Star Army

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RP [Ulyshi] Aashi Nath the Dream Stalker


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Parolov 29, 942
19:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

Aashi Nath, an Iromakuanhe and former pirate on a quest to claim what was once hers but lost to space and far from her reach, wore a void walker suit. It didn’t fit her horns quite well and kept her from blending in quite easily on Null, a Freespacer territory that she thought would be the first step in many to recovering her ship, the Devata.

She knew the way to case a place and eyed the stalls, food market, and the ship docking port individually. When she had been under the planet’s surface for a few hours surveying all there was to see, Aashi came to believe the best answer was to ask a question.

Who she asked that question to was of the utmost importance.

And, so, she chose wisely.

Her question came after she had approached an unmarked stall, closest to the port and with a rounded, monolithic Freespacer that bore the chrome outerwear of a Locksmith.

“Is there a gate that goes far North of here?” Aashi asked.

Her question was rebutted with another, “How far North?”


“You are under no flag you can claim nationality to,” said the monolithic ‘Spacer. “You will answer my question before I answer yours.”

“I know there are gates North of the Blue Rift,” Aashi said with eyes going between the two of the ‘Spacer’s eyes, studying them.

The ‘Spacer’s eyebrows twitched together. “I can take you to the very edge, the very North of the Blue Rift Expanse. No further.”

Aashi nodded curtly, “I would appreciate that, if that is what you can do.”

“Give me an hour to secure safe travels. Leave your things and enjoy the market.”

“I would appreciate that even more,” Aashi remarked. “Your name?”

“Travelsecurator-One Two 12-4982-6091.” The ‘Spacer nodded, continuing, “Come back here then and we will find you a way back to the Commonwealth.”

The name sent shivers down her spine. She had only them to worry about. ‘Spacers didn’t hold her piracy against her. The Nepleslian Premier had absolved her of all crimes she had committed in his space, but the Astral Commonwealth. The Astral Vanguard? Her footing there was unsure.

“I thank you,” Aashi said and departed from the stall.

“I know what you’re looking for,” came an uneven voice as a man sidled up next to her as she walked.

Aashi’s hand was on the Solanii pistol beneath her long, draping jacket and it was out of its holster, pushing towards the man’s side.

He felt the tip of the pistol jabbing him and chuckled, nervously but with an ounce of pride that was undeterred.

“Keep talking,” Aashi said, walking an even pace that was hard to match. The man was a little one, especially in comparison to her. He was outfitted in a void walker suit and carried an unconcealed weapon on his belt.

He made Aashi uneasy, as he should. She flung her eyes back to Travelsecurator’s stall, which was within eyesight, still. He was turned the other way, thankfully. She didn’t want his friendliness to end when he saw the trouble she caused.

“I said—“ Aashi began, but she was cut off.

“I said, ‘I know what you’re looking for.”’ He looked at her with a slight smile, but there was fear in the corners of his eyes.

“What is that?” Aashi asked.

The little man went on to say, “Let’s sit down.”

Aashi shook her head, black and blue hair shaking violently as she did.

“We keep walking, “ she said.

“Fine, then.” The little man looked grumpy, now, and raised his hands to push the pistol off of and away from himself. Aashi jabbed it in further.

“What do you have to tell me?” she asked.

“Your ship, Miss Nath, is not here.”

Aashi was livid, “I know that, but how do you know me?”

“You’re a legend,” was all he said.

Aashi asked, not flattered, “And you are?”

“An admirer.”

“Let’s sit.”

He said, “Let’s.”

When they had taken their seats, Aashi positioned her rifle on her knee, facing the little man in his void walker suit. She could see mousy brown curled hair and a clean shave beneath the helmet and wondered where he had gotten his information.

He told her something she wasn’t expecting to hear, “He lived.”

“Who lived?”

“The boy,” came the short response.

Aashi was confused and leaned on the only thing she had going for her, saying, “I have a gun pointed at you and you’re giving me little clues as to what you’re talking about. Who you’re talking about.”

“There was a boy. You and the boy were the only ones to survive.”

“Survive what? A raid? A what?”

The man smiled, “Precisely. What? He wouldn’t speak of it.”

“Where did you find this out?”

The little man said, “He came to ’Spacer territory, just like you. Landed a magnificent purple ship.” He then spoke her name, “The Devata.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

He told Aashi, “Like I said, I’m an admirer. That, and I know how much you make when you’re stealing. I want in on that.”

Aashi scoffed, “Only my crew get in on that.”

“Make me a part of your crew.”

She had only ever had Iromakuanhe crew members and this little man, she knew nothing of him.

“Family comes first.”


“Meaning I can’t hire you,” she told him. “Family first.”

“Then what is all this for?” he asked, standing and raising his arms.

“Like you said, because you’re an admirer.”

“I have a crew of my own,” he said with an involuntary twitch of his cheek.

Aashi’s eyebrows knit together as she flung her free hand to her other waist and grabbed her Solanii carbine and lifted herself from her sitting position to turn to guard her back while pointing her pistol above the table, at the small man.

Behind her were two fiendish void walker suit-clad men of opposing heights and with scowls behind their helmets. One of them had already brought his arm down to sweep Aashi’s carbine out of her hand, but Aashi rejected that idea and, instead, brought the carbine up and to his face, hitting him square on the helmet’s front, impacting while she brought her knee up to her own chest and jutted out her heeled boot towards him.

The man flew backwards after she had kicked him and she directed her attention to the man to her other side, knocking her elbow into his face before pistol-whipping him and watching him fall. She pointed both of her guns at the man that had been talking with her.

Distinctly aggravated, Aashi said, “Lay off or prepare to be laid down.”

The man, realizing her strength, laid down his own weapon as a Locksmith came over to them haughtily.

Aashi holstered her guns, not taking her eyes off of the man.

“I’ll lurk in your shadows, Nath, until I’m ready to strike you down if you won’t have me.”

“I won’t.”

“What was going on here?” The Locksmith said as he looked at the two stumbling from Aashi’s attack and the man that she had been talking to.” Looks to be over. Is that the case?”

Aashi was quick to reply, “It is, indeed.”

The Locksmith said, “Then let’s show a little respect to one another and go separate ways, shall we?”

Aashi waited for the man to nod and walk away before she herself eyed the Locksmith.

“Thank you for your help,” she said with a tilt of her head, as if bowing slightly.

“There should be no trouble on my watch.”

Aashi replied, “Trouble there will not be. May I buy you a meal for your efforts?”

“Buy yourself one, you have quite the trip ahead of you.” The Locksmith jutted his jaw in the direction of the unmarked stand she had approached earlier. “I wasn’t just patrolling the area. I was asked to watch you after you asked to go where you’re going. Do you know what’s in store for you there?”

