Star Army

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RP [Strays] The Higaflan Mutant Crisis

Freehold - The Great Cerg
Tunnels - Tunnels

Not for the first time in the past fifteen hours, Huthang wondered just how much it would cost him to bribe Chips into making sure the eldritch mutant never had to work with Joe again. Even if extortionate, it would probably be worth it. He let out an exasperated sigh as the beams of bright blue light firing downrange from his Sun Scorpion's macro lasers cut out as the macro cells cycled. Honestly, it was harder to miss the enemy with the way they were swarming right now and he wondered if the mech would run out of power before running out of targets to kill. In fact, Huthang couldn't help but feel some regret for the exact sequence of circumstances that had led to the current situation.

A twitch of a control stick caused his fairy to roll her eyes. "Sorry, Huthang, you still can't snipe Hobbes' worse-half out of his cockpit..." The elfin fairy denied the targeting lock that Huthang had tried to drop over the cockpit of the leaders' Crookback mech. Before the mutant could debate the merits of just accidentally firing blindly and calling it a 'weapon malfunction', his faithful companion seemingly read his mind. "Even by Shasta's more relaxed standards, deliberate acts of friendly fire are not permitted..." Evidently deciding she needed to resort to the big threats to completely counter her partner's justifiably homicidal desire, Titania held up the other fairy. "Plus, we wouldn't want to risk damaging this cutie's hardware, right?"

Huthang snorted, but the incoming warning distracted him from any further response. "Titania, take the lasers." Ignoring the unpleasant sound of his deep scratchy voice, the mutant switched his weapon groups to control the weapons on the end of the mech's arms. As the junker skittered towards him, Huthang twisted the controls so that he could pin the drone against the tunnel floor with the claw long enough to bring the trencher into play. After all, if the claw didn't just straight out sunder the drone, there was little in life that tended to remain a threat after you split it in two with a chainsaw.
Luk didn't even hesitate-all he knew was these people were bad; very bad. Charging in with a roar he slammed into the nearest Tech-Scum; bringing the pipe around in a wide sweeping arc and batting aside another. Wayfinder groaned in exasperation-"The Mech Luk! Head towards the-never mind!" She changed her mind as she watched him toss aside yet another one after trying to bite it-ending in a nasty headbutt for the creature and likely not doing any real damage to the big lizard's frontal cortex any further.

The fae decided at that point to take control of it-firing its lasers in an attempt to keep the big guy from getting murdered from behind.
Crawling in the open, between the skiff and the mechs

Yamog's panic at being grasped by the strange, hidden cyborg could have been a lot more messy. She remembered just in time that she had her Tamorga 1112 pistol slung over her butt- But the repeated, awkward bashing to get the cheap HHG clone into mass driver mode- Well, it gave her a pace to think-

What was this guy? If they wanted her dead, they'd have pin cushioned her suit already, no?-

And then... a scuffle... flashing... Luk's fairy transmitting-

"...DEIMOS! UP!-" The spider's own silence broken. "L-Lay the carpet!"

It sounded like this was some kind of cool practiced, low-gravity move. It wasn't. She literally just leapt upwards, and then fired her gun downwards into the dust- springboarding her into the cold, dark, open vacuum-

Deimos jumped too, but with all the silent grace of a freight train of steel maces crashing into a fireworks factory. The massive cruel and red form of the savage proboscis crudely raised the nose-mounted chainsaw of it's namesake, and then robotically jolted itself into the air- It fired the left-hand laser pod downwards- but being lasers, they provided no thrust- only a blinding crackle of disco fire.

-Then the chainsaw hit the roof of the cavern, and created a secondary thundercloud- Stray sparks rippling down from the long, straight grove it caused as it sped itself along, inverting the momentum down at an angle-

Both free-floating objects clumsy, awkward in the reduced-G, slow motion flight... The organic thing scared out of their mind, the synthetic AI bored out of it's skull.

And when they collided, Deimos damn near cut Yamog in half.

She had to wildly fire her handgun again to course correct, and miss the gigantic active chainsaw- Winding herself, then coming to the realization that it was the missile pod she had just smashed against... The sporadic enemy gunfire was starting to track them now... But all she could see in the glare of her fogged up helmet was her own bug-eyed expression... Flashing intermittently between an open rack of her own mech's warheads in kissing distance.

"...Would you like to get in the cockpit? Before the angle is low enough for those little guns to shred you?" Deimos questioned, sarcastically.

The suit was designed to contain most bodily fluids, but not spider's web. So Yamog's pants were full of that now.

With an unheard rumble and a terrific spray of dust, she climbed along the hull with her feet swinging wildly in the air from inertia.

Face first. Nearly cracked her helmet open. Nearly kicked the control stick and made the whole thing fall over.

But... Inside?... Alive?
Tunnels - Chips Lance

When Luk struck the techie it was almost comedic in the way the tech scums body jerked downwards head first almost like the scavenger had been reaching for a coin on the ground only to keep going as its body twisted and its face hit the ground and legs splayed up into the air like a failed cartwheel. The next had a simular effect as it reeled back almost in slow motion in the lower gravity in a recoil.

A glint of movement, however, forced Luk to react instinctually as one of them turned, somehow noticing the commotion even in the lack of sound and swung a rather comedically long rifle as long as Lul was tall in an arc from the hip only for the mutant to reach out and grab the barrel where with its length would have tapped him on the hip with still a few inches to go.

The tech scum did not have an EVA or hardsuit, being mostly automata, which allowed Luk in that brief moment to see the tech scums processor whirring as it looked down at the barrel of the rifle still locked in Luks grip. And then back up to Luk. Back down to the barrel. Then again to Luk right up until the moment it registered and the adversary let go of the weapon as it lunged backwards and pulled out a wicked and curved tomahawk-style axe with a top spike and puncture-style curved hook on the end and squared off against Luk who even if he could read expressions the lack of any on the metallic mask of filters and lenses on the Techie told him less than its posture as it carefully stepped back one jerking little hop at a time.

As it transmitted no doubt on whatever frequency it shared with its fellows Luk only had time to register two things; The suddenly bright flash of his mechs laser passing just two meters above his head as it temporarily turned it to day as it passed and whizzed by,

And a sudden flareup of pain as five little finger-length flechettes ripped into his hide from a second Tech Scum much smaller than the first as a mess of fibre-optic cable hair swished about the shorter female-looking one if the proportions of its mostly mechanized top half were to be considered in the brief light, and decidedly not female in her lower half as the long skirt of tarp-like material spread out and six mechadendrite like legs spread out and rose the tech scum to almost Luks height as one of the techies arms fumbled in its bandolier of pouches about in some manner while the other; Ending at the joint with a can-like cylinder full of holes held steady long enough for the tech scum to start inserting into the weapon that replaced its hand several cartridges from which small darts protruded much like the ones sticking out of Luks suit in the meat of his thigh and hip did.

Clearly not a lethal weapon five little punctures in his suit around each of the darts vented a negligible amount of air from his suit as on one side of Luk the axe-weilding techie lunged at him just a few feet away, axe poised for an overhand chop, while on the other at least four meters away the more augmented one loaded three out of five more darts and brought the barrel-stump of her arm up to point at Luk about to fire.

As the dynamiteons laser churred down the tunnel causing tech scum to scatter as bolts of blue kicked up across the ground and wall in sudden Chaos a second machine whirred to life as the Flyswatter took momentarily to the air in a cloud of dust and sparks as the dark was momentarily turned to an almost blinding set of day as in the distance one of the Tech Scums barge' spotlights centered and then fell off the mech before attempting to re-center on it for but a moment as several rapid-fire blue bolts of energy from Luks mech zipped past it causing it to falter.

Heavy but unlimbered slightly the Flyswatter was momentarily airborne and then paused in that stationary moment of weightlessness before gravity took over where for a whole second it just existed as a monument to all that was hubris and finality lingering in the air like a feather above all else in that moment Yamog waited for as she crawled into the Cockpit cracked open only for a hand for the second time to clamp onto a leg causing her to whir,

But this time there was no array of red dots of a visor. This time the just barely illuminated insides of an environment suit greeted her in yellow light as the one lense and one too-large eye of the Tech-scum who had somehow also made it to her mech on time looked at her with wild desperation as his other hand clutched desperately onto the lip of the cockpit as he began to either pull himself in to the cockpit or perhaps try to yank Yamog out at the exact moment gravity re-asserted itself and the mech started to plummet the four or five meters back to the ground at a wrong angle that implied it would very much not include both feet on the ground!

