Star Army

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RP Grand Opening of Kumo no Kagayaki Station 'Cloudport' [OPEN RP]

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SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Kumo no Kagayaki Station, Jiyuu System - Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, Yamatai Star Empire
“Welcome to Kumo no Kagayaki Station, I am Nitō-kōkaishi Nakajima Chō. As you approach please ensure you answer the automated communication from our KAIMON docking assistant. They will assist you with procedures to finalize your approach and successfully dock with the station. If your vessel requires repairs or replenishment you will be given the option to connect with Yugumo Fleetworks. While onboard please contact our Chief Steward for concierge services. Enjoy your stay.”-Nitō-kōkaishi Nakajima Chō, Standard Approach Greeting.


Kumo no Kagayaki Station​

Jiyuu System, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector - Yamatai Star Empire​

Motoyoshi Arisu walked through the mall concourse off docking extension one, the sky-blue-haired Nekovalkyrja walked hurriedly toward the Chief Steward's office with her three Motoyoshi Keibi in tow behind her. As usual, she was done up in her custom megumi combat suit, with its white and teal panels and black embellishments, she considered it her fashion statement and it made a great contrast to the three behind her in their black Keisatsu versions. The Kaicho walked into the office, "Razan-san!" she called out, to the Chief as she took a minute to snoop the few datapads that lay on top of the desk.

Her KAIMON Companion, 'Gubby' as she called him was floating next to her, his big blue saucer-shaped eyes swirling like they were going to hypnotize someone. The disguised drone even made little robotic noises as it zipped around her and stopped just above her right shoulder. "First PAINT Starchaser III is inbound, Kaicho," he chimed.

Razan nearly tripped over himself, as he met the Kaicho's stare with a series of quick almost nervous bows. "Motoyoshi-Kaicho! Yes, yes everything is ready. The Stellarastra Luxe Celestial Hotel even has a few blocks of rooms still available. My team and I are ready to go. The reception in Sakura Serenity Haven will be up and ready in an hour or two. We got a couple of attendants down at the Flavor of Victory and Tokyo Brewing Company ready to help our signature staff handle the rush," he reported hurriedly, a little frantic with everything that was going on and he had not expected her at his office.

"Alright Razan-san, and stay calm. You got this!" she said as she turned and headed out of the office, the tight body suit accented the sway of her thighs as she returned to the concourse's main corridor. It was almost time, the first Ferry was inbound from Yamatai and there was already a line of privately owned Misha-Explorers from various families around the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector waiting to dock when the station officially opened.

Kumo no Kagayaki also known as Cloudport to those who had observed its construction was a much-welcomed replacement to Port Jiyuu after it left with the Colonization Initiative, the old Port Hachidori had filled in during construction but had nowhere close to the amenities as the new Tengumo-Class Space Station or its predecessor. This station would be one of many the company intended to build over the next few years, and it certainly had a good start with its luxurious interiors and unique hotspots that were sure to draw in travelers headed to Jiyuu or other systems in the MCS.

"Five minutes until Station Open," Gubby declared as Arisu stopped on the upper deck of the concourse and looked down over what was about to be a very busy mall below. They had a tonne of events planned, including a special showing of some Tokyo-based Noh companies in the Nohscape Odessey theater, including the classic 'Saga of the Sea Saint' which was a story about a survivor from Taiie who became a mad woman.

There was a loud chime over the station's internal communications followed by a series of melodic musical chimes. The station's internal communication system opened up as well as those going to vessels in the region, Arisu adjusted her posture, as she knew her projection was about to be everywhere, "Kumo no Kagayaki Station is now open for business. We welcome you to the Yugumo Corporation's grand debut of the Tengumo-Class Space Station, representing luxury, entertainment, and service to all who visit the Jiyuu System. Guided tours will be available in each concourse bi-hourly and our Stewards are standing by to assist with your needs. If you're here on business or for pleasure, Welcome to Cloudport," she announced.

Arisu had no idea what to expect in terms of turnout, either way, they had prepared for a busy celebration as the station would finally open.
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Their first year in the Star Army had been a whirlwind of exciting learning experiences. As it was coming to a close both women were in dire need of some time to cut loose after working their rear ends off. Rina and Satake walked arm in arm while entering Kumo no Kagayaki Station staring at the projection of Arisu filled with awe and excitement. Rina was scantily clad in a black cybergoth style mini dress with pops of neon turquoise, this was accompanied by matching knee-high heeled boots and loose flowing locks of wavy black hair. On her arm, Satake wore a dark olive green solid surplice deep v-neck dress, with knee high matching boots in a complimentary color, loose aqua and white locks cresting over her collarbone. When the grand introduction came to an end they met each others gaze, alit with anticipation to contemplate their next steps.

