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RP [Psychopmp] The Discovery:Part 1

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Well-Known Member
Teams Jericho and Osiris had been sent to investigate reports of a new species that the Psychopomp researchers had recently detected just outside the Saika Nebula a few weeks ago.

The group had been on board one of Psychopomp's many transport ships for the past couple of weeks and were finally arriving at the planet. They still had a few hours to go but the planet it self could be seen on the long range sensors.

Nomine wasn't dressed to kill today, no, instead she was dressed in a smart looking white high neck blouse, paired with a black jacket, a matching knee-length pencil skirt with stockings and topped it all off with a pair of low heels. A data pad tucked under her arm, she looked towards one of the more clear and reflective portions of the transport ship's interior and idly went to work fixing her hair, making sure it was kept presentable and proper. A rare smile coming to bear on her face as she nodded and walked off towards her previous destination; one of the ship's anterior cargo bays. She needed to make sure that what they had to offer the new species, if they were sentient and capable of cognitive thought, in the packed crates of simple gifts and gizmos they had for it would, after all, be a great boon to have a newly-discovered race of people grateful for Psychopomp's assistance. An investment for the future, if they managed to appropriate the technology and used it to build themselves into a small interstellar power. Then again, the possibilities of this new species being absolute savages and feral were also taken into account, with the obvious inclusion of Jericho and Osiris being the security and brawn in case things went south.

Kyro whom was also aboard the ship would be in the cargo bay. He was standing against the wall on the left side of the bay. On his right hip was his Longsword which he had acquired from the test, on his left hip was his new black Fatboy, and last on his back was an IBR. His expression was very hard to read because he had no facial expressions and was out of the loop on mostly everything. As he was against the wall he could see Nomine walk in and fiddle with her hair, he just chuckled at the though that looks were everything to the sky people. Humming his odd tune that was native to his home he leaned against the wall keeping to himself.

Levanna Sharpe was sitting in the back corner of the craft, sweating as she prepared for her first deployment. The atmosphere within the transport craft was hot and stifling, 14 people jammed into the craft prepared for both peaceful and combative negotiations. If Levanna had known for certain that she would see combat, she would have been less agitated. Instead, she would have been preparing herself for the grim finality of war. Perhaps, she would have still been nervous, but there would have been some comfort in having certainty about her expectations as an SSI Graduate. For her whole life, Levanna had been on a rigorous schedule, imposed by the SSI Initiative. Her days as an SSI Candidate were challenging, both mentally and physically. However, Levanna enjoyed the certainty that her trainings gave her. Every day, her expectations were clear and precisely defined. At present, she existed in a liminal space between independence and dependence. Not quite embracing one or the other.

Levanna’s newly found independence gave her more responsibility, but it also gave her plenty of material benefits. As an SSI graduate, Levanna garnered respect within her organization. She had been given 12 years of combat training, a deep contrast from a large majority of the new recruits within Psychopomp, many of whom had never experienced regimented training programs. She was more proficient and skilled than many of the army veterans who had answered Psychopomp’s recruiting advertisements, thus, she was ranked above them. Furthermore, as an SSI graduate, she could select her field loadout, all costs covered by Psychopomp.

Levanna had selected an FWR-01 as her primary weapon, a dual-purpose, electromagnetic rail rifle. It was a highly advanced piece of technology that Levanna cherished. Previously having seen an FWR-01 in the hands of a wealthy Psychopomp mercenary who had let graciously let her train with it at a shooting gallery, Levanna inquired after it, and procured one for herself.

Levanna took her FWR-01 out of her bag and examined it for a while, thoroughly revitalized by the presence of it in her arms, and ready to embrace the challenges the mission would present to her.

Nomine wandered into the cargo bay, her initial destination before the impromptu detour, and peered through the digital tags encoded on the side; passing her datapad over it each time to ensure that the contents placed within had been exactly what Psychopomp had sent along for their trip. Weapons, low-tech protection suits that included environmentals, an assorted selection of provisions and seedlings that any rising civilization would need to grow their own crops, and if things went really well; some excellent and aged vintages. She nodded after going through the list and noticed from the corner of her eye, one of the additions to Team Jericho, sitting solemnly with a thousand-yard stare. Another war veteran? Nomine thought to herself, walking over even as she looked up the old dossiers for reference as to who exactly this was, then from another corner of her eye she finally noticed the man that she had the greatest pleasure of working with. Kyro, I think his name was ... ah, well, whatever. She huffed quietly to herself and walked over to greet the new addition to the team, a female by the looks of things.