Chainsaw whirring as the Flyswatter returned towards the earth, two of a kind wrestling at the cockpit, the knight Tindal plummeted the spear he had yanked in surprise away from the Tech Scum back into its gut as the explosive thump of the small pilebunker sent the raider flying several feet away, body in a C-shape with hand and foot behind it and a large hole the size of a dogeball in its chest as Tindal looked surprised up at the weapon with a look of consideration.

"Incredible!" He admired, before tossing it up into an overhand grip and launching it like a javelin where it impaled several inches non-fatally but still painfully into an enemy mere meters behind Joanna as the knight stomped forwards to catch up with her. Joannas mech was before them now, though being one of the closets to the front of the camp also had the most attention on it saved only by the fact that all hell has broken loose allowing the bun to make it to and now at least start scrambling up the fuselage while her ally held off the dregs long enough for her to mount her warmachine.

Just as such another Tech Scum was illuminated briefly in the darkness as a steam of blue bolts of energy whipped from Luks mech and sparks rained down from where the Flyswatters teeth bit into something as Tindal brought up his forearm to shield his face as the silent stacato of muzzle flashes kicked off and fireflies ripped into the armor of his hardsuit as the Knight of Rogers World lunged in the low gravity and sent a backhand to knock the stubber away and with a followup motion not even eluding to when he had drawn it plunged the bowie-style blade into the scums face as made a J-shape with it as another tried to run past him towards Joanna and the mech only for Tindal to grab the writhing enemy before him and shove it at the new enemy who fell forwards. With no time to react beyond instinct Tindal jumped to the side to avoid a concentrated beam of orange energy that lanced into nowhere he had just been standing as yet three more enemies either readied weapons at him.

"I mean no disrespect," Tindal huffed, out of breath on the proximity channel that Joanna could hear. "But tarry no longer young HARE!" He roared the last word as he caught a lunged weapon between his arm and side, smashing the sharpened spikes on his shoulder into the enemy as he did and whirred to use the enemy as a shield as a projectile the size of a can hit and bounced off the body shield only to explode with a thwump as the grenade detonated, the now corpse absorbing most of the concussion.

To emphasize the point a bullet of some kind pinged mere inches from Joannas hand as she scampered up her mech towards the cockpit.

Tunnels - Joe's Lance

"TONY!" Lisa screamed loud enough to turn the channel to static as the join on Big Tonys Mean Machine gave out, the quareupedal mecha slumping to the ground crushing three jukers in the midst of tearing out the underside turret as the one that had just severered and plasma-cut through the joint was pinned under the weight.

"Am alright, Lass!" Big Tony, the obease porpoise of a man shouted unconvincingly as the junkers swarmed over onto the now disabled mech, interrupting the turning of the heavy weapon on the top of the mech as they began jabbing, welding, cutting, and unscrewing with the surgical prescion of a racing pit crew everything and anything on his mecha that they could like ants devouring a much larger predator.

"Someone do something!" Lisa whined, near hysterical as she crushed the face of one junker that got too close to her Psycho Frame, firing from the hip the SK-47 in staccato bursts at the half dozen arrayed before her but no less pushing her back as she was forced to the legs of the Crookback and Huthangs Sun Scorpion as the tide of Junkers only seemed to get thicker as the endless hoard of small car-sized drone machines crawled on the floor, walls, and even ceiling in a never ending tide.

"Dammit, is there a factory nearby or something?" Joeseph cursed as his mechs groun-mounted grenade launcher thumped silently into the dark past Tonys mech and into the tide as they just continued to crawl over their injured and disabled comrades. "Feck! Tony are youse-" Joeseph started to ask as the channel from Tonys side opened and there was an intake of breath from the man about to speak when there was a sudden blast of force and light as his hyper-cell matrix was ruptured. With the size of the blast and the still somewhat confines of the tunnels everything for fifty meters was blown away as a portion of the tunnel collapsed but only partly as girders and supports held it open still like a hazardous U-shape sagging.

"ANTHONY!" Lisa shrieked again and there was silence.

"Matrix ruptured..." Hobbes intoned sleepily on the general lance channel followed up by Lisas fairy Needle_% "Ginny lost signal too!" The fairy bemoaned the temporary death of Tonys fairy, Ginseng who, losing her connection to the core in Tonys mech would need to be revived from her main source in the Fae where all of the Fairys resided but uploaded themselves from into machines like the mechs, power gloves, etc.

"Shes never... Before..." Hobbes yawned.

"Yeah. First time shes died. She really liked Tony too." Needle sobbed cutely with the slight tinge of machine-sound as a red icon appeared on their visors HUD.

And then another. And another...

"Contact!" All three of the Lances remaining Fairys reported at once as new junkers no doubted bipassed those disabled and crawled under the breach and towards them. There was a sudden weight on Huthangs mech as the still several thousand-pound Psycho Frame Lisa piloted straddled onto its back like a horse and clasped onto one of the armored plates like a handhold but gave only quiet sobbing over the general channel as she did.

"Someone must have breached a vault to a junker factory." Joe cursed, always with the same pissy tone even in grief as he fired the array on the top of his mech once and started backpeddling. "There could be a whole vault of these things just activated!" He cursed, sounded excited at the same time as one of the Junkers got close enough for Huthang to grab in his mechas claws and bisect with enough force that part of the Junker briefly glowed red from the friction.

"One of you guys remembered the path to get here, right? We can come back and-" Joe started only to be cut off by a hysterical cry of "Joseph!" By Lisa who fired with one hand her PAs assault rifle into the smaller but growing wave of junkers.

"What? Fine!" Joe cursed, his usual forte. "Huthang pull back and cover me," He ordered as they started a fighting retreat.

Later - Joes Lance

"Im leaking hydraulics behind the knee. "Joe declared as the three of them, well out of the fight after close to an entire kilometer of booking it as Joe had described finally had seen the Junker Swarm break off their pursuit and given them enough distance to finally dismount and check the damage to their machines.

Most of the damage was superficial. But loose plates, drained and now charging cells, and popped hoses abound and require near-immediate attention on all their frames as the two mecha and Lisa's Powered Armor were powered down in a triangle pattern where lights on all three could bathe each other for easier work on field repairs.

"Whose got the channel lockes?" Joe asked, immediately regretting it when Lisa, now dismounted and turning in a rage his way snapped, "Anthony did!"

"Jeeze, Lise-"
Joe put up both his hands, the widely little midget of a mutant trying to placate his opposite in the rather well-endowed early-stage mutant who could easily pass for any Nepleslian if it weren't for her perpetually growing mamaries that required constant reduction and caused no small amount of back pain and stress.

"Don't Jeeze Lise me, Joeseph!" She warned him, rummaging for something in her own toolkit before throwing a pair of Vice Grips overhanded at the smaller man where they soared in the low gravity over his head causing him to jump comically just to grab them.

Huthangs Sun Scorpion wasn't much better than either of their frames. A lense in the glassmaker had unfocused and the hydraulics in his ramscoop had popped but other than those and one of the motors in one of his hyper lasers; Which admittedly only made them spin and offered no actual purpose beyond slightly cooling them which didn't matter on the hot and cold changing climate on Freehold was an easy if time-consuming few problems to manage all things considered.

As he worked though, standing on the back of his mechas carapace-like back armor in the drooping tail of the mechas main weapon, Titania alerted him to a personal communication as his fairy opened a private channel between him and Lisa.

"Hey hon, how ya holding up?" The former adult star turned mercenary asked, her kindly tone still a bit fragile but strong all things considered as Huthang could see her pausing in tightening the clamps of her armors power clamp to look up at him, the visor of her Barghest armor compared to the rest of their flight suits at least showing her dimpled and freckled face examining him through beady doe-eyes that if it weren't for the light in the visor no doubt would show as puffy and red.

"Joe said you rode with Roger... Chips... Before us. But I didn't believe him till I saw you back there. Nice shootin." She teased playfully, and possibly a bit flirtily if Titanias silent giggling was any indication, Though from their brief few weeks and couple missions that fell through with them was any indication was her usual way she talked with everyone.

