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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.


  1. Andrew

    Norian Character (SAoY) up for adoption.

    If anyone would like to fast-track a character - Aiura Caeyara on Star Army Space Roleplay I am putting her up for adoption. She's among the Norians who have lived in Yamatai for a long time and just entered the Star Army. Good character for any Star Army plot. Let me know if you're interested!
  2. paladinrpg

    Abandoned Character Yuroko Koko

    Character's Wiki page: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:koko User Wiki page: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=members:lam I am seeking to adopt this older Draconian War survivor and Task Force Lantern swordswoman played by our beloved user Lamb, who I believe would...
  3. Alex Hart

    Frontier Service Corporation Adoption.

    I already talked with @Rizzo about this and got his permission, but I wanted to make it official. So I'll ask again here for his permission to adopt the Frontier Service Corporation, so that they can play a more active role in universe; within my Exodus plot.
  4. F

    Origin Industries Adoption

    May I adopt Origin Industries, @Kai and @Wes? It’s for the same reason I adopted the Children of the Aether - I’d like to prevent the corporation from falling into obscurity by indirectly (and, later on, directly) using them as antagonists in Ascension and in future Elysian plots. The...
  5. F

    Children of the Aether Adoption

    Similar to how @Ametheliana adopted Akemi's, may I adopt the Children of the Aether, @Wes and @Moogle? I know Edto adopted them back in 2016, however with his recent departure I fear they'll fall into disuse - which is why I'd like to adopt them and utilize them as antagonists in a future...
  6. F

    Approved Adoption Sariel Anex

    Given that his creator, @Zakalwe, hasn't logged onto Star Army in nearly a decade, may I please adopt Sariel Anex, @Wes? Should the adoption be approved, he'd be utilized in a future Ascension thread.
  7. F

    Nariel Jehenniel

    @Wes - May I adopt Nariel Jehenniel for usage as a GMNPC in Ascension, please? (Apologies for the repost, @Wes; Kim effectively came into the original thread, made accusations and personal attacks against me, then - without waiting for you to post a response - rejected the adoption.)
  8. F

    Rejected Character Nariel Jehenniel

    @Wes - May I adopt Nariel Jehenniel for usage as a GMNPC in Ascension, please?
  9. F

    Paladin Core Adoption Request

    @Wes - may the Elysian Celestial Empire "adopt" the Ke-M10-F3301 Paladin Core (not the entire Modular Combat Armor System, just the Paladin itself) from the Star Army of Yamatai, please? I've been working on a future Elysian police/special operations/spy (or some combination thereof) plot, and...
  10. F

    Approved Adoption Karael Malarch

    @Wes - Given that her creator, @Zakalwe, hasn't logged onto Star Army in nearly a decade, may I adopt Karael Malarch and utilize her as Elysia's representative in the Senate?
  11. F

    Peacekeeper Heavy Industries Adoption

    Similar to @Ametheliana, I'd like to jointly adopt Peacekeeper Heavy Industries with @Legix in order to update its articles and - at some point in the (hopefully near) future - re-open it for business to the public at large. Tagging @paladinrpg, who - as far as I know - was the most recent...
  12. Ametheliana

    Akemi's Adoption

    I would like to jointly adopt this corporation/wiki article with @raz : https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:akemis I already have the creator's consent and can provide evidence.
  13. Tray Tor

    Approved Adoption Adoption request - Satonaka Ayumi - 里中歩美

    My first character attempt about a year ago petered out since the fox faction went inactive. Instead of making a new character for the YSS Aeon I'd like to try and adopt one so I can get a feel for the Yamatai before putting together a new character filled with lore fallacies. If possible I'd...
  14. A

    Adopting a WIP Faction

    I'm looking at a faction WIP that is extremely similar to an idea that I had. Are faction adoptions a thing and is the protocol similar to adopting characters?
  15. Edto Xar'Sivaree

    [Adoption] Children of the Aether

    So, @Moogle has stated in the chat that he no longer plans on using the Children of the Aether and putting them up for adoption. I am looking to Adopt them, as I can see them being a good Antagonist for the Vekimen and their attempts to carry on their lives on their new planet. I am following...
  16. Grey Library

    Approved Adoption Raku Kishi (Intended for YSS Orochi)

    Character Article URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:raku_kishi Preferred Plot's GM: @paladinrpg Paging @Wes yet again. Part 2 of my current adopting spree. I intend to use this character as part of the upcoming Open RP, Orochi Squadron. Planned changes to the...