"Welcome to Jericho, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'd shake your hand but they're currently occupied. You look ready to kill something," She looked at the rifle, giving it a quick look over, noting it's familiarity due to the same training she most likely shared with the SSI Graduate.
"That's a good gun, hits hard, busts through shields pretty alright .. could probably give a MINDY some trouble with it. If it was standing still." Nomine remarked, wondering if this one had fired the gun at all yet, it's immaculate nature belying what might have been just a well-tended and cleaned weapon. She never did like jumping to conclusions, but when she did, she did it with a critical mind until it was proven otherwise; either in the field or right here in the lull before combat.

"You have a name?" She asked, not really waiting for the woman to respond to her last question, though if she answered that too it would have been good. Nomine took a step back, giving herself enough space from where she stood between Levanna and herself to have the screen of the datapad within her line of sight, slowly flicking through the dossiers until a picture reference could be found.

Pulled out of her lull by the woman’s voice, Levanna looked up into the critical eyes of a fair-complected woman.

“Sorry!”, said Levanna in a shaky voice as she put her weapon away. Quickly calibrating herself to the situation, Levanna stood up and introduced herself to the woman.

“My name is Levanna Sharpe and I’m the new addition to Team Jericho. I recently graduated from the SSI program.... it’s a pleasure to meet you!”, her voice taking on a higher pitch as she spoke. Pushing her hair out of her eyes, Levanna initially noticed how she slightly towered over the woman, even at her own 5’8”. She must not be a clone, Levanna thought as she down at the woman. She must be an important person however, if she is on this mission. She’s probably one of the diplomats, based on the way she’s dressed. Eagerly awaiting the woman’s response, Levanna gave the woman her full attention.

She smiled at the tall woman, having to look up at her simply because their height difference made it so, the name given would make it easier to look through the records later. The SSI Program, a flash of emotion, as brief as a flash of lightning crossed her smiling face; causing a slight frown before it was quickly replaced by a hand being extended towards Levanna, "Nice to meet you, Miss Sharpe, my name is Nomine Asakura, I'm also a graduate of the SSI Program, though you probably never met me during your time there." Whilst awaiting her hand to be taken, she glanced over the woman's body and examined the myriad of items, trinkets, patches, and clothing she wore on her person. It wasn't very subtle, but seeing as the one being looked over was a fellow A.H, she felt going through the steps would just complicate things.

Levanna grasped the woman’s extended hand, and shook, noticing the woman’s eyes glancing across her body armor. Pushing her bangs out of her left eye, Levanna thought to ask her what her role would be on the mission, but abandoned the thought when she realized that such a question could be interpreted as obtuse, given what the woman was wearing. We are protecting this woman, that puts her safety in the stead of Team Jericho and Osiris. In some ways, this obligation gave Levanna a position of power over her. However, Levanna was not a commanding officer on her team. I’m merely a PMC thug, who follows orders. Levanna took comfort in the simplicity of this thought, knowing that if her team failed in some way to protect their charges, the consequences of it would not be Levanna’s to share alone.

“Ohh that’s good to know! When did you graduate Miss Asakura? Did you specialize in a diplomatic field?”, Levanna asked as they shook hands, once again pushing her bangs out of her left eye.

Nomine grasped the woman's hand firmly and shook it back, three times both up and down before pulling away with practiced ease and grace, "Oh, haha .. how old are you, if I might ask?" She would say whilst chuckling a tiny bit, though she automatically assumed older due to the fact she was just simply that much taller then her; overbearingly so. It would be a sight to see her in a fight, for sure. "Suffice to say, no, I didn't specialize in anything. I simply entered the program and came out the other end a graduate." The two talking was akin to a giant talking to a little girl, oddly amusing but nothing too special that required specific amounts of emotion to display. Brushing a fallen bang out from the front of her eyes, she looked down at her datapad and nodded, before looking back up.

