Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

SYNC To: Toshiro Yuki From: Ketsurui Chiharu


To: Toshiro Yuki
From: Ketsurui Chiharu
Subject: Catching up

It has been a little over 10 years since we last spoke. I would like to meet up with you or teleconference with you, whichever is most convenient for your schedule to catch up.

Sincerest regards,

Ketsurui Chiharu

ON: Communications

Toshiro had a seat at a communications console, an Ironman armor standing nearby. The Yggdrasill patched him through, inviting the other end. Chiharu would find a response to her communication inviting her to chat in real time if desired, though Toshiro would use a simple text reply if she declined. He knew she was likely a busy young woman, after all...

She'd certainly come a long way from their meeting on the YSS Yui, it seemed...

Chiharu accepted the request and appeared on the screen. Her hair was longer than he had last seen her and she was wearing a deep crimson dress that clung to her figure and matched her eyes. She smiled brightly at him. "Toshiro-san. How are you?"

He smiled back. "Very well now...I must say I'm not sure which you want me to call you now. Koharu-san or Ketsurui Chiharu-sama. It seems you've found your way, and I'm glad for that. It certainly seems like the campaign's going well for you...even with just your accomplishments over the past decade alone, you'd be well suited to the position." Of course, the intent there was to convey that whether she felt that she was heir to Chiharu's accomplishments or not, she stood worthy on her own merits since...

"I have found myself troubled by what to call myself, so I don't blame you. I struggled with it for years and I have come full circle, please, call me Chiharu. We are friends, so please, don't feel obligated to refer to me as sama," a blush came across her fair cheeks as she pushed her hair back behind her ears, a nervous bit that persisted still. "I just wanted to do something for Yamatai again, more than I was doing on Virginia, as Chiharu. I see the statues and hear people say my name but... I died during a war among millions that perished. I wanted to be more than a memory." Her eyes flicked down for a moment and the shade of pink on her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson.

"I didn't call to ramble. I wanted to see how you were. I should have called you sooner. How are you?"

Toshiro was pleased to hear that she felt that way, and gave a nod. "I'm doing well enough. There isn't much going on in the salvage business at this point, but I managed to earn enough money to do alright during and just after the wars. Those days were pretty hectic. I made a few first contacts with the Sourcian ship, the Azoreans, and Gartagens in the first half of the decade; and Yggdrasill went sentient and sapient. She got it from a Sourcian AI upload from the Maras."

The Ironman Power Armor acting as a proxy for the ship's AI gave a wave. "Greetings, Chiharu-sama. I am glad you are doing well. I remember the events in question, though I was not yet "me" at the time. I suspect that you would comprehend unusual existential paradoxes though. Father has been raising me well."

"It's hard to believe it's been over a youngest sister's thinking about enlisting already, though our parents already lost my brother and are against it..." Toshiro said, noting the woman before him. "I'm impressed with all you've accomplished since we last met, and am glad you're doing well."

"Thank you, I really appreciate the kindness. It's been frustrating to say the least. To be Chiharu or not be Chiharu. I would think that with the Asterian Frontier and the issues going on, you would be able to find more to do in the Yugumo Cluster." Chiharu smiled gently. She returned the AI's wave. "Welcome to the Sector. What should I call you then?"

She took a moment to consider this. "How do you feel about her enlisting? It is a personal choice. I got to make it a few times in the past decade but I can understand your parents' concern. No one wants to lose another child to war. It hurts to out live what should be your legacy, it's more embittering when we could live for theoretically forever."

The machine replied. "I have accepted the name Yggdrasill. It is the name I have always had, the name I had upon waking, and I am comfortable with it. It is also fitting in that it seems to be a reference to a tree of life...and now I live. I like my name, and I thank you for your welcome."

Toshiro pondered for a moment before responding. "I remember how we all felt when Kensuke was lost. He went MIA in battle, so we didn't even get the luxury of knowing for certain. But at the same time, I know what it's like to feel like you have to go your own path. I went out into space in this ship in spite of my family's worries to find my place and honor my brother's post-war plans, and it's my youngest sister's turn to find her way. I'm nervous and worried, but I won't criticize. I understand it."

