Star Army

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RP: Terraforming Ake [Terraforming Ake] P1 - Dust Bowl Children


Ovine Member
Inactive Member
The Hole In The Wall on Dawn Station was a popular hangout for some Nepleslian employees of Origin Industries. A spacious, Abwheran-run pub in the traditional sense, it was always home to five or more mumbling, manly steveadors in from one freight run or another. The room was mostly bright mahogany wood: floor, tables, chairs, booths, you name it-- everything was wooden excepting the odd red leather trim here and there. This was offset by a low and soft yellow lighting scheme ushered unto the wide chamber with shaded hanging lights. On slow nights, which was most nights, the proprieter would emerge from the back room amidst clinking bottles and foaming mugs of ale with his accordian in one pair of hands and a recorder in another to give his regulars a spectacle of four-armed musical wonderment. On occasion, someone could be bothered to bring a clarinet or a lute to the party, and the two buxom-enough-for-Oktoberfest barmaids would take a seat at one of the wooden tables and have a few drinks themselves.

It was also a popular choice for its proximity to one of the many departure stations to many of Origin's constantly in-and-out freighters. With the wheels of commerce constantly turning on Dawn Station, goods were coming in-and-out and the low-lit bar was the perfect place for a layover well-spent.

Due to its location, it was chosen as the place where Ake's second Terraforming Team would meet for the first time before going off on their expidition together. This is partly due to fate, and partly due to the fact that this is a role-playing game, where meeting in a tavern is customary. It was where the first team had met before their own ill-fated journey; not that anyone involved was aware of that. The orchestrator of the flight, Daziel Burton, had not yet arrived to the bar; though two members of the team had.

They were situated on the far end of the bar, opposite the fun and commotion of the accordian music and buxom maidens. The two of them also left a space between themselves, clearly already acquainted and already disliking one-another. The first was Spencer William Franklin, the Fifth. He was a tall older man with wispy, greying hair and an odd take on the Origin Uniform. In place of the standard tie, Spencer opted for a bolo. In place of the adorable garrison cap, the older man sported a short black hat with a wide, flat brim. The same way a steak is served with a little sprig of decorative parsely, Franklin also kept a handrolled cigarette dangling from his lips as he looked bitterly down into his beer and muttered to the man two seats over, "Strellan."

"Franklin." Replied the middle-aged shipwright, Niel Strellan. He was also an older man, though not quite-so-old as Franklin. With short, thinning flaxen hair, the wrinkled and smudged Origin Uniform looking like it'd been worn for years; anyone could tell he was a wash-up of sorts.

"Well." Franklin said without looking after a silence passed between them. "I s'pose I orghta say I'm sorry I wrote up your enclosure. But, shit, son, y' didn't have to be a dickweed about it."

"Mister Franklin, if you people in the field team hadn't over-stuffed it--" Niel turned with a hand outstretched to begin the lecture, but stopped himself abruptly and turned to face the back of the bar again and collect himself. "Look, just forget about it."
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Yori Kataoka walked into The Hole In The Wall and glanced around some. She was wearing a standard Origin Industries uniform with slacks instead of the pencil skirt however., she wasn't confident enough in her figure to flaunt around a skirt. She had been assigned to take part in a terraforming mission and while it wasn't exactly her ideal job, her manger put her up for it, saying that she needed to get out off the station some and see the other side of Origin that's not just about making things in a work shop. After a quick glance at a file on her PHC to check the faces of her team members she walked around slowly until she noticed both Strellan and Fraklin at the far end of the bar and decided to head over.

At only 24 years of age both men had quiet a few years on her in terms of life experience. "Hello, I'm Kataoka, you guys are with the Terraforming expedition right?"
The two men's first instinct was to say 'Who's askin'?' and look suspiciously at the newcomer. Neither of them went with that instinct, but the desire to do so was plain enough by their expression as the two turned in unison with affirmative sounding grunts to eyeball the new girl. After a moment's inspection, Strellan determined the identity of the young woman who'd intruded on their bitter dislike for one another.

"Kataoka, right?" Asked the shipwright with sideways look, "They told me they brought you in to work on my machine."