"I should also ask what you specialized in then, hmm? You have the bearing of a veteran, your stare and the way you handle your weapon with practiced ease," She raised a hand and pointed back behind her, from where Kyro currently resided. "You like the one leaning on the wall so non-chalantly over there?" She would ask, finally including the man in the conversation.

Kyro would not look at Nomine and reply "It's Lieutenant, but thanks for involving me into the conversation. Haven't been in one of those for... three years." He would remain against the wall then look at Levanna "Im Kyro-vek Draguun, nice to meet you. Tip for combat, never get cocky." Kyro would then turn to his uniform and start fixing the buttons, he was clearly bored.

“Oh, well let me rephrase that. I didn’t specialize in anything but they thought I was a talented markswoman, so they assigned me as a designated marksman to Team Jericho. I guess I meant to ask what you’re good at.” Noticing Kyro’s presence, Levanna split her attention between the two of them.

“I appreciate your observation Nomine, but I’m no veteran. Just a well-honed product of SSI and a lifetime of combat training. Oh, and...thanks for the advice Kyro!”

Kyro would finish with his uniform then look at the two girls at say" Listen, it may sound stupid, but trust me the advice helps, I've seen too many good soldiers of mine die because of that and I don't need that crap again. It may be cleche but it's true. Spent too long in the military to not know that. And from the looks, you haven't seen a bloodbath yet." He would point at the black on his uniform "Theres a good reason why mine is black and gold and not blue." Kyro would then grab the hilt of his sword and then go to the other side of the cargo bay.

Terry Desmosa would walk into the room with a smile on his face. "Salve!" He would yell as he waved. "Quid est omnium?"

"Does anyone here speak Seraphim?" He would say as he pointed to himself and then the group.

Natyli would be the next to walk in. "You know I do!! Don't get too hurt out there since I'm the one who has to patch you up."

Terry would brigthen up at Nat's voice. "Qui sunt isti fatui natura?" He would jerk his thumb at Jericho.

"Thats the members of Team Jericho Des."

Kyro from across the room state "Ok, Who brought the drop bear." Kyro would then walk up to the group and then say "I don't want to deal with another one of those again, nomatter how nice their hide are." He would say gesturing at Terry.

"Quid in irrumabo est dicere?"

Kyro would just shake his head and say " I'm of to find Eve, at least I can understand her." Then he would walk off to find Eve.

Nomine didn't understand what was bothering Kyro so much about the big guy, sure he
hdefinitely towered over both herself and Levanna, but that wasn't a reason to call someone's first encounter with another team mate, "Hey there, welcome to the party, big guy. I never had the chance to learn Seraphim, but I'm eager to learn now; never know when I might encounter a Patrician out there." She would say, smiling up at the giant. Why the hell did everyone else but her recieve a growth spurt?. Shifting a bit on her feet, having to adjust to the fact she wore heels to a casual conversation, she looked towards Levanna and nodded.

"And to that, I say, bull. You may as well be a veteran if you managed to survive all that relatively intact," And adding towards the comment, she looked up at Terry, then towards Natyli. "Looks like the duo's arrived, nice to finally put a face to the names. Sorry about him, he's ... an odd one." Her head would turn and tilt, gesturing towards the back that belonged to the leaving Kyro.

"Hoc est maximum et audire quæ reptatus de asino?" Terry would beam at Nomine.

"He said that's great to hear. Along with something else concerning the 'blast from the past'." Natyli would translate.

"I wish I knew what those words meant myself, but my own fault for not taking lessons in Seraphim," Nomine crossed her arms. "Then again I never expected Psychopomp would ever interact with the 'angels' directly so .." She shrugged and looked up at the giant of a man once more, "So tell me, how would I greet you in Seraphim?"

Terry would grin and yell. "Salve!!"

She nodded, "Salve Terry," The words that came out sounded foreign and strange, Nomine was also certain the accent was wrong and badly pronounced. "Well, it's a start - how do I say 'I'm going to kill you'?"

After having Natyli translate for him. Terry would think for a minute before saying. "Im 'iens ut te occidere."

For a few moments Nomine looked down at her feet and placed a hand under her chin, locks of hair falling forward, before she lifted her head and nodded.