With a tone of confidence that was unbefitting to how she truly felt, Aashi said simply, “Yes.”

“Returning to your home?”

Aashi said, “Finding it again, yes.”

“I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thank you,” Aashi said gratefully.

She found a place to eat and sat down with her food, enjoying the snack in peace now that the trouble of the little man was less of a problem and more like a reminder what her true mission was. It was to find her ship and go back to the life she once lived.
Ley Line Router
North of Blue Rift Expanse
Parolov 29, 942
24:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

"This is your stop, just North of the Blue Rift Expanse, like I promised." called Travelsecurator-One Two 12-4982-6091. His face was irritated as he had been saying this same statement on repeat a few times. They had ridden the Ley Lines from one gate to the next and this was the Northern-most he was willing to take Aashi Nath to.

Her matai skyfish swung in the air before her, anticipation and worry seeping out of its every action while its black and white ribbon-like tendrils trailed behind its body. The familiar was and always would be tied to Aashi's DNA in a way that made her emotions its emotions. Under less duress, she would be more than capable of controlling its actions, but at this moment, Aashi was incapable of thinking to calm her skyfish familiar.

Aashi typed feverishly on her datajockey and looked up to the 'Spacer with pain in her eyes. Taken aback, the Locksmith's mouth closed and he pursed his lips. She looked back down and continued to spell out her deepest fears as they accumulated in the pit of her heart, seeing in the future a worthless, meaningless meandering.

Travelsecurator nodded, "Very well, take the time you need."

"Aye!" A second Locksmith came into the compartment after a few minutes of Travelsecurator standing aimlessly, waiting on Aashi and said, "What's up with her? We have to get back to the mainframe! We can't spend all our time at this router!"

She put up a finger for the Locksmith to wait a moment while she stood, hips swaying off the seat while her long deep blue jacket draped away from her body.

"Your stop, this is," Travelsecurator said to Aashi while she stepped forward, heels clicking against the ship's floor. She finished the message, tucked the datajockey away, and ducked her head low to prevent Travelsecurator from the smallest glimpse of her face.

She muttered her thanks and he handed her things to her, which she slung onto her back and held in each of her hands.

Her promise ring glinted in the blueish light coming from out of the lone window of the small ship. She noticed it and set her bag down to wipe her eyes to relieve herself of the profuse tears that seeped from both of them.

"Feeling all that you should be?" Travelsecurator asked, concern etched across his face.

"That and more," Aashi said as a departing message to him as she picked her bag back up and headed out of the ship.

"Dreamer!" Travelsecurator called to her.

She looked back and her black and blue hair swung around her body as she did.

"Find your way," he told her before he nodded to her and turned away.

Her brilliant sapphire eyes looked as if they were searching for something, going one direction and another while she watched the ship's doors close, not stopping until long after the door had closed. After a moment, she breathed in sharply and her shoulders rose and then fell again, only for her to straighten her back before she looked down to her hand that she wore her promise ring on.

Her eyelashes lowered over her bright blue eyes as she thought of what it implied.


She looked to her familiar and whispered, "I'll never give up on time."

She stepped forward and through the router ley line, passing through it a few times before being approached, as she knew she would be.

"He wants to see you," the 'Spacer said.

"Who is he?" Aashi asked.

The 'Spacer cocked his head, "Your only hope."

Aashi nodded and let herself be led to stand in front of a small and boarded-up booth in the middle of the router. The 'Spacer that had led her departed and she was left to wait for the booth's boards to be shoved aside by what she at first expected to be a 'Spacer.

It was not.

When the boards to the window were removed, an Iromakuanhe man greeted her in Saalsari, saying, "Dreamer's greetings."

Aashi bypassed a greeting and went straight to business, saying, "I'm looking for a ship. Military."

"No can do, no can do," he said with a crisp smile.

"Fine," Aashi said, shaking her head. "A VANDR."

He told her, "Civilian only."

"What weapons on the shoulder mounts?" Aashi asked.

He smiled, lips curling, "Bazzokas suit you?"

"Just fine."

"It'll cost you," he said.

Aashi lifted her datajockey and showed him a number.

"That's low balling me," he said, frowning playfully.

"It's used, isn't it?"

He shook his head and the smile raised again, "No, new."

"Then 340, 000 KD. What they're worth when they're new and armed."

His eyes glinted, "Brand spanking new and well armed, at that."

"Any mods?" Aashi asked.

"Just the shoulder mounts," he told her.

"But that's standard," she said.

"Heavy linear solenoid bazookas aren't exactly standard. But they aren't—"

Aashi cut him off, "I know what they are. I am transferring this in KS equivalent."

"I accept all forms of cold hard money," the Iromakuanhe man said.

Aashi nodded after she had sent the money.

He swiped up on his own datajockey and sent her the directions for where the civilian-type Erla VANDR would be brought on the ley line router.

She sat down there after departing from the booth and making her way to where the Erla would be deposited. Tapping her heel against the ground, she intermittently checked her datajockey for a message back and would look to and fro in between checking.

Eventually, she saw the Erla brought in and threw her bags in, sealing them into the compartments next to the rounded pilot's chair.

The Iromakuanhe man that had flown it in asked, "Ever flown one of these?"

"There are only so many ways to take what isn't yours and claim it as your own. The VANDR is one of the few ways of doing so," Aashi replied with a laugh as the frame closed around her and the prajna gel filled the immersion control pod. She went through a pre-flight check and the ANIOS perked up and asked her where to.

"I need the Devata. I need to find signatures for these," Aashi thought of the Devata's call signals and relayed them to the ANIOS. "I need this ship, and I needed it tomorrow. Let's get it today."

With that, she was off of the ley line router and flying into deep space near the Nagghida system.

Within ten hours, she had picked up the signatures she was looking for and asked the ANIOS to relay to her more information.

"Oh, no..." Aashi said, breathing out in concern and confusion. "Approach with caution."

Just then, her datajockey received a message. Aashi looked to the buzzing coming from the sealed compartment next to her and realized she couldn't respond while suspended in the immersion control pod's prajna gel.

"My love..." Aashi exhaled the words with more sadness than she had ever felt.
Iruotl Space
Garden of Mu-Klamal
Parolov 30, 942
04:30, Commonwealth Standard Time

The Civtech ANIOS was frantically telling her where the Devata was. Its precise location blipped on the screen in front of Aashi Nath. Her old pirate ship. Her first love.

The sadness welled in her as she looked at the screen, for there wasn't just the Devata on her screen. One capital ship was moving itself closer to the Devata than she felt comfortable seeing and several other smaller picket ships moved in close range of the pirate ship she had once captained.

Whoever captained it now wasn't half the captain she had been. The Devata remained motionless as the other ships moved around it like sharks circling their prey.