A tour was obviously on their list of to-dos while at the station. Decidedly they planned to do a tour first, then perhaps some food at Flavor of Victory. Obviously they would make a stop somewhere to unwind like Sakura Serenity Haven. "Don't forget we have to stop at Yuuko's Undies!" Satake exclaimed with a wink. Rina nodded in agreement, "A great place to shop for work and play, I could always use some more pairs of fishnets. You think they come in different colors?" Without breaking their arm link Satake put the pointer finger of her free hand to her lips in ponderance. "I cannot imagine that there would be a lack of variety. Surely they have a rainbow of options. Maybe I will let you pick me out a pair." They walked over to the concourse to await the first tour or a change of plans.


The blue skinned minkan dancer brushed past the swathes of people after Arisu's announcement to talk with one of the stewards. When she found one she tucked a strand of black hair behind her elf style ears and flicked her purple eyes up at them with a friendly flirtatious gaze. "Is there perhaps somewhere a girl could dance around here? I need to let some energy out." she said full of vivacity swaying in her little lavender dress.

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Kumo no Kagayaki Station​

Jiyuu System, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector - Yamatai Star Empire​

A few minutes before opening​

Yue was very excited about their new station’s grand opening, and even though the blue-skinned Motoyoshi was far away in the Kosuke Sector, she knew she would still be able to attend. Using a special pod, she remotely took control of a prepared Kaimon Ascendant colleague, which began to change its appearance to match Yue’s appearance. To save on awkward clothing movements which didn’t move when the android did, she chose to go scantily clad, very scantily clad of the highest caliber. Her eyes blinked, and as she did, the volumetric covering of the colleague’s eyes also blinked as it copied the blue-skinned Motoyoshi. She then left the area, and made her way to Arisu’s side, wanting to stand beside her aunt’s side as it all started.


“five..four..three..two…one!” Yue had said to herself once the warning came up and then when it was time, she began counting quietly to herself, and finally it was open and she glanced around. She loved everything about the place, and she hadn't yet explored it!

The YSS Eucharis arrived in a flash of sparkling teal light, recognizable by its distinctive shape and red-painted wings in the a Ketsurui clan livery. The old Plumeria Gunship swung around and swiftly approached the newly-christened gargantuan space station, requesting an available docking port for the Star Army Taisho turned Imperial Premier, who had come to give Kumo no Kagayaki Station her blessing. Upon arrival, Hanako, accompanied by her small entourage and dressed in a resplendent old Type 35 uniform, exited the Eucharis to check out the new station's vast interiors and to join the celebration.

"I'd like to visit all Star Army Recruiting Centers board the station to inspect them," Hanako told her redheaded yeoman Honora Muirin, as she boarded the light rail train from the docking area.



The station was bustling with traffic on its first official operational day, marking the end of testing and practice runs. Arisu, being a Nekovalkyrja, effortlessly managed the influx of information from supervisors and upper management. Currently situated on the second floor of the first concourse, she planned to do a walkthrough before returning to the command deck to check on the newly arrived Merchant Spacy crews.

Turning around, she almost collided with Aisa and suggested, "You should visit the Celestial Oasis; there's always something interesting happening there. Your vibrant blue appearance would be striking against the aquarium panes. Plus, they usually offer complimentary sake and snacks." She spoke warmly and invitingly. Spotting Yue's arrival, she greeted her with a hug, saying, "So glad you could join us. I was just about to..."

Interrupting, a panicked Kaicho named Razan informed them, "One of our tour guides, Razan, hasn't shown up on level one of the concourse, and we have guests waiting for a tour!" Arisu, remaining calm, replied, "No problem, Sakurai-Shunin-rusu. Just send them up to level two, and I'll guide them. " Razan immediately went to inform Satake and Rina to meet Arisu on the upper level for their tour.

Addressing Yue, she remarked, "Looks like we're on tour duty, Yue. You're in for a special tour, along with the fortunate visitors. I'll arrange for a replacement guide for the next tour. I'm proud of what we've accomplished here so I don't mind showing it off." She then said to the blue girl, Aisa, "If you'd like you can join us on the tour, the Oasis will be one of our stops anyway."


A short while later, Cheol arrived via PAINT. Being a Norian, he appreciated the cooling undersuit, as Yamataian ships and stations tended to be warmer than he preferred. He was dressed in a stylish black suit he had purchased in Kyoto, complete with a matching tie held together by a clip from his former MERN uniform. The black-haired, blue-eyed Norian stepped out into the concourse from the docking area and marveled at the station's size, which reminded him of one of the Citadels back home. He was grateful for the seamless computer interface, and within minutes, he established a connection with the station's KAIMON through his symbiote and the system's SQUID. He then quickly sent a message to Hanako.