"Salve Terry, im 'iens ut te occidere."

She smiled after saying that to the giant, it somehow making her feel a little less short and tiny.

Kyro returning would state "Forget it she's invisible, what is everyone else up to back here?" He would turn to then say "So, why..." waving away the statement that was clearly towards her "What's the point of impressing people you've never meet." He says rubbing his head frustrated. "Seems like you're preventing the inevitable from happening."

Terry would chuckle. "Habes mirabilem sensus humor."

Terry would then point at one of the corners. "Quin exi anguli?"

Michael and Eve would walk out from a door tucked away in the back of the room. "You have an uncanny ability for sensing people Terry." Michael would say as he leaned against the door frame.

Kyro would turn to Michael "You know, bringing me to a welcoming party is not a great idea. I don't deal with Suits unless it's a military report." Then he would turn his attention to Eve then say " Do you understand the crap this Dropbear is saying?" gestering at Terry.

Eve would smile. "Of course I do it's my native language after all."

Kyro would look at Terry then back at Eve. He would sigh then say " Well seems like he was in the..." Stoping he would grab the hilt of his sword
jand ask "What's today?" He seemed stressed.

"I believe that it's a Wednesday." Michael would say. He was quite anxious about discovering the new species.

Kyro would nod, sigh, then rip his sword out and storm off exclaiming "Fuck Ace, you and your damn promises are going to get me killed. Why did I have to promise you that!" Well, I have to keep my promise, your dead when I find you old friend. .

Ace who had been in the room accross the hall would lean out. "What you want!?"

Kyro would end up in a small empty room. He would close the door then collaps to his knees and then slice his left hand several times with his sword in a furry. Once he was done and bleeding from his hand he would start crying softly and singing in a mellow and stern tone. He would create a small echo whilst he song on point his so whiles me morned over knowing his friend was dead. The only person he's shown emotion to.

The ship's pilot would come on over the PA system. "The planet is within sight now. We should be arriving in the next couple of minutes. Get your gear and a breathing mask then head to the airlock. I won''t be near the ground very long so you'll have to jump and establish an LZ for me."

Nomine looked over towards the sound of the PA crackling to life, shoulders straightening out as she breathed in through her nose, exhaling afterwards as she gave a silent moment's greeting to the new arrivals with a smile. Unfortunately, it seemed their time to socialize was over and it was time for business to start. Or conclude abruptly.

She hadn't brought much gear with her, the other teams being the muscle and all, so Nomine just dressed and equipped herself as a civilian representative of Psychopomp LLC. In a business dress, high heels, and a datapad.

"Right, let's get to work then. You're all professionals so," She nodded her head at them all and walked off to grab herself a breathing mask from the stock equipment they had as 'standard' for ships of their kind.

Natyli would translate for Terrerry, then the two would head off to grab their gear and a breathing mask.

Team Osiris had had already gotten suited up in their basic gear, already having grabbed oxygen masks, and had simply been waiting for the call to report to airlocks. So the group made their way down.

Michael stood up and cracked his knoed his knuckles About time we've been couped up in here for weeks. "Ok you heard the man lets go! I'll personally beat your ass if you're late!" He then ran off to get his gear with Eve following close behind.

Kyro would get out of the room in silence all of his gear he had on him the whole ride then follow after Nomine without a word. His left hand was bleeding after being cut multiple times but he couldn't feel pain so it didn't bother him.His face was also like a husk, he looked the same but you could tell the dead inside of him.

The transport would come down low to the planet and the airlock doors would open. "Go! Go! Go! I'm leaving in 10 seconds!" The Pilot would shot. "Sensors are picking up movement watch yourselves down there."

Nomine gave Kyro the strangest look as she glanced at his bleeding hand, a flash of concern mixed with genuine worry for the man's mental condition as she hopped out the airlock doors. She didn't understand why the pilot was in such a hurry to get them out, irregardless of his warning, and took her time to look around for the supposed movement.

Ediblebat would get off the ship, and take in his surroundings.

Kyro grew very impatient and got off the ship.

Team Osiris would jump out next followed closely by the two supports.