"How'd he manage to bag someone like you anyhow?" She asked him, Lips pouting in thought as she did. "Joe and Chips got some real history between them and Joeseph wouldn't spit on Roger even if he were burnin' and Roger wouldn't do the same. So how'd someone from Chips lance end up on a B-team at best with us anyhow considering their history?"

Nearby, Joe started flailing wildly and no doubt cursing as he pinched himself through his suit with a set of clamps and began kicking the foot of his Crookback.
Freehold - The Great Cerg
Tunnels - Temporary Stop Site

One of the nice things about the mechs produced by Shasta no Sekai was that you didn’t need a technical degree in order to perform maintenance on one. Of course, an argument could be made that such was less of a design feature and more a side-effect of shoddy design choices with every justifiable corner cut away. But that was just negative press from Shasta’s rivals and could be safely dismissed. All of which passed through Huthang’s mind as he followed the instructions displayed on his SnS power glove to reset one of the axial stabilisers within the glassmaker lens focusing assembly.

“Yeah, that did it!” Titania crowed in triumph as the stabiliser locked into place and began whirring through the auto-calibration process. “That’s problem number eleven on the list marked off. Only seventy-three more to go!” The fairy’s cheerful expression faltered for a moment. “But don’t worry Huthang, I think we only need to worry about the first twenty-five or so to be as operational as we’re going to get down here. The rest can wait until we can get to a proper repair bay!”

With a sigh, the mutant turned his attention to the next set of instructions. At least with Titania’s help he didn’t have to go hunting through pages of technical manuals to find the necessary procedures. And, thanks to the functionality of the SnS Power Glove, Huthang also didn’t have to try and keep track of a whole box of tools, either. Which was really useful as the mutant didn’t really know the difference between a torque wrench and a spanner.

“Ooh, hold one, got a comm from Lisa.” His fairy called out before opening the channel. Huthang, guessing that a quick ‘I’m fine’ wouldn’t deter the other mutant, sighed tiredly as he collected his thoughts. He didn’t really feel much about the death of Big Tony, having had neither the time nor inclination to form much of an emotional connection with the man. Titania had been upset about the ‘death’ of the fairy Ginseng, but knowing she could be reinstated later had somewhat tempered that loss. There was no such second coming for Tony though.

“I’m fine.” Huthang shrugged, having not thought of a better response. Given how upset Lisa had been at the time, perhaps he should say something comforting? “Can’t say things are going great, but it can always get worse.” Judging from the wince he could feel on Titania’s face, Huthang had the sneaking suspicion that his fairy would be attempting once more to ‘educate him on the finer points of social interaction’, or as she sometimes referred to it - the ‘Huthang stop being a dum-dum’ training.

While he debated the relative merits of sitting through another evening of his fairy’s beration versus the more intense but lesser-duration tongue-lashing he’d receive after ‘accidentally’ muting the AI by burning out his comms, Lisa responded with a compliment over his shooting.

“Thanks, but that’s just as much Titania making micro-adjustments and tweaking the controls as it is skill on my part.” Huthang snorted in amusement. “Honestly, I’m most at home hunting prey in the dark with a knife in hand.” He hummed in thought before adding. “All those years hunting in the tunnels probably helped with my combat instincts though.” The mutant snorted. “Of course, with how those junkers were swarming, I think it would be harder to miss one than to hit nothing…”

He’d checked before leaving the cockpit - they’d retreated under fire for what felt like kilometres but in actual fact was just short of one. And the combat had been practically non-stop for most of that frantic action. If only the Strays got paid by the kill, Huthang would be able to retire and live comfortably for the rest of his days. Unfortunately, there would be no riches for him. Fortunately, the drones had pulled back and given the trio some much needed time to assess the situation.

Luckily, his Sun Scorpion - which he really should come up with a name for - had come through without much major damage beyond that to the glassmaker and some busted hydraulics. There were a bunch of minor issues of course, such as damaged armour plating, electrical shorts and so forth. Although only a minor problem, the damage to the hyper laser motors was troubling - if only because the lack of spinning would change the sound of the weapon when it fired. And Huthang was especially sure that there would be plenty more weapon firing before the day was done.

Then Lisa went and asked how he had ended up with Joe’s crew instead of Chips’ and wasn’t that a loaded question… With a sigh, Huthang let his mind wander back.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

Freehold, Strays’ Home Base
Late YE 45

Huthang blinked in surprise, lightly scratching above an eye as he looked between the mutant from supply and the large shipping containers addressed to himself. “What is the Second Chance Salvage Company and why did they send me…” he waved his hand in the direction of the shipping containers “...this?” The confusion was very much real. “I mean what am I even supposed to do with a container of Strontium 2, whatever that is, a large supply of mechanical lubricant and a giant mech retired from the fighting circuit on Ternifac?”

“Umm, well, it’s a universal truth that there’s no such thing as too much lube so we could make use of that…” The cyclopean supply tech shrugged, her purple ponytail swinging wildly. “I had to look up Strontium 2 - turns out it’s used as a supplement for bone growth, so yeah, no idea about that, sorry. As for the mech, it’s cool. Maybe see if the R&D folks can do anything with it?”.

Well, none of that seemed to be immediately useful to Huthang. “Maybe Shasta’s World could use the Strontium for a goodwill tour giving mutant communities free medical supplies or something.” He shrugged. “Help yourself to the lubricant...” His eyes flicked down to her name badge. “...Teela. As for the big mech, I’ll think about it, maybe see if the faeries have any ideas.”

Freehold, Million-Bell facility
Early YE 46

“...and that, Mr. Flutch, is why we would like you to be the ‘face’ of the Shasta’s World Mutant Health Tour.” The playback was paused at that point and Huthang was forced to concede that the message was no less ridiculous after the third viewing as it had been after the first two. The mutant felt a full-body shudder at the horrific thought of having to be a public figure.

“Hey, Titania, what’s the polite version of ‘Hell No!’ for when I refuse the invitation?” Huthang certainly didn’t expect his fairy to angrily reply “You’re NOT refusing this!” The resulting silence was less due to not having a response so much as disbelief at how thoroughly his flabber had been well and truly gasted. “What do you mean, I’m not refusing this? I am too - in fact, I refuse your refusal of my refusal!”

“Ooooh, Huthang Flutch, you make me so mad sometimes!” He could see Titania stamping her feet and got the odd mental image that she was picturing his face under her heels. “I get that your life has made you an anti-social loner but your reflexive desire to avoid the limelight does not permit you to hurt a bunch of innocent mutants!” He was pretty sure that ‘dumbfounded’ was the proper name for his current state of being and Huthang wondered if this is what it was like to be told off by a parent.

“If someone says ‘your involvement will let us help suffering people’, the answer is ‘when and where do you want me’, not ‘hell no!’. Grrr. Now, you are going to send a polite response thanking them for the invitation and confirming your involvement.” “But…” “Nope, no buts! You’re doing this, Mister! Get writing!” Huthang let out a defeated sigh. There were times the mutant knew he could push back against his fairy’s demands of him - unfortunately, this was not going to be one of those times.

Freemud System, Wetmud, Outlying District #7 ‘Freaksville’
Early YE 46 - About six weeks later

“...Shasta’s World - building a better world for mutantkind!” Huthang just turned and stared at the harried-looking Corporate PR rep that had been ‘coaching’ him over the past two weeks. Well, Titania insisted it was ‘coaching’, whereas Huthang called it ‘torture’. From the haggard looks of longsuffering that the rep, a perpetually hairless mutant with an unhealthy fondness for wigs by the name of Craig Sejai, had worn for most of the past fortnight, the PR rep considered it ‘torture’ too.

