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Approved Submission Red Tessen Update


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
Raz said some stuff in the recent thread about the Red Tessen that I thought was really cool and should be added to the wiki.

I've expanded the description with

The Red Tessen primarily takes the form of an actual crimson colored war fan given to the recipient. The Fan is authorized for carry with any Star Army uniform, but is primarily carried when a class A is worn. Due to the inconvenience of carrying the fan, a ribbon is also authorized.

and added an OOC note

The Red Tessen is akin to a Silver Star. It is awarded for gallantry in service beyond what the Star Army's Combat Award would call for. While it isn't as rare as the Order Of The Blazing Sun, being awarded a Red Tessen singles out the recipient as part of a very exclusive combat fellowship made up of the Star Army's best soldiers.

I've added a RP example from the thread linked as well.

I think an actual image of the War Fan would be cool, but I haven't added it at this point.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Excuse me but I am currently writing an update for this, as I said in the thread discussing it. All you've done is taken what I've posted OOC. I'm not sure why you've done this despite my statements that I am working on updates. Not sure why you're trying to jump in with something when I've said I'm working on this.

My forthcoming version is more extensive. Please be patient.

Raz: You can submit your version when it's ready, but this one looks good to use in the meantime.
I did submit it as an update in the previously approved thread (to keep the paper trail, as has occurred with updates for years). It was already FM approved by Yuuki.

I would prefer this Soban update not be applied to my article, as it does nothing but copy+paste a few of my OOC comments that weren’t written in a way to put on the wiki.