Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [Fall of Osman] Operation Durandium Cockatrice

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Osman System - Planet Osman.
The Osman system hung in the vacuum of space, a silent battleground of cosmic proportions raging in the silent vacuum that would otherwise break the very worlds themselves in the great cracks and booms of the trading blows of several hundred starships.

They had seen the coalition comming. Gathered at the edge of the system the fleet of a hundred and more warships could not be missed, not be ignored in its pressence and purpose. The SOS Coalition blazed into the system like a falling blade and the NMX could not, would not, ignore them.

But they would not meet them at the Coalition terms either despite their numerical and tactical advantage the NMX would align to meet them, true, but would not leave the planet to take on a foe they knew could not beat them in a straight-up fight.

That was fine.

It had been a month of meticulous preparation, intelligence gathering, and strategic planning. The time had come to make their move and the coalitions captains had a zeal and tenacity that the mishhu overlords of the NMX fleet lacked.

Warmaster Alpha-Beta Overunderscore model#1; Abigail for short stood on the bridge of the HMMMS Stupendamonia as she appraised the holographic display of the enemies composition. Surrounded by a full bridge crew of her sister Fairys, experienced officers from some of the coalitions forces Abigail's gaze fixed on the holographic display in front of her, showing the positions and movements of both the coalition fleet and the formidable Mishhu blockade.
She was not well versed in space combat. That task had been handed over to Spacemaster 056 of the freespacer element of the operation. Abigail wished the old spacer had brought an entire mothership; But a handful of space sails and don quixote vessels in his metal hands alone were worth that much let alone the entire fleet at his command from his personal frigate.

She watched the display now, the initial moments of the engagement were crucial. The coalition fleet had formed a formation that combined firepower and defensive capabilities, with escort frigates and destroyers providing a protective screen for the few larger larger cruisers and the flagship at its center. The space around them was vast, a backdrop of inky blackness punctuated by the distant glow of Osman reflecting the light of the nearby sun.

The Mishhu fleet's presence was unmistakable, a sprawling network of ships in varying sizes and configurations. The enemy had maintained a tight blockade, encircling Osman and effectively cutting it off from the rest of the Kikyo sector. Intelligence had reported that the Mishhu fleet had received reinforcements in the weeks leading up to this moment.

Their fleet was a third larger than predicted now. But it was too late to pull out of the operation without at least trying.
The tension on the bridge was palpable, as the coalition's commanders and crews awaited the order to engage. Abigail's voice broke the silence, her tone resolute and unwavering.

"Commence Operation."
The Stupendamonia's bridge crew moved with precision, issuing orders to the various vessels of the coalition fleet. Crew members manned their stations, and the engines hummed with power as hundreds of blooms of engines burst to life as the arrow-shaped formation moved at once with purpose.

"Enemy vessels moving as predicted." 056's machine-tinted voice rang through the command frequency as Abigail watched the enemy fleet once spread out like a net predict their formation and begin to cluster closer to prevent the arrowhead from withstanding their combined fire.

"Moving onto phase-2. All vessles continue on course and await my mark."

That was the easy part. At their current range of a douzen astronomical units a few vessels launched preemptive cruise missile and long-range torpedoe strikes and from the twinkling in the distance the NMX were doing the same. But as the fleet picked up speed even still it would be hours before either fleet was within range of their standard weaponry.
Yet as they traveled and trades the longest of their ranged options may seem futile but was in fact crucial to keeping the enemy focussed entirely on them. By the time Abigail framejacked her speed back down to normal she took note of several less vessles in her own fleet and only a half dozen at most of the enemy fleet having withdrawn from damage with none actually destroyed.

"Have we launched fighters yet?" She asked one of her sisters, the information reaching her in nanoseconds before the words had even finished as she followed the already departing fighter and bomber screens now ahead of the fleet and the NMX own interceptors a hundred thousand kilomiters out moving to meet them and stop their bombers from doing any signifigant damage.

"This is SpaceMaster 056. Begin manuevers Epsilon-gamma-gamma." The fleetmaster ordered as Abigail watched her fleet start to turn from an arrowhead formation into an openning rosebud of various rings and patterns to put the absolute best spread of weaponry into position.

As predicted the NMX reacted just as fast and their own, much larger fleet began to uncluster just as 056 had wanted.

Abigail took in the laser communication beemed straight to her flagship from a narrow cooridor in the dirrection of the Mishu ship. With her ascent the return signal was sent.

They had to get all the enemies attention on them. All their fightes in the open and too far out to turn back. They needed the NMX to be mid-manuever for-

And then, one of the NMX corvette icons changed from an active to out of action icon. Nearly at the same time a larger destroyer flared as its back half ceased to exist in an exlosion.

One by one, so slowly to her it hurt but making all the difference a Dozen NMX ships were crippled or destroyed. Mid-manuever the NMX fleet took note too late as the coalition fleets nine-odd stealth vessels suckerpunched them from behind. They did not see the vessels as they tried to creep away in the confusion, their job done, but they did take note of the FSC fleet comming in from behind now and all bedlam broke loose as the enemy fleet lost all cohesion as individual ships chose which fleet to align against while their admiral skillfully broke his fleet up into two seperate forces; The larger oddly enough aligning to crush the FSC fleet much closer while a smaller force containing the enemy flagship in the form of a massive NMX battlecruiser faced off against the coalition.

"Hes good" Abigail noted at the enemy admiral, hoping and expecting the enemy to take longer to reorganize and put a larger force against her. But no, the larger enemy force would drive off the FSC fleet and come about in time instead of matching equal forces.

As expected the fleets admiral was unphased as new orders came about.
The space around Osman erupted into a furious battle as lasers, railgun rounds, and missiles streaked through the void. The coalition fleet had the element of surprise, and they used it to their advantage, targeting the larger Mishhu vessels with precision.

Amidst the chaos, Abigail's flagship and the cruisers maintained a protective formation, using their anti-ship turrets to intercept incoming fire. Escort vessels pulled ahead to intercept fighters, bombers, and missiles with point defense systems while heavier destroyers and cruisers sent staggering barrages of mixed weapons fire.

All the while the coalition fleet continued forwards without ever stopping; The giant jewel of planet Osman growing ever larger as the two fleets entered what could be considered knife fighting range of several thousand kilomiters where even ship secondaries came into range.

"FSC vessels are pulling back." One of the bridge crew announced. "They've drawn the larger force as far as they could but are now refusing pursuit. The window is open!"

"And yet the enemy flagship..." Abigail mused, looking at the very in range battlecruiser she would have to present her flank to for the drop.

"Fleetmaster, Warmaster." Abigail messaged the freespacer admiral, silently taking note at the much smaller amount of lost vessels she thought they would have despite the greater enemy force.

"I know, little one. Leave all things to me." The spacer spared only a moment.

"Warmaster to all vessels. Flagship is moving to drop." Abigail messaged as the Stupendamonia shook violently as ill-modifed engines fought against the ship itself as the several mile long converted freighter practically redlined as, slow as it was, the massive beast began to pick up speed.

As the battle had raged, the Mishhu fleet attempted to regroup and counter the coalition's attack, but the splitting of the fleets had shifted the balance in favor of the coalition for this one moment. Their combined firepower began to wear down the enemy's defenses, and gaps began to appear in the Mishhu blockade.

Abigail watched the tactical display with intense focus. "We're making progress. Keep the pressure on. The Stupendamonia needs a clear path to move into position!"
They were wearing down the enemy fleet. Not beating it, but noticeably pressuring all but the massive battlecruiser that was already comming about to match the larger Stupendamonia and despite its size the Coalitions flagship would be torn apart by the other flagship in a fight.

The coalition's ships continued to engage the Mishhu even so, creating a corridor toward Osman. The time had come to press their advantage, to make way for the massive container ship turned command center to approach the planet and initiate the critical ground operation that would determine the fate of Osman.

The Stupendamonia, amidst the chaos and the explosive ballet of space combat, continued its steady advance toward Osman, while the rest of the fleet maintained pressure on the enemy, ensuring their focus remained on the threat before them.

Abigail observed the tactical display, her gaze fixed on the Stupendamonia's progress. Her thoughts were with the mortals within the converted freighter's massive frame, the troops ready to be deployed planetside, and the groundside forces that had been assembled for this daring operation.

As the flagship neared its designated position, Abigail issued the orders that would set the liberation of Osman in motion. While the enemy fleet and flagship had been occupied the Coalitions flagship had pulled as close to the planet as it could without getting caught in its gravity. The ship's communications officer relayed the instructions to the various units within the Stupendamonia.

"Wave one, prepare for drop pod deployment," the officer's voice echoed across the ship's internal communication network.

The interior of the Stupendamonia was a beehive of activity as troops and personnel donned their armor and secured their gear. The drop pods, large, robust containers large enough to fit half a company each and their equipment that would deliver the troops to the planet's surface, were aligned in their launch bays, each with its specific destination and mission objectives.