“I know, you’re new to this sort of thing. But, trust me - the metrics all show that that catchphrase, delivered with intent and suitable passion, will really work well to enhance the corporate image with our target demographics.” The eldritch mutant wasn’t convinced, but the projection of his fairy was nodding along in total agreement. Huthang knew he could be stubborn, but the past two weeks had taught him the futility in trying to argue with Craig when Titania happened to agree with the corporate representative. So, once again, he settled for a resigned sigh as the other mutant ordered “Once again, from the top!”

~~~ Four hours later ~~~

Huthang focused on keeping his breathing deep and even, as Craig gave him the two minute warning. There was no getting out of this now and no matter how much he really didn’t want to be any kind of public figure, even his stubbornness had to concede defeat. As he was stuck doing it, Huthang decided he might as well embrace it and commit to doing it properly. That was entirely a mature decision and had nothing to do with trying to avoid the monumental hassle his fairy would give him should he mess things up.

“One minute!” With one last hiss of vexation, Huthang put all of his doubts and fears to one side. Remembering all the instruction he had so-painstakingly received, the mutant straightened up - pushing his shoulders back slightly and allowing his hands to rest freely at his side. Apparently this posture was more camera-friendly than the slightly-hunched predatory readiness he usually kept himself in. Huthang just hoped he wouldn’t have to hold it for too long because it turned out being the least bit photogenic was highly uncomfortable.

“And here we….” The rep started before a loud blast of music, familiar to anyone who had watched Shasta Archeletta’s livestreams on the InterNep, cut them off. This was swiftly followed by the canine-eared hyper-energetic Queen of Mutants herself. Which, from the reactions of all those in the room, had caught everyone by surprise. “Phew, made it just in time! Let’s do this thing!” After throwing a quick peace sign at the room, the overly energetic mutant bounded straight out toward the stage, already talking at the audience as her drone cameras floated along behind.

The PR rep blinked, his mouth opening several times as his brain attempted to reboot. Finally, Craig turned to look at Huthang. “Um… I guess you’re off the hook then? There’s no way you’re going to pull better numbers than THE Shasta. Have a safe trip home!” And with that the rep ran from the room, already making a call on his communicator, the rest of the support team trailing behind him. Now alone in the significantly quieter room, Huthang took several more seconds to recover.

“Hey, partner, you okay?” The mutant finally responded to the worried prodding of his fairy. “Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m good! Great, even! She was here, Titania! Shasta herself!” Huthang’s eyes widened. “She saved me from having to go out in front of the cameras!” So distracted with his gratitude, the mutant missed the way his fairie’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah, she’s totally your saviour!” While keeping part of herself available to listen to the gushing commentary from her mutant, she devoted another part of her attention towards arranging Huthang’s travel itinerary back to Freehold. While she was at it, Titania also opened up a comm line to Shasta Archeletta’s fairy. There was business to discuss.

Freehold, Strays’ Home Base
YE 46 - A few days later

“...thanks again, Huthang, and keep up the good work! Bye!” The video file ceased playing as Huthang sighed happily to himself after once again watching the message that Shasta Archeletta, the Queen of Mutants herself, had sent him after saving him from the very public charity event. It still tickled him that she had cared enough about his involvement to record a personal thank you for his involvement in the event.

His fairie resisted the urge to fondly roll her eyes at her mutant’s behaviour. To be fair, she had suspected this would happen after arranging with Shasta’s fairy to get that video recorded and sent. In Titania’s mind, it was the least that Archeletta could do after upstaging Huthang and voiding all the work the fairy had been putting in with preparing him over the past few weeks. Given the news he was about to receive, it was good that he had something nice to distract him.

It didn’t take long to cross the base and drop his gear off in the barracks before heading over to the admin building to check-in and officially return to active duty. Which was when he received the news that Chips’ team had been deployed in Huthang’s absence and that he was being assigned to a different group in the interim, under someone named Joeseph. With a shrug, because how bad could it be to work with another team, Huthang left to seek out his new boss.

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~

And oh, how wrong had he been with THAT presumption. To be fair to his fellow Strays of Joe’s lance, Huthang didn’t have a problem with most of them. On the first mission under Joe’s ‘leadership’, where they had been sent out to escort a Shasta convoy through some dangerous territory, nothing had happened. Not, mind you, because nobody had dared attack while the Strays were present, but rather because Joe had somehow managed to reverse two of the destination coordinates and had therefore led the team to a location over fourty-three kilometres away from where they were meant to be.

Then, on the next assignment, the team had arrived to reinforce a Shasta team under attack. Only, by the time they eventually got there, all the Shasta people were dead along with a bunch of their attackers. Still, somehow, they had lost Ol’ Pete when his Lancer stood upon some unsecured ordnance that swiftly detonated under the pressure. Joe had particularly earned Huthang’s ire there after receiving the blame for not warning Pete, despite the fact that his Avatar of Lyco had been on the other side of the formation and had no way of sensing the unexploded munition.

Finally, there was that last mission where Joe had scrambled the team to provide protection for a crash-landed Shasta shuttle while it was repaired and launched. Except, by the time they got there, the shuttle was nowhere to be found because the damage had been much less severe than initially thought. The repairs were made easily and the shuttle had lifted off. The shuttle crew had called it in and Strays Command had been trying to reach Joe to recall his lance, but somehow Joe had managed to sortie with his long-range communications antenna faulty. Which, naturally, was the fault of everyone else but Joe.

Between the deaths of Ol’ Pete and Big Tony, Huthang had witnessed ‘Boom Boom’ Renaldi, Foxtrap and Paddy Jenkins all gleefully transfer out of Joe’s team. He had definitely come to understand just why Joe’s team had one of the highest turnover rates amongst the Strays. Honestly, Huthang was considering suggesting that Lisa write a book codifying information on Joe’s leadership style. She could title it ‘How not to be an effective leader’ and make a fortune. Talking of Lisa, he should probably reply to her question instead of staring off into space as he reminisced.

“Well… I donated some supplies to Shasta, got blackmailed into doing a press conference, was saved from doing it at the last minute by Shasta Archeletta, got back to Freehold and, as Chips’ team was deployed, ended up with Joe.”
Joanna, crouching in that dark spot of the tunnel alongside Tindal, stares at the knight's gestures with confusion, an eyebrow raised and head tilted, before soon arriving to the conclusion that he wanted her to follow him. Seeing his Laslock on hand before he started sneakily walking, she soon follows behind him. The bunny walks just as slowly and silently, the lack of light and sound of their surroundings encompassing them. Though she is not aware of where this stealthy hike's destination is located, she hopes it's something good, until she sees her mech, though barely, within a distance and finally understands what his plan is.
Luk snarled, grabbing the tech-scum's arm and attempted to bite its head; keyword being attempted. The result was an awkward headbutt that rattled its processors and likely almost broke his suit's helmet. Another dissatisfied snarl followed by him simply throwing it at the big one and charging-full intent on chomping on it some how-his limited intellect didn't know how, but he would.

Wayfind hit the plasma shotgun-sending superheated plasma down the tunnel even as her lasers sent more tech-scum reeling; attempting to keep up with Luk's nonsense; she liked the big mutie, but at the same time, she often wondered how she was going to keep him alive at times.
Roger's Lot, Melee next to the Mechs

When Yamog's modified Flyswatter hit the dirt again, the bird-like monster immediately twisted and fell into a ball, spreading toxic dust and rocks in all directions, temporarily liberated from the weak gravity.

The problem with Fairies like Deimos operating mechs themselves was the human control system- To a virtual being that had no real weight, size or sense of presence, the automatic human control systems were completely abstract. Even controlling each joint manually was like a broken puppet, micromanaging each limb. Put simply, they just didn't have the muscle memory.

Silent warning lights diffused through the dust into an opaque white sheet inside the sideways cockpit- The blue spider thought she heard a gunshot, and one of Tindal's boisterous transmissions?- But the other figure in the cockpit was still flailing madly!- Was this aggression? Inertia? Spasming servos? Had the horrid space-stabber been lanced by her noble knight, or hadn't he!?- There was too much frantic movement to tell!- Not time to sit down and find out!-

Putting both boots on the attacker's elbows, and grasping a suit-hose at at the collar- Yamog ammo dumped her revolver into his helmet at point blank- Trying and failing to stabilize with her many arms, jolting back and forth into the cockpit window due to the recoil-

Did she just hear glass break? Was that the canopy? Her own visor?-

Wheezing- Blackness- Exertion- Ding ding ding ding!-