Taisho Ketsurui Hanako, I have arrived on the station. I believe I am in concourse one. Where would you like to meet? - Regards, Cheol Eitan
Yue smiled as she was spotted by her aunt, then she moved in for the warm hug. Her smile only widened as Arisu spoke of how glad she was that she could join them. “I’m happy too!” she said then blinked as Arisu was saying she was about to do something, which sadly was interrupted by a panicking Kaicho, she recognized was named Razan Sakurai-Shunin-rusu. Who informed them of a missing guide on level 1. It caused her to frown, but also smile as she saw Arisu at work, and admired her calm reaction. “ooh, I cant wait!’ she said feeling excited, and also remembered what she overheard her aunt telling the other blue girl, and wondered if it would be the same for her as well.

The two off duty Star Army clerks offered Yue a warm smile when they saw the blue Minkan look around. They overheard panicked commentary about an absent tour guide and had all but settled on exploring themselves when Arisu stated that she would guide the tour instead. Arm in arm the two girls shuffled over to the gathering group coming to a stop behind Nami. It was not everyday they saw a blue skinned Minkan, but two in one instance? What a treat!


Nami gasped softly stepping back a bit so that she did not collide face first with Arisu's chest. "The Celestial Oasis sounds lovely, thank you for the tip!" she paused almost blushing at the compliment. "Coming from a beautiful person such as yourself I.." she paused when Razan came up in a panic. A missing tour guide?! Goodness she hoped everything was okay, though she could entirely understand if one were to get lost in this massive place. When Nami noticed Yue she offered a warm wave in a manner so as not to cause a wardrobe malfunction with her own dress. Looking back to Arisu, "I would love to join you." she said with an excited little hop.

Arisu and Group​

"Welcome! I am the station's commander, Kaicho Motoyoshi Arisu. Due to an unexpected absence, I'll be guiding your tour today. Since you're with me, you'll get to see some exclusive areas of the station that are typically off-limits to passengers. Please provide your names to my assistant," she gestured towards Yue, "so she can create your name badges. This way, we'll all know who each other is," she announced as more ladies joined the group.

Meanwhile, Sakurai-Shunin-rusu expressed his gratitude over the comm, "Thank you, Kaicho. I owe you one." She replied, "No worries, Razan-san. Just ensure we have some reserves for the later tours."

While waiting for Yue and the ladies to sort out their nametags, Kaicho double-checked the station's conditions. Thousands from across the sector were already flocking to the station. Despite minor baggage handling issues, everything was running smoothly and any small hiccup was being promptly addressed and corrected.

Convention Center - SAMIC Convention​

At the station's convention center, delegates from SAMIC-aligned firms started to gather. They began unloading crates filled with an array of new products, weaponry, and other offerings intended for the Star Army's consideration. Additionally, large volumetric projection chambers were being assembled for the virtual exploration and viewing of sizable weapons and starships. The Tamahagane Corporation and Yugumo Corporation had sponsored the convention, which was exclusively open to Star Army members, while other participating corporations paid a nominal fee for their display areas.

With approximately an hour and a half remaining before the convention's commencement, KAIMON Carriers briskly navigated the expansive convention floor, relocating shipping containers holding various showcased products.


Hanako read Cheol's message as she rode the light rail train, her excitement growing at the prospect of exploring the new station. She quickly composed a reply.

Cheol Eitan, I am currently in concourse three, heading towards the Star Army Recruiting Center. Meet me there in fifteen minutes. Looking forward to seeing you. - Hanako

With her message sent, Hanako continued on her way, eager to see the newly established Recruiting Centers and interact with potential recruits. She hoped that Kumo no Kagayaki Station would serve as a beacon of inspiration for those wanting to join the Star Army and contribute to the Yamatai Star Empire's goals. She was also looking forward to the SAMIC-con where manufacturers would be there to show the latest and greatest technology they wanted to sell to the Star Army. She had heard good things about some of the upcoming product releases.
Motoyoshi Tour Group

Yue was excited to be a part of the Motoyoshi Tour Group, and her curiosity was piqued by the diverse individuals she saw before her. The other blue-skinned girl who had caught her attention seemed to be an intriguing addition to the group. She couldn't help but wonder if there were others with unique qualities or backgrounds as well. Arisu, Yue's aunt and the station's commander, took the initiative to greet and introduce herself to everyone. The title of Kaicho meant that she held a position of authority within the group, which made Yue feel even more proud to be part of it.

Assigned the task of distributing name badges to the group, Yue realized it was her chance to make sure everyone felt connected and knew each other's names. With a warm smile on her face, she set out to ensure that everyone had their name badges, promoting a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for the group's members.


See you there - Cheol Eitan

Cheol found himself in Concourse One. Concourse Three, he thought to himself. To navigate the vast space, he consulted the KAIMON for a map. As he examined his destination, he couldn't help but remark to himself about the station's sheer size. Determined, he made his way to the nearest LRT station and hopped on the train.