"I need to get there!" Aashi yelled out to the ANIOS. "I need to be there now!"

The ANIOS configured the best approach for what she wanted to accomplish.

"That will work," she said, grinding her teeth together as the plan was set in motion.

Minutes later, she exited FTL and was on top of the grouping of ships, spotting the capital ship, a red hindrance to the eyes that she sorely wanted to see destroyed. Quickly, she assessed the rest of the situation.

There was no way for her to get on the Devata without proving herself to them, first and foremost.

She chose to make easy work of the picket ships. Bazookas began blazing on her shoulder mounts as she struck the first one she set her sights on. She turned her attention to another, shooting it for a few seconds before then moving on to another.

"Good," Aashi said as the VANDR's ANIOS warned her that both the capital ship's laser array and the smaller ships were repositioning and targeting her instead of the Devata. She flew in close to the first ship that she had begun to blow apart and it began to shoot at her, striking her negligibly before she engaged her CIVW weapon system. She had landed on the small ship and chose a short bladed katar to rip apart the shields. Her hulking mecha stood atop the diminutive ship while she bent at the knees and began to hack at the ship. The capital and other picket ships chose not to push their weapons systems on her now, as trying to hit her could mean hitting their own comrade ship.

What they didn't know was that it was about to fall to pieces. Slowly, but surely, she was able to slice past the shields and her blade began to tear open the ship. She stood up and kicked on her MASC drive and pushed off of the ship, flipping backwards once in order to avoid the fire that was now coming her way. The lasers shot in between the space her mecha's body resided in. It wasn't just luck that would get Aashi through this fight. It was skill, a prowess unknown to many.

She aimed her bazookas again, this time at the second picket ship she had shot and railed at them as she flew in close, gripping a handhold on the ship and drew the CIVW katar, beginning to cut open the window to the bridge of the ship. She couldn't see the Iromakuanhe on the other side of the glass, but she was sure she would in a few moments once they were spaced.

The ANIOS alerted her to an incoming message. It was from the Devata. Her heart jumped to her throat.

A young Iromakuanhe, only still a boy, started speaking and his face filled up the display screen to Aashi's right.

"I don't know who you ar—" The boy stopped speaking and his hands went to his face before he said, "Aashi!?"

Aashi's eyes swelled with tears as she whispered, "You're alive..."

"Aashi, is it really you?"

Aashi tore the window of the ship's bridge clean off the ship and activated both repulsion rods to push the ship away from herself. After it had been thrown away from her by the repulsor burst field, she moved positions, shielding herself from the capital ship's guns, which were all trained on her, now, by flying in close to a picket ship. She got hit by their point defense guns a few times, but when she was close enough, she slipped behind it to the other side, away from the capital ship.

Now that she had the opportunity to devote her attention to him, Aashi spoke.

"It's me, Daara. I'm here to save you. I'm here to save the whole crew and the Devata. All of you." Aashi breathed out, relieved she was able to speak these words to him.

It was then she realized something; men were crowding around Daara, but none of them were of her old crew.

"Aashi... The Mishhu—" Daara began.

"The Mishhu?" Aashi asked, cutting him off and confused.

"You and I, we were the only ones..."

Aashi pushed her head forward, teeth gnashing as she asked, "The only ones to what, Daara?"

"The only ones to make it, Aashi."

"That's not right!" Aashi yelled, throwing the katar into the ship a dozen times as she did. She rested, yelling again, "That's not what happened!"

"That is, Aashi. That i—"

She cut him off again, "There were no Mishhu! What story are you trying to sell!?"

"Aashi, thank you for coming to protect us, but this isn't your crew, anymore." Daara went on, "This is my crew."

"Your crew, maybe! But that's my ship!" Aashi put emphasis on her words, teeth bared as she closed comms.

She hacked away at the ship and grabbed the decimated hull and threw the ship away from her before spaced Iromakuanhe could come flying out of the ripped up ship. She aimed her bazooka at another picket ship and ducked out of the way of incoming torpedoes from the capital ship before she was pinged again by Daara on the Devata.

"We're being boarded, Aashi!" Daara said to her emphatically.

Aashi looked at her sensors readout and realized one of the ships had pried open the shutter doors on the shuttle bay of the Devata when she was busy splicing open ship after ship trying to protect her old vessel.

"I'm coming in!" Aashi called. "Open the VANDR bay!"

She flew in once it was opened, narrowly avoiding three missiles as she did. She turned off the VANDR and the prajna drained. Her matai skyfish familiar flew out, as if exhausted by the flight.

Before Aashi did anything, she sent a message. An important message that she had been waiting to send for a long time. She was now able to send it. After pressing the key commands to have it sent, a weight seemed to press against her chest and made her queasy.

Stowing the datajockey back into the compartment and taking out four of her many guns, she holstered a carbine and a pistol and held a solanii laiz rifle in each hand.

She jumped out of the VANDR and made her way out of the Erla and into the recesses of the ship.

"What the fuck happened?" Aashi said, reeling at the state of the ship. It was like it was wounded. The living components of the ship —the whole of the ship— seemed to be healing. They were slathered in prajna and in some places scaffolding had been put in place to hold the living chassis in place.

She continued on, making her way slowly to the bridge. She looked down at the crew shrine. Its incense was still burning and the candles flickered. She had never been a woman to believe in the Dreamer's Vigil, but she did want to see the crew happy and had the shrine stay on the ship when she had taken control of it so many decades before.

Now, though, she felt like sitting and meditating on what had infested this ship months ago to the point where only two had survived. She wondered if her and Daara were to be the only survivors of this new scuffle. Perhaps time would tell that the two of them were just lucky, capable, or both.

She heard shots down the hall and ran forward, rifles back up. She identified the boarders by their red shirts, jackets, and tunics. They were just as bright and domineering as their capital ship. Her rifle blasts were aimed well and they shot through the skin and into the muscles of the boarders.

"Aashi, right?" One of the crew of the Devata stepped forward towards her. "Tha—"

At that moment, he was blown to bits from behind. His blood splattered against the walls of the Devata and his body hung suspended in the air for a moment, arms outstretched, before he fell to the floor.

"Bastards!" Aashi shouted as she flung her finger against the laiz rifle's trigger and shot apart the men rounding the corner that had just burst open the crew member. She ran forward before they had even hit the floor.

She stepped over body after body of crew and boarder, alike before another four made their way through the halls behind her and approached stealthily from behind. Her familiar alerted her to their presence and she turned around quickly as her jacket flung itself across her legs and her hair whipped in an arc. She threw her fingers against the triggers and shot after shot came from the rifles' laser diodes.

They were killed and soon, she was at the bridge's door. Trepidatiously, she entered.

"Daara!" Aashi said as she saw the boy hooked in to the command console with his entry ports.

