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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP The Welcoming Invitations


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 46
RP Location
Kakushi Nekoba
Yuri Asakura, a dedicated medic serving in the Star Army, had finally found a moment of respite from the rigors of her duties. Stepping into the Kakushi Nekoba Bar, affectionately known as the Hidden Neko Den, she was greeted by the comforting scent of familiar surroundings. The bar was a haven, a sanctuary where the stresses of life in the military faded away amidst the warm glow of camaraderie and relaxation.

As Yuri crossed the threshold from the bustling streets into the cozy interior, she felt a sense of ease wash over her. It was a welcome change from the sterile corridors of the medical bay. Here, amidst the eclectic mix of patrons, she found a slice of normalcy, a brief reprieve from the chaos of the universe beyond.

With a smile, Yuri made her way through the crowd, her eyes alight with recognition as she spotted familiar faces among the sea of strangers. Each nod and greeting exchanged added to the sense of belonging that permeated the atmosphere.

Taking a seat at the bar, Yuri glanced around, her gaze settling on the figure behind the counter. It was her mother, Yayoi, a seasoned Ranger whose strength and resilience had always been a source of inspiration. Despite the demands of her own duties, Yayoi had carved out this space, a haven where friends and comrades alike could come together and unwind.

As she watched her mother effortlessly navigate the crowd, Yuri couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. In her, she saw not just a parent, but a mentor, a guiding light whose unwavering determination had shaped her into the person she was today.

With a sense of gratitude, Yuri ordered her drink, the familiar clink of glasses mingling with the hum of conversation around her. In this moment, surrounded by friends and family, she felt a profound sense of contentment, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have a place to call home in the Hidden Neko Den.

As Yuri waited for her drink to arrive, she found her thoughts drifting to the friends she had made during her time in the Star Army. Among them, there was one who held a special place in her heart – Aelya, her first Norian friend. Memories of their shared experiences flooded her mind, from their initial introductions to the deep bond that had formed between them over time.

Aelya's presence had brought a sense of warmth and acceptance into Yuri's life, bridging the gap between their different backgrounds and species.

The mere thought of Aelya brought a smile to Yuri's face, a testament to the strength of their friendship. Without hesitation, she reached for her communications device, fingers moving swiftly as she typed out a message to her dear friend. In it, she extended a heartfelt invitation, letting Aelya know that she would always be welcomed at the Kakushi Nekoba.

With a sense of anticipation, Yuri hit send, knowing that her message would reach Aelya wherever she was in the vast expanse of space. In that moment, she felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of reuniting with her friend, eager to share tales of their adventures and create new memories together in the familiar embrace of the Hidden Neko Den.

In a rarely found moment of peace from her newfound duties, Aelya found her way towards the Kakushi Nekoba with gift in hand. She reminisced over the moment she had received Yuri's message, everyone in her office had been immediately ordered to leave. An expression brimming with excitement graced her features as she approached the sanctuary that her friend Yuri had told her so much about. Between Yuri's duties with the Star Army of Yamatai and her own with Tsenlan it had been difficult to find to meet up. However, the time had finally come! Her hands hugged the gift to be destined for her bestie close to her chest. Only a few steps from the door she hustled along, cresting over the threshold to the seating area of the Kakushi Nekoba.

With a momentary pause she admired the red oak seating lined with pillows. She even spotted a few naked patrons, which made her smile, for she to preferred such a state of being. Her ruby gaze flitted over the various patrons that populated the comfy venue, nearly shouting when she saw Yuri and Yayoi. As fast as was reasonably acceptable she shuffled through those present on her way towards the bar. "Yuri!" she said happily. Carefully she held the gift in one arm, embracing her friend with the other in a warm hug. After the hug ended she looked to Yayoi, "I would offer you a hug as well, but I don't want to interrupt your work flow" she said with a friendly smile.

Turning her attention back to Yuri her eyes popped wide open, "Oh!" she said as if remembering something important. "I have something for you my dearest friend! Where would you like it?" she held out the gift to Yuri. It was a black rectangular box wrapped with a red bow, which thankfully had not been squished on the way over. Inside was a intricate blue silk kimono that blended the style of robes worn by Tsenlanese citizens and traditional kimonos. To Aelya it symbolized how her and Yuri's cultures had blended so beautifully during the course of their friendship as it grew. She could only hope that she had gotten it just right for her best friend.

As Yuri perched herself at the polished counter of her mother Yayoi's beloved establishment, the Kakushi Nekoba, the air hummed with the gentle murmur of patrons and the soft clinking of glasses. The young Nekovalkyrja, her short hair cascading in gentle waves, swayed her legs lightly as she cradled a glass of Moon's Nectar, its golden hues reflecting the ambient glow of the bar's warm lighting.