The train smoothly started its journey, darting through the underground tunnels connecting the different concourses. After a brief stop at Concourse Two, Cheol's train pulled into Concourse Three. He disembarked and proceeded towards the Star Army recruitment center. Along the way, he couldn't help but notice a new supermarket in the concourse, its meticulously displayed fruits and vegetables tempting his appetite. He made a mental note to grab some food later.

Upon arriving at the Star Army Recruiting Office, Cheol was greeted by impressive volumetric projections showcasing various Tasia and Admiralty figures who had left their mark on the Star Army throughout the years. Fortunately, one of them was Hanako, ensuring he wouldn't mistake her appearance. Approaching the reception desk, he said, "I'm Cheol Eitan, and I have an appointment with the Taisho." After a brief wait, he found a seat in the waiting area.

Taisho, I am here in the waiting room - Cheol Eitan

Tour Group​

"Alright, let's get started," Arisu said as she began to lead the group through the upper level of the concourse, "If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them. I will do my best to answer them," she informed them with a cheery smile, "This Tengumo-Class Space Station is the first of many planned to be built by the Yugumo Corporation, it represents the latest investment ventures in the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector and hopefully the Kosuke Sector in the future. Cloudport, is special as it serves as the main port for Jiyuu and is the gateway to the rest of the sector," she said as she walked them through the well-lit corridors, she stopped briefly in front of the Kikyo Pie Company Outlet, "The concourse has a lot of restaurants for you to check out and explore, but this one is the Kikyo Pie Company, they specialize in Pizza. Let's go in and try out some free samples," she said as she led the group inside.

The polished brand-new outlet was decorated in the usual tiles of red and white, the iconic cheese-drooping pizza slice logo projected along with the menu at the front of the store. This Kikyo Pie Company was a bit different than their usual outlets, it was a totally open-concept kitchen separated from the front of the store by a display case with various TBC soda and beer selections, and you could see the marble countertop where the pizza artists were doing everything from tossing the dough to adding the mounds of delicious toppings. The fresh smell of cooking pies drifted from the custom wood-fired ovens that lined the back of the store. "Hi there!" one of the employees, a cheeky pink-haired female Minkan with green eyes shouted as she tossed a wheel of dough up into the air and spun it around, then caught it in her fists in perfect precision.

Another employee, with a nametag that noted her as the manager, Sakurai Daichi a retired Star Army Nekovalkyrja with wide violet eyes and shoulder-length dark green hair greeted them as well, "Welcome! Here try some of our pies!" she invited them. She then produced a checkerboard paper-lined tray with their signature pepperoni pizza sliced into tiny triangles, as well as some of their mixed veggie pizza slices for those who didn't eat meat. "If anyone is interested we're about to bring our new Cloudport Pie out of the oven here shortly, just 1KS a slice during the opening. It has whole milk mozzarella, Kameyama ribeye, red onions, and Iga peppers for just a little heat and our secret steak sauce," she offered them in an upbeat tone.

"We will stop here for a few minutes, if you grab a slice get it to go!" Arisu added as she hung back to take a few minutes to make sure that the next stop, the Sakura Serenity Haven was ready for visitors.

Nearby space Kumo no Kagayaki Station​

Jiyuu System​

Motoyoshi Colonial Sector​

Yamatai Star Empire​

Nearby the station appears a thin blue line, the line extends in width and soon opens forming a window of blue pulsing energy. The window starts to shift backward as an odd buzz-humming noise is heard by those nearby from the window shifting backward. As the windows shift backward it passes over an old frigate The armor appears to be pockmarked but otherwise the craft is in perfect condition, Security scans will show the large turrets are powered down but several smaller turrets are active but do not target nearby ships. Moments later the FOF Systems ID the craft as the ISS Sobek just as that blue window passes beyond the aft of the frigate and closes. Moments later the aft of the craft lights up as the craft begins to move toward the station.

ISS Sobek​

Jiyuu System​

Motoyoshi Colonial Sector​

Yamatai Star Empire​

Dorsail Bridge location​

Lenna listens to the automated message from the station as Nikicon smiles looking out the windows before her at the large station that makes the craft they call home tiny. " There it is Lenna! The latest station that Yugumo Fleetworks developed and deployed." Nikicon smiles more as she and A red-skinned alien woman both approach the bridge windows to look over the station.

Zeck smiles looking at the station and she says to Nikicon " Your company made that I'm impressed does it need calibrations?" Nikicon giggles some and then says "NO NO they don't need help with calibrations with it. I am sure that they have it all in line ready to go by now. It's the opening celebrations from what I hear."

Lenna smiles some at the banter of the two before her as she looks at the screen of the nearby craft and approach vector. " Looks clear to move into the dock. " Sobek please attempt to contact the docking assistant for vectors to dock and take over from here." I nearby screen flashes on as the face of the ship's AI appears and speaks "Yes ma'am I have already contacted them and received vectors, assuming control and taking us in."

