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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-mission Nine: Of Gold and Wood

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Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyo
Crew cabin 7

As a roommate, Sacre was the quiet type. The kind that kept so to themselves that you hardly noticed that they were there. Her occasionally erratic schedule also tended to keep things from being too routine. When she was in the room and awake, she was typically doing something relatively quiet, like reading a book, rearranging her impressive knife collection, or whittling. One could be forgiven for forgetting that they roomed with her. Today, Sacre was whittling on something as she thought about her conversations with William.

The smooth whizzing of the sliding door announced the presence of another figure, but footsteps were missing, instead a soft rustling of a serpentine tail filled the quiet room, almost drowning out the little chipping noises of Sacre's carving. Abart entered casually, stretching his arms back along with a light groan, looking a bit weary. Oblivious to her presence, he slithered over to the desk on the other end of the room, and only then noticed his roommate, seemingly lost in thought. "Woah.... i uh...didn't see you there. Heya..." He said with a slightly akward wave, not raising his voice too much in the relatively quiet space.

Sacre looked up from her bunk, a cutting remark leapt to mind. However, she bit it back before she said it, remembering her conversations with William. If she was going to stay on the ship, with him as a friend, then it might not hurt to make other friends. "Well at least your not completely blind." Sacre said, then realized that might not have been her most brilliant opening move. "So you're getting back from a long shift?" She asked, stating the obvious as a question.

That snappy remark would've put people off in most situations, but being her roomate and fellow crewmember, this was the Sacre he knew. It probably would've been weirder for her to not be that edgy old self. "Yup, cleaning duty and all. Clearly the number of rooms we get assigned does not account for the room's size..." The tired snek sat at the desk, grabbing a sketchbook from one of the desk shelves, as well as a fairly hefty box/crate thing standing beside it. Turning back to Sacre, he saw her flicking away at another bit of wood like she often did. He hadn't gotten around to asking her about it since they met, but sharing a fondness for making things, it did interest him. "What are you whittling there by the way?"

Sacre looked back down at what she was making. It was in the early stages, mostly roughing it out at the moment. She really couldn't blame him for not knowing that it was an owl, not that it stopped her from thinking it. She handed the block of wood to him, "An owl, the wider parts are going to be the wings, and I still need to hollow out that bit between the legs. But if you aren't blind you should see it." Or saying it apparently.

"Hmm." He took the block, taking a look at the simple but clear outline, very close to the archetypical owl shape. Still, as it was indeed in it's early stages, it wouldn't be hard to mistake it for something else. "Hmm, i'm confident enough in these eyes, thank you. Still, you gotta agree that this way..." He turned it upside down, showing it off almost as if it was his own creation. " looks a bit like one of those pear memes, don't you think? Just needs a stem and all." In hindsight, poking a little joke at someone with such an affinity (and access) to knives wasn't the brightest idea...

Sacre wasn't sure what Abart meant by pear meme. "I guess so, I've never seen a meme pear though. Do they look weird or something?" She asked innocently enough.

A few blinks was all he could respond with for a good few seconds, forgetting not everyone was as invested in internet culture as he was. "A bit.... but nothing too silly.... nevermind...."
He handed the block back to sacre, for her to continue her handiwork. His mind was searching for something to get the conversation back on track.... something... anything will do.... "So.....those knives there, quite a collection eh?"

Sacre nodded as she returned to her work, "Yhea, I collect them. They started out as a practical thing, but there are a lot of things that knives are good for and you want a knife for the job you want to do. Then there are some that are just pretty in addtion to being functional. You have any experience with knives?" She asked.

Phew, saved it. "Aye.... well not knives specifically, but i have done some things with them, yes. My family runs a jewellry annex goldsmithing business back on Essia. We mostly make pretty things from scratch or customer specifications, but occasionally we do decorating of other items.... including weapons." He recalled some of the lenghty, tedious lessons he got from his father.... fond memories indeed. "In recent years, especialyy after the whole Yamatai encounter and all, it seems to be a bit of a trent do have one's old weapons be refurbished for more decorative use, like a memento of sorts....... good business." His eyes started to sparkle a little, clearly taking pride in his past works.

Sacre had never thought about goldsmithing as a profession. She could tell that he was proud of the work he did. Sacre didn't really think she had much to be proud of in her whittling. "Did you ever make anything special? Like to you personally?" Sacre asked curiously.