"Launch sequence initiated," reported one of the crew members overseeing the deployment. The pods were secured, their systems checked, and the troops inside were ready for the harrowing journey through the planet's atmosphere. With the intense G-forces of vertigo involved tens of dozens of cargo pods ejected from the Stupendamonia which immediately began to pull out of orbit and back into its fleet as the SOS Coalition fleet continued the fight.

Planet Osman Day 1 - 5km West of Jacobstown

It was almost half an hour of freefall and course correcting for the men in each pod. Each secured like their own equipment in bolted seats men and women all cringed inwardly as their pods shook violently enough to crack teeth and heated up beyond uncomfortably. When they broke through the atmosphere and the altitude thrusters kicked on it was like a verticle yank to the spine before only the slightest pit in the stomach was any indication of actual freefall.

Too loud to even hear, too jarring to concentrate it was thirty minutes of extreme vertigo until a final pull sounded as altitude descent thrusters kicked to their hardest and within moments the landing pods slammed down belly-first and men were able to sluggishly pull out of harnesses as their heads span and breakfast found the deck. Within minutes command figures had established order and equipment was unpacked, men and women were armed, and vehicles were mounted as the massive twenty-meter tall doors swung down like a drawbridge ramp to expose fresh unrecycled air and dust into the pods as the first companies disembarked.

What they found was a barren, dusty landscape as far as the eye could see.

As perimiters were established and the hot, 100-degree sun beat down on them the communications uplinks where established with the flagship still in orbit and a tactical map was established and a picture of their surroundings too shape.
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It was closer and far more north and west than anticipated but a number of pods had landed just a few kilometers to the west of a nearby settlement the tactical map labeled as Jacobstown; A small-sized rural settlement as far west from the nearest settlement and on the very edge of an inhospitable desert. The information listed the town of having a population of just under 600 with a majority being mine workers for a nearby Osmium mine to the southeast.

It was one of the strategic objectives requested by one of the coalition benefactors that funded the entire operation to free this very town and return operations to her mines for continued funding.

Three other companies have landed as well from the coalition:

The Moholi Heroes have two companies in the location. A single Light company of infantry with light vehicles and support of 250 men. They are moderately armed and equipped for rapid movement and deployment.

The Blue Gophers mercenary company also have a second and more basic Infantry Company of 200 men with only the vehicles to transport themselves and a their equipment.

The Moholi Heroes also have an engineering company that have landed nearby. They are equipped for engineering operations and while armed are a rear-echelon element only suited to defend themselves.

It is day one of Operation Durrandium Cockatrice.

Commanders; You may deploy ONE company of your choice to having landed in this area. The rest of your forces are either as yet undeployed or did not land in this area.

Your objectives are as follows in priority:

Scout the settlement of Jacobstown and determine its status.
Take control of Jacobstown as a forward operating location under Coalition control for further operations.
Locate and secure the Jacobstown mine and resume mining operations.

Fortify jacobstown and its perimeter.
Requisition supplies and manpower from Jacobstown.
Scout the area around jacobstown.
Search for intel from Jacobstown and its locals.

There is no rendevous or fallback point. If routed or destroyed Units will otherwise die in the desert if Jacobstown is not secured.
The 1st FEU was initially designed to be supported by Drake Class Corvettes, Mogami Class Cruisers, Nuwa Class Frigates that protected the Nuwa's responsible for deployment. The ground element was to be deployed in the first wave, aviation element in the 2nd, and the logistics element as needed and space available. But the intel of the Mishhu at Osman and introduction of the SnS Landing Pods required a radical change to that doctrine. With the landing pods only carrying half of a company and generally being defenseless, 1st FEU's command quickly drafted up a new direct assault model. And its 1st Expeditionary Battalion's Alpha Company was the guinea pig for the rest of the FEU.

Lieutenant Horatio Howard Harrison, commander of the 1st Expeditionary Battalion's Alpha Battalion, understood the need for this. A survivor of the Fall of Kennewes, he spent the last 15 years working for a number of Yamataian industrial corporations on/off before being fired and working as an officer within a number of Nepleslian Red militias. When he learned of the Fujiko Self-Defense Force, he quickly joined and got commissioned due to his experience.

And he did not like what he was given at all. Since the company was stood up, he felt like the fresh batch of Gen2 clones (or artificial nepleslians as the Reds preferred to call themselves) used to staff the company were under performing in their warrior tasks and drills that were supposed to have been integrated into their sleep training at development. In order to correct this perceived deficiency, he used the volumetric chambers of the FDS Charity in a truncated certification training.

Three weeks into the training, the company was assigned a number of attachments when they were selected for wave 1. Now in addition to the Mechanized Infantry he was trained on, he also had to watch over a Combat Engineer Pathfinder Squad of 12 individuals, a MI Team of HUMINT, SIGINT, and EWAR specialists of 8 individuals, and a squad of 9 Power Armor Infantry marked effectively as "Do not interfere with them". All training and integration of the attachments was completed 4 days before the operation was to commence.

With nothing left to do, personnel and equipment were loaded into the landing pods in a giant hurry up and wait fashion. A large number of low ranking servicemembers engaged in their usual banter about certain Nepleslian and Yamataian celebrities' anatomy and questionable antics. A number of others were smoking tobacco products they were able to negotiate or acquire from the mercenaries with either the money they brought with them or (for the least aware of the clones) trading something from their kit they thought was not important like their Type 45 Individual First Aid Kit or rations. A mistake that they were going to learn the hard way if they survived.

The experience of the drop was nothing anyone expected. While their Heavy Megumi Combat Suits provided them thermal, environmental, and limited gravity protection the limited AIs of their suits and its sensors recorded everything about the experience: the extreme Gs being subjected on their bodies, the hellish temperatures, the screams to the local kami because a large number had taken an interest in Shintoism; all of it would be stored for historians and commanders to analyze in the future.

The Fujiko Region enhancement of Gen2 clones gave them a denser musculoskeletal system (1.5x baseline human) compared to their human and nepleslian counterparts, limiting the bruising and tiredness they would be experiencing after the trip. But with the final and large thud of the landing pod, that did not stop a large number of individuals popping off their helmets to allow their last meal to leave their bodies.

FEU Landing Pod 1

A maroon and oynx Power Armor walked up to one of these servicemembers and kneeled down to help a silver haired female Servicemember up to her feet. The man, with Ti-007 being the only mark of identification on him besides the subdued roundel of the Nepleslian Reds on his right pauldron and a subdued Oni on the left, handed her helmet and then pushed the Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle into her chest that was laying on the floor. While the push was not aggressive, it was assertive enough to shock her back into the moment.

"We are on mission servicemember. Time to look alive and make your mark in this universe." he said before he started heading off with the 8 other members making their way off the landing pod.

Outside of FEU Landing Pods 1 and 2

Lieutenant Harrison sat in his Ironblood IFV, looking intensely at the surrounding terrain through the optics from the unmanned turret. He then looked at his Battle Management System as it displayed the terrain map generated from their coalition flagship. He swung his optics around to look at the other tan colored Ironblood IFVs of the company with their respective squads loaded up to roll.

He then looked over at the combat engineers with their distinctive hybrid mine/bulldozer plows of their Combat Engineer variant of the Buffalo Multipurpose Armored Vehicle (MPAV). Then to the normal Buffalo MPAV holding the MI Team. He waited for the rest of the coalition to organize itself before he figured which of the leaders was going to become the de facto mission leader.

Post setting up Alpha Company and its detachments. Waiting on what everyone else brings.
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In typical fashion, Kryss Black spent every moment up until they deployed on her communicator organising various meetings and deals in the far off future, she had at least been generous enough with her estimates of the opposing force to allow several months worth of fighting before scheduling her usual activities. The CEO's daughter stood in her recently acquired Lorath M37 battledress which was more of an insistence on Brin's part who personally believed a suit jacket wasn't enough protection for an active battlefield situation.

The Chief of Horizon's defense force stood beside his boss clad in his own custom Zytone power armour, the HUD within his helmet reporting the status of their forces in real-time as they all loaded up and prepped for deployment to the surface. It had been a struggle to find a single container big enough for their logistics team which he fully intended to be the first ones on the ground, setting up a secure supply line for their allies would be vital even on a scouting mission. After a bit of discussion and quick calculation he simply ordered the few Horizon techs aboard the ship in charge of equipment maintenance to strap some single-use thrusters to each URSA, especially the larger field command unit and just toss them out of the ship by themselves. Apparently the suspension could handle the fall with just the right amount of reverse thrust before impact.

When it came time to send their first unit Brin physically grabbed Kryss by the arm to prevent the fired up corporate liaison from joining the "9 Rings" supply group.

"Miss Black, Kryss, I know you love to lead by example at work. But this is a serious fight and I need you to be with me in the command unit later on, if you were killed not only would the stock price plumet giving your dad a stroke but the morale here would hit the floor so fast half the troops would dessert on the spot."

"Fuck, I know you're right Brin, but we better get down there before the end of the week or someone is liable to have a chair thrown at them. I didn't fly all the way back to Osman just to sit up here in the sky watching my employees do my job for me. Besides, with this new armour and bodyguard robot no one could get near us."