<"One-eye- stop!... bleeding-.... tack!....">
Just snippets of Deimos' voice was caught. Gunfire was pinging across the hull as they shambled the mech onto one knee, basically scooping Yamog and the now-corpse up into the upright padded cradle.

Half confused, half unconcious, Yamog's hands found the control stick and boggled sidelong at the orange targeting triangles in her fogged-up monitor- Still sharing the seat itself with a dead man-

<"-No forgiveness for the desolators! Meet your end, curs!">

And then she opened fire with the right torso smart laser, creating a small sun... directly on the other side of her still-open canopy...
Tunnels - Joesephs Lance

"Aw." Lisa cooed bubbly at Huthangs story, her suit jiggling about from the barely contained mass like an overfull water balloon... Or two...

"Shani's a good egg. Her Ma's a right bitch though but don't ever tell her that. " She nodded, tossing a spanner up in the air and holding her hand steady for a solid three seconds it took for it to fall back down into her palm. "Her Pa's real swell too. Always makes sure we get paid on time and that nobody ain't skimpin us outa nothin iffin ye don't know yer numbers too well."

She continued the small talk for a while, even occasionally including the irate midget in the conversation when it was one of the rare subjects he wasn't insufferable over until, despite getting little actual rest their little break felt as though it was coming to an end as repairs all seemed to slowly cease and the three of them simply loitered for a bit, the unspoken topics of their recently passed lancemate and their ongoing mission status weighing heavily.

It was Joseph who finally broke the silence.

"We should keep going, find another route and-" He began before Lisa cut him off with a shrill "Seriously, Joe?"

"What? It's what Tony would have wanted! That brat of his and some propper school and..."
He slowly trained off under the intense visored glare of Lisa who outside of her mech and in her hardsuit was easily three times Joes diminutive height and close to six times his mass.

"You jus' wanna get one over on Rogers' claim." She accused at him, looking briefly to Huthang and making a can you believe this guy gesture at the dwarf.

"Hey it ain't my fault if-" He started, but back down again as Lisa snapped her head to look down on him again causing him to make a placating gesture.

"Alright-alright! But I still think we should keep goin. Maybe I don't like chips none no more but if he did take the same network as us he should came up on us by now. There was only one other fork that we didn't take and that Techie' barge went hightailing it down there. Normally that don't mean much to a full lance with a barge that size but if Chips' been going even half as long as we have he's bound to make camp and Tech-scum are sneaky and opertun-ist-ic if nothin else. Outside of their frames a buncha techies wouldn't hesitate." Joe reasoned.

"Aint that philanthropic of you." Lisa accused, clearly misunderstanding the term but regardless climbed up the back of her Psycho Frame and started it up as its many optical lenses glowed to life.

"I was gonna keep goin anyhow. We owe Tonys girl and their daughter some kinda payout either way. Huthang you ain't gotta come with but YOU, Joeseph are coming with me and giving half whatever payout Roger gets from this gig to Tonys' kin and no buts about it! What you say, hon?" Lisa asked, her armor turning towards Huthang and his mecha as she whirred her power claw and clamped down on nothing experimentally.

Tunnels - Chips Lance

The techie flew directly in the path of the flechette-gunner as Luk threw them, the body jerking slightly before impact as a series of darts hit the flying adversary in lower center mass. The larger tech-scum pushed the first off of her but clearly lacked the cybernetic augmentations in her upper body compared to her lower and only managed to untangle enough to peak a head over just in time for a toroid of plasma to delete her entire upper-half as it passed through them both, leaving the gunhand flopping in the low gravity with a lack or torso to connect to before dropping to the ground alongside her cybernetic-cephalopod lower half which teetered left and right slightly before following leaving Luk at least with no nearby adversaries near him but few of the others could say the same.

Joanna and Tindal were having such a problem as the Knight buried a spike from his gauntlet in the faceplate of a tech-scum and lifted with impressive dexterity the body in front of him to block the blow of stubber bullets that caused a spasm of death in the corpse as the knight errant used it as a shield while using one leg to kick up his large Laslock from the ground into an underhanded grip and with great effort to point the unwieldy weapon with just one hand hip-fired its single charge at the gunman and missing, though it caused the techie to dive to avoid a followup shot as Tindal dropped the corpse and spent weapon alike and looked up to Joanna as she finally managed to straddle into her cockpit and seat right as, now unarmed, three Tech-scum coalesced from the darkness as nothing more than the occasional RGB glow of light from a visor or cybernetic and came upon the knight with various close-in weapons.

Yamog for her part had at least disrupted any plans current or future of her wannabe boarder as she went slightly airborne as the mecha came back down again and with considerable spider-cyclopse like dexterity was able to hold onto her frame even as the mech slammed back down onto the ground and her with it enough to knock some of the air out of her lungs and from launching out of the cockpit and into the massive rotating chainblade in front of her before she could buckle in not that such a feat would be easy in a seat meant for just one.

For her lgl there was only one viable target it could easily find to suit its purpose. A hundred meters down and large enough and then some to be acquirable the Techies barge was still loitering with spotlights dancing every which way to various points of chaos. The first short-beam hit it square on causing a red-glow where it punched through the clearly lightly if at all armored barge before the glow faded in the basketball-sized hole it left.

As Yamogs cockpit closed she was able to breathe a slight sigh of some relief for the much needed protection as a smaller spotlight ontop of the barge swivelled onto her directly in the cockpit and the cockpits transparent durrandium rippled with impacts coming from the small emplaced turret.

<Missile Lock!> Demios warned her as Yamogs HUD now outlined the red-outline of the shapely barge and more than a few techies on its surface and rails on weapons platforms including one silhouette readying a very tube-like shape and pointing it directly at her mech.

Tunnels - Vega

Vega Darklight Had spent the better part of the day and more than a few hours into the night what felt like lost. Fairly new to the Strays and the Terror Wolves especially and awaiting a spot to open up on a lance she had gotten predominately low-paying grunt work.

Hauling and driving skimmers between factories on supply or transport runs. Babysitting salvage crews in her mech, often alone. Patrolling the great nothing that was the are around Rincinus in the same.

It paid shite compared to actual lance work, and for some time now half the corporations' Strays and security forces had been offworld in either the Osman system or Higaflan where only the return of either expedition and the losses accrued would finally open up slots on one of the lances who would desperately need to fill the empty spots in their rosters!

But for today at least it was more dangerous grunt work; Tracking down and going after Chips and Mutant-Joes' lances when the two of them snuck off with their teams. Finding them at first shouldn't have been an issue; Their Fairys could and would report their exact locations anywhere on freehold accurately to within meters. But with an Ion-storm on her mechs back rapidly closing she had lost any such ability for her Fairy to track them underground when she finally found and bolted into the tunnels underground that her Fairy had led her to.

And so it went. Hours upon hours of following tunnels to dead ends and backtracking. A network like this was bound only to have so many paths but after spending most of the day and now into the night doing so her body was sore and ached all over and she was quickly becoming exhausted as her flight-suit began to chafe. So it was when she came to a fork in the path she blearily had to make another decision to go deeper one path or another...

To her front the path led... Onwards. Dark and the same as everything else with high ceilings and drooping cables.

To her right the path led... Right. And was identical to the path before her in every. single. way.

Tired and bordering on mental fatigue the choice was almost mind-numbing after making it a half hundred times though this time each path suddenly offered two startling differences all at once.

The path before her, where it was dark save for the spotlights of her mech lit up slightly in the distance as several sets of light turns a corner not that she could make out their contents beyond there being three of them.

And the path to her right had a couple streaks of blue energy rip down it and into a wall that she almost missed that could only be laser fire.

Good day friends, I’ll be writing for my first mutant, the four armed Vega Darklight with her fairy, Bell.

For the first mission, for me atleast, she’ll be piloting, Light Mech Dynamiteon with multiples of 5, or 3 Hyper laser, macro laser, macro missiles, and star paint if allowed.

Vega Darklight looked around, her second pair of arms resting uneasily on the lap of her flight suit, which was beginning to chafe her skin. The discomfort was a minor annoyance compared to the exhaustion weighing her down. It had been days since she joined Shasta no Sekai, and the grueling nature of today's work only added to her fatigue. Her upper arms gripped the mech’s steering wheel firmly, guiding the machine through the treacherous underground tunnels.

