Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.
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  • Been sick as hell. And no, I'm not leaving Char my action figure collection should I meet my demise.
    Have them shot into space.
    Gonna Elon Musk that shit. Right to Mars.
    To every plot I owe posts to, working on them as of this message. Sorry for the delays, IRL stuff calls my attention before SARP.
    Real-life comes first mate, SARP won't go anywhere.
    I'll try to get out any posts I owe over the next day or two. I'm up to my 94 hour mark in working this week so all I want to do is sleep and meet the bare minimum IRL obligations atm. But I WILL try.
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    :o that's too much!!! I am sure your GMs understand!
    Totally understand! If you need to skip a post in my plots let me know!
    Will try to make posts (Primarily in Die Screamin') as I am able later today.
    Will try to belt out a post or two later on in the day. Work's been rough so I've been using my spare time to sleep. Lotta sleep. >.>
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    Reactions: Wes
    Are you doing okay, healthwise? You're awesome but I worry about you a lot! Best wishes and hugs, man.
    My ticker is doing good so far. I had emergency angioplasty when I had been brought in. Since then I've been relaxing and doing school work since I'm close to graduating and upcoming residency stuff. But thanks for checking in on me man, I totally appreciate when y'do this sort of thing. :)
    In the hospital for the past three days. Had a heart attack and they are wanting to keep me for about a week and a half for recovery and to further monitor the situation. The internet here sucks here so I can barely get on for a few minutes or seconds at a time before it boots me.
    • Wow
    Reactions: RaWolfe
    Is it one of those COVID-related heart attacks or just a regular one? How are you doing now? You can try switching to the Xenforo default template for less images to download, maybe that will help.
    It was a regular run of the mill mild heart attack. They released me early after a flurry of tests which will continue over the next week. Still tired all the time but that is normal for something like this.
    That is super scary. I hope you make a full recovery.
    Just tried a Cinnamon Coke, surprisingly good if you like cinnamon. :0
    Whoa, didn't know that existed.
    Pretty darn good imo, granted you got to like cinnamon.
    Tch, bleach is the enemy, got some on one of my fav vintage shirts. :<
    Ah just had a flashback to the same thing happening to me on a vintage floral halfway button-up. Sucks :[
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    Reactions: Soresu
    Yeeeeeah, that's what I get for leaving a tiny bit of bleach on my counter top. :\ Oh well.
    Good news! The cops caught the guy who stole my stuff. And yes, I am pressing charges. Bad news, only my desktop was recovered. It was stripped of parts so I will have to replace them.

    I've already taken steps to change my banking information, passwords etc etc to prevent possible theft and misuse. But apparently this guy had been burglarizing a number of houses so he's going to be gone for a good long time.
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    Thats great news that they caught him! Hopefully you get money back from that guy in regards of what he has stolen.
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    If not I don't mind so long as he rots in jail for more than a couple of years. Rebuilding my desktop will be tough since money is tight. But it'll be a labor of love all the same. Beyond that I am going to have to redo my paper, collect notes again etc etc so that will be rough but manageable.
    It will be rough, but you will make it!
    My apartment was broken into last night while I was out. Feels bad man. :(
    • Sad
    Reactions: Rizzo
    Oh man, that's scary. Glad you are OK. Thieves are freaking scum.
    Hopefully, you can have some luck either getting it back or getting some help on getting things replaced. Be safe, Soresu.
    Well, hopefully I can get it all back. I gave the police descriptions of what was taken. All I can do is wait, and or replace what was stolen. Just glad I wasn't here when it happened and that they didn't manage to pop open my safe.
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