His machine. The APS. The first thing that didn't have the word 'enclosure' or 'mechanism' in its name to come off of Niel's drafting table and into production for a long time. And they sent the rising young star from the PA development section to help him with it. Niel stuck out a hand to shake, though he didn't smile. Franklin, on the other hand, turned back to his beer.
:: Dawn Station : Temp Housing ::

Being cramped in the suite of rooms that was designed for a much smaller family, the October Clan spent many weeks there going through the final testing and qualifications. The first to be cut from going with the first wave to the planet was Grandma. She was just too old and moved to slowly to be asset to the team that was leading the way into a hostile environment. Which added to the growing tension to the family unit, making Grandma insufferable at best of times to the rest of the family.

Next to be cut was Mother due to she developed an allergy to several of the inoculations needed to become part of the team. If she wasn’t going, her dad threatened to pull the whole family from the project and demand that the family be sent to another planet where they could start all over. They just smirked and waved the contracts in his face and dropped him from the roster with a debt to be repaid for transportation this far.

It was down to her and her four brothers to either be eliminated or succeed in making the team to shoulder the family debt and pay it off by going on the project. At least it would give the five of them a fresh start. They became known as the “October Five” to the rest that was going on the first wave to the planet.

:: Dawn Station : Hole In The Wall ::

The ‘October Five’ arrived at the tavern wearing their origin outfits looking fresh from the Farm, even though it had been 7 months since being shipped out here to begin the final preparation before going planet-side. Sapphire, being her first time in a place that served alcoholic beverages, stared wide eyed around the place as they made their way to a large table to that would hold the five of them. The two eldest of the ‘Five’ sat on each side of her. Third brother ordered drinks for the five of them and her drink was alcohol free.

“I’m surprised they didn’t rent a banquet room for this sort of thing.” Commented the fourth brother. “Whot type of outfit is Origin anyway?”

“The one that is the originator of this project.” Sapphire spoke softly, feeling uncomfortable in a drinking establishment, expecting Granny, or Dad, or Mom to burst in through the door of the establishment and drag her kicking and screaming from the place.

Her bothers rolled their eyes making room for the waitress to place their drinks on the table before them. When that was done, they grabbed their drinks and raised them together. “New beginnings of the October Dynasty. May Fortune smile upon us that our family may be re-united!” They clinked glasses together and drank heavily the first drink down in toast for the new endeavor they was about to embark on.
Each knew secretly that the family was finally broken and the five of them were on their own. That the elders of their family were probably being shipped off someplace else as displaced persons to a company town someplace in the vast universe if they wasn’t able to land a job on the station.

The five of them fell quiet as they really didn’t have much to talk about like back home on the ranch were there was always something to talk about. Future plans, past activities, school. Latest affair of the brothers and the question of any boys interested in Sapphire, where she went to school in the Community where they had lived.

The five of them missed the open air of the range and Ranch and tired of being cooped up in a tin can where the sky was always black with pinpricks of light from the stars. Stale air even though it was fresh and sterile. It was dead without the wind blowing grit about.

Each drifted off into their own thoughts as they sipped the second round of their drinks, waiting for something to happen.
A tall , quiet man shuffled in shortly after Kataoka and he looked absolutely miserable. He wore a immaculate origin industries uniform , slacks and a pair of thick rimmed glasses. When he saw the group forming he could not help but sigh aloud again. His sad little shuffle carrying him to the bar where he ordered a beer. As he waited for the preferably cold and frosty beverage, he stole nervous glances as Minkan female made her introductions.

His fingers drummed a bit on the counter top . “ Aps” he muttered.
Yori shook Niel's hand and offered a smile. "The Atmospheric Purification System right? I've been looking over the technical files they gave me. I'll do what I can to assist in maintaining it. It was a pretty complicated assembly." She didn't say that out of flattery, even with her know how, this was not her field of expertise and she wasn't arrogant enough to think she'd be better at repairing something than the inventor. "If this mission is a success the APS will get a lot of attention for being able to terraform such a hazardous planet."
A tiny, raven haired, snow white Neko wearing a black Origin security uniform slowly stepped into the room and briefly surveyed the area. Noticing the old men at one end of the room Akemi naturally, briskly snatched a seat at the opposite side between the barmaids. Sure, she recognized the pair of old fossils, but she knew she'd have all the time in the world to get acquainted with them later whether she wanted it or not. Thinking about how to kill time she decided to openly ogle the waitresses for fun while she tried to come up with a quip to describe how old Spencer was. She had it. If he were any older they might as well start surveying him. In another time period a mission could end before it had even begun just by looking at him. He looked old enough to hit with a pickax and strike oil. As the elfin eared woman sized up the hostesses she shifted slightly in her miniskirt and adjusted her ball cap.
"Yeah, it's gonna be yet another feather in the company's headdress." Niel joked, letting a semblance of a smile creep over his tired features. He didn't bother to laugh at his own joke, but the tension was eased a little. Franklin, meanwhile, was satisfied to grunt and take another deep swallow of the hausbru. His mug hit the bar at about the same time as the waitress could be bothered to settle the miserable-looking Yamataian with a beer of his own before returning to check on the October Five and the growing noise of festivities in the back.