The ship would then start to lift off again but it wouldn't get more than a few feet higher before a large boulder would collide with it sending it spiralling back to the ground crashing nearby. The pilot would then come over comms. "Damnit! What was that?! Get over here I'm stuck controls collapesed on me! Engine is shot too. Everything else is fine though."

"Im ok, I think?" Ediblebat would then try to help the pilot.

Nomine looked incredulously as a boulder, a boulder of all things, came flying from out of nowhere to smash into the ship she had just spent the last couple of hours in. All the gifts she had meticulously planned, packaged, and put together for their first-contact with an alien species. If this was a joke she hoped it was one made by a freak of nature instead of the inhabitants of this planet. Breathing in, she adjusted herself and crossed her arms, looking around to make sure their area was secure before making way towards the crashed transport.

"Calm down, pilot! It was a .. rock, of all things. Can you get it working again? Or is it a lost cause?"

She asked with equal measure patience and impatience, unsure which as her face and lips scrunched up. Nomine hated it when the plans she envisioned didn't match up to reality.

Kyro would walk over to Nomine then hop into the ship to try and salvage something that was for the 'inhabitence'. "Let me try and find something." he would say in a very monatone and depressed voice, but his face has not changed from when he left the ship.

The pilot would look up at the group disbelief on his face. "A rock hit me? Well that doesnt happen everyday. Also I can't check the damage when I'm trapped in the cockpit. Nothing else is broken on board though so we should be fine."

Kyro would realize that the cargo was fine so headed to the cockpit and attempt to free the pilot. Again in his monatone voice "How are you stuck? what can I do to get you out?"

The dashboard would begin to blare. "Check that everything is not fine we got mulitple nibogies coming in get ready. I'll be fine here. Hand me a pistol and I'll control the turrets from here. We can handle getting me loose after we handle this."

Kyro would hand him the pistol that was on the wall. "Ok, the Cargo's fine I'll notify the others." He would head out of the ship and tell Nomine "Get in the ship we have company." Then he would dash out to the others ripping his sword free and say "We have company! Get ready!"

Ediblebat, gets ready to fight.

Nomine was visibly confused as she heard Kyro telling her that they were going to have company, which, under normal circumstances was a good thing. The deadpan look on his face didn't help her in the slightest either as she tried to gauge what sort of information he found out that she didn't know. His urgent tone and the drawing of that large hunk of metal he called a 'sword' alerted her to the situation they were in as she heard the sounds nearby, quickly hopping into the safe interior of the ship.

The one time I decide not to pack a side arm.

The pilot would shiver as the sounds of whatever had knocked his ship out of the sky got louder. The turrets on the ship would begin firing as soon as the beasts got into range. One could tell how the battle was going by the pilots yells. "Got one!" Or a "Shit!" The gun fire would continue then an audible alarm would ring through the ship. "Turret 3 destroyed." Later one and four would go as well. "Airlock integrity at 50%."

Ace would get up from his seat. "Let's give our guests a warm welcome folks."

The airlock would make a loud crunch as 4 large animals with sharp teeth and large hands lumbered in.

Ace would quickly shoot at one the round getting caught in the beast's thick fur not damaging the animal.

Kyro would notice the ceatures going after Ace. Kyro would then dash back to the ship grabing Nomine and then placing her into the cargo bay, he would also giver her his Fatboy then go to get the pilot unstuck.

Nomine blinked, confused at the turn of events as she was ready to run into the back of the ship to look for a weapon. The sound of the pilot's urgent voice calling out expletives and a variety of other kill-marks alerting her to the impending doom that was about to break through their ship at any moment. A few seconds later she found herself standing in the middle of the cargo bay, an energy rifle in her hands. It had all happened so fast she barely had time to react as she immediately run back out of the cargo hold and opened fire on one of the four large animals stepping onto PP LLC property.

The one time I decide that being a negotiator and looking the part's important ..

The beasts would roar in anger as the engry rifles would hit their thick fur. Swinging wildy one of them, the largest of the group, would move back behind the others. It would reach out and try and grab the prey infront of it to drag outside where it could bash its skull in against the large metal bird that had invaded its territory. The other three were vigorously smashing their large forearms into anything that moved.

