Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP YSS Pliable (Marcus Rodia)


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(OOC: Continued from Regular Recon on Ayenee forums)

YSS Pliable - Deep Space

Nito Heisho Brynhildr Hamasaki, a Nekovalkyrja Logistics Specialist from the Hayai-class gunboat YSS Pliable, with a spruce-green bob and big brown eyes, had stuck like glue to Marcus Rodia, Vice President fitness division for Equilibrium corporation. Since his pickup from Ayenee a day earlier, the man had been in the splendid care of the Star Army of Yamatai, which had provided him with a room for the night, some gourmet meals (nobody could accuse the Star Army of inadequate cuisine) and access to the ship's communal shower.

This morning Bryn, as she called herself, was meeting with him in the laundry room since there wasn't a lot of places to meet on the small gunboat. "Mr. Rodia," she greeted. "Now that we are in Yamataian space, I was wondering where we could take you. Our captain says she can take you anywhere, or to anyone, in the Empire."
Marcus nodded thankfully as he leaned casually against one of the walls.

"I appreciate the gesture, Bryn. Unfortunately, I don't have much of a plan at this point. My company hasn't sent many executives on inter-universal trips before. This is just as much of a learning situation for me as it is a business venture. If you have anyone available who has dealt with anyone from Ayenee before, that would probably be my first choice."

Marcus was a little nervous. It wasn't the potential danger that concerned him. He'd been all over Ayeneee, which presented countless challenges in itself. It wasn't even the space travel. He'd been heavily modified on a genetic level. Travel sickness was incapable of affecting him. No, his nervousness came from the fact that he was currently on a ship full of females. Marcus' family was close, so close, in fact, that when he'd been engaged before, it was broken off because of his constant obsession with checking on his sister. While the relationship there was sweet, it left him awkward around groups of females, regardless of species. Thankfully, he hid it well.

"I'm sorry I'm not more informative. But like I said, this is a learning trip."
"Of course. I think there's only a limited number of people who have been to Ayenee, and most of them are a lot older than I am," Bryn told Marcus. "I will see what I can do to look some up. In the meantime, I need you to fill out some more paperwork." She handed him a data pad with what appeared to be a lengthy background check form, possibly for a some sort of security clearance and/or travel visa process.

(OOC: Character sheet time!)
Marcus nodded as he looked at the data pad. He saw this one coming from before they left Ayenee. Background information was mandatory if he was going to be allowed to continue on a journey with these people, and especially if he was going to be allowed to conduct any amount of business with them or any others he would contact.

He was reminded, again, about how useful the implanted translation matrix he'd been given was. He could be relatively certain that the written language of the Yamatai Empire was nothing he'd encountered before. Yet here was, holding one of their data pads and filling it out like it was just another form handed to him by just another business contact.

It took him a fair amount of time to fill out, considering there was a good deal of explaining he'd have to do, as well as referencing sources that could be checked on in an inter-universal system. Still, he did finish, eventually. He handed the pad back to his seemingly ever-present hostess with a smile. "I believe that should be the information you need. What's next?"

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Bryn actually didn't leave him to make her inquiries. Instead, Marcus could basically tell what was happening as she'd been sitting on the chair across from him staring into space: Nekovalkyrja were telepathic, and she was on the Yamataian equivalent of the internet. "So," she began, speaking in accented words that were essentially English, the international (transuniversal?) trade language."I don't think there's anyone who knows Ayenee better than Ketsurui Yui, who spent significant time in Ayenee and led our forces during the defense of Ayenee Capital City during the Chaos Hive War and the Second Draconian War. However, she is still the head of the Star Army of Yamatai after all these years, which makes her a very busy woman."

Heisho (Petty Officer) Bryn paused for a moment and then continued: "I did find one other possibility, though. Heram J Wazu, a former Star Army fleet admiral and a former Nepleslian Admiral, who, after escaping the Gartagen civil war, is now serving as civilian science adviser. Biologist , starship designer. Hmm. This guy is quite a character. Anyway, he knows this universe like no one else and he's been in Ayenee as part of the Qel'noran Industrial Sector so he knows a little about where you are from, too. Furthermore he is on Ketsurui Hanako's ship, the Eucharis. Shosho Ketsurui was Taisho Ketsurui Yui's protege and was with her during some of the Ayenee events back in that time, and has a great many government and business connections that you might find of interest to your trading interests. What do you think?"
Marcus' eyebrows raised at the sound of the familiar name. "Yes, I'm well aware who Ketsurui Yui is. There are many wars in the history of my world, but we do try to learn something from them...well...some of us." He shook his head as a few thoughts he didn't need at the time tried to take over. "Anyway, I've certainly heard of your army's commander. I'd relish the opportunity to meet her, but I understand her schedule. I've known other people of high station in several different large empires."

Marcus pondered the thought of meeting this Heram. "I can't say I've heard of this Heram Wazu or Ketsurui Hanako. If they've been to Ayenee, though, I know someone who would. That aside, given the purpose of my visit, I believe a stay on your Eucharis would be my best option. I thank you for your efforts in assisting me, Bryn."