Star Army

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[Plot] Tenth Fleet - YSS Sakishima


Inactive Member
Lazy skills in photoshop or other programs should in no way reflect the more relevant skills of the GM. Probably.

Expected Start Date: Mid-Late March 2013
Game Master: Gamerofthegame
Type: SP, Possible irregular JP if planets align
Faction: Yamatai Star Empire, Tenth Fleet
18+? No.

This is you. You are tiny, almost insignificant in regards to everything else. The very thing you are commonly tasked to protect could probably carry you in its hold. The NMX's vessel you commonly engage as a result dwarfs you, just as like the Plumeria does. Pirates, Lorath, IWL and traitorous rebels - None of them will quake in fear when they see your humble vessel. Every time you go to engage they are your own personal Goliath.

But that's okay. You are the crew of a Chiaki-class Escort/Destroyer. There won't be a lot of you, but you know full well you could tear a Sharie-class a new one. Bigger just means it's even easier to hit and you've got plenty of punch.

The Nataria-Jiyuu space-lane is about 115 LYs in size. With your CD drive, that's a one way trip of about fifty four hours. If your charge has a fold drive, well, that is more like two hours. Even so, though, a lot can happen in that time - The Tenth's fleet reach is vast, but their means tiny. You are tasked with defending it and those ships on it. It is the only life line to a small and desperate Tenth Fleet and the Jiyuuian people - Your people, now. Again. Of course, your missions may very well include other taskings; the sector is a mess. There are a lot of dangers out in the Yugumo cluster and the space-lane and not a lot of you.

And to think, your biggest problem is going to be running out of ammo fighting against all of it.


Welcome! Yet another plot, technically the third active, for the most happening and eventful side of space, the Yugumo cluster and Tenth Fleet.

You will be crew members on the humble Chiaki-class. With a maximum of ten crew members available, modifications aside, each one of you will be important and actively contributing in both the many combat scenarios you'll run into as well as social scenes of simply being together as a crew. You won't be stuck on the bench, not here.

Speaking of, every one of you will be one of the crew members. Unless a end needs to be met, there will be no NPC crew members on this ship! Not even the Captain - I am the Hand of God and little more. Control the situation, show some initiative and choose yourself how to go about things. I give you setting and scenario. There are no preordained outcomes, no GM-Captain fiat or anything of the sort. Manage to flabbergast me and I'll shrug and roll with it.

That section of space has many enemies. If you choose to be swayed by a traitorous path, you could very well be among them. If you choose to be among the best, a hero to the caliber - Well! Latern's prestigious task group always has room for another small Destroyer. Cowardice, heroics, whatever.

It's up to you.


The Chiaki is is on the small side of things, making this ideally a bit of a snug crew roster. If needed things can change overtime, but that's what other plots are for.

The plot itself will revolve around space combat and just playing your characters in social scenes between explosions. You will likely never face some truly powerful antagonist like Angelica, Melisson and so on. Nothing to make you famous, have a planet named after you or anything of the sort - But you're just as important all the same. You very well personally drive will come of the Yugumo cluster and effect the Tenth fleet dearly through your actions and heroics. I intend to keep a fast pace as well; you can expect having to post every three days when active in a scene, life-side circumstances aside. Good if you're tired of the slow and stalled.

Given the nature of the vessel, occupations will also be at a slight premium. There is no place for a science officer or a star fighter pilot, I'm afraid. On the flip side, with the myriad of enemies you could conceivably face there might just be room for a intelligence officer, for example. However, the majority of the crew positions will likely be your bread and butter operators, technicians and infantry, or at least moonlighting as them in some way. Don't feel to restricted, just keep this in mind.

If you have any lesser officer characters free and plot-less, commanding or serving on a small ship like this is the first step on the road to being something more, too.

If you would like to join, please post in this thread! Once the plot formally begins I will aiming for getting PM'd ahead of time, so it's a bit easier to get in now! I do have a planned prologue to ease players into their various positions, so if you want to watch and wait it is possible. Missions will come and go, there hopefully won't be much of a wait time.