"As for work...battlefields or locations have to be fresh enough to have things in them. Those battlefields aren't really fresh. Add to that that Asteria is interested in securing whatever they can ship-wise from what I can tell, and there's a lot of competition there from the state for what have become slim pickings. I could see being hired to assist with construction and clearing efforts and the like, but salvaging in that area of space would put me at an overall disadvantage. Of course, salvagers can't complain without sounding like they're gunning for a war or loss of life. We always have to remember during the times of peace that it's a good thing." He gave a smile, knowing that it wasn't the most stable work...but hey, he had over a million in the bank at least.

"There is a sort of public works thing planned at Tokyo, but part of that is radiation cleanup. Word through the grapevine is that priority's going to be given to the former residents there though. Not sure how that'll play out yet, but we might do something there if they need more hands."

"So I've been hearing. Tokyo has a special place in my heart. It was the only period in my life where I was not a member of the Star Army. The idea was wonderful in concept but such things are easily shattered without the power to protect them and.. people destroying things from within," she shook her head.

"The concept of Asteria is intriguing. I remember the Mikado of Asteria when she was a young Lieutenant in the Army of the Precious Sword. It's interesting to see her have risen to the top to leave to lead her own little nation built on the ashes of another failed nation. I do hope to see the Yugumo Cluster flourish again," Chiharu seemed to consider what he had said about competition..

"Has the entire Cluster really been picked over so well? I see many unnamed planets that yet have been fully explored. I'm sure there are still things yet to discover, or perhaps, you could talk with the Chancellery of Asteria for salvage rights? Might be something to consider? I think Nepleslia is engaged in some sort of conflict as well, but I uncertain of their salvage laws. If you weren't a salvager, what might you do?"

He pondered, thinking on the matter. "I've been interested in long as these things are peaceful, I could seek out other opportunities. Of course, the time I discovered a planet, the Empire claimed it until it got too hard to defend. I don't think they ever went back, really...the Nepleslians might have claimed it by now. There are words of exploration to the Galactic West..." He said, pondering his options.

"There are. Would be interested in working with the Department of Colonization? I don't think we've seen much in the way of colonization missions in the recent years but I could talk to Yuumi-san and her people if you were interested in such a thing. I can't promise anything except that I can ask for you. I would like to see you continue to prosper and Yggdrasill experience new worlds."

Toshiro looked to Yggdrasill, who voiced her approval. "I'd be thankful for that, and scouting new worlds would be nice. However...might it be easier for treaties and such if we looked Eastward too? We appear to be surrounding the Nepleslians via the KMS on the map, and there are other groups to the West exploring...not that I'd mind exploring either."

"Things are shifting all around so this might be a good topic for the IRC in the coming months. But, I will ask her for you," Chiharu continued to smile. "The future is ever shifting, there is still much to see. So where are you home ported out of right now? I finally made it back to Planet Yamatai after all this time of running. You know, if your sister or parents would like to talk to me or ask me questions, I wouldn't mind answering. I've been responding to a lot of messages and I thought I would give sending some of my own a shot."

The color returned to her cheeks again, "I mostly reached out to you because I don't think I ever fully thanked you for breaking me from that purgatory of half-life. Thank you for giving me back my life." She bowed deeply and rose again, still blushing.

The man smiled, having seemed not to age or even visibly change since she last saw him. "You're more than welcome, Chiharu-san. Those who earn a living from the remains of battlefields have a duty to respect the dead, return the bodies, and help those survivors that they can manage to save. That's what separates salvagers from scavengers and raiders in my mind. Even if a legal duty of care doesn't officially exist for such a thing in some places, it certainly should. As for where I am, I'm on Yamatai right now. My mother doesn't accept 'being in space' as an excuse to skip out on end of year festivities, you know. With my sister pondering enlisting, the family was convinced to stay together a little longer after the start of the new year. That and Yggdrasill, well..."

Yggdrasill spoke next, clarifying. "I had my duties to perform as the yule tree. It is now family tradition which I take seriously."

"That sounds lovely. It is a wonderful thing to have people that want to spend time with you because they love you. It is a blessing that should not be overlooked. I haven't had much time with an actual family, so I am envious of you, Toshiro. Cherish these moments," Chiharu beamed before she addressed Yggdrasill with a nod. "That is quite an honor, Yggdrasill-chan! How do you act as the yule tree?"