Lenna moves over toward Nikicon and Zeck to look out the windows and then asks Nikicon. " are you sure a station like this would have what the research crew onboard needs? The outer armor layer is gone and we need to get it refilled are replaced as with the standard armor fixed. Nikicon turns to look at Lenna and frowns looking back to the station. " I only can hope that they have what Doc needs to fix the Sobek. I have a short list of stuff from Stan that is needed to fix or upgrade a few things that got damaged. Looking back at the station Nikicon smiles some as she looks forward to what she got this year from the Salvage giveaway, Getting noticed that the items were already en route, however, that last item does make her worry.
ISS Sobek, Bridge

...That sound from the corridor again, like a person wordlessly being dragged, scratching into the floor pannels with their nails... The door frame groaned and heaved, like some wild animal was crudely bashing at the control pannel with a sock full of coins... Then, the newly replaced bolts clunked, and the whole thing slid away...

"-Hällo Cyaptain, I woulyd like to go to space cityee, gyett better medikal equepment, okäye?~" Dr. Gyrid Holgi Ygrmar Dyiad spoke with that strange not-swedish lilt. Angular dinosaur-like head projected through the doorway, without the rest of her body actually moving. She was apparently trying to look a bit more 'human' today, their towering sandstone form bearing a yellow dress with a black undersuit, and a large red ribbon on their tail...

Something was differant about the mood- Maybe they were motivated to do their job well? Impress the human captain, or the little rabbit engineer? Actual go talk to some other humans, in a big human place?


Giving that submissive kind of befangled grin and fixing their glasses, the silanbar held out her compu-pad to sign, giving them some kind of identification in case they were stopped on the station. "Sobek ékweepment meets level, but it is not amazing, ja? Mission go outside this home space. Mission dangerous. Medikal should be preparing for zhee bäd things, hum?..."

Upon closer inspection, the smile had become strained, their red eyes locked on the gigantic glistening chandaleer of a space station outside the bridge veiwport...

And then there was that little silver dart of silver with red wings... One of those ships from the empire of the catgirls, the race that had defeated the Kuvexians... The beings she had once seen as superior in all ways... They'd have to deal with them at some point, though, right? Because they ruled this space, and they were rich?...

"...S-s-Söbek peypöel can count on Doctor Holgi." She affirmed out loud, tense, but willing to prove their worth. "It is just more alyiens, ja?... I'm not afraide..."
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Rina Nematsu, Satake Hitomi, and Nami Aisa

After some struggling Rina found an appropriate spot to secure her name badge on a strap of her mini dress. Satake gave Rina's name badge a friendly pat before securing her own. Nami stepped up next to the pair looking a little lost as to where she should put her name tag. Rina slipped over in front of her with a friendly smile, "May I?" she gestured with an offer to help. "Yes, please!" Nami echoed cheerfully.

Carefully Rina secure the name badge on a strap of Nami's dress before slipping back over to link arms with Satake. "Feel free to join us" Satake offered. Nami noticed that she had caught Yue's attention, offering a friendly smile before joining up with the two clerks. The trio followed the group as Arisu led them along the first leg of the tour.

Nami broke off from her newfound companions once the group reached Kikyo Pie Company. She was mesmerized by the pizza artists working food magic on the marble countertop. Rina and Satake nodded affirmatively at Sakurai's offer, "Two slices, to go please" Rina piped up.
Star Army Recruiting Station
Concourse 3, Kumo no Kagayaki Station

Hanako arrived at the newly-constructed recruiting station without incident, walking in with her small group of assistants and associates. Spotting Cheol in the waiting area, she went over and introduced herself. "Hello, I am Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, Imperial Premier of Yamatai and Director of Star Army Personnel. It's a pleasure to meet you and to know that you're interested in serving in the Star Army."
Tour Group
Yue admired her name tag, which was neatly adorned with elegant calligraphy. The tag was a vibrant shade of cerulean, with her name written in a delicate script, accentuating the graceful curves of each letter. It felt like a special touch that added to the festive atmosphere of the event. Yue couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement as she stood beside her aunt Arisu, ready to engage with the guests and ensure everyone had a memorable time. Now they were on their way, and she followed along, her yellow eyes looking at all of the restaurants that were on this level, including the Kikyo Pie Company, which she was aware make pizzas, delicious yummy pizzas.

Though due in part to not being hungry, she chose not to partake in the yumminess. Instead she observed the group, hoping that they were enjoying the opening as much as they appeared to be. As she looked around she glimpsed a few non restaurant stores, including one labled Mining Guild Emporium. This caused her to smile as she turned her attention back to the group again, unaware of the new arrivals to the station in the ISS Sobek Crew,

ISS Sobek
Mileena, the fox Anthro, peered away from her workstation aboard the ISS Sobek, an armed cargo transport vessel. Her keen eyes were fixed on the screen, tracking the new space station belonging to Yugumo Corporation. With a graceful stride, she made her way from her station to stand beside Nikicon, her friend. Yugumo Corporation was a name that Mileena recognized all too well from her encounters with their electronic kiosks in various locations, including primarily, from her hometown, DracoTown, located on Station Omacron, and the faction of New Dusk Conclave. She reminisced about passing by their kiosks as she departed from the New Dusk Conclave.