Today's mission was more dangerous than she had anticipated. She had been tasked with tracking down and catching up to Chips and Mutant-Joe, who had snuck off with their respective lances. Initially, finding them seemed straightforward; their Fairy AIs could pinpoint their exact locations on Freehold with astonishing accuracy. However, an unexpected ion storm had thrown a wrench into those plans. As the storm raged behind her mech, it scrambled the signals, making it impossible for her Fairy, Bell, to track the fugitives once they had taken refuge underground.

Vega finally reached the tunnels her Fairy had led her to, only to find herself at a crossroads—literally. The path split into two, each direction shrouded in darkness. Despite the gloom, her enhanced eyes could pierce through the blackness, revealing high ceilings crisscrossed with drooping cables. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and machinery, a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in these forgotten corridors.

"Which direction should I go?" Vega muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the hum of the mech's systems. She glanced at Bell, her Fairy AI, who hovered beside her, its ethereal form flickering slightly due to the residual interference from the ion storm.

“So, Bell, which direction should we go?” she asked, her tone laced with a mixture of frustration and hope. Bell’s usually vibrant glow had dimmed somewhat, but the AI still managed to project an air of confidence as it analyzed the situation.

Bell’s voice, soft yet clear, broke the silence. "The right path seems less traveled. The left, while still dark, has more interference. It’s likely that the storm's effects are stronger in that direction."

Vega nodded, weighing the options. Both paths were fraught with danger, but she trusted Bell’s judgment. The AI had guided her through countless perilous situations, and despite the current conditions, it had yet to steer her wrong.

"Alright, we’ll take the right path," Vega decided, her voice resolute. She adjusted her grip on the steering wheel, her second pair of arms now resting more comfortably as she prepared for whatever lay ahead.

As the mech lumbered forward into the darkness, Vega couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. The tunnel walls seemed to close in around her, the shadows deepening with each step. But there was no turning back now. She had a mission to complete, and failure was not an option.

With Bell by her side, Vega pushed on, determined to track down the rogue lances and bring them to justice—no matter the cost.
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"Come on Luk!" Wayfinder shouted, urging the mech foward and ducking low to scoop up the big lizard-he tumbled end over end into the cockpit before the fae sealed it-he'd dragged the remains of one of the tech scum in with him in a vain attempt to eat it.

This was one of those times that Wayfinder did not find his appetite amusing; in fact she wondered if there was a drug or implant that could possibly fix that issue, but put it aside for now as she kicked it into gear, turning her weapons on any remaining foes.
Now in the seat of her mech, Joanna wastes no time and immediately starts to boot it up. She grabs the little device that contains her Fairy and jams it into its designated slot. Shortly afterwards, screens and lights around her shine to life, the different monitors display their startup sequence before quickly switching to their proper screens all in what felt like an instant.

"Welcome back" a familiar voice said, it's her Fairy, Ilayd, now finally allowed to talk after all that stealth stuff from earlier.

She gives a little nod before placing her hands on the control sticks, wrapping her fingers around the grips tightly and placing her thumbs above the set of buttons.

"Enemies ahead!" Ilayd shouts as the Techscum charging in on the nearby Knight are tagged with an outline in her HUD. She moves her thumb and selects her mech's Coilcannon, aiming it at the Techscum and fire off a small sweeping burst at them while they are still at a good distance from the Knight.

"Even more!". Joanna's eyes lock-in on the Techscum and their barge outlined on her HUD as they fire at a nearby Flyswatter, the one that belongs to Yamog, with one of them raising what looks like a rocket launcher, which she notices isn't directly aimed at her. Nevertheless, she aims her mech's Coilcannon again at the Techscum ahead hoping she could take them out before they have the chance to add her to their turrets or missiles' list of targets, firing it off in a spray. The barrage of bullets zip across the tunnel, some hitting the ground and kicking up the dust, while some hit the walls and ricocheted.
Freehold - The Great Cerg
Tunnels - Temporary Stop Site

Huthang sighed as he listened to his fellow Strays arguing between themselves. While his natural instinct was to avoid all this touchy-feely emotional stuff - as well as undertaking any actions directed by said mushy stuff - there was Titania to consider. The mutant knew his fairy well enough to know that she would harangue him to no end if he even tried to avoid working with the others. So, to earn a stay from that particular form of torture, Huthang was inclined to go along with the rescue effort. Which had absolutely nothing to do with him being concerned over the safety of any of his fellow Strays. Nope, not at all.

"Titania, check all systems then bring the mech fully online. We're going back in." He nodded towards Lisa and booked it for the cockpit access ladder on his Sun Scorpion. "See if you can backtrack through the onboard nav data and plot the quickest route towards the tunnel that Techie barge went down that we didn't. Once you have it, upload to the others." He looked over towards Joe, remembering the previous sorties under the other mutant's leadership. "No offence, Joe, but I'd like to prevent any more navigational mishaps." Had he been paying attention, Huthang would have realised that he didn't sound apologetic in the slightest.

It didn't take long to get strapped in and get the Scorpion ready to move out. He lowered the chassis nearest to Lisa's Psycho Frame. "Lisa, clamber on up and let's get to work. Joe, don't fall behind." Huthang planned to follow Titania's course as fast as his mech would let him. If Joe ended up put-out over his actions, well, that could wait until they were back on base.
Tunnels - Vega, Huthang.

While many such tunnel networks existed on freehold exposed as they were by orbital bombardment and the cleansing of the cities and factories that once covered them, this particular set were rather straightforward to navigate and had only delayed some by the length of certain offshoots before they met dead ends.

With just a few turns Joes lance was on track as they passed by caveins and sealed bulkheads alike on the course they had neglected before. With fresh dust kicked up in the form of sparkling glass sands hovering about in the tunnel it was rather easy to track the barge by the trail it left of scrapes on the floor and walls, freshly spliced or gutted cables on the walls, and the frequency of symbols and strata on bulkheads bearing wild tech-oriented math terminology of the tech scum that it was likely marking to return to at a later date and explore more intricately.

What was much more noticeable was the frequency of Junkers in the tunnel. While not uncommon it was with some concern after their latest ordeal that none of the automata loitered or even performed redundant repairs on the tunnels but instead all passed them by on the ceiling above them, walls, or even scurrying past them on the ground only ever stopping to wave plasma cutters at them threateningly like some kind of animalistic display but were mostly harmless in such scattered numbers.

Yet they were all going the direction joes lance had come from and just fought wave after wave of them to reasons unknown.

They had traveled down the new network for a rather short amount of time when they stumbled across Vega just ahead of them, first just a shape around the corner or bend but after a time of caution on the other travellers trail a Fairy to Fairy communication was able to be established as the little sprites greeted their sister in Vegas mech with enthusiasm as Vega suddenly found her cockpit full of three additional little avatars all zipping about with Bell all chatting at incomprehensible speeds like a music track set to fast forwards and then even faster until eventually the little guests faded back to their own partners and a rather shrill and terse voice opened a channel to her that her Fairy helpfully labeled as Mutant Joe, one of the very lance commanders she was tasked to find that Bell helpfully informed her was coming up behind her Dynamiteon as two large forms came around a corner in the form of a Medium-weight Crookback mech and a much shorter but longer Sun Scorpion ontop of which a suit of Psycho Armor rode comically like a mount while waving at her with one arm not used to stradle its mecha-mount.

"Well ain't you a sight for sore backsides-" The voice said over the comms but paused before continuing with "Vega? Aint never heard of ya." His voice was clipped, to the point, but clearly terse and gave the impression to Vega of a hardass and jerk even as the channel was stepped on by a much kinder and matronly woman the channel suddenly labeled just as Lisa that sounded a lot more happy to see her.

"Hey hon!" The woman in the Psycho Armor stopped waving its massive hydraulic power vice of an arm and lowered its spotlights so they weren't pointed directly into Vegas cockpit unlike the Crookbacks were. "Oh I know you~ You're that sweet thing Clotho has patrolling and doin the scut till the rest of the boys come back." There was a bit of smalltalk and a third mech, the Sunscorpion which Vegas HUD labeled as Huthang who had yet to speak before just fifty or so meters in the direction they had all clearly been aiming towards flared with bloom slightly in shades of orange and red before dying down. With a lack of actual ambient sound due to a lack of air and atmosphere whatever had just blown up down that tunnel showed only that and a plume of glass sands that had been hovering about to get blown their way like they were caught in a breeze by the backpressure.