Yggdrasill spoke with an inflection of pride. "Well, I rotate the hinges on my rear stabilizers, land on my engines vertically so that my green Vampire-class hull is made to resemble a tree, use my lights as flashing yule lights, and then I am finally decorated with heavy duty high-gauge industrial cables." It seems that it isn't the power armor itself which is used as a tree, but rather the entire spaceship...

Toshiro rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, my youngest sister didn't want to chop down a living tree just for the season, so instead of a normal plastic tree, Yggdrasill volunteered for the role. Of course, we have to do it away from the cities..."

Chiharu's crimson eyes got large at the description. "Sugoine! That's really amazing. I can imagine! I've never thought of doing that with a ship for yule. That was really inventive. Does your city come out to enjoy it? It sounds like something that would be a good tradition to take up."

Toshiro shrugged. "They haven't en masse really, in part because there's worry about the ship landing on its rear. Vampire-class ships usually aren't made of Yamataium like Yggdrasill nor land that way, so the numbers and sims all ran fine, but still. It's a 40 meter tall tower that wasn't meant to be used in that fashion. That's why we can't do it within 100 meters of the city limits or other properties. A few people visit sometimes though, and it is fun. The past few years we actually made trenches and buried the tail supports instead of folding them, so it's even more solid."

Yggdrasill elected to clarify. "Father legally obtained Yamataium through salvage and seeded my hull with it years ago. My current structure was 'grown' from that chunk over time. So I am a legally owned civilian vessel with a Yamataium construction. There was a point where the Empire investigated my construction and ruled that it was indeed legal through and through."

The green-jacketed male nodded. "Yeah, I remember that back and forth. I reported and gave the Empire reclamation rights on that chunk along with the rest. They didn't take it when offered, so it was golden. As for you,'re welcome to visit my family next year for the end of year celebrations, if you don't have anyone else to celebrate it with. Or if you don't want to do that...I'm sure that orphanage city, Tsubomi, would welcome you with open arms. I hear they had a nice celebration for it last year, and even have some kids from Jiyuu there."

"I would love to visit your family and Tsubomi sometime. I will do my best to make the time to come visit. I will have to make it out to Tsubomi sooner than later when I finish with these diplomatic meetings or between them," Chiharu continued to smile brightly. "Actually, Yggdrasill as the Yule tree is a really good idea. I would have never thought of it. It gives me an idea and I'll let you know."

He wondered just what kind of idea she had, but suspected that it would be a fine one. "They'll be glad to meet you, whether as Chiharu-san or Koharu-san. I never spoke of what happened on the Yui to them, or often at all, because I wasn't sure if that was something you wanted known...there is a religious aspect to who they believed you to be and I didn't think you wanted to be burdened with that if you sought to change your name." She'd be accepted either way. That was the message there. "Of course, please forgive my mother if she should make assumptions if you visit. She's been telling me to get a girlfriend for some years now. Or at least give me a bit of notice to clarify the situation for her to avoid an awkward moment."

"I will do my best, unless of course, you want you mother to think you are dating the Kami?" Chiharu chuckled a little bit at that thought. "I could play along for a little bit but I am afraid, I have never dated anyone so I would not really know how to act." Her ears perked at something in the background and she looked away from the screen for a moment. "Oh, it looks like I have to get going Toshiro-san! It was nice talking to you again. I hope I can visit with you soon."

Toshiro was a little surprised at her response, but smiled at the playfulness. "Ah, of course! Don't be a stranger! Good luck in the campaign!" He said, waving.

"Good bye, Chiharu-sama. May whatever form of Providence that exists support your endeavors." Yggdrasill said, waving as well. Evidently the vessel believed in the possibility of divinity, even if it couldn't define it.

The communication was closed and the meeting was concluded. Yggdrasill looked to Toshiro, analyzing something for a moment. "...Father, do you think she was offended in that I am not certain if she is a divine entity?"

Toshiro pondered for a moment before responding. "No, I don't think so. She more than anyone would be aware of the cult of personality that follows her...and likely feels out of control more than anyone else when it comes up. How would you feel if people just...worshiped you?"

Yggdrasill pondered the question. "...I would be a just and merciful god. Ha. Ha. Ha."

The pair laughed, and good will was sent Chiharu's way.