The prototype Ze-J6 machine beside her hummed to life at the mention of itself, Kryss had affectionally named it 'Chris' for apparently significant personal reasons, though the staff and Brin included all believed she just wanted to laugh as people tried to talk to her and got a giant robot in their face instead.

"Well then, good luck soldiers, stay safe and stick together. We're here to reclaim the birthplace of Galactic Horizon, so do the company proud!" The corpo rep spoke via the company's internal comms network to her supply unit before they finished strapping into their own drop-pod and were launched towards the planet.

Landing Site

After landing the first GH drop pod opened up to reveal the small group of Zytone power armour suits and the accompanying Redback ATV pilots who disembarked and looked around for the 10 URSA and 20 Balaena that had dropped after them. A loud thud nearby signaled the beginning of the vehicle bombardment as several URSA and Balaena fell in a rough group, several landing at a slight angle with protests from the suspension of the large vehicles as they righted themselves. Before long the armours had formed a defensive group around the vehicles as each logistics vehicle roared to life, each URSA began offloading their Redback compliment for the waiting pilots to mount up.

Within a couple of hours the supply unit known as "9 Rings" had assembled and organised itself, the supplies which had been crammed into the enclosed URSA now spread amongst the Balaena for easy access by other troops and the relinquished cargo bays having basic workshops setup for on-the-go repair and maintenance of everything from light vehicles to PA and even personal weapons. The unit captain, a nepleslian woman who simply went by "Erika" stood behind the drivers of the lead URSA in the cabin and surveyed her forces, everyone had checked in and nothing was seriously damaged in the landing either. All the Zytone armour reported fully functional weapon systems which was a relief, the last thing she wanted was her main defensive units to be underequipped right off the bat.

Opening a comms line to the other forces that had landed before them Erika spoke in a deep voice to whoever may be listening.

"This is Galactic Horizon supply unit "9 Rings" captain, Erika. We've got our resupply and repair facilities operational, if you had any equipment bumped around on the ride down let us know and we can at least get it into working order before we move onto the town when the others arrive."

The supply unit would wait around for a while as the other forces deployed before Erika eventually became too restless while the day dragged on. Soon enough she ordered the group move forwards with the Redbacks scouting ahead and the Zytone sticking to the supply vehicles as they approached the northern segment of the perimeter to the landing site and kept an eye out for any pesky enemy scouts that may have seen them landing.

"Redback's, keep yourselves as concealed as possible behind dunes or anything else solid, I just want you to see without being seen for now." Erika spoke to her troops with a resounding affirmation from each pilot as they maneuvered their 6-legged vehicles around in the desert.

GH Supply unit 9 Rings consists of 10 URSA, 20 Balaena Industrious Platforms, 15 Redback ATV's, and 15 Zytone PA's

After landing they assessed themselves and made minor repairs/adjustments to anything that came loose during deployment and checked over their vehicles. Minor repair/touchups are available to any other forces that need them before the group moved as quietly as possible towards the Norther part of the perimeter to takeup an overwatch position. The main vehicles and Zytone are sitting well back and out of sight while the Redback units are keeping watch as stealthily as possible (no stealth coating or camo is in use besides using the environment)
Archon Mari Macroprotodon, or Mari Mac as she was often called stood on the floor of the Gunship with her two infantry unit commanders, Lochos Irma Demansia and Lochos Alexis Xenotyphlops. She looked over their units. They were both ready to drop, one would stand down as a practice drill the other would actually drop. She was pleased that both of them were ready. "All right, coin flip. Irma, you have first so you get to call."

"Tails!" Irma claimed with a grin.

Mari nodded, projecting a coin over her thumb. She flipped it, the volumetric programing animating the coin as it flew through the air. She grabbed it out of the air, slapped it against her wrist, and uncovered the image of Empress Himiko on the coin. "Heads. Second Company has it."

Alexis smiled at Irma, "See you down there."


Alexis landed on Osman second behind Mari, the Interstellar Patrol valued it's leaders leading from the front and the pair of Separa'Shan were good examples of that. The analysis said it was risky, but the Interstellar Patrol emphasized being able to take higher authority in it's doctrine. If they were killed, then others could and would step up to maintain integrity. Alexis would be in charge of her Company, and Mari would be coordinating the other companies if they got a second drop.

Alexis pulled open her command channel to her platoon leaders. There were six of them one light powered armor scout platoon led by Antilochos Prokopios Antaresia; three medium powered armor line platoons led by Antilochos Voula Tropidechis, Antilochos Arben Liopeltis, and Antilochos Talya Belova respectively; one heavy powered armor weapons platoon led by Antilochos Aizawa Tsuya; and one engineering platoon in heavy powered armor led by Antilochos Efstathia Ahaetulla. "Sound off, do we have any immediate issues?" She asked, none of them did. "Allright, scout platoon do your thing. Spread out and get me eyes on Jacobstown and any enemy forces. We'll start moving to take a positione on the line of departure. Our line platoons will link up on the units to our left and right. I'll be with the central line platoon with the weapons and engineering platoons behind us. Once we have done that, we will advance to contact."

Meanwhile, Mari was doing her part by contacting the other companies on the ground. "The Interstellar Patrol has landed one of our infantry companies. We have a platoon scouting ahead. We are intending to advance to contact. Please advise on your intentions." She requested of them.

Interstellar Patrol Infantry Company: 26 Light Dendra Powered Armor, 111 Medium Dendra Powered Armor, 57 Heavy Dendra Powered Armor

Scout platoon is scouting ahead. 4th and 6th are on the sides and making contact with the units on their respective sides (If applicable). The weapons and engineering are behind the 5th in the middle. I'm imagining them heading to the green line on the map with the scout platoon heading out beyond it to scout.
Day 1.

Within the first hour of landing the drop site had become a buzz of activity as several companies tried to organize and maneuver their forces in the limited space. Already at the base of several foothills leading up into a greater mountain range the Blue Gophers company opted to take the initiative and start blazing up a game trail and into the hills that would likely overlook Jacobstown.

The Moholis Light infantry were already situated near the open plains between the northern and southern most foothills where the terrain opened up and not wanting to get caught up in the chaos of navigating around other companies and Galactic Horizons massive vehicles began to push east in their own light vehicles a ways while their engineering company began the dirty work of setting up a temporary base as fast deploying but sturdy barriers and walls were deployed and the first makings of prefab-buildings were starting to take shape in the first few hours.

As military efficiency went it was a slow three hours before each company was fully assembled and together. The Moholis infantry company and the Blue Gophers clearing out early had left a lot of moving room for the others. Shortly after this the first operational message went out to each command staff with an uplink as the flagship; No longer in orbit but still able to transmit so long as the blockade did not reform reached them.

Sector 55x9; Jacobstown region. Operation codename 'Durandium Cockatrice' standby.

The message is as follows:

Durandium Cockatrice this is Abigail; Callsign Warmaster.

The first wave has deployed fifteen companies successfully planetside on first drop, The majority have landed in or around your area. Multiple suspected stuck mountain ranges north and east of your AO; Suspected casualties between 700-1,600, survivors unknown and rescue efforts currently unavailable.

Fleet action continues at the desired stalemate. So long as this continues the blockade cannot resume and further deployments may become available in the coming days. Your mission to secure Jacobstown has been downgraded to secondary priority; The Majority of landed forces have been diverted to the south of you to secure rescue efforts at the successful crash landing site of ISS 'Shes One of Ours, Sir'. Not all companies diverted but expect no immediate reinforcements, the Sir may yet be salvaged and relaunched reports infer.

No current update to the tactical map from orbit. I am scheduling ISS 445-GG-9 to move over your AO in two days' time to provide orbital reconnaissance to your AO.

Final message: Tracking x1 crippled NMX auxilary unable to escape the gravity well that is predicted to collide within 20km of your AO in the next day if it does not recover. If successful crash landing expect 10-25 company-sized elements adjacent to your AO.

Warmaster signing off.

The messages were short, clipped, and spoken more at them than any expected response from the ground forces. A general reading off statistical reports with detached clarity that several of the items on that list could wipe every single one of them out if luck was against them.

What else came with the message, while not much, was a minor update to the tactical map. Not showing all the forces yet it updated to show a few more on the map and their relative postions.

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As it did it continuously updated their own information as the Blue gophers progress was marked as they slowly hiked two hundred men up the hills on a dry riverbed, and the Moholis light company, now reconnected to the map signaled their intent to push to the east over a several-kilometers-long salt flat perfect for their vehicles ahead of everyone else.

Slowly several more hours passed until the sun was at high noon. The Interstellar Patrols 2nd company had departed on its own scouting operation south of the Moholi as they were seperated by several hundred meters and a small rising set of dry dunes. The IPEXFOR 2nd company unlike their northern Moholi allies faced rouger terrain their scouts were able to easily navigate through right up until the ground began rising into a series of small rocky outcrops that tapered away to flat rises. The IPEXFOR 2nd company scouts managed to boost easily enough to the tops and get a nearly unblocked view of Jacobstown to the east.