"Think we're close~" Lisa mused, followed up by a clipped and sarcastic "Ya think?" From Joe over the now shared comms.

The larger Crookback started off past Vega as a series of small wasp-drones peels off the Mech and took off ahead and around the corner as Vega saw the same thing on a side screen as Lisa, Joe, and Huthang would as their Fairys patched them in to the hazzy feed as the three drones turned the corner.

the tunnel around the corner cut off after less than twenty meters as the barge blocked off the tunnel in its entirety.

At close to 12-meters tall it was currently resting on the deck with its hover-plated deactivated and was parked sideways blocking the entire tunnel like a wall. Rust-brown and Asymetrical it was a mobile barge of metal plates, hanging cranes and equipment, and mismatched parts as if it was made from multiple vehicles and segments all welded together like a big boxy rectangle.

There were shapes ontop of, and running all about it as various lights flashed on the other side of it that they couldn't see but could guess at as several blue lasers passed by the gap between it and the ceiling to hit a wall. On the side they could see were maybe ten or more of what were clearly Tech Scum all converged around a large open garage-style door in the side of the barge from which a ramp was extended and vehicle of some kind not within view of the drones or their hazzy optics was preparing to disembark; By the size of the barge' door it could be a vehicle of substantial size due to the garage door looking large enough that the Crookback could likely fit inside it.

Tunnels - Yamog, Luk, Joanna

A man portable rocket, divested of it's intended user and trajectory streaked down instead of away as most of the upper body of the individual aiming it simply dissapeared as the slug, not even a tracer, passed through him faster than the eye could track, his hand, tightened on the simple connector to the battery to fire the rocket. While it impacted harmlessly outside the tech-barge and even in the best conditions would not have done considerable damage to the barge itself the same could not be said for a number of the tech-scum at the base of the barge who suddenly found themselves flying from the HEAT rockets concussion and blast and if they survived a painful and short-lived existence of bloodless, synthetic fluid loss, and even airloss due to suit ruptures from the blast.

It was not a substantial loss to the barge' inhabitants as was evident as more Tech-Scum seemed to scramble onto the upper and middle decks, but was one less arrow in their quiver. With all three pilots in their mechs now the sturdy blockade of an asymetrical eyesore was suddenly a lot less dangerous even as small arms fire sporatically erupted from various sources as excited enemies unloaded small weapons that occasionally peppered the mechs with the tink tink of a windchime.

It was clear by the retreating ambush party in their spotlights as they moved as fast as they could back towards the barge that they felt the same way. Clearly more of a mobile base of sorts and home for the travelling scavengers the barge was clearly not on par with any of the mobile war fortress of the larger and more aggressive Tech-Scum groups that raided the glass sands of freehold.

But it still had teeth as all things must to survive on the corpse the former voidfolk outpost as was evident as, starting slowly for a moment pointed rather far down at the ground like a glowing fire hose a laser was suddenly directed upwards in the three pilots direction as directed energy weapon zipped up the ground and up Joannas mechs' leg where it was partially absorbed by the anti-energy coating on the mecha. Though the series of reactive plates it hit afterwards had a much greater impact as several detonated harmlessly to the mech but filled the air with a short-lived smokescreen filled with glittering dust that refracted the beam in several directions harmlessly and allowed her time to dodge.

At the same time a pannel slid off the barge and a short, snub-nosed barrel of some kind poked out and, already glowing, sent a comically slow, arcing shot of pink-white plasma into the air where it almost brushed the ceiling of the tunnel but just as fast started to arc downwards where the plasma-mortar streaked towards the group of mechs where, from experience, they could all guess would explode brilliantly if they were caught in it.

Which was perfect as something slammed into Luks mech hard but showed no actual damage and instead some kind of cable connecting him to the barge where it split off into a dozen small but powerful magnets and immediately started to drag his mech towards the barge as his frames servos began to whine in protest as the mech fought just to stay upright but cut off any chance for him to actually dodge.

While in Yamogs mech the canopy finally closed awkwardly and quite uncomfortably over her causing her to need to squish herself against the corpse of the tech scum in a cockpit very much not made for two as her usual perspective and position of her instruments became very arduous to handle let alone any thought of strapping herself in with a passenger taking up all the extra room.
Tunnels - Vega, Huthang.

As Vega Darklight piloted her Light Mech, Dynamiteon, through the dark, labyrinthine tunnels, the four-armed mutant shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The sensation of being watched gnawed at her instincts, but what bothered her most was the sudden burst of bright light flooding her cockpit. Her eyes, adapted to low light, strained against the brilliance, and she winced slightly, adjusting to the shift. It was one of the drawbacks of her mutation—her hyper-sensitive vision, though useful in the dark, made sudden changes in brightness a real challenge.

Suddenly, her cockpit was filled with the chaotic presence of three additional avatars—tiny, glowing figures darting around like miniature digital sprites. They were companions like Bell, her Fairy AI, but unlike Bell's usual calm demeanor, the new avatars chattered at a pace that was incomprehensible, like a fast-forwarded music track that kept speeding up. Vega tried to follow their conversation, but it was far too rapid for her to comprehend. The digital cacophony filled her senses until, just as suddenly, the avatars blinked out of existence, fading back to their respective Mechs and partners. Vega exhaled, trying to regain her focus as the noise cleared.

"Okay, fellow teammates, I assume," she muttered to herself, rubbing her temple to ease the tension. The light, though still present, was becoming more bearable, though it would take a while for her eyes to fully adjust. She squinted at the HUD display in front of her, noting the labels of two nearby Mechs: one marked as "Mutant Joe,", and another as "Lisa."

"I'm Vega," she announced, though her voice was more for her own comfort than anyone else's. She wasn't used to the team dynamic yet, still adjusting to the nuances of having a Fairy AI like Bell as her guide. "I'm new to the team. Yeah, Clotho’s got me doing patrol and scouting duty," she added, almost thinking aloud. The tunnels were disorienting, and she could feel herself growing unsure of the path. "I was starting to think I’d gotten lost down here, but Bell, my AI partner, managed to bring me back on track."

There was a pause, as Vega focused back on her Mech’s readouts, keeping an eye on the movements of her new teammates. The tunnels were vast, unpredictable, and she knew that despite Bell’s guidance, it would take more than just her Fairy AI to navigate them effectively. This mission would need trust—both in her team and in the unique abilities they brought to the field.

Her readouts noted the Medium-weight Crookback mech and a much shorter but longer Sun Scorpion ontop of which a suit of Psycho Armor rode comically like a mount, and noted them waving at her with one arm not used to stradle its mecha-mount.
Luk roared as the barge began dragging his mech foward-the big lizard mutant was furious at having been denied a chance at settling the ever-gnawing sensation in his stomach-and before Wayfinder could stop him he hit the control stick and used the momentum to careen forward, intent on the hunt as the cockpit window opened. He lep out on to the barge, roaring and snarling as he attempted to literally rip chunks out of its armor plating in order to try and make an entrance.

'We're doomed.' Wayfinder thought to herself as she poured laser and plasma fire into the barge.
Huthang tutted to himself as he watched the drone feed, wondering just how much he could ruin the enemy's day by launching a couple of his macro missiles into the open bay of the tech barge. He was sure most designers weren't paranoid enough to EMP shield things from the inside, after all. Worst case, he could always scuttle on inside and see what damage the tools on the end of his Scorpion's arms could inflict. Given how useful they were for digging into stone, Huthang suspected they might put some holes in the techie barge. Then again, maybe they should see about capturing the barge relatively intact so the Strays could haul it back to base and salvage it to their hearts content.

It didn't even occur to Huthang to introduce himself to the new arrival who had called herself Vega. After all, if she survived this sortie and went on to join the team, then he'd get to know her. If not, then there was no point in wasting the effort on social interaction now. It should be noted that the ability to chit-chat and make small-talk was not a skill that Huthang possessed, or even rated very highly. To the keen observer, there may be a causal relationship between this fact and the mutant's many years of living the antisocial life of a loner.

"Alright then Joe, what's the play here? You have anything particular in mind, or are we just going to roll in and start blasting?" If time was on their side, it might have been worth digging from their tunnel into the techie tunnel. Not that Joe had ever struck Huthang as being patient enough to wait for such a plan to unfold - but he was the leader here no matter that Lisa had more brains in one of her oversized mammary glands than the other mutant possessed in his head.
Tunnels - Joes Lance