"Looks interesting," Mileena remarked, her curiosity piqued. She knew that Yugumo Corporation had a strong presence in the Kikyo sector, and this new space station was undoubtedly a fascinating development. As she and Nikicon shared their thoughts with their fellow crewmates, she contemplated the potential opportunities and challenges that might arise from their interactions with Yugumo Corporation in this distant corner of the cosmos.
Convention Center - SAMIC Convention

Saika Mochikabu Kaisha (formerly Saiga Psychogenetics) didn't supply nearly as many products to the Star Army as Ketsurui Zaibatsu or Tamahagane Corp did, nor even as much as most of its other fellow manufacturers counted as part of Yamatai's military-industrial complex. The company's one military item was a simple power armor duty pistol that had become a sleeper favorite among Uchuugun Mindy pilots in the decade-or-so since its release. Still, the Saiga Company had reserved floor space for this year's SAMIC Convention.

Attended by Yamataian girls in tight blood red pencil skirts with glossy white tights plus and a few more corpo officials wearing more traditional suits, it was a rather small booth (at least compared to the bigger companies) and was split up into three sections for small arms, bio-engineered products, and larger military hardware. Each section was divided by a semitransparent crimson volumetric wall with a triangular grid pattern across it, and floating slab tables made of spotless silver metal hosted brochures, display pieces, and freebies like pens or commemorative pistol cartridges. Care was taken to maintain an open floor plan atop red carpet that was dyed a deeper shade than the walls.

Of course, the small arms section was the Saiga pavilion's centerpiece — the Model 38 Special Duty Revolver would be what most Star Army personnel were familiar with and would want to see. A collection of bespoke revolvers were on display here with special etched furniture and unique colorways. There were newer offerings, too. The famous pistol's gunsmith, the reclusive Fiolina Jilad, had contracted directly with the Saiga Company (which produced more of the M38 than SiZi ever had at this point) to introduce more firearms to the condensed plasma ammunition lineup. In particular, the Nepleslian-based Geshrin armorer had created a lever action revolver rifle that was made to accept "light" plasma cartridges.

Saiga Psychogenetics Research Laboratories, the conglomerate's core company, ran the bio-engineered products area. Here could be found a myriad of different oddities, mostly gene treatments that were made to trick specific cells in a target organism's body into behaving differently. The booth staff here in the SP Labs section would promise their scientists could craft therapies for any desired outcome, whether for a civilian or military application. Anyone stopping by could take a free pill, suspended unwrapped in food safe anti-grav projectors that appeared from the floor as beams of dark purple light, to temporarily render their consciousness immune to any sensation of soreness brought on by a day of convention exploring. Interestingly, part of this section included information regarding single-use coffee capsules made from beans engineered to remain contiguous when dried and ground up as to ultimately leave no waste behind. Conventiongoers could pop one into a proprietary coffee maker within the booth space and be provided with a fresh cup of perfect espresso within 15 seconds.
The last area was dedicated to heavy military hardware. Mecha, to be precise. Saiga Holding Company's executives ultimately had little hope that the Star Army would adopt their latest Ō-yoroi, only recently developed and completed this year. But they'd brought one in nonetheless, piece-by-piece, and assembled it laying down on the convention center floor before sitting it up. At 15.3 meters tall standing upright, the monstrosity had to kneel down to fit, crouching at a height of about 20 feet, even within the expansive event space that was fit for things like tanks, fighter jets, and small starships. Designed in the lineage of the company's Model 31 "Hatamoto" mecha, this newer walker was far more robust and larger, and sported a new version of the Saiga Company's Ion Resonance Katana that lay leaned diagonally against the gigantic robot's left shoulder. They called it the Kenshi, Yamataigo for "swordsman," and offered any interested parties the opportunity to sit within the machine's state-of-the-art cockpit.
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Cheol was struck by the presence of Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako as she approached him at the recruiting station. Her aura exuded authority and grace, leaving no doubt in Cheol's mind that she was a person of immense importance. As she introduced herself, Cheol felt a mix of excitement and nervousness but managed to maintain his composure. He stood up from his seat, offering a respectful bow before replying, "It's an honor to meet you, Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako. I'm Cheol Eitan, former Kryso of the MERN and the new Aestaesys of Tsenlan, and that is right, I'm deeply interested in serving in the Star Army." He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and determination as he spoke those words.

