply of "yes" from the weapons officer, he brought his hands together, "Fire."

The Raining Vengeance stopped, nose pointing directly at the FIR ship. A flurry of shifting metal on the top of the ship produced a large cannon, easily spanning ten percent of the ships length. The gun glowed an eerie green, and the lights inside the ship began to flicker. A second later, a clap as loud as thunder would go off, as the cannon fired a huge beam of green light at the enemy dreadnought.

"Follow the GRFL with the Photon cannons!"

As the beam smashed into the enemy dreadnoughts shields, they flickered brightly and broke away, and the beam cut a line of melted hull on the side of the ship. The dreadnought was given no time as the full force of the Photon Cannons slammed into the unprotected ship. The enemy ship had holes all along its starboard, but it managed to fire its intact weapons at the Raining Vengeance.

"Shields at 40 percent, Admiral."

"Fire missile batteries." He still ignored the comment on the status of the shields.

Before the Raining Vengeance could launch its final volley at the damaged dreadnought, planetary defenses had targeted it, and fired. The huge rounds tore through the weakened shields, and ripped tunnels through the ship. Many of these rounds disabled power lines, rendering gun batteries useless.

"Admiral, Multiple breaches, some of our cannon batteries are offline. Shields are down, but the ship is holding together."

The Admiral stood perplexed, destroy the enemy ship, and risk another salvo from the planetary defenses, or use a phase jump to execute quick repairs. "Plot a phase jump, bring us directly behind that enemy dreadnought, prep our remaining cannons, and tell engineering to re-route power to the shields!" Or, he could do everything at once.

The Raiken ship flickered for a moment, and disappeared. Seconds later, the FIR dreadnought would have a large ping show up on their sensors, directly behind them.

"Fire missiles and forward cannons."

Another volley of cannon fire lanced from the Raining Vengeance and slammed into the dreadnought's engines. The missiles followed and peppered the hull with holes, causing breaches throughout the ship. The FIR Dreadnought quickly turned into a ball of light and fire, as its engines exploded from the cannons.

"Admiral, we have some shields online, shields are at 20 percent."

He stood at the holo-map, chuckling softly to himself, "Execute another Phase Jump, get us away from those defenses, now."

The command came too late as the planetary defenses fired another salvo. The rounds blew through the improvised shielding, and ripped through the ship, disabling more weapons, and damaging a reactor.

"Ityse-Roi, one of the reactors are damaged, we can't execute a phase jump. Plotting a normal trans-light jump."

As the damaged Raining Vengeance entered the trans-light portal, the Admiral called to the communications officer, "We need those defenses down, get Commander Siyo on it. Have him and his squad drop in to take out those reactors."