The settlement was alive by virtue if nothing else that the massive ore refinery that took up at least 1/3rd of the settlement was still gushing out smoke from stacks. The heat and haze blocked any thermal imagine reliably but as the rest of the company caught up the 2nd company got a hail over the coalition net.

"All comms, this is Gopher." The comms on the essian company commanders' equipment sounded as a rather high crackly voice spoke up.

"Lieutenant Jacobs, Blue Gophers 4th company CO." He identified himself before continuing. "We have eyes on the Interstellar Patrol and the Moholi to their north, we're situated about 600-meters above the AO on the range north and west of Jacobstown. Were holding and dug in on a good spot near the towns water tanks overlooking the flats though the town is out of range we got eyes over the whole basin.

Be aware we have eyes on several clusters of company-sized elements in locations intercepting our predicted advance; Jacobstown is not only occupied but they saw us come down. Updating tactical map with new contacts, standby.

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Now knowing to look out for them as the map updated the IPEXFOR scout and company could see directly east of them on a parallel hill slightly lower in elevation than their own outcroppings the small out of place shapes of people in fortified postions not natural to the terrain but camouflaged in through bunkers, trench lines, some kind of obtuse architecture that had to be anti-vehicle in intent at the base of the hill, and several boxy yet round shapes of vehicles with some dug-in partway to the ground.

The Patrol had not yet been spotted. Most of the vehicles turrets were oriented north and to the west at a series of hills on the otherside of which was the Moholi light company who on the transmission had their own adversary to come up against.

Likewise, in the open ground despite their tan-brown uniforms and armor a platoon sized force was moving on foot to the south-east of the IPEXFOR force and were slowly climbing a hill that would overlook any advance coming out of the drop site.

"We've got some positive contacts what looks like south-east of even the mechanized company too." Jacobs continued. "I'm getting multiple active LIDAR readings from; Some kind of anti-air force dug in overlooking the whole drop site from on high on those hills the mines are built into.

Theirs dust kickup on the other side of the town too. And I can see some vehicles in town but too far to make out any people or who it is."

A simple "Moholi, Copies." Was the short and clipped response from the Moholi heros light company even as it continued across the salt flats at speed towards the now present enemy before them.
"IPEX-2, Red Alpha-Six we are in preparations to move out in a Northeast direction. Will keep you appraised of our status." Harrison replied back to the Interstellar Patrol's communication.

The NDC, FSC, and Neshtan Merc forces were usually quiet. He'd much rather the NDC's armor to be the spearhead, but he knew the Moholi Heroes were vulnerable. That just got confirmed when he received Blue Gopher's update to the regional intel.

"Red Alpha copies." Alpha Company's XO, LTJG Cygysudu Hunegu (a former NMX) responded to Blue Gopher. She pivoted her optics in the direction of the hill of light infantry and grinned a bit. Part of her was hoping that the NMX was now relying on human thralls as the backbone of their forces. Part of her did not want to kill her fellow former sisters for they do not know better. Humans that were not attempting to elevate their fragile species were beneath her, so their deaths would mean nothing to her. But she was aware that it was wishful thinking.

"All Alpha platoons, this is Alpha Six. Sound off with your status, equipment check, and readiness for an advance using bounding overwatch. Report in sequence." Lieutenant Harrison radio'd over on the company channel, a tone of annoyance clearly heard.

"Alpha One reporting. All squads accounted for, equipment checks green. Ready for bounding overwatch." Ensign Theo Rose replied back first.

"Alpha Two here. Full strength, equipment green across the board. Ready to bound forward." Ensign Jack Brown replied back, looking over at the tactical map.

"This is Alpha Three. All personnel present, equipment in top shape. Ready for orders." Ensign Rebecca Ito replied.

"Alpha Four checking in. Full strength, no equipment issues. Prepared for the move." Ensign Zhang Jun was the last to reply.

With everyone finally ready, Harrison got the company moving. "Acknowledged, all platoons. Here's the move order: Bounding overwatch, East Northeast on the bearing of 290 degrees. Alpha One and Alpha Three, you'll be our bounding elements. Alpha Two and Alpha Four, provide overwatch and cover.

Alpha One, kick off the bounding movement. Move rapidly, but maintain vigilance for enemy positions or threats. Alpha Three, follow One's lead and bound past them once they're set. Two and Four, eyes sharp. Call out any threats immediately and lay down suppressive fire as needed.

Pioneers prepare for breach work and fortification creation for the mortar teams, you will be with attached to Alpha 4. Intel, you are attached to Alpha 3."

"Pioneers, copies."

"Intel Detachment, copies and ready to collect whatever signal intelligence we can intercept."

Harrison, looking out of his optics towards the three directions enemy contacts was located at mental wrote out a text message for the NDC, FSC, and Neshtan Mercs.

"Lieutenant Harrison of the 1st FEU's 1st Expeditionary Battalion, Alpha Company. Might I suggest the heavy hitters move southeast to knock out both their mechanized infantry and air defenses? We can rendezvous East of the small hills and make our way combined from there." the message read, should any of them actually choose to read it.

As they got closer, the various platoon leaders switched their ammo selection to HE-Fragmentation and began engaging the light hillock's position whenever they could find depressions they would set up overwatch in as they bounded.

Alpha Company is moving to meet up and support the Moholi Heroes Light Infantry Company, firing HE-Fragmentation Rounds should they get a good shot. They have a Combat Engineer Squad that can be used to breach fortifications if needed. Intel Detachment is collecting whatever signals they can, doubtful they will be able to crack anything.
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In the distance a flight of Corona Gunships flanked by two flights of U-1s became visible as they rocketed towards the rendezvous point, their engines creating huge clouds plumes of sand in their wake as they flew less than 100 meters above the ground. Over them could be seen a pair of NMX fighters engaged with four Wahoo interceptors, though the duel was over quickly as the skilled interceptor pilots simply flexed their numerical advantage over the stray fighters.
A deep voice called over the secured channels of the SOS coalition. “Captain Manu Hercule, 3rd Infantry, calling Mr. Donovan. You sure know how to make an entrance. This is the best we could do on short notice.”

Mr. Donovan replied immediately, “excellent timing, Captain! Did you bring the requested ordinance?”

“Afraid we’re out of firebombs, sir. Been crazy here since you left but the Wahoos are packing lots of HEC rounds and smart-lasers. If you can knock that AA offline we can get them into range for strafing runs. The U-1s are gonna land south of the new spacemen’s camp and prep for ground ops.“

“Very well, Captain. Carry on.”

The U-1’s broke off from the main flight headed towards their own mission, “you heard the man, fly low and fast. Remember to transform into your landing *behind cover*, I don’t want any another Colton incident out here!”

They carved through their corners majestically, each one clearly practiced in the kind of hot insertion the U-1 was known for. As they reached their destination the sleek forms of the jets opened roughly in the same iconic fashion as the old Unicorn, yet through the gaps in shifting plating it was apparent the FSC had been building their U-1’s with different in-house components. The mechas landed in a formation of controlled chaos that betrayed just how many times these surviving pilots had done this. As they hit the ground their weapon pods came out, clearly not the original either as they were now PGP equivalents to the U-1 weapon that had become the Hardsell coilcannon.

“Patton-jockeys in position.”

The 4 Wahoo interceptors are holding back at a safe distance to avoid AA. They are equipped for both aerial interception and ground attack with a balanced loadout. Their nose lasers and RGCs with ammo pods.

The 10 U-1s will land south of the cargo pod’s LZ and transform to mecha mode with the mission to destroy the enemy AA.

The 6 Coronas will fly in very low to land as close to Mr. Donovan at the LZ as possible.
Osman - Jacobstown Area of Operations

As allied forces began to move out of the drop site, the Duskerian forces began to deploy their own troops; an armored company and the armored component of the cavalry detachment of the 4th Conclave Pathfinders . A score of dropships and heavy lifters kicked up clouds of fine Osmani dust as they performed a touch-and-go deployment of the personnel, equipment, and vehicles that they carried.

However, those expecting more modern Duskerian equipment would find themselves surprised by the make of tanks being unloaded. Old U4 variable tanks, first designed and deployed by the Sky Guard on Osman, were unmistakable despite the updates that had been made to the designs. Accompanying them was a group of Hydra Variable Tanks and personnel transports from the cavalry detachments.

Standing in the back of one of the Duskerian dropships, one man shielded his face as he stepped onto the dusty soil of Osman once again. Captain Matti Devereux of the Sky Guard's 23rd Armored Cavalry, the Lahiri Heavy Horse, was an Osman native like most of the volunteers that formed the 4th. The 4th had been mustered from both the Sky Guard of the Pacifica system, which had recently joined the Conclave, and the Conclave's regular forces.

Most of the infantry was Duskerian, but the armored company was Sky Guard through and through. There was a healthy amount of competition between the Sky Guard and Duskerian personnel, and it had resulted in no small amount of ribbing when the 23rd had been selected for first deployment.