Cheol's eyes briefly scanned the recruiting station, taking in the impressive surroundings. The projections of historical figures and the sleek, modern design of the facility spoke volumes about the importance and prestige of the Star Army. It was clear to him that this was an organization where he could make a meaningful contribution. With a polite smile, he continued, "I've been following the Star Army's activities and achievements for quite some time. The dedication and valor of its personnel have inspired me, and I'm eager to be a part of this noble cause." Cheol's voice conveyed his genuine enthusiasm as he awaited further guidance from the Taisho.

ISS Sobek​

After the ISS Sobek had successfully docked with Kumo no Kagayaki Space Station, Nitō-kōkaishi Nakajima Chō, the Second Officer, sent a customized message to the crew to ensure their comfort and address any further needs they might have:

"Greetings, Crew of the ISS Sobek,

I trust your docking process went smoothly. It is our pleasure to have you here at Kumo no Kagayaki Station. We hope your journey was pleasant, and you find our facilities accommodating.

As you settle in, please know that our services remain at your disposal. Should you require any repairs, replenishment, or any other assistance during your stay, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team at Yugumo Fleetworks is well-prepared to address any maintenance needs your vessel may have.

For your convenience and enjoyment, our Chief Steward is available to assist with concierge services and any special requests you may have. Whether it's information about station amenities, local attractions, or anything else, we are here to make your time on Kumo no Kagayaki Station as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Once again, welcome to our station. We look forward to ensuring your stay is both productive and memorable. If you have any questions or require any assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.

Safe travels and enjoy your time on Kumo no Kagayaki Station.

Warm regards,
Nitō-kōkaishi Nakajima Chō
Second Officer, Kumo no Kagayaki Space Station"


Arisu found herself waiting patiently as the rest of the group lined up to grab their slices of pizza. She leaned against the counter, her eyes fixed on the skilled pizza artists working their magic behind the marble countertop. Their hands moved with precision, tossing dough into the air and adding generous heaps of toppings. The aroma of freshly baked pies wafted through the air, making her stomach rumble, despite having just eaten.

She watched with a smile as Rina and Satake eagerly placed their orders, requesting two slices to go. The pizza artists, in their element, swiftly prepared the requested slices, the cheese melting and bubbling as they emerged from the wood-fired oven.

Arisu couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she observed her group enjoying the culinary delights of Kikyo Pie Company. She knew that moments like these would be cherished by the tour participants, creating lasting memories of their visit to Cloudport. With a satisfied sigh, she continued to wait, knowing that the next stop on their tour, the Sakura Serenity Haven, awaited their exploration.

"We can come back to the concourse after the rest of the tour and let them loose on a bit of a shopping spree," she said to Yue as they waited.


Chujo Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano, an NH-33 (Tennyo) Nekovalkyrja with teal-blue almond-shaped eyes and a bright cream complexion, attended the SAMIC Convention with a sense of anticipation. Her role as commanding officer of the YSS Tokyo made her eager to explore new technologies and innovations, making the convention a perfect opportunity to satisfy her curiosity.

Upon arrival, Ayano made her way to the Saika Mochikabu Kaisha booth, immediately drawn to its unique design and layout. From a distance, she observed the three distinct sections that showcased small arms, bio-engineered products, and heavy military hardware. In the small arms section, Ayano was captivated by an array of custom revolvers and cutting-edge firearms. She couldn't help but reach out to touch one of the specially etched revolvers, and her expressive body language betrayed her fascination.

However, it was the section dedicated to coffee capsules engineered for minimal waste that truly caught Ayano's attention. With a bright smile and her expressive body language conveying her eagerness, she addressed the booth staff, "I'm a coffee lover, and this sounds amazing. I'd love to try one of these capsules, please."

The convention hall was bathed in the soft glow of simulated morning light, and the official start of the event was still a little way off. The Yugumo team buzzed with activity as they meticulously arranged their booth, making sure every detail was perfect. Their purpose? To unveil their cutting-edge Starshield and OrchidGear product lines, setting the stage for an exciting new year of innovations.

Amidst the preparations, there was an air of anticipation as they discreetly showcased a selection of unreleased products. Among them was a groundbreaking water purification system, capable of transforming even the murkiest water sources into crystal-clear refreshment. Additionally, they proudly presented their camp barrier system, a technological marvel that utilized lasers to create a protective shield around campsites. This innovative barrier not only offered security but also had the capability to alert explorers if the perimeter of their camp was breached, enhancing safety in the great outdoors.

As the convention's official start time drew nearer, the Yugumo team's booth exuded an aura of excitement and anticipation, promising a glimpse into the future of their remarkable product offerings.
However, it was the section dedicated to coffee capsules engineered for minimal waste that truly caught Ayano's attention. With a bright smile and her expressive body language conveying her eagerness, she addressed the booth staff, "I'm a coffee lover, and this sounds amazing. I'd love to try one of these capsules, please."

"Of course, Miss," one of the Saiga booth babes quickly replied, soon producing a mahogany colored orb between her index finger and thumb out from a black leather pouch that hung at her right hip from a sling across her shoulder. "Each one is made from the bean of a specially engineered coffee plant that has been trained on a genetic level to possess properties that allow this configuration without the need for additives or packaging."