"Special?" He thought for a bit, unable to think of anything notable... many different things crossed his mind, clearly remembering the shape, size, and context of most of his creations.
"Well there's the very first ring i made years ago..... i guess any artist or someone with such hobbies is impressed by the first thing they make... right? That ring was way too big to be worn normally, and the little snake motif on it was more crosseyed than Hanna on tuesday nights, but still, it was great." A quick chuckle escaped him, at the same time realizing how much he'd improved over the years. "Also the pin i made for Nerai....Heisho. The black and yellow striped one she pretty much always wears.

Sacre thought for a moment over the dozens of things she had whittled. None of them were really worth talking about. She never really made anything that was worthwhile. In a way she envyed him for making something that someone else wanted. "That is a pretty pin, so I guess you managed to stumble in the right direction with that one. Then again, I'm not really a good judge of that sort of thing."

"Thanks." As his eye drifted down a bit again, his sight fell on the little wooden owl-to-be again. "what about you? Got anything in particular you're fond of? Admittedly whittling was something he'd done for a while, but never got too invested in it. Seeing how nifty Sacre was with that knife, he wanted to know more about it.

Sacre thought for a moment, "Not really, I've never made anything particularly worthwhile." She reached into her closet for one of her older carvings. She picked up a tiger and handed it casually to Abart. It was actually fairly well made, with very delicate cuts to indicate the stripes. It was unsanded, but with a bit of sanding and mineral oil, it could be as good as any store bought carving. "I never really make anything good." She commented.

"Hmm..." Taking the carving, the longer he looked at it, the more little details and accents he saw, cut in the wood with more care and attention she gave herself credit for. Sure, it was a bit rough in terms of finishing, but there was potential, lots of it. "Are you kidding? These cuts here are quite impressive!" He held it up against the light, ovserving it with glee, imagining how it would look with various kinds of finish. Whatever finish methods he happened to know of course. Metal was more of his thing rather than wood. "From what i can tell, a bit of finishing, sanding, maybe a wood stain or something, will do wonders for this little thing."

Sacre shrugged, it didn't really mean much to her. "If you want it, you can have it." She said, indicating with her tone it wasn't something that she particularly valued.

"Really? well, since ye're offering, sure. Thanks." It just occurred to him he did have some wood stain on hand, bought it for a commissioned item he would be working on soonish. Placing the little tiger on the desk for later, one thing popped into his mind, something completely random. "Say.....With those carving skills...... have ya ever tried making a knife handle... or something like that? Seems like something you'd do."

Sacre leaned forward and went through her knives skipping over some and lingering on others untill she found one. "No, I never really thought about that. You might actually have a good idea for once." She said, sounding suprised, like a lightbulb had gone off in her head. She looked at one of the sheathed knives from her collection. "What do you figure the tang is on this knife, four inches?" She asked reaching again into the closet to grab a uncarved block of wood.

"Let's see..." Getting up from his seat, he leaned over to the shelf where here neat, orderly collection was sorted out. Gently picking it up, he tried to gauge the weight of the blade, as well as it's point of balance. While not perfect, it might give him a good idea of the tang. a few light taps against the side of the handle confirmed their assumtion. "Pretty much, though a teeny bit extra won't hurt, methinks." With care he put the blade back on the shelf, trying to place it the same way as before.....but not quite getting it right. Älso if that's the only good idea you've heard from me, we clearly don't hang out enough." He joked, followed up by a humorous tongueflick.

Sacre didn't laugh, just reached forward and tweeked the knife ever so slightly to put it back into postion. Then she took the small block and began roughing a shape out of the wood, it was a simple one, but small so she had to work carefully. "Well, I can't say that hanging out with me is one of them. But if your a masochist, sure." She commented casually as she got back to work.

That last comment got a good chuckle out of him. She was probably right, who knows?....but this conversation right now was far from unpleasant. "Hahaha..... well, maybe i'ts not the best idea, sure..... but it's a fun one. Everyone around here has this no-nonsense ice queen impression of you and well, they're probably not wrong.... but that's kinda cool in its own way." Turning back to the desk, he was about to open up that crate from earlier and mess around with whatever was inside, but he changed his mind, instead opening the sketchbook up to a blank space and started flicking his mechanical pencil, pondering...
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