The captain strode from his dropship over to the command vehicle that had been supplied to him by the Conclave, a Hades Heavy Battle Tank, which would be used as both a command post and an organic, though low-strength, artillery battery for the 23rd. Mounting up, he opened a comm circuit to the other members of the operation.

"Allied forces, this is Lahiri actual. We have three platoons moving to reinforce the front and our scouts to dislodge those enemy scouts. Once we're ready to push the enemy AA, we'll circle them around to the flank of that attack." He said briefly over the radio as he pulled up the local maps on the command station within his tank and began to issue orders. Treads began to spin, and armored vehicles began to move. The tank platoons moved semi-independently, staying close to allied forces in order to provide support to pushes or defensive actions, never moving so far away as to isolate themselves from the ever-important support of infantry.

Alpha and Bravo and Charlie moved in around the Moholi Light, clearly aiming for a push against the entrenched infantry to force a breakthrough rather than attempting a push against the anti-tank units. Minotaurs fired Heat/Fragmentation rounds which detonated when flying over fortifications, spraying a hail of infantry-shredding fragments as the 23rd attempted to soften up the entrenched enemy infantry. The dual autocannons on each tank warmed up, ready to fire at any light vehicles.

The Armored Scouts who had accompanied the 23rd, for their part, pushed south, APCs and light tanks aiming to counter the enemy scouts and prepare for an allied push against the entrenched Anti-Air. The variable tanks skimmed across the sands of Osman, ducking behind dunes and firing light missiles in an attempt to dislodge the enemy scouts and inflict casualties.
Mari glanced at Alexis. "Tell them we'll link up with their scouts and flank the recon unit." Alexis said, then muting herself on the command channel to start giving orders.

Mari nodded, replying on the common Allied forces comms. "This is Interstellar Patrol Ground Actual. We are sending our scouts to link up with the Duskarian scouts in the 23rd. We'll spread our platoons out so we can hit them from two sides."

Alexis checked her forces, "Scouts, link up with the 23rd's armored scouts unit. You'll be the ones to let us know if we have a good separation from the Duskies. Infantry platoons will form a rough line so we hit them about ninety degrees off from the armored scouts. Weapons, deploy at the far end from the scouts. We want to be out of range from their fortifications to tempt them out of their defenses. There is anti-air, so don't be skeet. We'll advance to contact slowly and deliberately, taking what cover we can. I don't know if we are going to have timing coordination with the Duskies. So soon as it seems like they have spotted us, we'll rush in to finish the jobs regardless of if they are in position or not."

With that the platoons moved forward, the scouts heading in a slightly different direction to link up with the Duskarians. The mostly Separa'Shan troops slid along the ground, using their active camouflage to hide their advance as best they could.

Scouts linking up with the Duskarian scouts. The infantry platoons are advancing on the recon unit. The weapons platoon is behind the last infantry platoon. Farthest from the scouts. Engineering platoon is behind the closest infantry platoon with the scouts. Mari and Alexis are with the middle infantry platoon. Their orders are to get as close as possible without being spotted, but to attack soon as it appears they have been. They are attempting to stay out of range of the main defensive line so that if they are spotted by them, they might tempt them out of their defenses.
Day 1

By the time NDC cavalry and FEU Alpha company came within visual range of each other, the Moholi had already closed to an engagement range with the entrentched NMX forces on the distant hill and ridgeline. Despite having the firepower majority, however, the defending force was thoroughly entrenched. Not outranged from the neko on the ridgeline both energy and particle weapons fire came sporadically down on the moholi and a cloud of dust kicked up behind one of the lighter armored vehicles where a larger, crew served particle weapon had punched a basketball-sized hole diagonally through the APC and then struck the ground several feet past it to send light dustings of salt and sand.

For all the resistance that was offered by the NMX, the Moholi were, in the end, a much more powerful force with greater weapons and the dispersation of fire between the two groups was not at all equal.

Heavy autocannons and rockets were abundant from the Moholi as were automatic grenade launchers that peppered the hillside and visibly tore apart some neko in the open while lighter infantry had already disembarked and despite being in an open salt flat either took up prone positions to add their own small arms fire or used their vehicles for cover. By the time the Moholi had fully deployed in a wide arc north to south that their order of battle completely blocked the approaching Reds and Duskerians from further advancement. There were the foothills to the south cutting them off from that direction that trying to traverse them would expose them to the much more imposing mechanized force blocked only by those hills from opening up on them.

Likewise there was a small passage north of the Moholi line that was too narrow to pass through expediently without the NMX light company pinning them down in the open. The enemy had chosen their position well and despite being a smaller force had essentially plugged the only exits to the salt flats with their position and in such a way that larger forces such as the three assaulting companies could not do so effectively, essentially narrowing their numerical and firepower advantages. Whats more the salt flat was in such a way that the NMX had free range of engagement down on all three companies while only the Moholi at the front could effectively engage while those behind who just arrived could only do so with their longest ranged weapons or otherwise have their line of sight and fire blocked by those in front.

Those few mecha could risk going over the moholi but risked the rather of the AA the moment they so much as gave the enemy anti-air force line of sight on them.

Close to the south and east the frontline NMX forces the Blue Gophers while not certain at that distance radioed in the possibility of what looked like field observers behind the front lines. The possibility of a frontline commander they were unsure of without the noticeable form of an advanced-type mishhu present but the amount and posture of them wreaked of some kind of forward spotters.

To the south the NMX recon company had taken a similar tactic as soon as the neko scouts noticed the cresting Interstellar Patrol inevitably in the mostly open ground and NDC Scout teams. Pulling back further onto the outcropping they were situated on the single platoon began attempting to suppress the two NDC and Patrol platoons from what cover they could right until the larger IPEXFOR force was able to deploy and despite the scouts' elevation were able to adequately suppress the smaller force for their own to advance.

The NMX scouts were not completely suppressed, however. Regardless of how little they were able to return fire both coalition scout teams still needed to move over open ground and as was inevitable in conflict first one and then two of the NDC troops were hit by return fire in the open and even the more armored separate troops sustained four casualties from man-portable heavier weapons which were less forgiving than the small arms as three of the separa casualties quickly became the first in-combat fatalities as unsurvivable wounds overtook them. Both forces could only continue or be bogged down in the open.

Whats more the still higher-positioned main IPEXFOR force finally came under fire as six heavy particle weapons ranged them from the mechanized force to their west as heavy particle weapons turned sand into glass merely a hundred meters to their west and then one even several meters from one of the support teams as a lucky shot saved the two snakes from having stray energy kickup flash-fry their tails by a particularly thick boulder that as soon as the ground under it was undone by the force-energy slid down and over a small depression where it began to satisfyingly roll down the enscarpment down the hill.

The shot was, however either a fluke or very lucky as each of the six IFVs on the NMX position able to get angles on them slowed their fire to continue ranging as most continued to hit still remarkably low or far off but were clearly adjusting as neko commanders either at the foot of their machines or out of hatches watched and adjusted their much greater ranged weapons. The air slowly filled with the sound of tearing paper as the rear of the IPEXFOR force was pressured.

The NMX scouts at this time also in their greater vantage could not miss the arrival of the FSC mecha that arrived on their flank and began smoking their own position as even in the wind blowing towards the FSC force the entire flank of the NMX force was sporatically covered in a veil of smoke as the scouts, clearly outnunmbered and out gunned began to pull back deeper into the rocky outcropping while their forward most squads kept up fire on the IPEXFOR and NDC scouts.

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Alpha Company, 1st FEU
Phase Line Bravo

Lieutenant Harrison slammed the side of interior wall of his Ironblood IFV that was accessible to his right as the entire company established their battle positions. In wing man configurations, the company's 14 IFVs tried to used as much of the terrain such as depressions and small rock croppings to provide some level of cover against their NMX counterparts in the 2nd hillock Harrison had kindly designated as "Hillock Hel".

"What are those idiots doing?!" He said in the Koerlandese he picked up from a hot Koerlander on Ukmirt A-4 during his last vacation. His master gunner Senior Chief Specialist Radcliffe, a lean but muscular Artemis Type Red just chuckled as she watched the Moholi infantryman make their valiant effort.

"At least they are putting up a decent fight, sir." SCS Radcliffe remarked. Harrison just sighed as he placed a waypoint on the Red's Battle Net just before the narrow opening and by the rocky terrain to the south of the water tank.

"Alpha elements; Alpha-six. Bounding overwatch to waypoint Bravo. HEF, suppressing fire. First and Third Platoons you are lead, Second and Fourth you are trailing. Upon reaching at Bravo, dismount squads. Secure the and establish a perimeter on at the rock outcroppings. Provide security for designated marksmen to observe for the mortar crews.

Switch to HE-Frag rounds and lay suppressing fire. Priority crew served emplacements." Harrison said before listening to the successive orders being filtered down to the rest of the platoons by their respective leaders. Cheers from the various mortar and machine gun crews could be heard as each squad prepared to leave the crap interiors of the Ironblood IFVs.