Said festivities were picking up because of one reason in particular. The group of cargo lifters at the furthest back table knew a rowdy Neko when they saw one-- and Akemi was the rowdiest they'd seen in some time. With some coaxing, they imagined, the tiny red-eyed spitfire could be enticed to make out with one of the barmaids. Or so they imagined. So, as soon as Koga took a seat at the table, there was a chorus of "Yo, Orisec!" mixed with a drunken and enthused, "-'ave y'silf a beer, yeah?"

And so, sitting between the two stocky well-endowed Abwheran women with fake blonde hair, Akemi was presented with a mug of the hausbru.

And, as if some divine presence was somehow arranging the series of events in the universe, Daziel Burton was still nowhere to be seen because not all of the player characters had shown up yet.
Introduction were always lengthy, some people always took a bit longer to show up, than others. So that was why Alice walked into the bar, where she was supposed to meet the rest of the mission a bit late. She was clad in ugly Tansaku uniform, but she had a duster over which made it look a bit cool. She also preferred that it hid the gun on her belt. A good old sizi pistol. The woman scanned the room with pair of perceptive brown eyes. Finally the eyes set themselves on the part of old-timers and she headed there way.

"Good day sirs," Alice said to both men and only gave an eye to other people around them. The bosses came in first, she can mingle later. "I assume you are Mr. Frankling and Mr. Strellan." Well it was no assumption, as she knew very well how Franklin and Strellan looked like, and as she was a Minkan, a single quick connection to the network could confirm it even more. "My name is Alice Mason, I am your doctor. Detached from Scientific Studies Services for your expedition."
Finally, Franklin turned around. His glazed emeralds shone in the dimly lit bar as he surveyed the newcomer who finally didn't have a Yamataian name. Seeing that it was a suitably attractive woman, Spencer made a grunt of approval. It sounded like any of his other grunts, except perhaps a bit higher in pitch. Expressionless, he shoved a calloused, leathery hand out to the sawbones and said, "Well, welcome aboard. The boss ain't showed up yet, but I think I like it better that way so far. That feller gives me the creeps. This one," Franklin jutted a thumb to Yori, "Is Miss Kataoka, technician. The one over here," Franklin turned his fist on a swivel to indicate the Yamataian at the bar, "Only just tapped 'is fingers and mumbled about the APS-- reckon he's with us too."
Akemi turned to face the men and gave them a simple, plain smile. "Sure." Several large gulps followed. Then she briefly, blankly looked to the women on either side of her. "So, either of you on the menu?" Of course the Neko didn't actually let herself get intoxicated. She didn't need any to loosen up for what was to come. It'd only get in the way of her fun and she wanted her performance to be top notch.
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Alice took the mans hand and shook it. Firm grip against firm grip, their right hands were shaken. Of course her hand was still young, her skin nice and pleasant on touch, given by her minkan body.

"Right," she said, she gave the yammie at a bar a bit of a frown and then looked back at Franklin. "I hope you won't need me too much, but seeing how most expeditions like this go, I am afraid I will be busy. Is this all we have plus your boss or will there be more? I will also need a medical files on you all. But I guess we can leave that for later. "
Yori glanced over at the commotion that was building, it wasn't hard to tell what was going on after looking only a little. She then turned attention back to the older men and Alice who was now present, extending her hand to offer her a hand shake. "It's nice to meet you. Like Mr.Franklin said, I'm Yori Kataoka, I'll be serving as a general technician on this trip."
Seeing the group gathering around the two gentleman that was at the bar and their table they chose was nearby to be part of the action, yet with room for themselves. They was eagerily looking forward to heading out. Listening to the other speak. It was an interesting group gathering.