Ace would plunge one of his daggers into the closests beast his forearm sinking all the way into the beasts fur before he finally connected with it's hide. The beast would respond by roaring in pain. "I think melee is our best option for fighting these things."

The pilot would look up at Kyro anger and pain on his face. "What the fuck are you doing back here you need to kill those things that got on the ship! Now get back there!"

Kyro would hear what Ace said and then he would run out of the cockpit then jump out and slice at the elbow of the one Ace just stabbed. While he swung he was roaring like a Drop Bear.

Nomine looked around for some sort of melee weapon, a sword like Kyro's or a sharpened piece of metal that had dislodged itself from the ship. Finding none, she resumed shooting the energy rifle into the distracted beasties, taking pot-shots whenever she was sure their attention had been diverted and brought to bear upon the much more well-built Ace and Kyro.

Kyro would look up after slicing the creature infront of him then shout "Aim For the Fat bastard in the back!" Then continue roaring like a drop bear and slicing the creature.

As Kyro moved towards the largest of the group it would give a grunt and the other 3 would move to block Kyro's path and swipe at him so his only path was to get hit or move back.

As this happened Ace would step forward with Anton the two picking up one of the beasts and throwing it into the others. Due to their tight grouping the leader would be left open as the other three scrambled to get back up. Tyko and Angela would then rush forward and hit the beast over the head with their staffs knocking it unconscious.

With their leader now unable to give them commands the other three would flee outside.

Nomine peeked out from behind the bulkhead she took cover behind, letting the hefty LASR in her hands fall to one side, one still holding it by the grip as she approached the creature; staring at it with an almost pitiful stare. She nudged it's head with the tip of her heel and pushed in, making herself a sort of target as she placed the barrel of the energy rifle up against the 'hole' she made and opened up. Dull sounds of energy fire and sizzling flesh soon filled the ship compartment, with Nomine not satisfied until she could smell cooked brains.

The fact she even knew what cooked brains smelled like was disconcerting.

Throwing the rifle back towards Kyro, she turned towards the rest of the group and smiled, "Right, so .. I'm assuming these weren't the new species, yes? Mr. Romanov wouldn't have wasted valuable company assets and munitions for a fake sell, after all."

If it was then they had just made a terrible, but not unworthy, first impression on the savages.

Natyli would come out from one of the nearby rooms. "No these aren't the ones we're looking for. We were sent to make contact with some sort of plant people."

Kyro would pick up the Fatboy that Nomine tossed at him then turn to Natyli. "The pilot is stuck under the dashboard, can you help him out. I'm getting out of this small ship. The time I enjoy ships is when Bears fly." Kyro would then start walking out the ship.

Natyli would call Terry who would follow her to the front of the ship. Once they reached the front the pilot would begin cursing. "Fuck that hurts! Stop pulling so hard Damnit! I said stop pulling there's a release behind the chair you can slide me out with the chair after you pull it!"

Natyli would scream back. "Stop whining god Damn! Even I must have bigger balls than you!" Silence would follow until a soft clunk would be heard. "There done happy? Then call for a new ride."

"I would if I could the antena needs to be fixed luckily we have all the parts we need onboard."

When Kyro went outside he would be pounced upon by six of the beast who had been hiding on the roof of the ship. They would quickly move to disarm him and begin to carry him off before giving up and leaving with his gear.

Kyro would start screaming nonsence then start chasing after them Roaring like a drop bear and swearing at the top of his lungs untill he just gave up and started walking back to the ship. On his chest were huge scars and his sword birthmark and Dragon tattoo was showing.

The beasts would stop and rethink their plan before dropping the things they couldn't use then running at a faster pace.

Kyro would hear his stuff be thrown down and he would quickly run over and grab his stuff then jog back to the ship. Once he got there he would get into the ship then walk to the cargo bay and only say "Like what you see?" When he got to the bay he would put on his uniform and attach his weapons back on but would not say a thing when he walked back to where everyone else was at.

Michael would throw a knife into the ground infront of Kyro. "At least try to be professional we're supposed to be diplomats here. You got stripped because you walked out when the area wasn't secure yet."