"Please, Aashi," Daara pleaded. "The FIOMNI only wants you."

"You haven't had this ship under your command in all of these months?" Aashi asked, incredulously. "There's no time, I will." She unplugged him and her own entry ports were soon what was hooked in to the ship after she had set down her rifles.

She sighed in relief. It had been many months since she had piloted a ship this way. She loved the feeling and her fingers nearly spasmed at the feelings it gave her.

"Aashi, are you—"

He wasn't able to continue as the door to the bridge opened just then and two boarders walked in, shooting as quickly as they could. Aashi turned around to see a hole splay open from one side of Daara's head to the other. His eyes were wide and his face blocked Aashi's view of the boarder that had shot him, but he soon fell and she could see the boarder aiming at her.

"Not today," Aashi said and slipped her hand down to pull the pistol from its holster. He shot and she moved a few inches to the side to narrowly avoid the shot and her pistol was in her hands, firing. He fell backwards and the second boarder turned to her, ready and aiming. She fired off another shot and hit hum square in the chest. Another four pulls on the trigger and he was down for good.

Hooked in to the FIOMNI, she surveyed the rest of the ship's feeds while she swung the Devata up and away from incoming torpedoes.

"Time to end this," Aashi muttered as she realized something. The ship was empty save for the boarders and those that were deceased. She had no one to watch her back. Nobody left but the dead bodies of Daara and the small crew he had gotten aboard before realizing they had little control of the ship without her.

Opening the airlock and making sure the bridge doors were sealed, she vacc'd the rest of the ship. Once the boarders had been spaced and the dead bodies had been carried out with them, she sealed it back up and got to work shooting down the capital ship, which was assaulting the Devata further.

All four PWAC missile arrays on one side of the ship turned their attention to the capital ship and fired their first four missiles onto the ship. It took the hit and, slowly, began to move out of the way of the Devata's strike zone. It fired out torpedoes of its own and Aashi maneuvered away from them, wisely moving the ship into a position to hit the red capital ship.

Ten seconds later and she had the ship fire another four missiles, all of which found their target, the weapons systems on the ship. The next four hits would be devastating.

But Aashi didn't get that chance as the capital ship began to ready its foldspace MASC drive. Aashi saw the shimmering of it leaving the area, though it had to down its shields completely so that it could use the distortion around it as a shell in order to ride spatial folds.

It was in that moment, when the missiles were not ready and Aashi had few options, that she pushed the Devata forward, impacting the red capital ship and ramming it. She was flung forward and fell against the command console, but she was still connected to the ship via entry ports and could feel the FIOMNI's happiness at the decisive victory. The Devata had crushed through the red capital ship and its remnants flew all around Aashi's old, powerful vessel.

She lifted her head, black and blue hair strewn against the console as she looked out the window of the bridge and at the twinkling of the ship's parts in space.

On her face was a smile, but in her heart was a pulsing of pain and remorse.

Her crew was gone. All of it. None remained and none would ever come back to her. Her family had been torn to shreds and she had little left of it. She crumpled to the floor of the bridge and held her hands together and close to her chest, beginning to cry into her own shoulder as her familiar flew above her, worry apparent in its every action.
188604 Space:
ISS Fenrir bridge:

Werner sprinted onto the bridge of his new ship, the ISS Fenrir. He sat in his command chair and checked on the status of his crew. Everyone was there, and the Ragnarock company was still on board. "This is Captain Werner! We have received a distress call from Captain Nath... We are going to rescue her." He said, trying desperately to control the emotions raging inside him.

"All Ragnarok personnel, you have just been drafted. Anyone with aerospace experience, report to the CAG." He added.

He gripped the arms of his chair and looked around as his bridge crew ran about. "Helm, take us out. Begin orbital burn." He ordered.

"Aye aye sir!" The helmsman replied. The Fenrir's massive engines fired and the ship lurched.

"Navigation, I am sending you the coordinates for her location." Werner added.

"Aye Captain!" The navigation officer replied as well. He looked over the data and frowned. "Sir, this is uncharted space and the area is theorized to be unstable. Are you sure Boss?"

Werner had to control himself from making an outburst. "Yes... I am absolutely positive."

The Navigation officer nodded. "Aye aye."

The Fenrir broke orbit and began moving away from the planet. Several minutes the Navigations officer yelled out. "We are approaching our FTL window!"

"Comms put me through to the ship." Werner ordered. The Comms officer nodded and opened the link to the ship.

"All hands, this is the Captain. We are getting underway. Beginning transition to FTL. Aashi needs us... We can't let her down."
The Devata
Garden of Mu-Klamal
Parolov 30, 942
06:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

Aashi struggled to keep from falling over at the command center of the bridge after she had picked herself back up. Everything felt off. She wasn't a Neko, she couldn't go days without sleep. She needed rest. No, she told herself she was wrong; she needed to wait for Ulysses.

She remained at her post for another hour, all the while avoiding looking at the body of Daara. His presence just feet from her taunted her as if a reminder of her failure. Her ineptitude to save him emanated from his body. Finally, her head hung low and her shoulders went up. She knew what she needed to do.

Standing behind him, she bent at the waist and pulled up on the shoulders of his jacket and tugged him out of the bridge. She hustled him to the shuttle bay in a matter of minutes and locked herself out of it and opened the shutter doors to space, watching him leave in a moment of stillness.

It was at that moment that the FIOMNI alerted Aashi to something terrible.

"Para-military craft approaching, Captain."

"You can't be serious," Aashi muttered as her heels clipped against the floor and she ran back to the bridge.

She couldn't leave without knowing that Ulysses would likely be here soon, only to encounter the paramilitary force showing up at this location.

She had to stay.

"Muted resonance shroud?"

"It's up," replied the FIOMNI.

"Combined jamming and detection systems?" Aashi asked.

"They're up!" the FIOMNI said.

"So they can't see us..." Aashi said as she got onto the bridge.

"They shouldn't be able to, no."

She surveyed the ship that had come within range of her sensors and was fast approaching her location. There were four ships, total. The types were unknown ships to any database of both Nepleslia and the Commonwealth. One of them was large, another capital ship, and the other three were light cruisers.

Aashi replied to the FIOMNI, "Then what are they doing here? Are they interested in the capital ship's wreckage?"

"They must be," the ship's FIOMNI replied.

"We'll have to see."

Minutes later, the ship was within 100 KM of Aashi's vessel.

"They're right on top of us."

"What are they doing?" Aashi wondered aloud.

"Will they try to board us?" the FIOMNI asked her.

"I sure as shit don't want them to," Aashi replied.

It was then that one of the light cruisers moved too close and was alerted to her on their sensor readouts. The listening device on the Devata picked up the cruiser sending the Devata's location to the capital ship.

