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Plumeria Class Refit input/discussion (Image warning)


Inactive Member
Hello. I'm working on a Plumeria-class refit, and will have assorted things I have to discuss/get opinions on. That is the purpose of this thread.

I have a very specific issue to start with. The Plumeria-class has a reputation for being a cramped ship, but this is largely because instead of having a deck-by-deck plan, it has a single view from the side. Because of this, the rooms within it are massively larger than they should be.

So now I need recommendations for educated dimensions and volumes of various rooms. The Plumeria for this, is in these dimensions calculated by analyzing DOGA geometry.

Length: 254 meters
Width: 164 meters (wiki width obsolesced with addition of secondary wings)
Height: 32 meters (25 without turrets)

These are the contents of the old rooms:


When considering the thickness of the ship not represented in this view, some of these rooms are utterly massive, including the MEGAMI's room (which I've had fit in a ship at 4.4m x 4.9m x 1 deck before), the recreation area, the wardroom, the armory, etc. Their size and placement need to be completely re-imagined.

The following are a prototype deck-by-deck view. Green is Deck 1, Yellow is Deck 2, Red is Deck 3, Blue is Deck 4, Cyan is Deck 5, and Purple is Deck 6. The squares are for reference, and are 10 x 10 meters and 5 x 5 meters respectively.

Deck 1

Deck 2

Deck 3

Deck 4

Deck 5

Deck 6

The engines and cannons shown are pretty much spoken for, as is the main gun, but the rest of the ship will likely be rearranged, with critical sections focused in the center of the ship. I need to know what you all think the volume and rough dimensions of the assorted rooms should be. I am definitely expanding the shuttle bay, and have widened the belly of the vessel so there's more volume to work with.

It should be noted that the pylons have sections that are one deck high due to being thickened, but I'd like to keep essential rooms out of those. I have some ideas there though...
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Well, for starters, I'd recommend that you bring up ships with known dimensions that have a top-down deckplan to their names.

For KFY, there's actually two. Your Yui 7, and the Nozomi-class.

Join them to your top down approximation to scale, and you'll likely have a better idea of what you can actually fit into the ship as far as accomodations go. You'll also have stronger visuals for others to provide suggestions for.
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Hmm...most of the rooms on the Yui 7 are between about 20 and 30 square meters. A few are a bit smaller, some are bigger due to function. I think that's appropriate for the quarters, though not necessarily for many other things. I don't know if it's appropriate for the MEGAMI or not. Perhaps though.
Oh, sorry.

Here are the ones for the Nozomi and Yui 7, then I stick them next to the Plumeria for scale.

Nozomi (Yui 6): 112 meters


Yui 7: 76.2 meters

Comparison to scale with Plumeria at 254 meters

For reference, a picture of a standard cabin:
Okay. Well, I don't really want to go into the deckplans with you because, frankly, I've my own to do.

But I do admit to some curiosity on a few points.

First of all, the changes I've noticed for far on your model include:
  • two sensor pods,
  • railguns/thruster assemblies closer to the hull,
  • very different hardware at the end of the wings.
What's going on with that? What were you trying to do?

Secondly, you do know that the next iteration on the S3 gunship, Fuji-class, is out - right? Is there a reason to do significant work on the S3 Mark II when the Mark III is already in production?
(sidenote: @Ametheliana where are the Fuji's deckplans??? I know you've done them, why aren't they in the article yet??? We'd have some basis for comparison) Ninja-ed by Ame
Wes didn't like them as much as Gunny's. So I was going to make a hybrid between the two and never did.
First, the two "sensor pods" are actually the normal sensor pod and a planned optional second pod for various roles. It can have an evacuation pod for evacuating more people in stasis than the vessel could normally hold, it can be a cargo pod, it can be a missile pod, assorted purposes for peacetime and wartime to improve versatility. Modular designs aren't always popular, but if it defaults with one of the types in peacetime and one in wartime, maybe they'd see some use.

The railgun/thruster assembles are actually inspired by your character's IC feedback. The thrusters are moved in before the pylon would break away to provide more thrust if the pylon is damaged (though this is harder since the pylons are shorter, wider, AND thicker), and the positrons are also generated as needed instead of stored on the ship. Engineering and Fabrication will be in the center of the ship, connected to those assemblies.

The ends of the wings differ because there are going to be new types of engines there with multiple modes (The already approved Multi-Stage Aether Drive) and the ship will also have the already approved Integrated CFS. Furthermore, the pylons have retractable turrets (two on top, two on bottom) taking some of the turrets off the top of the Plumeria and also providing all-around better weapons coverage. In addition, there's generally more armor because the engines were pretty exposed before.

And yes, I know the S3-3 is out (I started planning this before the Fuji, I was just sluggish), but I don't see the Plumeria being immediately retired in favor of new ships. There are a number of them out there serving well, and I've already told Ame that things that do well in the Plumeria refit can be used to upgrade the Fuji. Also, I want to upgrade the Chiaki from a common parts pool with this Plumeria.

Thanks for the input, Ame! I can add this to my references, and figure out perhaps the rough total floor space I should dedicate to some things.
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Thanks, @Gunsight1 . I also have a question for those reading.

Should I make the 300mm round be a regular slug and fully integrate the Plumeria's subspace-encased system to make it not need physical rounds to fire its Electron/Positron ordinance? Or could I make the slugs require filling like written here? The former might be easier to implement.
Well one allows less ammo, one allows for a weapon that can also be fired in "projectile only" mode without filling the shell, so offering more options *shruggs*
In this case, if I use the ability to shoot positrons/electrons in subspace packets, should it still be almost light-speed or should the speed be lowered for modern use? The Fuji is still using the same 10-year-old weapon submission, so I don't know.
So I like it when everyone tries to remake the same thing. Its kinda like a haiku, and you get to see how everyone does stuff when you have the same constraints.

The nep version of the ship was the E3, and you can probably see how its a backwards Plumeria, and its made to look a lot lower tech and beefyer:

I also had a few ideas on what Wazu would do if he got to work on the Plumeria. Mainly, a missile battery for point defense, a heavy emphasis on forward-facing weapons, maybe some areospike style engines in the wings, general removal of turreted weapons.


A lot of these design elements ended up an NPC ship because I still wanted to make something like this. You can probably see the similarities.
Very interesting, though I am still not sold on the idea of removing the turrets. If anything, the current design increases the options the Plumeria has for shooting targets that aren't directly in front of itself. Perhaps that idea is good for a different niche of ship?
I have plenty of reasons for wanting to get rid of turrets, but I'm not going to go into them here.

That does remind me of another solution for that, the OT uses shananagins much like those in your shield system to just bend shots out towards wherever those shots need to go.