The distinctive barking report of Second and Fourth Platoon's IFVs' Desertwind Autocannons could be heard as they sent downrange HEF rounds to shower shrapnel on any the poor Nekos and Thralls down below that were exposed to the sky above. Having a 1,000 meter effective range, the hardest part of the gunners was making sure the round was exploding in such a way that it was not hitting the Moholi heroes in their mad. They had to simply stop when they could ID them and look for a sector that didn't have them within detonation range.

"Moholi Heroes, Alpha Company 1st FEU. Be advised we are maneuvering to the north of your position. Will be suppressing to northern parts of the NMX position primarily. If there is a spot you are having issues with, mark it with whatever color smoke you might be carrying." Harrison said on the wider coalition net.

The Demon Power Armor squad, hover gliding with the company simply remained quiet as they activated their Peekaboo Electronic Countermeasures Systems to provide whatever electronic cover they could, 4 either bounding or providing local security to the overwatch elements. While the Combat Engineers and MI detachment merely stayed as close to 4th Platoon as they could without interfering.

Alpha Company is moving to the north of the Moholi Light Infantry while bounding and providing what suppressive fire they can. Set up is a 4 wedge formations as the infantry are dismounting to secure the area and find firing positions in those rocks to the north/let the Type 45 Particle DMR loose.
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Inside his company's command vehicle, Captain Matti cursed as the Moholi spread themselves out in a manner that cut off the advance of his tank platoons. They'd either be forced into the narrow pass to the north, or forced to brave the fire from the enemy armored company to the south. Though, he considered, the fact that they had U4s rather than conventional tanks might make a more unconventional maneuver possible. That rock formation to the north, the one that the 1st FEU's infantry were beginning to deploy onto, was flanked to the north by a steep cliff.

The cliff was impassible to most armor, but if the 23rd's tanks shifted into frame mode, they could scale the cliff, even if it meant that they would be out of the action for a time. However, even if they wouldn't be able to fire for some time, when they re-emerged, they would be behind the enemy's defensive lines.

The captain gave the orders, and the 23rd's tanks began to pull back even as the headquarters stayed in place. The captain's command "tank" fired its artillery cannons over the heads of the Moholi, placing three globs of explosive plasma in the midst of the Light Infantry. As the command vehicle fired, the 23rd's tanks shifted modes, unfolding themselves into tall humanoids, engines on their calves firing up and sending the frames skimming across the sands. When they reached the cliffs to the north, they began to utilize their thruster systems to scale the cliffs while they were safe from enemy fire.

Meanwhile, down to the south, the armored scouts raced across the sands in their light tanks and APCs. Just as the NMX scouts were utilizing smoke to conceal their position, the NDC's scouts utilized similar tools to help neutralize the enemy forces. Several rockets were fired into the NMX scout position, with a smoke and chaff mix being utilized to help blind the enemy scouts, with incendiary rockets following soon behind as the NDC scouts continued to close.

The NDC's variable tanks are transforming and scaling the cliff to the north in order to shield themselves from fire while they get around the enemy fortifications. The command vehicle is staying with in the rear and shelling the enemy Light Infantry. The NDC's scouts in the south are smoking out the NMX scouts, quite literally, with smoke and incendiary rockets.

odc round 3 grid NDC.webp
Galactic Horizon OEF: 9 Rings
Landing Zone

The GH support unit had stayed back with it's vehicle compliment split into several smaller groups making them less desirable targets for area of attack weapons and in general look less threatening, they were here to support the front lines as needed and not rush into a fight with only a handful of power armour and some scary looking excuses for a mobile workshop. Captain Erika surveyed the engagements on the satellite map, keeping an eye on the movements of allied forces and and ear on their comms. Trying to make sense of all the action at once was a difficult task and so Erika simply listened while the Horizon vehicle fleet waited with baited breath to hear their next order.

There it was, entrench enemy force to the north, it sounded like there was substantial friendly forces engaging them and the satellite map showed the NDC were running towards a cliff? Well that was their business, knowing them they had a crazy plan that could turn the whole engagement around. Erika nodded to herself before barking orders to the drivers of the lead URSA unit, if there was that many friendlies in the area they were bound to be burning through resources and getting a fair amount of fire in return.

"9 Rings, we're moving to support our comrades in the north, I want Redbacks in front to keep an eye out, split up the URSA and Balaena into 2 groups, Zytone focus on defending our supply carriers in the rear with URSA in the middle for fire support. I want every turret manned for the drive and repair bays ready to go."

The captain's voice echoed through the helmet of every employee and several speakers within the lumbering URSA vehicles for those without. In a matter of minutes the group had assumed the designated formation, the zippy redback units speeding off ahead feeding video back to the giant armoured transports behind them. Each of the URSA had their gun turrets manned and pointed towards the enemy, ready to unleash a hail of mini-missiles and bullets without enough power to tear through most mecha let-alone infantry, the reactors powering each of them sent into maximum output as they belched steam during their approach. Behind the URSA, the all important Balaena, some configured to store large amounts of spare munitions and even some basic assorted parts for the other friendly factions. Interspersed between these transports was the Zytone compliment making up the only defensive power for the Balaena to rely upon, the large suits lumbered across the ground beside the vehicles with a variety of weapons in hand ready to throw down at a moments notice.

As the forward URSA crested the hill Erika called for a halt while they took stock of the situation down below. It was clear to see why they were having so much trouble, they had dug in like the parasites they were and with no clear route to flank them it had become a battle of attrition.

Speaking over the comms network to the allied forces in the north Captain Erika made herself known to the action. "To the FEU, NDC, and Moholi. GH has your rear line covered. No devastating firepower I'm afraid but I can rain down some HE missiles with enough kick to give any decent mech a run for its money. If any of you need to re-arm we can give you cover to retrieve munitions from our transport vehicles."

GH force 9 Rings has mobilised and moved to the rear of the cluster in the north while keeping enough distance to avoid becoming an easy target, the redback scouts are on-hand for rapid transport of small arms munitions or wounded to and from the URSA/Balaena in the rear. The URSA have formed defensive groupings in front of the Balaena transports to block them from view and can provide cover with both mini-missile launchers and mounted machine guns both of which are strong enough to combat mecha. The Zytone armour will be errecting basic fortifications near the URSA and Balaena for them to defend from and to provide more cover to any allies that need to rearm/repair
Alexis noted that they were taking fire. There was only one way to solve that problem. "Look alive! Their shooting at us. Put down smoke and advance cover to cover by leapfrog, let's remove a piece from the board. Go!"

They are attacking the recon unit.
Despite the now considerable overwhelming firepower from the NDC, Fujiko, and Moholi forces the NMX line was stubbornly entrenched. Artillery from the NDC exploded in their ranks yet again but every time regardless of the bodies of field neko strewn about the hillside there just seemed to be more and more popping up around barriers and in the same trenches to let out ranged fire and occasional mini missiles into the coalition spearhead right until the first mortar round fell.

It was easily a hundred meters off to the east behind even the most far-back of the NDCs tanks when the unmistakeable sound of ordinance overhead passed them. From the sound it was hardly a light mortar carried by infantry but most likely a much less mobile medium field mortar that the occasional streak could be seen behind the NMX lines into the sky as more and more of them continually fell far to the rear in a wild spread with very dissapointing clouds of dust kicking up but only an occasional explosion.

The barrage went on for the better part of a quarter hour. Never reaching too close to the NDCs lines and could likely be attributed by poor spotting as the death toll on the NMX side likely reached well within the double digits now and few enough of them able to keep their heads up before overwhelming fire would take a stray cats lives down.

But progress was clearly being made. Beyond suppressed at this point the Fujioko forces were able to skirt the Moholi lines while getting only moderate fire their way. A single injury of a Nepleslian Red was the only casualty in the maneuver from a minimissile shrapnel blinding the man but most else was superficial damage to vehicles with the NDC and Moholi essentially daring the NMX to show themselves.

The NDC made slower progress but remained un engaged as they moved up the staggered rigline spread apart as they were.

Both forces got to bear whitness to the sudden and violent slaughter of the Moholi as one moment their line was in full engagement and the next a near perfect sphere of black-purple energy simply opened mere meters above their formation as it expanded twenty meters across in diameter to encompass an Outrider APC and six men and then in the blink of an eye shrunk to a fraction of its size as it imploded and sucked all matter within twenty meters around it as Moholi infantry and even and entire outrider were compacted into the size of a volleyball that fell to the ground in a deep shallow spherical crater.

There was utter chaos and confusion in the Moholi lines from the sudden attack for almost thirty seconds. Then, when the spotters reports came in from a sucessfull strike the second, full barrage of heavy implosion artillery began as even under the sound of a renewed NMX counter attack the distant guns could be heard somwhere in the town. as the landscape turned into shallow craters as the Moholi light company was utterly decimated in the span of less than two minutes as men attempted to run or turn vehicles about.