"We've got trouble," the FIOMNI said.

"I see," Aashi muttered. "Open up a comm channel."

"I'll see what I can do."

Aashi plugged in to the ship and waited, then the display screen was filled with the face of a New Veyrin Republic officer.

"Pirate," the began. "Stand down."

"I haven't even stood up, yet," Aashi laughed.

The officer replied, "Leave this area immediately."

Aashi rubbed the back of her head and looked away, then back at the screen, "No can do. I'll tell you what. Salvage what you can of that there ship while I hang out here and when you'll done we'll both call it a day."

"We are here due to reports from our intelligence committee that this ship, your ship, has been claiming this territory as its own. The destruction of this decimated ship and its picket ships only validates their testimony."

"Say, I didn't know NVR was hanging around the Garden," Aashi said.

The officer grew irate, "Stand down, pirate!"

"Like I said, I haven't—" Aashi began.

"Stood up, yes. Yes. I've already heard that one."

"They've got a missile lock on us!" The FIOMNI warned Aashi.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," Aashi said while smiling to the officer while she commanded the ship to lock its own missiles onto the capital ship through her entry ports.

"I said stand down!" The NVR officer was more than agitated. Their eyes bulged and their shoulders raised in frustration.

"No can do," Aashi said, readying to fire the first of her missiles.
ISS Fenrir bridge:
In transit to the Devata's location:

Werner prepared for the coming events in his ready room. He paced back and forth across the empty room, having lost everything back when the Necromancer went down. The room was furnished with a couch, coffee table, and his new desk. He had lost all his personal effects when the ship went down. But that didn't matter right now. He could fill this ship up with new memories, but he had to save the only one he would want to make those memories with. His mind wandered back to the day Aashi said she had to leave, and the dream walk they had went on together. He didn't want those memories to be his last ones of her. He wanted to fill his ready room with pictures of her, and of the new adventures they would go on together.

An alert chimed in the room. "We are approaching the designated coordinates Captain, and there is an enemy vessel at Captain Nath's location! Designation unknown!" The systems officer reported.

Werner's heart sank. "Set General Quarters!" He ordered as he ran onto the bridge.

A deep automated male voice spoke aloud throughout the ship. "General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands, man your battle stations. This is not a drill. Repeat..."

"Sir, we are dropping out of FTL in 3...2...1...Mark!"

Garden of Mu-Klamal:

In a flash of light, the Lich class carrier, Fenrir appeared...

"Sir, Captain Nath is here!" The system's operator reported. "The enemy has a missile lock on her!"

Werner growled deep and angry. "FIRE ALL MISSILE BATTEIRES!" He practically yelled.

"Firing!" Kovac yelled from the tactical station.

The ship lit up by the afterglow of multiple missile salvos as they streaked away from the missile batteries. The enemy captial ship was not ready for the apperance of the Fenrir and several of the missiles slammed into the rear sheilds.

"CAG! Deploy all fighters in defensive formation around the Devata! Comms, send this out on all channels." When the Comm officer nodded, Werner spoke again. "Attention Hostile vessel, you are currently making the biggest mistake of your patheic life. You picked a fight with the love of my life, and I am about to paint my ship in your blood. Either turn back now or I will send you to the gates of Hell myself!" He yelled.

Aashi stood up straighter, a smile spreading on her lips as she looked at the ship approach out of FTL and slam towards the NVR ship with its missiles. Aashi's grin widened as she launched her star wyrm missiles against the ship after calling out over comms to the NVR officer.

"This should get you to back down!"

"We will take you on quickly and decisively," the officer shouted as he swayed on the display while his ship was hit with the force of the missiles from both ships.

Werner sneered. "Then today you die." He replied. "Full barrage!"

The Fenrir fired another salvo of anti ship missiles, while several flights of fighters were disgorged from the flight deck and flew out towards the enemy. Their wings coming alight with the missile trails. Multiple salvos flying towards the rear sheilds.

The missiles slammed into the rear shields, knocking them out, followed quickly by multiple other salvos from the fighters. They slammed into the engines of the enemy ship and rocked the vessel with multiple explosins.

The capital ship began sending out missiles of its own, focusing on targeting rather than evading the threat of Aashi and Werner's weapons. It gave Aashi the chance to engage the maneuvering thrusters to get away from the line of attack. It was just fast anough to avoid the missiles the NVR ship had dealt out. She worriedly looked to her readout to see the missiles that were headed for Ulysses' new ship.

"Sir! Incoming enemy missiles" The sensor operator reported.

"Activate countermeasures! Evasive maneuvers!" Werner ordered. The Fenrir activated it's CIWS weaponry and turned sharply upwards.

The flak cannons spewed out thousands of rounds towards the incoming missiles, putting up a wall of flak. It took several of the missiles down, however 4 made it through!

"4 missiles made it passed the flak." Kovac warned.

"All hands brace for impact!" Werner ordered, gripping the arms of his command chair.

Another missiles was taken down, but three slammed into the Fenrir's shields. The ship rocked with the impact.

"Missiles impacted against the shield! No damage reported. Shield strength down to 67%." The systems operator reported.

Werner looked to the screen. "Fire another salvo! Redirect 2 fighter wings towards that capital ship." He ordered.

The Fenrir fired another massive salvo of missiles at the enemy, while 2 squadrons of fighters vectored towards the enemy ship and fired their own antiship missiles. All the missiles streaked towards the enemy ship.

"No!" Aashi shouted as she watched the missiles detonate against the Fenrir and circled the capital NVR ship with the Devata until she faced its rear, getting scorched by its laser arrays while she did.

"Shields are down negligably," the FIOMNI told her.

"Thank you Aama," Aashi replied, realizing she hadn't called the FIOMNI by her name since being on board. It felt good to say and reminded her of her sister, Aami. She used to fight without a care in the world, far from family of her own. Now was different. She fought for Ulysses.

"Two can deal out damage!" Aashi gritted her teeth as she set up the controls of the ship to launch another salvo of missiles towards the propulsion systems of the NVR ship. She burst out the laser arrays onto the NVR ship's own laser turrets and began to decimate them.

"Comm's open a private link to Capatin Nath, my ears only." He ordered.

"Yes sir! Connection being established." The comm officer reported.

Aashi's would then recieve a notifaction that Ulysses was hailing her directly.

"Devata actual, this is Fenrir Actual, move in behind our sheilds." Werner ordered her. "We will cover you. Send your missiles to their aft sheild array. We have extensivley damaged that portion.

"Can do, Fenrir!" Aashi called out. "Moving in to do so now!"

Aashi pummeled her missiles into their aft shields after whipping the Devata around. They pulsed out of the pirate ship and soon had met their marks.