The attendant didn't know all of the deep science but had clearly been coached to explain some basics. Mostly, however, the green-haired girl would let the product explain itself. On the hovering silver table between her and Ayano sat a black machine about eight inches tall and three wide. A glass carafe filled with water sat beside it, and a clear tube inserted into its depths was connected to the brewing device's back. The front of the machine had a part that hung over a cutaway portion, and here the attendant placed a white paper cup (amusingly not waste free) with the logo of this year's SAMIC Con printed on its side. Atop the overhang, she placed the coffee pod into an open receptacle that snapped shut with a little trapdoor once it sensed that it was ready to brew. And then she pressed a button that lit up with a red light twice to set the machine to work.

"I hope you are okay with a Nesplesliano, Miss," she said to Ayano while the coffee maker performed its function, humming a mechanical song as it brewed. The water level in the nearby vessel slipped downward as it was sucked through the tube, into machine, and out two spigots over the paper cup — one pure hot water and the other freshly brewed espresso. "We have used the finest beans from Tatiana for this demonstration, but can apply our genetic process to any breed. These machines and the coffee pods themselves are ideal for starship use due to their lack of waste and space-saving form factor, and can connect directly to any starship's water supply. Instead of waiting for a full pot to brew, crewmen can top up their mugs whenever is convenient. Each machine is fully-featured, too, with settings for specific drinks and temperature levels."

By the time she was done with her spiel the coffee machine had finished. The waiting paper cup was now filled with perfectly brewed hot espresso and some added hot water, complete with an appropriate layer of thick crema foam floating bubbly on top.

"Please, Miss," the attendant said, pointing a flat open hand toward the cup so that Ayano knew it was ready to take. "It is the sincerest wish from all of us here at Saika Mochikabu Kaisha that you enjoy our product and have a productive convention ahead of you.
Convention Center - SAMIC Convention

Having arrived to set up their convention displays a day or so ahead of time, Osman Heavy Industries seemed determined to make an impression on the crowds attending the convention and as such their display space was extravagantly scaled . Their corporate vessel had carried not only a bevy of their military products, but also many of their non-military offerings. The corporation's display pavilion was broken up by a bevy of interactive smart-walls displaying both information about the different displays, as well as imagery of the different products in use. Multistructs mining and building, generators providing fuel and power to starships and infrastructure, even housing modules being deployed to rapidly answer the call for comfortable and expedient housing.

Of course, the centerpiece of OHI's area of the convention involved several displays of different vehicles and frames. A whole, though thoroughly de-activated, Type-41 MBT sat surrounded by materials detailing various considerations for future upgrades, including a modified turret bustle mounting additional missiles, or a redesigned chassis that eschewed the troop carrying capability of the original Bulldog in favor of an outsized armament.
Bulldog A2 SAoY.pngBulldog MBT.png

The crown jewel of the display, however, was the set of three Variable Frames, VF-41IIY "Haitakas" recently developed as part of the Star Army's Next Generation Fighter Program. They sat beside one another, one in fighter mode, the second in an intermediate form, and the third in its frame form, standing proud with both hands resting on its physical shield, which was planted between the legs. All three side by side made an impressive display, and there were several simulators available beside the frames that had drawn a crowd.

Aside from the company's military and industrial offerings, there was section of OHI's space that was quite uncharacteristic for the company, in essence a small apartment with half of its walls and ceiling removed. The space was small, but comfortable for one or two people, and contained all of the expected amenities and utilities. Additionally, beside the mock-apartment was what appeared to be a starship bunk, with integrated personal storage and entertainment systems. Though there were not as many people crowding this part of the company's space, there were a few investigating these offerings.

The whole affair was accompanied by gentle warm lighting emitted by portions of the temporary display walls and ambient sound reminiscent of both Osman itself and the company's new home of Phaeton. Traditional Osmani refreshments were offered to guests by sharply dressed attendants, both men and women alike from OHI's sales and customer service departments, tying everything together.

Several of the company's personnel also roamed the convention floor, networking and chatting with representatives of their compatriots in the SAMIC in order to better integrate themselves into the community that they were still relative newcomers to. One of these employees, one of the engineers behind the Haitaka, had made it a point to visit the Saiga pavilion, her eyes having caught sight of the other corporation's kneeling frame.

Maya Rowe brushed her chestnut hair back, wishing she'd put it in a ponytail that morning as she was accustomed to doing most days, and straightened the blazer over the dress that she felt rather out of place in as she approached one of the attendants by the large mecha to express an interest in the machine. Well aware that her expertise was machines and not people, she still offered her best "Hello!" to the attendant. "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about this machine, there's quite a lot of new frames being introduced these days, and this one's quite a bit different looking compared to the others!"
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