Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Search results

  1. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    It's ok, just keep that in mind from now on. I like your writing so far, we just need to have a level playing field between players. Not much a survival thread if the players can decide the threats! ;) That said, expect a post later today. I'm a bit busy today. Not good for wordsmithing.
  2. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Also, ohm... you are assuming a lot here and autoing your characters effectiveness. I haven't even made sebastian's response yet, nor have I declared any such chemicals to be available. It's a nice story idea, but you've no idea if such things are there. I appreciate the creative thinking, but...
  3. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Kees is a man of action, I like him.
  4. Dragonnova

    RP [Survival] Chains

    As the door was opened, Bill coughed as he heard the plan. "Wait what? No, HELP her you assholes, you're four to one! Don't just-" He tried to move towards the door but stopped when pain shot up from his beaten leg, earning the interruption in his sentence with a pained grunt. He was sounding...
  5. Dragonnova

    RP [Survival] Chains

    "Security can knock, far as I'm concerned. Like I said, I heard gunshots out there, and I'm not about to let what's going down out there spill here..." Bill coughs a bit, the blood loss making him look a bit faint, but Chisa's tourniquet did appear to stop the bleeding for now. He'd need real...
  6. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    "Wallens" is in the rec room. you're at the other end of the hallway, ohm. Check the map. :P
  7. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Though you can post now, I mean. I posted, after all. Your turn order doesn't matter so much as making sure you all get a chance to move before mine. After that, go nuts.
  8. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Yeah, generally I want you all to post at least once and then I'll let you know what comes of it. If nobody is moving anywhere or in any danger, like say just talking and discussing among yourselves, you don't have to wait for me. Try not to leave others out of the conversation though!
  9. Dragonnova

    RP [Survival] Chains

    Bill rose his hands up to defend himself from what he assumed was an incoming blow, but when Chisa started to tear off cloth for a tourniquet, he slowly realized they weren't there to hurt him. "Wait, you're not- Gh! Easy easy there, girl. That's tender..." He was understandably in a lot of...
  10. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Incidentally, floodwaters, try not to post too many times when things are happening unless its just a conversation. Others need time to react too. (I appreciate the enthusiasm though. You can keep this post, just saying for future reference)
  11. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Cosmos and Comets. Heh. I'll remember that one.
  12. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Everyone has their uses, dear. You'll see.
  13. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Jeez, if a little bit of blood freaks her out, she's going to have a hell of a time tonight. ..I suppose assume it is the evening, since it's supposed to be when the afternoon shift is getting off work, which is assumingly what you all work for.
  14. Dragonnova

    RP [Survival] Chains

    As the understandably confused employees begin to shuffle out into the hallway, the first thing they would notice is that the automatic door that led towards the main lobby was shut. (All the hallway doors were heavy duty steel that rose into the ceilings like a spaceship would have, presumably...
  15. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    You'll see. But yeah, once the others that have signed up awaken, I'll move you on. The pace is mostly going to be set by how quick you all are. As always, if you have questions about what you can and can't do, ask.
  16. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Thanks. I'm getting the hang of this as we go, but I'm not looking to restrict people too hard. Creative thinking will do a lot for you all!
  17. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Mm, back up a bit, there's something in the hallway before you reach medbay, sorry to say. I need to be better about this kind of pacing. Forgive any roughness, as this IS my first time GMing here. Everything else is good though. I suppose I should mention that now. Kitchen, beds, and rec rooms...
  18. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    Well, it's open now. Help yourself to awakening to alarms.
  19. Dragonnova

    OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!

    It works just fine! Perhaps just state that he's the truck driver for the station's supplies.
  20. Dragonnova

    RP [Survival] Chains ((Ooc thread, check here for (crude) map!)) Not everyone in Malaise could live on Purgatory. For a planet whose main city still was being built, life could be rather harsh. The black market thrived down...