The captial ship's sheilds shimiered as the combined onslaught of Ulysses and Aashi's missiles. In a flash the aft sheild section collapsed in spectacular fashion.

"Sheilds are down sir!" The sensor operator reported.

"Cripple that ship! Fire everything!!!" Werner yelled.

The Fenrir and her fighters losed yet another salvo of missiles at the enemy target.

"Get them where it hurts, Devata!" Aashi said, overwhelmed at the joy to be both fighting with her beloved ship and next to her love. She released a volley of missiles and they erupted onto the capital ship. A series of explosions cut across the hull of the ship and fiery bursts and plumes of heat pushed from the NVR ship, torn from the inside out.

The chain reaction of explosions began to rip the Captial ship apart. "Watch out! She is gonna blow!" The sensor operator reported. "Her reactor is going critical!"

"Move us inbetween Aashi and that ship! Divert all power to the sheilds and pull back the fighters STAT!" The Fenrir burned her engines and pulled inbetween the two ships. "All hands brace for impact!" Werner yelled again, this timing gripping the chair much more tightly.

The ship erupted in a silent, but very bright, fireball. The Fenrir's sheilds took a punding under the massive blast and collapsed. Several pieces of debris struck the ship, causing Werner and the crew to be tossed about.

"I can get out of here, Fenrir! Save yourself!" Aashi said with a twinge of concern for him.

"No! I'm not leaving you again!" Werner replied as his ship was hit with more debris.

"Follow me!" Aashi yelled. "Follow me, Fenrir! Get yourself out of here!" Aashi said as she moved the Devata to withstand the damage of the burning and blowing reactor.

"Helm follow the Devata out!" he replied as he steadied himself.

The Fenrir fired her engines again in a full burn away from the enemy ship.

"Sir! Multiple hull breaches on deck 2. No one was in those sections however. We got lucky." The systems officer reported.

"No kidding..." Werner replied. "Aashi once we get out of the debris feild I will dispatch a shuttle."

"I'll be waiting," Aashi said, standing at the command console with her shoulder hunched and head hanging low. "I will be waiting."

Away Team Shuttle: an hour later

Werner stood in the away teams shuttle, tapping his foot quickly against the floor. He and a Ragnarok Squad was about to land on the Devata.

"Aashi, we are coming in." He said over comms as they neared the shuttle bay. The skids of the transport hit with a thud, and in a flash Werner was out the ship with his Ragnarok escorts yelling after him.

Aashi threw aside the entry ports and ran out of the bridge, down the halls and into the shuttle bay. She wanted nothing more than for the moments leading up to seeing him, touching him, being with him, to end and to finally be in his arms.

"Ulysses," she sighed out when she saw him. "Oh, Ulysses!"

Werner's words failed him as he saw her standing there. His gait faltered for an instant, but he closed the distance and sweeped her up into a deep enbrace. His face burried in her neck. "Aashi..." He was finally able to whisper out, his knees giving way so that they were kneeling on the floor togther.

Aashi knelt down with him, crawling into his arms so that she could get closer than ever to him. She rubbed her face into his shoulder like she had done so many times, then lifted her head and, for the second time in her life, kissed.

But it was not just anyone she had kissed before and was kissing now. It was her deepest confidante, her best friend, and her one and only love. She let her hands go from around his shoulder to touch either side of his face as her lips parted and her tongue opened Ulysses mouth. Feeling the inner parts of his mouth made her heart race and her body go limp in his arms.

He was ready for the kiss this time, and took it in stride. His own tongue touching hers back and exploring her mouth. He broke away for a moment and brought his hand up to her cheeks. "Oh Aashi... I missed you so much." He said pulling her in for another kiss. "I am so sorry I wasn't here. I should have came with you. I should have protected you..." He said softly, tears swelling in his eyes. Both happy and sad. His hands feel to her's and he rubbed the promise ring absently, then intertiwned their fingers.

"You're here now, Ulysses Werner, and that's all that matters to me," Aashi told him, looking up at his greyish eyes. She kissed him again and wrapped her arms around his shoulder as she parted her own lips for him to enter her mouth. She wanted to feel him in every way possible, to unearth the intricacies of what she had been missing all of her life.

"You're here now," she repeated when their kiss had ended after a few moments. She could still taste him on the tip of her tongue and wanted to taste him again and again and again.

He broke away and smiled. Behind him the squad of soldiers ran up.

"Sir...Oh..." The lead soldier said.

Werner turned around. "Please secure the ship." He ordered them

"Aye aye Captain." The soldier said, leading the others around Aashi and Ulysses. Once they were out of sight, Werner scooped her up in his arms and stood holding her. "Let's go somewhere more private." He said kissing her forehead.

"My cabin," Aashi said, pointing down the hallway. "I haven't been back there in so long..."

He nodded and carried her down the hall and towards her quarters. He stopped outside the room. "Are you okay to go back in here?" He asked, concern plain on his face.

Aashi looked up to him with a nervous expression, but nodded, then laughed, "I hope they haven't changed it too much. Ulysses, what is this scar you have? It's only just healed..." Aashi said, looking at the wound that went from one temple to his jaw on the opposite side.

He smiled. "I'm okay Aashi... when the Necromancer was going down, a ceiling panel got raddled lose and it fell on my head." He replied. "I'm lucky it didn't hit anything vital." He added.

"The Necromancer is down..." Aashi said sadly.

"Yes... it did." He replied somberly. "But mosty of the crew survived including Kovacs." He replied. "Plus we have a new ship, the Fenrir." He added.

"The Fenrir..." Aashi said aloud, trying the name out as they went into her old cabin. "Twice the ship as the Necromancer was, no doubt."

When they entered, Aashi sighed. It was untouched. The boy that had taken control of the ship had the decency to leave it alone. Her skyfish flew in, excitedly, then at her request, flew right back out and the door closed behind her and Ulysses. The room was decorated with hanging and draped curtains and tapestries of purples, maroons, and warm colors. The lighting turned on for them, low lights along the floor and underneath the large bed that had sating sheets and a thick duvet. An immersion pod, tables and a desk, a nightstand, and two plush red reclining chairs were in the room.

"The bed," Aashi muttered while moving her head into Ulysses shoulder, smiling as she did.

Werner looked about the room and smiled at the skyfish. "There's my girl." He said as A flew out the room. "How I have missed you both." He said he walked to the bed, and laid down, still holding her in his arms. "I love you Aashi." He whispered.

"And I love you, Ulysses," Aashi said, looking into his deep grey eyes as she did. She moved her hands so that they could touch his cheeks, again. "I love you more than I ever thought I could love. More than I ever wanted to love. I thought I loved my ship and my ship would be my only true love, but you proved all of that wrong. You showed me that I have the capacity to love, though I know it's not in my stars to love any other than you. For the rest of my life, forever, and always, I will love you, Ulysses."