Given the nature of the vessel, we can easily get rolling with a minimal amount of players (Like, three.) and pick up others as we go.

Here are examples of roles available;

The Captain - Chui and up! (Though preferably Taii and up) The most important character on the ship, they'll be gently guiding things along. Which is why this is a veteran player only position. (If you aren't sure, you probably are.) Of additional note, on a OOC side of things you'll also be the de facto assistant GM. This probably will never come up, nor will you really be expected to do anything or have responsibilities unless you request them like a crazy person. Should some bridge positions not be filled you'll also be expected to operate them as well, to a limited capacity.

First Officer - The next highest ranking person (Hopefully a petty or higher) below the skipper. Directs things in their absence. An additional responsibility to another role.

Then there is the bridge crew!

Flight Control - Starship operator - You're flying this baby! Like many Yamatai vessels, Chiaki is fragile but quick. Dance around combat situations and keep everyone safe!

Weapons/Tactical control - Starship operator - Command the guns! Fire off your aether shock cannon to weaken the shields, rip right through them and pulverize the hull before loading a positron explosive round and detonating it right inside the enemy ship, through the hole you made! Don't pull punches, they've got more guns then you!

Ship Operations - Operator/Chief Engineer?/Intelligence/Variable - Alongside the skipper behind you, you'll be doing all the yelling. Yell at the infantry outside! The technicians scrambling about, fixing holes! Your fellows when something comes on sensors! So on.

Beyond that, there's the normal crew.

Medical of some sort will be needed, unless you like bleeding all over the floor. A good option for would-be first officers, as Doctors are warrant officers. Many of the medical machines on the Chiaki are automated, too, so don't feel stressed that you might not be able to describe being a space surgeon to much.

Red Horde - Technicians - ... Will probably be making up the most of the crew there after. Keep the ship maintained! Serve as power armor infantry! Nothing to bombastic to say, here.

Infantry - Every vessel needs chafe of some sort. The Destroyer is rather solidly a anti-capital ship vessel, making it a bit vulnerable to things like fighters and battle pods. That's your domain. Don't mess up or you're going to be floating lost in space for a while! And while the default stock says the Daisy PA for some reason, it's whatever you choose, as usual. (See: Probably Mindy.)

Dedicated support roles might be a bit out of place, though. Cooking and Logistics would likely either be split up and based on turns or they would double up as a another role, such one of the technicians. Of course, everyone could just bring a lunchbox from home.

Quite a bit of text, there. Interested? Questions? Feel free to post!

(And, as a aside, even though the vessel is both relatively fragile and lacking a soul savior pod, don't worry about losing your characters. People will die, sure, but not permanently. Leo's right over there, anyway!)
The technicians will, in all likelihood, get nudged toward PA in engagements. It'd probably be better to get the base crew down.

Speaking of, I will need a total of three players before I am comfortable with starting off - Two is a whole lot of back and forth, which won't be to fruitful.

Preferably, one of them will be the captain and then another can be anyone they like, which should give us a operable ship.
Ha haa! With the forums helpfully being split, random people now have a much higher chance of clicking here.

So let's make a post.

Still kind of turning our wheels, here. While we have two people with their tickets in, it'd be comfortable with about four. And a captain, preferably, still.

If you're new to the site... This... Is a good place to join if you're still looking for a plot. Be there from the start and all that.
I'm... potentially interested in the First Officer position, but would like to speak you about the plot on IRC or something first-- as well as examine my schedule. I'm already falling behind in some other plots. : /
Allllriiight ladies and gentlemen, I am very proud to announce that the Sakishima will indeed be running!

We have;

Two bridge personnel, weapons and piloting specifically
One infantry
One Technician
and one ~mysterious~ leadership position.

This also means this is the last call to get a character in here and going before the plot starts!

I will be doing the necessary behind the scenes stuff with site admins shortly, as well as wiki page stuff and so on. Dakaru, Lam and Bionic, if you could set your characters up as quick as you can that'd be lovely.