A morbid opertunity arose, however, to the NDC commander when one of his artillery tanks reported the trajectory and proposed a counter bombardment even as less than a third of the Moholis vehicles made it out of the kill zone and very few men as a trench of craters three hundred meters long was carved where their force once was. In full retreat and in utter panic the ten or so surviving outriders moved north of the NDC at full speed and one of them, clearly out of his mind, even opened a medium machinegun at the nearest NDC tank for a single burst before propperly identifying them or being pulled down by his comrades.

"Moholi those are friendlies!" The Blue Gophers radioman pointed out, not even receiving a response. "The GH force is a klick to your east, advise regrouping with them and returning to base!"

Still putting in their own suppressive fire and thankfully out of the line of artillery fire even as it continued for several minutes after the Moholi rout the Reds came under increased fire being close enough to suffer small arms fire from the NMX but were able to move the bulk of their forces to the side of the enemy lines where it was weakest. As soon as they passed they suffered their first signifigant casualties as one of the lead platoons IFVs rocked onto a single track as one side of it was blasted into the air before slamming back down.

The second was too slow to identify the problem as, unlike the first it was not disabled but cooked off entirely as the anti-vehicle mine exploded directly under it and killed the crew as a shaped charge traveled up the bottom of the vehicle and cooked off most of its ammo to create an instant explosion that blew the turret a hundred feet in the air.

Well aware of their glaring weakspot the NMX had placed a minefield as was evident when the explosion of the IFV sent two other nearby mines off in a chain explosion.

Whats more there was no telling how deep the Fujiko expeditionary force was into the minefield as was evident when a mine exploded off to the side of a vehicle near one of the rear formations but did not do any damage. From behind the hill even as the NMX re-oriented to shoot down more at the reds from their elevated position, six Flayer tankettes slid horizontally into the open and oriented their weapons towards the Reds most advanced formations IFVs.

As the trap was sprung with the Moholi devastated and the reds in their killbox one of the NDC variable tanks saw it first hand when a Ripper suit of powered armor, followed by a dozen Reaper suits of powered armor crested the hill they were on to flank behind the reds for a killing blow as they boosted over the hill. Not greenhorns in the slightest they hestiated only as long as the NDC did to recognize each other as minimissiles flew at the Variable tanks below and weapons unloaded as the NMX powered armor reacted first.


Whats more after the much faster powered armor were already being tracked a shape cast a shadow over them as it blocked out the sun as a truely massive form compared to the airborne PA threat crested the hill as a Ravager mecha stood atop the hill like a king to look down on the variable force.

As all this went on the Galactic horizon force came into view behind the NDC lines as they approached to offer support. They made it only so far as the Moholi survivors moved towards them only to finally remove the final lives of the Moholi Light Infantry as the once thought overshot mortars that had instead been long ranged deployed mines began to detonate and destroy the Moholi entirely. The GH forward most redbacks, unable to understand met the same fate as two of the ATVS disintegrated as they ran into unseen mines.

The GH was seperated from supporting its allies as the NDC and Reds were now caught between a rock and a hard place as to their west the nearly decimated NMX position on the hill still stood in their way. To the south over the hills they would come under fire from the NMX mechanized force. To the north east was a pre-placed minefield and at least a light powered armor and mecha force all to keep them in place while some distant rangefinder pegged them for the same barrage-death of the moholi.

"23rd, Gohper!" The Urgent voice on the lieutenant on the coaliton net sounded in the NDCs hydra. "We think we have the spotters on visual to your south east 1,500m. Marking them on the tactical net. We have nothing in range from here and are breaking off our overwatch with that Ravager on the field, Good luck!"

To the south things were a different picture. mostly out of range of the enemy IFVs the IPEXFOR and NDC scouts suffered only negligible damage and no actual casualties as they came about the enemy scouts. With only a small outcropping for cover and open ground all around the less than a hundred neko scouts, lightly armored with barely any heavy weapons about them fought desperately as, unable to escape they were torn up.

Like most neko, however, they were not easy kills as even normally fatal wounds did not immediately kill some of them even as limbs were blown off from heavy fire and explosives until nothing else fought back. They werent all dead. Some too wounded to move, some simply shellshocked or seemingly surrender there were at ten of the original almost hundred that still twitched or dragged/crawled about with no fight left in them or on the verge of death.

There was a sudden burst of particle fire from at least one of them as a seemingly uninjured nh-17 executed one of her wounded comrades, and then another, before the closest IPEXFOR scouts had her in their sights and the enemy threw her weapon away and collapsed into a heap with her hands over her helmeted head trying to look as small as possible.

odc round 4.webp
Dead Reds Walking
Battle Theme
There was a certain swagger from the Reds as they diverted from their original plan of taking over the higher ground north of the hillock and try to punch closer so they could finally deploy their payloads of eager Heavy Infantry. One Platoon would conduct overwatch and land HE-F shots towards the NMX light infantry while another moved forward towards the north side of the hillock. One squad leader was blinded when a mini-missile detonated near by when they were poking their head out low out of a hatch to get a better view of the battlefield. While the visor of the NRM made helmet is tough, it was not rated for that level of shrapnel to prevent some of it penetrating.

Having no medic within the IFV, the Squad had to rely on a male clone that paid enough attention to the sleep training on first aid to treat Specialist 1st Class Keller with TheraGel and bandages wrapped around their head in preparation for casevac that would never happen. As they got closer, they would soon witness the truth of Lt. Harrison's Folly of attempting to provide support to the Moholi "Heroes" assault effort. "A Red never puts an outsider before a Red.", especially ones that never bothered to communicate back. A lesson the Reds of the Fujiko Region were going to learn again.

"What is that!?" exclaimed one of the vehicle commanders of 3rd platoon conducting overwatch, raining down fire on the hillock. No one within Alpha Company had ever seen an implosion type artillery before. Looking at it either through periscopes or from the exterior cameras shown to the squads within the Ironbloods' troop compartments, no one could really comprehend the black-purple energy. It seemed like something out of a horror show, a weapon of true terror typical of the Mishhu. A sense of dread started to descend on the once imperious Reds, their fate as a people seemed to be etched in Zeusium as some of the senior members started thinking of the fighting on Kennewes. Why the hell were they sticking their necks out for a bunch of natural borns on some wasteland of a planet?

"Focus on the task at hand. We are Reds, we were born to static" Harrison was saying to each and every member of the company before he was cut off. Watching his wingman's IFV from 1st Platoon turn over from hitting an anti-vehicle mine, he did not have enough time to comment on a rescue plan when the mine directly below them detonated and then detonated the reserve desertwind ammunition stored directly in the floor of the IFV. The resulting explosion behind him instantly killed Harrison and Radcliffe. The driver, despite being further up the vehicle was not spared from the spall being generated slamming into the back of her head and seat. Her helmet not rated for that level of sustained bombardment, she lived just long enough to witness the compression fusion reactor explode as part of the chain reaction of the ammo cook-off causing the methanol tanks to rupture right next to the fusion reactor.

There was no need for their "Phoenix Ash Nanites" to activate. The very same nanite package every member of the 1st FEU were carrying within their Combat Suits and bodies. No one had any desire to be captured alive or have their bodies be used for food. The name was quite fitting for a few, ashes would be all that remains of them and they will be "reborn" as a new clone sometime in the future. Or so they were told anyways.

OOC: Battle Theme Change

"Alpha-Six is down!!! We need some damn help out here!!!" Alpha 1-2's vehicle commander said on the general coalition channel as the crewmembers and embarked Heavy Infantry squad made their way out of the disabled Ironblood flipped over onto its side. They immediately detached their Jessie Support Drone that survived the explosion and started unloading the medium machine gun and its ammo stored within the IFV. Their Paradin Infantry Kit saved them from the brunt of most of the concussive damage from the roll over. Not knowing what other mines were mixed into the field (this was the Mishhu at work), the 12 individuals simply did their best to keep the IFV in between them and the Reapers, hoping that they will be able to navigate to the XO's IFV and 1st Sergeant's APC soon.

"Alpha 2-6, contacts 9 o'clock!! Ripper and Reaper squads!!" Second Platoon's leader alerted the company before his voice was replaced by another.

"Alpha 1-6, contacts 11 o'clock, 6 Flayer Tankettes!!" rang out to the suddenly target rich environment. The company was clearly starting to fall apart, their inexperience as brand new clones clear for everyone to witness. But someone was going to have to either lead them to their deaths or keep them as combat effective as possible so their allies down to the south would stop playing with their food and get into the action.

"Alpha Elements, drop smoke and chaff to the north and south than detach Jessie Support Drones." LTJG ordered as she suppressed her instincts to threaten the Pioneers with floggings then death for failing to detect the minefield above. While the IFVs were prototypes without external sensors, the Combat Engineer variant of the Multipurpose Armored Vehicle were supposed to have sensors installed to deal with this sort of thing. It would not surprise her at all that Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing had failed to properly install them. Being prototypes would be enough of an excuse for those lazy losers to cut corners.