He looked at her and sat up. "Aashi... I have a question for you..."

Aashi looked searchingly at him, "I can answer only if you ask it."

"Will you marry me?"

Tingles went up Aashi spine as she heard the question and she smiled widely, blue eyes sparkling in the low light.

"Yes, Ulysses. I want that just as much as you do, my love."

Ulysses moved and kissed her deeply. "Aashi Werner has a nice ring to it..." He joked inbetween bouts of kissing. His hands held her's warmly.

Aashi kissed him with a happy heart, feeling the intimacy and warmth radiating from him.

"I love you so much, Ulysses," Aashi said in between kisses. "I'm so happy." Overjoyed tears sprung to her eyes and she sniffed and moved a hand to wipe one away from her cheek.

Ulysses hand met hers on her cheek and he smiled, his own eyes welling up again. "You make me the happiest man alive, my love. I am never as happy unless you are by my side." He said softly, his own tears falling.

"Then let's always stay by one another's side, Ulysses Werner. I'll make sure of that," Aashi said, tears falling without remorse, now. "I'll never let you part from beside me, ever."

He smiled and pulled her in for a deep embrace. "If it was up to me I would never let you go again." He added, his hands wiping away her tears. "I will never let you be alone again."

"It is up to you, Ulysses. It is all in your hands. I want to live with you, Ulysses. I want to love and learn and be with you always. But I don't know if I want to live on 188604, Ulysses. I want to start doing what I'm great at again. I'm good at building arcologies for Uso. I'm good at helping her. But it's not what I'm great at. What I'm great at is stealing." Aashi had spoken while looking him dead in the eyes, sure of what she was saying.

He looked to her, his hands holding hers. "I understand. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be my wife... I will follow you to the ends of the universe to stay with you."

"And you will," Aashi said to him. "You will. Let's make a home for ourselves South of the Cluster. I know of a few systems that are uninhabited but are beautiful. I want to take you there. May I?"

He smiled. "You can take me anywhere Aashi." He replied. "I am sure I can covince Cyrus and Uso to let me head out that way. Perhpas make it a new Ragnarok stronghold for the navy to operate out of. Currently, the Fenrir is the only Ragnarok ship... Maybe we can expand them while we are out there." He added.

"We can definitely expand," Aashi said. "I would love to take over a system with you by my side. I would love to do anything with you by my side, Ulysses Werner."

He pulled her in and kissed her deeply. "Together, there is nothing we can not do... Aashi Nath Werner.

"Oh, Ulysses..." Aashi said after they had kissed. She trailed off and kissed him, again.
Above Hlarai
The Devata
Muna 16, 942
15:00 Commonwealth Standard Time

"Are you ready?" Aashi asked of her husband-to-be, Ulysses Werner.

"Coming dear." He said, straightening his collar. Today was the big day, and the normally calm cool and collected sailor was nervous.

"Now, they'll like you. I know they'll like you," Aashi said as she approached him and smoothed out the chest of his black suit. "I know it."

Aashi herself was nervous. The last time she had brought herself to come back to Hlarai, it had beena disaster. This time, she chose to think, would be different.

Werner let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and nodded. "Okay... Sure... I am just meeting everyone for the first time... On our wedding day." He added softly. "Where's A?" He asked trying to get his mind off the upcoming festivates for a moment.

"Taking a bath," Aashi said, a smile tugging at her lips as she thought about her matai skyfish's own trepedatious behavior today. It was telling. Not about the familiar, but about Aashi, who she was connected to. She wanted to get married, but she didn't want to do it in front of family and friends of family and childhood friends and others. There would be so many on her side and, yet... None on his.

"I want you to feel comfortable. I just don't know if you will doing this on Hlarai. We can do it somewhere else. We can do it in a courthouse and have nobody else but us be a part of it, we can—"

Ulysses smiled. "It's alright Aashi. I know your family would want to see their daughter get married. My family is gone and the Fenrir is on supply runs so Kovac can't be my best man, but it dosen't matter. Because by the end of today, you and I will be married. And that is worth any price." He said softly placing his hands on her waist, and giving her a oeck on the cheek.

"That is more than wonderful to hear, Ulysses..." Aashi said, smiling as he kissed her. "I wouldn't have it any other way, to be honest. So, you're ready?"

Caal Rehd
18:00 Commonwealth Standard Time

The Lecce River's frothing blue waters churned and crashed against one to the side of where Ulysses stood and the guests sat. It cascaded down from a step-like cliff to the ocean of Hlarai, which Ulysses stood with his back to. He was feet away from the edge of the pale yellow cliff next to the Lecce and was nervously tapping his fingers against his wrist, behind his back.

Beside him stood a Temple Guard, less nervous than Ulysses and stoic in his presence beside the Nepleslian. The guests were seated, though they mainly spoke in low murmurs to one another and if Ulysses wereto listen, he would hear the distinctive lack of horns being spoken about more often than not.

Aashi was being spoken to by her father, Devansh, in an elaborate white tent set up a few hundred feet from the edge of the cliff. All Aashi wanted was to be there, close to the man she loved on the lip of the steps from which the blue river flowed.

Aashi was wearing her white wedding dress, embroidered by her mother and spun from the finest fibers the Iruotl system had to offer. She wore her hair in an intricate braided bun, the black hair close to her head becoming one with the blue hair at the ends, which made up the mass of the bun itself. In it she wore white pearl-like droplets of white that matched the dress and the glitter in her eyes.

She put her foot down and shook her head at what her father had said, then took him by the arm and marched him out of the tent. He straightened his back now that he was under the scrutiny of friends and family and strode with Aashi, though he was still very much being led by her.

In the time leading up to Aashi walking out, Werner's heart raced and the time seemed to tick by in slow motion as he listened to everyones crticisms of him. He wished he had Kovac there with them to calm him down.

However when Aashi came striding down the aisle, his fear melted away. His heart skipped a beat as he saw her in the wedding dress for the first time. He smiled broadly at her, not looking at another soul there except Aashi.

As all eyes had been on Ulysses, many if not all of the Iromakuanhe guests assembled noticed a change in his demeanor. They looked to where his eyes were drawn and saw Aashi, adorned and at ease, dragging Davansh behind her. He smiled and waved to a few guests while they looked to Aashi instead.

Aashi looked at her mother, sitting at the corner of the front of the aisle and the two shared a knowing look. Aashi's sapphire eyes then moved to her love, Her one, her only. She looked to Ulysses and her smile spread across her face. Her father looked at Ulysses, straightening his stance even more and a part of him realized the man Aashi had chosen was a better one than he was giving him credit for. Just by the look of Ulysses as he looked at Aashi, one could tell he was not only proud for good reason, he was proud of his love for Aashi.