Her mind wandered amidst the fragrant whispers of nostalgia, threading back to the memories of her first encounter with Aelya, her cherished Norian friend. Yuri pondered over the delicate balance of friendship, wondering if the invitation she had extended would be met with the same warmth and enthusiasm that had marked their previous encounters.

Lost in the quiet reverie, her thoughts danced like fireflies until the familiar melody of her name, carried on the wings of a beloved voice, pulled her back to the present. With a swift movement, Yuri spun around, her eyes brightening like stars as she caught sight of the figure approaching. In that moment, her heart sang with joy, and without hesitation, she enveloped Aelya in a tender embrace.

"Aelya!" she exclaimed, her voice infused with the purest delight, a symphony of happiness resonating in every syllable. It was a reunion that painted the air with warmth, a moment of shared connection that transcended time and distance.

Yuri's smile widened as Aelya's words floated across the space between them, a gentle breeze of understanding. The camaraderie between the two friends was palpable, a bond woven from shared experiences and cherished moments. She nodded in agreement as Aelya spoke of Yayoi's dedication to her work, a dedication that often seemed to carve a distance between the bartender and casual displays of affection.

"Mmm, you're right," Yuri affirmed softly, her gaze drifting momentarily towards her mother, who moved with a graceful efficiency behind the bar, tending to the needs of the patrons with practiced ease. Yayoi's role as a Ranger in the Star Army had instilled in her a sense of discipline and focus that extended into every aspect of her life, including her interactions with others.

"Mom's not much of a hugger," Yuri continued, her tone affectionate yet tinged with a hint of amusement, "well, unless I'm the one that's hugging her." There was a fondness in her voice as she spoke of the rare moments of intimacy shared between mother and daughter, a glimpse into a tender bond that transcended the constraints of duty and obligation.

In that fleeting exchange, there was an unspoken acknowledgment of Yayoi's steadfast dedication, a silent tribute to the strength and resilience that defined her character. And amidst the laughter and warmth of the Kakushi Nekoba, Yuri and Aelya found solace in the understanding that some expressions of love were as quiet and enduring as the stars that adorned the night sky.

A spark of anticipation flickered in Yuri's eyes as she suddenly recalled the exchange of gifts that she and Aelya had planned. The thought of the token of friendship that her Norian companion had promised filled her with a sense of warmth and excitement. As if sensing the shared memory, Aelya's gaze met hers, and a knowing smile danced upon her lips.

With a gentle call, Aelya beckoned Yuri closer, the affectionate term "dearest friend" lingering like a sweet melody in the air. Yuri's heart swelled with gratitude, a tender reminder of the bond that had blossomed between them amidst the tapestry of their shared adventures.

Yuri's eyes widened in wonder as she beheld the gift that Aelya presented—a masterpiece of craftsmanship that seemed to bridge the worlds of Tsenlanese culture and traditional kimonos of Yamatai. The intricate patterns woven into the fabric shimmered like stars scattered across a midnight sky, each thread a testament to the artistry and skill of its creator.

"Oh, wow," Yuri breathed softly, her voice filled with awe as she reached out to accept the precious offering from her friend. The silk kimono cradled in her hands was a symphony of colors and textures, a tangible expression of Aelya's thoughtfulness and care.

With a grateful smile, Yuri immediately striped out of her normal clothes right there, and immediately put on the new outfit, and smiled. “This looks great!” Yuri said with a smile on her face, and hugs Aelya Again. Yayoi's attention was momentarily drawn away from her tasks behind the bar as she caught sight of her daughter and Aelya engaged in conversation. There was a softness in her gaze as she observed the easy camaraderie between the two, a silent acknowledgment of the deep bond that had formed between them.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she noticed the intricately crafted kimono held delicately in Yuri's hands, a vision of elegance and grace that seemed to shimmer in the ambient light of the Kakushi Nekoba. The vibrant hues of the fabric danced like kaleidoscopic reflections, casting a spell of enchantment upon all who beheld its beauty. "Oh, wow..." Yayoi breathed softly, her voice barely a whisper as she found herself momentarily speechless in the presence of such magnificence. There was a reverence in her tone, a silent admiration for the artistry and craftsmanship that had gone into creating the exquisite garment.

But it was not just the kimono that stole her breath away. As she watched her daughter don the garment with a grace that seemed to belong to another era, Yayoi felt a swell of pride and wonder fill her heart. In that moment, Yuri appeared as a vision of loveliness, her features aglow with the radiant warmth of friendship and camaraderie.

A smile tugged at the corners of Yayoi's lips as she took in the sight before her—the harmonious convergence of beauty and kinship that seemed to envelop the Kakushi Nekoba in a tender embrace. And in that fleeting moment, amidst the gentle hum of conversation and the soft glow of lanterns, Yayoi knew that she was witnessing something truly magical—the enduring power of love and connection, woven into the fabric of time itself.