Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Search results

  1. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Who the fuck are you calling civilian, forehead?" Apparently she had taken to calling Mars 'Forehead' in a derogatory nickname. Veronica proved once again that she was going to be a 'fun' one to adjust to in the Akahar. "I don't give a shit what you all think. And this fucker here is one of...
  2. Dragonnova

    OOC [LSDF Akahar] OOC Thread

    Veronica's not going to have any friends, is she?
  3. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    Showing little regard for her datapad, she hurls it at the back of the Pratima unit's head. The device bouncing off the back of it's noggin and clattering to the floor. "Knock that shit off." She walks over and picks it up, apparently undamaged somehow. Deciding that she didn't want to stick...
  4. Dragonnova

    School Days? In my SARP, it's more likely then you think

    Ms. Winters can be the nurse that every boy fakes being sick to go see.
  5. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Everyone's suffering for this one, fatass. This'll be in the pot for the next fight anyway. Knowing how you bird girls seem to ooze more testosterone than Id-Sol's. It'll be good." Veronica places a hand on her toned hip. "Fight'll be sooner if you want to stay in my way." Pratima's flailing...
  6. Dragonnova

    Site Reviewed

    Re: Unkind Review Aside from a couple mistakes, she is correct about the organization. I mean, I can navigate because I've been here forever, but if nothing else, the home page should link to an explanation of how the forum itself works until you can sort it out better.
  7. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    Although the Pratima unit succeeds in opening the com, it earns a hard elbow into the faceplate, hard enough to maybe stumble it as Veronica puts the datajockey away. "Hands off my stuff, whatever the fuck you're supposed to be." The ex-pirate speaks rather casually for someone that just...
  8. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    Veronica laughed as the two fighters tuckered each other out. "Oh come on, girls. You can't be tired already. Your clothes are still on for fucks sake." The geshrin shakes her head. Whether she actually expected more or was just being ornery as usual wasn't clear. At the question of who gets...
  9. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Huh? They're just having a scrap." Veronica looks at Mars like she said something odd. But her attention quickly goes to the new bets and takes them in on her datajockey. "Come on, boys and girls. Show Tits some love and bets. Can't be one sided here, she's pretty flexible." When the two women...
  10. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Nah. Tits there claims it's her punching bag, My bird tells her to go fuck herself basically, and Tits takes a swing at her. You see the rest." Veronica snickers at the thought. She takes a couple bets on Merill from a couple of the guys that were on the sidelines earlier. She uses her...
  11. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Ooh shit, come on, bets! Bets right here! I'm already putting 50 creds on my sexy bird. Anyone putting credits down on tits over there?" Her nicknames for both combatants were far from flattering, but Veronica was quick to take bets from any of the other gym goers in addition to anyone that...
  12. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Waaah, I can't -understand-" Veronica mocks the fyuunen's explanation. Walking over to her side, she arcs an arm over the top of the bag, leaning lightly on it. "You don't know what I've done or where I've been. Try me." The ever present smirk on the Geshrin's face looked like a challenge for...
  13. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Interlude] - Are you there?

    "Yeah, girl you show that bag of crap who's boss." Veronica's taunting tone sounded in the gym. Watching Rae from across the room was the former pirate woman, leaning against the wall in a reddish tanktop. The faint lines of circuitry could be seen in her powerful and muscled arms that were...
  14. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    "Bah, your jails couldn't hold me anyway." Veronica retorted defiantly. Even when people were being nice to her she still had her attitude. Though a bit less outright aggressive now. "Nice speech captain sap. Veronica chuckles as he leaves stage right. She was probably going to get yelled at for...
  15. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    "Yeah yeah. Here." Veronica brings her boot up and kicks the button on one of the random small crates in the cargo bay. Inside was most of the things that were taken during the raid. Most of Rae's stuff was fairly obvious in that it had all been pushed to one side. "There you go. Like I said...
  16. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    Veronica made a beeline for the AI core, walking briskly and ignoring any requests to slow down from anyone that tried to accompany her. Her datajockey came out as she linked up to the stores of information within. She didn't engage the AI in conversation, apparently just downloading certain...
  17. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    "Eh. The dumb fucker wasted a lot of our shit. Why do you think I was so eager to put him down? He literally was counting on getting food from this ship, but I'm tired of eating scraps cause he didn't know how to plan his rations or took most of them for himself." The amusing implication was...
  18. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    "Y'hear that babe? Stop standing like you shoved one of your toys up your ass. Speaking of which, you want to go get all your kinky little toys out of your cell? I got them for you from your ship, but I'm not going to walk all the back there for them now." Apparently Veronica intended to...
  19. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    "I didn't even fight with anyone on her ship. Told them attacking a military ship was retarded. You see why I'm ready to toss this asshole to the dogs yet?" Veronica was still extremely mouthy for someone unarmed. She looks back at Rae "Just yet? Okay. I decided to save your ass instead of...
  20. Dragonnova

    RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

    Veronica had the pistol also aimed directly at Mars' face after she recovered from the flash-bang. A tense few seconds before the Geshrin snorted "Tch. Fine. If I need to kill you, I don't need a gun to rip you apart, birdie." Even outnumbered and surrounded, Veronica lost none of her fire. Any...