The Temple Guard began his speech once Aashi had walked all of the way forward, but Aashi held up a hand at him while looking into Ulysses' grey eyes.

"I do," Aashi said for all to hear.

Werner took her hands in his, and slipped the wedding band onto her left ring finger.

"I do." He said smiling.

Aashi flung her arms aroundUlysses' neck and opened her mouth after her lips had touched his, kissing him deeply and without regret. The Temple Guard threw back his hands and took a step back.

Werner caught Aashi and returned the kiss, his lips parting for her as well. He broke away and looked into her saphire eyes. "I now prounce us husband and wife." He said loudly enough for the congregation to hear.

Many of the Iromkuanhe guests looked to one another in awe, but Aashi's mother stood and began overjoyously clapping her hands with a smile pasted on her face. The rest of the guests followed suit and stood and clapped for Aashi and Werner and the couple were shown the excitement of the crowd in cheers and fanfare before they parted from their kiss.

After they had parted, Aashi looked to her parents, her sister, and the rest of her old friends and family and smiled excitedly.

"We're married!" Aashi called out for all to hear.

Many of them threw their arms up and some whistled while others yelled out dreamers' blessings.

Aashi looked to Ulysses, her eyes squinted in a smile as the Lecce river crashed downwards into the ocean next to them and Ulysses smiled back, holding her in his arms. Focusing solely on her.

19:00 Commonwealth Standard Time

Aashi and Ulysses had been given their toasts inside of the tent and begun to eat the post-marriage meal with the adjourned guests of their wedding. Feasting was a specialty of her family and the food was not left wanting as they ate course after course of delectables.

Aashi looked to Ulysses and smiled sadly, saying, "I think I would like it more if my crew were here."

Before Ulysses could respond, Aami, Aashi's sister, replied, "I think that would be a problem, Aashi." She did not now they had died tragically, only knew vaguely of Aashi's reputation.

Aashi, always one to get riled by her sister, said, "And what is that supposed to mean?"

Aami's boyfriend stepped in, telling Aashi, "She only means, I am part of the As—"

Before he could continue, Aashi had stood up, throwing her white napkin on the table.

"You bring one of them here, Aami?!" Aashi said in a hushed whisper.

Werner stood and placed a hand on Aashi's shoulder. "Sweet heart, look at me."

Aashi breathed out slowly and did as Ulysses asked, nodding to him as she did.

"I don't mean anything by it, Aashi. Please, sit down. I only mean that maybe—" Aami's boyfriend said, then Aami spoke again.

"He was talking earlier to me about a commission, Aashi. Right, Rashis?"

"That is what I was talking about, but it seems Aashi is unwilling to talk about such things right now..." Aami's boyfriend Rashis said.

Ulysses shot the man a glance, that could melt the steel off a bulkhead. "Here and now was not the time. On our wedding day? Are you that stupid?" He said, giving her hand a squeeze.

"What other time is there?" Rashis asked. Aashi sat down and put the napkin back on her lap, looking down at it for a moment before glaring up at Rashis.

"Go on..." Aashi said. "I'm willing to negotiate."

Rashis said, "A commission to destroy enemies of the Commonwealth, Aashi. A commission to be not a pirate, but a privateer."

Aashi mulled it over, looking up at Rashis then over to Ulysses.

"What do you think about this arrangement, Ulysses?"

"Think of it as a wedding gift," Aami said, a smile on her lips.

Ulysses looked to his new sister-in-law, then to her boyfriend, quickly making the judgement that he did not like them very much.

He sighed and held Aashi's hand. "If we do this, all of Aashi's criminal record is expunged." He said flatly to the politican. "Not only that, but you will also fund our set up."

"That will be hard to pull," Rashis said to Aashi. "But I can see what I can do in time."

Aami smiled at Aashi as she put her hand into Rashis' pants. She procured his datarod from inside of them and handed it to him.

"You'll see about it now, Rashis," Aami said, still smiling at her sister.

"I guess I can see," Rashis began. "I'll make the call."

Rashis left the tent to callhis superiors and Aashi said to her sister, "Thank you, Aami. Really, I didn't know where you were going with that, but thank you."

"You're welcome, Aashi," her sister said. "Ulysses, tell me about yourself."

He looked over to Aami and smiled softly. "I was a starship captain for several years. When I was forced to retire I took up freelance work, which is where I found Aashi." He said giving Aashi's hand a gentle squeeze.

"And now we are here. Not much more to it than that." He added. He also neglected to mention that Aami now also had a sister-in-law as well... but thought it best to not bring up Hazel.

"You've got the all clear!" Rashis told the happily married couple at the dinner table.

"Good!" Aashi said, folding the napkin over her lap once more. "So we can leave business aside and enjoy our good meal together!"

To her side, Aashi's mother grabbed her hand and shook it vigorously, smiling at her as she chewed her food. She then finished chewing and spoke to Ulysses.

"You're a very lucky man, you know!"

He smiled and nodded to his mother-in-law. "Your daughter makes me the happiest man alive." He replied.

Aashi's mother, Aadyha, smiled and nodded. "May your ancestors awaken and smile upon you, Ulysses."

"Thank you, Mrs. Nath." He replied simply with a nod.

The woman nodded excitedly to him and Aashi kissed Ulysses cheek.

He held her warmly, resting his head against hers with a smile.

"I love you, Ulysses," Aashi said, turning to look at him fully.

"I love you too, Aashi." He said, leaning over and kissing her again deeply. As he did, he heard music beginning to play. He looked down at her and smiled, breaking the kiss. "Ms. Aashi Nath Werner, may I have this dance?"

"Oh, Ulysses, of course," Aashi said, standing as he did, too. He led her to the dance floor as the guests watched. A slow song began to play, and Ulysses, placed his hands on her hips and held her close. His body swaying softly, side to side with her.

Aashi let her head fall to his shoulder and smiled, pressing her cheek into his suit and closing her eyes as he swayed with her.

"Remember when we first danced?" He asked her retorically, chuckling softly. "I learned to dance just for you." He said nuzzling into her.

"I remember, Ulysses. I have loved every moment of my life with you since that night in the Osman City bar."

He kissed her again. "My life would be so much darker without you in it Aashi. You are the best thing to ever happen to me in this life of mine." He replied.

"You are the best thing to have happened in mine, Ulysses. I would be so lost without you," Aashi said, turning her head to look at him fully, "You are and forever will be the love of my life."

He hugged her tightly and whispered. "I love you, forever and always, sweet heart."

Aashi's eyes closed as she heard the words and held him tight against her body. She loved nothing more in the world than to be next to her love, Ulysses. Now that she had him by her side, again, she never wanted to lose him. She never wanted to live without him. She would make sure she never had to.

Whispering back to him, she said, "Forever and always."