The Zen Armaments Ze-J6 Jessie Drones, despite being configured more to carry extra supplies, were still quite capable of providing support with their Type 45 Particle Beam Rifles. LTJG was also hoping to rely on the J6's visual and electromagnetic sensors to ID mines and help create a path to either guide IFVs out of it or allow the Pioneer Combat Engineers to disable/detonate mines to allow the company to punch forward.

In this situation, a tactical withdrawal would normally be ordered. But with no reinforcements coming it was "push or die" time for the Reds. Defensive Screen Launchers on the Ironblood IFVs sprang to as those to the north detonated with a 50/50 ratio on the ground and in the air and those meant to screen the hillock detonated with the same mixture. 1st and 2nd Platoons were in right echelon formations, meant to deal with the hillock while 3rd platoon was in a left echelon formation in their overwatch. A number of hatches on the IFVs focused forward sprang open to allow the Heavy Infantry within to pop out with their weapons and machine guns stowed within the troop compartment to focus on the hillock.

The 9 Demon II Power Armor immediately made their way to support 3rd Platoon, aiming their Armor Service Gauss Rifles and single Squad Support Gauss Rifle at the incoming NMX power armor, using the IFV's as cover. For their part, 3rd Platoon's IFVs immediately switched over to HE-Plasma to deal with the incoming Power Armor, while the forward echelons not closest to the hillock switched over to APDS to immolate the insides of the Flayers. They had to provide as much of a distraction and cover for the combat engineers to do their job of clearing paths for the IFVs to converge into a column and punch through to the other side of the minefield.

"JSD-167 activated. Orders received. Scanning" one of the Jessie Support Drones said over the Drones specific frequency with the command team. The Ze-J6 with a large desert camo rucksack on its back unholstered its weapon as it swung its single glowing eye looking for the tale-tell signs of disturbed desert soil and parts of the mine sticking out of the ground.
  1. Eliminate the Flayers and cut a path forward out of the minefield
  2. Stuck in the minefield, Alpha Company is deploying smoke screens between the NMX PA and Light infantry. Not knowing if the minefield is mixed, the heavy infantry are popping their hatches above them so that some of them can use their notImpaler Particle Beam Rifles against either the PA or light infantry zombies.
  3. Combat Engineers are going to either use their mine plow or just shot their notImpalers at mines to clear the way forward with the J6 Jessies providing sensor data.
  4. Rear 4 IFVs are oriented to engage the PA and the forward IFVs are focused on the Flayers, relying on the infantry to use their machine guns on the hillock
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"Alright pilots, let out allies clear the way. Use the smoke as cover, we're gonna flank the enemy AAA. Full throttle, move out!"
Upon the Wing Captain's order the U-1s leapt from cover, their mecha feet partially transforming back into the shape of thrusters and wings partially unfolding as they skimmed no higher than a meter off of the surface. The 10 jet-like mechas spread out into pairs as they dashed towards the hills south of the AA formation keeping their speed up and profile low.

Their goal is to fly to those hills south of the AAA along the blue line at their highest possible speed using the smoke cloud as cover. The red line indicates their attack run, but is entirely dependent on getting their.
Attack run on AAA.webp
From their position at the base of the hill, the Duskerian variable tanks began to maneuver. The small arms of the NMX power armor were better suited to taking on other infantry, whether in power armor or not, and were mostly ineffective against the heavily armored vehicles, but their missiles were a different story. A good hit in the wrong place could disable important systems or even injure the variable tank's pilot. The 23rd's tanks began firing off their EMP projectors at the incoming missiles in an attempt to defang the volley. The attempt was successful, for the most part, with only two vehicles suffering significant damage, being locked into their frame mode and unable to transform back into tanks.

In response, one tank platoon from the Duskerian forces fired back with autocannons designed for just this kind of work, the rounds purpose built to crack Power Armor and mounted two to a tank. Missiles as well were used, in an attempt to batter the NMX infantry even as they attempted to attack the Reds slightly to the south. The other two tank platoons began to maneuver around the hill, attempting to flank the large NMX Ravager as it stood atop the hill surveying the battle.

125mm cannons deployed over the shoulders of the frames, who weren't taking the risk of transforming in front of their foe, bombarding the Ravager's position.

Meanwhile, to the south, the NDC's scouts left the tattered and surrendering remainder of the NMX scouts to the IPEXFOR to handle, leaving a light armored vehicle within visual range as a reminder for the survivors not to try anything funny. The bulk of the scouts moved in the same direction as the FSC's U-1s, intent on supporting their attack on the Anti-Air array.

Back in the company HQ, Captain Matti gave his confirmation to his command/artillery vehicle to begin counterbattery fire on the enemy artillery. Though there was just one vehicle to fire back, it would possibly force the enemy artillery to pack up and relocate or else risk damage.

The Tank platoons to the north are flanking and attacking the Light PA and Mecha, the scouts to the south are moving on, utilizing the hills as cover, but leaving a vehicle behind as backup for the IPEXFOR. The HQ/Artillery piece is firing in counterbattery at the enemy artillery if they can manage, primarily in order to suppress it.
NDC odc round 4.png
Osman System

The contact, bogey, or whatever one wanted to call it was, to put it simply, an interesting contradiction, for was clearly a warship of some kind - its considerably-sized subspace radar return, dwarfing that of any commonly-seen transport, left no doubt as to that - yet its sluggish speed (a mere 5,000c before it hit the system’s Hill Sphere with the grace of a thoroughly drunk ID-SOL, and an equally pathetic 0.125c after it’d finished transitioning back into realspace) was much too slow, even for an antiquated vessel of war parked in a museum… let alone one that found itself operating in what could still be easily classified as an active combat zone.

Nevertheless, however, the ship - whatever it was - continued its inexorable trek in-system, its destination clear: the sand-covered dustball known as Osman.

As seconds became minutes and minutes became hours, the ship’s origin - based upon the analysis of its gravitic drive that had likely been performed several times over across the various ships of the coalition - became clear: Elysian, specifically, an Elysian Lanethron-class cargo ship; though the more knowledgeable of the sensor or science officers who’d performed the aforementioned analyses had likely pointed out that the vessel was moving decidedly slower then usual for a Lanethron, there was no mistaking the fluidic curves visible on the ship’s subspace radar return.

Nor was there any mistaking the cultured Elysian accent of the radio transmission that accompanied the vessel - which, curiously enough, was still not broadcasting an IFF signal, even as it closed within weapons range of the coalition fleet - despite the heavy background static associated with a transmitter that had clearly seen days.

”I am Barachiel Valeria of the Elysian Celestial Empire, onboard the ECV Argonautica. I have three companies of power armor-equipped infantry and three shuttles ready for deployment at my command. Where would they be most effective in eradicating the godless heathens?”

ECV Argo

The Patrician known as Barachiel Valeria let a small frown cross his features as the co-pilot in front of him - Leitus Giannopolous, if memory served, and it usually did - pressed the transmit button on the ship’s communications console, half expecting it to burst into sparks like the IFF panel had when Leitus had attempted to power it on upon entering the Osman system.

Fortunately, the communications panel remained spark-free… for the moment.

Unfortunately, Barachiel was still quite upset that he had to rely upon the advice of inferior and impure heathens for the deployment of the men and women under his command. He knew, of course, that he had no choice in the matter, as to charge in blindly was complete and utter folly, perhaps even suicidal - especially given how incredibly green some of his troops were - but that did little to ease the irritation, annoyance, and humiliation he felt. Despite all of that, though, the mood of one Barachiel Valera was quite high - because he, and he alone, had done it.

He’d done what they - his beloved colleagues in the Senate - had said couldn’t be done, and delivered three hundred and seventy men and women to Osman.

He’d done it - and thus, it was finally time to enact revenge upon the hellspawn that had raped his beloved nation fourteen years prior and start the glorious crusade that would make him a hero, no, a legend in the eyes of the Elysian public.

Barachiel’s Crusaders join the battle!

They consist of the following:
  • Three companies of Anthedon and Tethys-equipped infantry for a total of 300 soldiers.
    • Barachiel also brought along an Ezrael. :]
  • Seventy support personnel. Barachiel intends for them to serve his forces only, but will assign them to help the units of other nations if absolutely necessary.
    • 2x Lanethron Pilots
    • 2x Lanethron Co-Pilots
    • 1x Lanethron Engineer (sorely overworked, plz send help aaaaaaaaaa)
    • 6x Velcior Pilots
    • 6x Velcior Co-Pilots
    • 2x Air Controllers
    • 9x Logistics
    • 6x Cooks
    • 27x Technicians
    • 9x Doctors
  • Three Velcior-class shuttles. Barachiel intends to use them primarily for medevac and logistics due to their limited numbers, lack of replacements, and relative lack of firepower, but will use them as CAS if absolutely necessary.
  • Five S19 Seraphim. Barachiel is using them to the Argo’s more sensitive cargo (i.e. drugs and money), and does not plan to employ them in combat unless an emergency situation occurs. He also doesn’t intend to announce their presence - but will not conceal them if anyone wishes to conduct a tour of the ship.
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