After a few drinks and empty trays of finger food scattered about the table. And still not allowed to have a drink of alcoholic beverage. Sapphire's chance was fast fading or approaching. She just bid her time. It wasn't like she never had any before at parties, but then those ended up pretty much getting busted by the cops. In the meantime she would sneak drinks outta her bother's beers when they were distracted.
The man at the bar sighed in response to being pointed out. His hand gripped his beer tightly as he up-titled it to slug some of it back , before getting off his stool and listlessly shuffled towards the group . “Yes well... Yes. I guess I am“ was his big introduction. “ Morimoto Seiji. I guess I am your field researcher” his shoulders seemed to be in a permanent slump.
"Well, y' ain't gotta be a sadshit about it, boy." Franklin muttered to Seiji while dragging a match across the top of the bar. After cupping it over that unlit cigarette which'd been dangling from his lips since my first post, he uttered a puff of smoke that sounded a lot like, "No shame in getting some honest work done for once in your life. You Yamataian kids got it easy once you go home-- so jest get it done, grow some hair on your chest, and then you can fuck off back to Geshrintal with some cool scars."

While the cowboy-styled Nepleslian turned his fingers over another pile of tobacco and some loose paper, he looked back at Alice with a 'get-a-load-of-this-kid' expression, hoping she'd share in some of his distaste for the comfort of Yamataian society.

Meanwhile, both of the lusty barmaids were giggling away on either side of Akemi-- clearly being both part of the menu and an oft-ordered portion of it. They knew what pleasures awaited, and perhaps riches as well. After all, Neko had little use for sleep and food aside from as a luxury. Frequently, they became quite wealthy during their service to the Star Army, where food and sleep was provided free of charge on top of a healthy salary. So, natrually, one of them piped up-- the one who spoke better Trade-- and suggested, "We are on ze menu, Katzchen, so long as you can afford us~"

It was at this point that the October Five would notice that the quality of their service had begun to decline in rythm with the girlish laughter from a corner away.
Alice raised her eyebrows in show of agreement with Franklin. She then sat when to the door and hanged her duster, before returning to the bar and sitting down with two older man. "One gin-tonic please," she said to the bartender. "Don't go easy on the gin." The woman sat with straight back, clearly showing a disciplined, most likely military past. Her eyes were going on about the bar, noticing people, looking at their firearms. Her own pistol was no clearly visible, strapped to her side in a quick-draw holster.

"Just to make things clear, I am not Yamataian," Alice said to the old cowboy. and his compatrior. "I am not nepleslian either, I am from UOC. Which of course does not exist anymore. As far as I am concerned Yammie can go suck a dick and choke on it."
Yori watched Alice move back over to the bar without a hand shake and sighed some, lowering her hand and dusting her slacks off. She was starting to see that this might be an Intersting crew if you were to put it nicely. She wasn't very nationalistic herself so the comments about Yamatai did not bother her too much, for her it was just where she grew up. It was obvious she was feeling a little out of place though, the girl while not shy, was not exactly the out going type and she spent so much time in design rooms she wasn't exactly sure what to do to lighten the mood. "So..what made everyone decided to take this job up?" Ended up being all she could think to say.
The Hole in the Wall

Katsuragi Mako floated into the tavern, zipping in behind someone else as they held the door open for her. She brushed some if her mass of neon pink hair away from her purple eyes and looked for the group she was supposed to meet.

Mako was tiny, even for a mini neko she was tiny at six and a half inches tall. She wore an Origin security uniform, along with a heavy black coat, her pair of mini NSP's were strapped to her belt like someone from the old west would wear them and she had a wide brimmed black fedora sat on her head.

She spotted some others in familiar uniforms gathered away from all the fun and barmaids and zipped off in their direction.

"HELLOOO!" She said as she reached them. "I'm guessing you lot are the terriforming team? I'm Katsuragi Mako, Origin Security"
"Of course I can," Akemi smugly replied with a dismissive sideways tilt of her head and a barely audible exhalation from her perfectly sculpted nose, which she was clearly looking down from. "Though I think by the time I'm done with the two of you you'll feel like you should be paying me. How about we wait till then? In the meantime you can stand up and give your most esteemed customer a thorough look at the goods." Always searching for some good natured amusement, the mischievous Neko figured this was a pretty swell way to share and enhance hers. Hopefully the porters would be grateful that she was looking out for the common man.