Watching through grainy footage of the two drones around the corner there was a nasally "Eh?" muted slightly on the comms as if Joes mask was rather far from his head and the shuffling of distortion and moving apertures that implied the smaller mutie was re-dawning his mask and helmet after a rather long nose blowing that implied he had either been clearing his sinuses, or digging for proverbial gold in them before Huthang had spoken.

"Play? What? Nah, dun listen to them it's called live thee-ay-ter and they wouldn't know culture if it bit em in the arse!" He sounded out each syllable of the word Theater as the couple Wasps drew closer. In the dark of the tunnels it was hard to spot them and the lack of sound made it even harder but also made it all the harder for them to distinguish anything on their limited optics without getting closer, but when they did...

They finally got a good angle on the vehicle bay of the tech-barge and all that was inside.

Larger than it seemed there were small bays to either side holding a number of small tracked light vehicles; Likely outriders of some kind meant to scout from or escourt the barge above ground with bolted-on armored plates, spikes, and numerous weapon emplacements ranging from bolted-on rocket launchers to swivel-emplaced turrets, and a few more static forwards facing heavy weapons that jutted out of emplacements that in open terrain would be a pain to deal with. A few smaller vehicles too; Bikes and carts on sleds.

But what took up most all the space was the center attraction.

To describe it as a sphere would have been generous. Round and spherical in shape it was a large patchwork of metal plates, extruded optics, and a multitude of spikes and too-many limbs hanging off it from which each ended in a long mechadendrite-tentacle with a conical tip. The massive squid-sphere was hovering off the ground if the visible distortion-field was any indication and was carelessly shifting left and right in the bay like a several-tonne balloon in a breeze as whatever or whoever was piloting the massive baloon-squid-mecha was having trouble keeping it straight in the tight confines of the bay too small to contain such a restless machine.

strays squidmecha encounter.webp

"Oh." Joe said at the sight of the thing and the readout the drones were giving. It was much bigger than his crookback by half at least which was arguably the biggest mech in the tunnel sofar. "Oh shid." He commented as it maneuvered towards the open vehicle bay as Tech-scum scurried out of it's way even as one techie, too late, was caught under the downwards force of whatever grav-generator was keeping the thing afloat and was flattened like any one of the objects in one of Shani's 60,000 tonne press videos where she crushed random objects in one of the factories on video except this was near instantaneous.

One tentacle reached out on either side and pressed against the outside frame of the vehicle bay and began to pull it towards the opening even as the enemy mecha, clearly too wide for the door, began to bow and deform as the heavy mecha began to force it's bulk through one foot at a time in a shower of sparks and rending metal and would be free shortly.

"Fuck, guys. I dunno." Joe sounded uncertain as it did so. His tone full of apprehension. "That thing's pretty big. Maybe we aughta leave it for Chips an' his crew to soften up a bit- I mean this is clearly his fight here and I dun wanna get in the way an-" He began rambling as Lisa let out a patented shrill cry of admonition, disgust, and revulsion all summed up in one word as she shrilled joes name like an angry parent but neither did the smallest mecha in the lance make the first move either from atop Huthangs as her mount clearly leaving her decision to his or Vegas actions as the heavy mecha continued to force it's way from the womb of the tech barge.

Tunnels - Chips Lance

launched himself over the railing and onto the top scaffolding of the tech-barge as his mech toppled onto it's side without propper pilot input and was dragged forwards towards the barge on the tunnel ground with a trail of sparks from metal on metal as it did so as paint and specialized treatments and coating were stripped off In a future evening of sanding in his future required to repair.

It was dark on the barge, most of the lighting being red in color and dim from overhead canopies from a tower one level higher with some kind of lookout with a spotlight pointed straight up and unmanned but giving some light wash as the Stray looked about frantically on the catwalk.

What he found was at least six or seven sets of visors staring up at him from the techies that manned the battlements and were crouched behind the cover of the armored railings either hugging weapons, reloading them, or in a few cases trying to assemble in the dark a larger crew-served weapon but had frozen to look up at the form looming over them.

There was a pause as Luk and the half dozen enemies looked up at him in astonishment and then chaos erupted as men fell over one another or scrambled for weapon or to get towards or away from Luk who was suddenly backlit ominously by the pink wash and glow of detonating plasma as it landed just offsides Joannas mech, The Buns instruments going hazzy and flickering as she failed to dodge but coming back online slightly to minor damage readings as the leg up to the fuselage on her left side gave yellow-damage readings where the anti-energy coating had soaked up some but not all the damage leaving armor to warp as it soaked up the heat and energy but had yet to fail; Her mech was vulnerable on that side now but she was lucky not to have been cooked alive in her cockpit had it struck any higher or hit any of her weapons.

There was a pause and then a second warning as from the side of the barge the snub-nosed plasma gun which had gone dark began to softly and then with growing intensity glow brighter and brighter as red became pink became white and was still very much pointed at her...
Vega blinked her red-in-black eyes, catching a glimpse of one of her more silent crewmates. They hadn’t introduced themselves, but her systems had tagged them as "Huthang." She vaguely registered them asking Joe a question, but her attention quickly drifted elsewhere. A flash of movement caught her eye, drawing her focus to Shasta No Sekai’s infamous wasp drones, which were now buzzing into view. Vega recognized them from the briefing. They were meant for area denial, sentry duty, and fodder deployment—designed to be intimidating and effective, especially in tight spaces.

Yet, despite their hulking, insectoid forms resembling massive wasps, Vega remained unimpressed. Her mind wandered, and she entertained a fleeting thought: Would her bosses ever let her have one of those drones as a pet? The idea seemed ridiculous, but it amused her. She even wondered, half-seriously, if they were big enough for her to ride. That could be fun—zipping around on one of those oversized mechanical wasps. She smirked at the thought but quickly dismissed it. Asking such a question out loud would likely get her strange looks from her teammates, and she wasn't in the mood to draw attention to her odd whims.

But before her mind could fully drift into daydreams, something else snagged her attention, yanking her back to the present. A creature—no, a machine, but unlike anything she had ever seen before—appeared in the bay. It was spherical, a massive patchwork of metal plates and extruded optics, an unsettling fusion of industrial and alien design. Spikes jutted from its surface, and too many limbs dangled from the orb-like body, each limb ending in a long, mechadendrite-tentacle tipped with a sharp, conical point. The creature—if it could even be called that—hovered just off the ground, its distorted gravitational field rippling around it. The air shimmered as the thing swayed lazily from side to side, like a several-ton balloon caught in a gentle breeze, its bulk clearly too large for the tight confines of the bay.

Vega’s heart skipped a beat. The sight of the massive squid-sphere Mecha was almost surreal, as if it had drifted in from a dream or nightmare. Whoever or whatever was piloting the strange monstrosity was struggling to control it, as it wobbled awkwardly in the cramped space, bumping lightly against the walls.

“By Nepleslia’s smelly dark pits,” Vega muttered under her breath, her tone a mixture of shock and disbelief. She rarely cursed, but this situation warranted it. Her second pair of hands instinctively flew to her weapon controls, her fingers tightening around the grips. The tension in her body spiked, every nerve on edge as she prepared to unleash a volley of fire if the strange balloon-squid decided to attack. Her eyes flicked between the thing's erratic movements and her targeting system, ready for whatever came next.

But as she held her breath, waiting for the creature to make a move, she realized that it wasn’t being aggressive—just clumsy, as though the pilot inside was struggling to maintain balance. Still, Vega remained wary, her gaze locked on the unpredictable monstrosity, unwilling to lower her guard.
Joanna looking at the monitor displaying the damage level of her mech, she gets a little worried about trying to keep that side from receiving more incoming damage in the coming moments, but her thought process is quickly interrupted when another warning starts screaming at her eardrums. She quickly turns her head around the cockpit until her eyes land on the intense glow in the dark from the Techscum's barge's direction.

Thinking quickly, so quickly it was probably her instinct kicking in, she drives her mech to the side, firing its boosters for a split second at an angle that blasts a lot of dust in front of her from the jetwash, creating a sort of smokescreen between her position and the barge while also giving a bit of air. Though her move blinds both sides, the fact that the barge probably has not moved from its previous position gives her an advantage as she fiddles her fingers around the joystick's buttons to select her mech's Hyper Laser and pointing it at the previous seen location of the barge as indicated on her HUD, before pressing on the trigger and hoping it lands before they fire can off, or at the very least not hit her back.