Kyro would look Michael in the Eye with a dead-mans expression and say "You think I'm a diplomat? When bears fly, I was sent here to be muscle. I have no intent to do what Nomine does." Kyro would pick up the knife then stab it into the wall. "I have no intrest into talking to thieves, for all I care those apes can die, that was an expesive sword." Kyro would then lean against the wall ignoring everyone with his eyes full of hate.

"As far as I'm concerned, those 'things' aren't our diplomatic imperative. They attacked us and had every intent to .." Nomine paused for a moment as she lifted her right foot up, a handkerchief being produced from her breast pocket as she wiped off some brain matter and hair stuck to her heel. "Tear us apart and eat us." She finished, folding the handkerchief onto it's opposite, much cleaner end; pocketing it again.

"So we can shoot and kill as many of them as we want."

She looked towards Kyro and smirked, "I'm sure it's not the last time we'll see them, tough guy. You'll get your sword back. One way or another."

With another look towards Michael, she tilted her head towards the open airlock, "Well ..? Go on and secure the area. I'm not exactly clothed for war, you know. We still have to make contact with the natives of this planet and --" She thrust a thumb over her shoulder, pointing towards the cargo bay. "We have cargo that needs to be delivered to them, by hand if need be, and the ship's busted. So if you could go on ahead with the rest of Team Jericho and Osiris, I and the company would be grateful."

She said all of this with a smile, her mood having improved after frying the creature's cranium.

Kyro would not pay attention to the rest of the speach but would only say "I'll make sure they die a painfull death worst than sald on your heart while it still beatting." then the would slide the knife out of the wall and throw it into the beast's face going into the exposed brain.

Anger would quickly flash accross Michael's face as the full force of the humilitaion hit him but he would quickly regain control. "Jericho we're taking inventory Osiris wants to secure the area make your way to the cargo holds."

Team Osiris would jump out the ship's ravaged airlock and quickly set up a perimeter. "All clear looks like those six were the last ones."

Nomine pulled the knife out of the beast's head, cleaned it off on it's fur, and subsequently hopped out of the airlock; datapad clasped between the fingers of her other hand. As she looked around the area herself, double-checking the perimeter Osiris had set up she noted how brash her words were. She liked them all well enough but there wasn't time for friendly reminders when a quick, brutal hand to the face would suffice. She wanted action, not fingers pointed at the other. If Michael had time to admonish Kyro for his idiocy, then he had time to get his own people to make sure that the idiocy didn't happen again.

"Right, plant people, where are we going to find the plant people ..."

Now that the area was calm and secured the group could see that they had 'landed' in the middle of a large field covered in tall grass for as far as the eye could see. Definetly not the best place to set up but then again it was only supposed to be temporary. Now that it was more permanent the team would have to hurry to find any form of transport that could carry them.

"All I know is that we won't find anything other than grass for mile here. Don't we have some buggies in the cargo bay? Did they survive the fall?" Anton would say as he dragged in one of the beasts corpses. "Think these things taste good?"

Nomine looked over towards the dead carcass Anton dragged in, raised a brow and chuckled, "I've no idea .. why don't you try roasting it over a fire?" She would say, walking back towards the airlock as she called out to Kyro. "Hey, Kyro! Can you check if the buggies survived the crash? And our product?"

Kyro would look at Anton and reply "Better start a fire then, I wouldn't mind eating some theives." He would then look outside the airlock then shout "Nomine, I checked the but I think you're better at identifying what these 'buggies' are." he would then start walking to get out of the ship equiping his IBR and holding it ready for a fight. His eyes cold and dead inside, giving anyone who looks him in the eyes chills.

Anton would haul the great beast's corpse onto a spit and would soon have a fire raging over which the meat would be suspended the skin having been carved off and was now hanging to dry. "We can use the fur and whatnot to make things such as blankets or a shelter." The large man would say.

Tyko and Angela would head into the hold and take a full inventory of the supplies. Thanks to the pilot's expertise in the crash landing the cockpit took most of the damage so anything that wasn't fragile seemed to survive the crash.

A signal had been sent back to HQ and a ship was on its way with more people and supplies that would arrive in a few short days.

As Anton finished cutting the meat into more manageable sizes for cooking the sun would begin to set, signalling the end of the first day on the planet.
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