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  1. RP [Yamatai/Asteria] The Kami and the Sun

    31st Ichigatsu, YE 40. Springtime in Yamatai wasn't to be missed. There were festivals, though they varied from place to place depending on the province. Lukina hadn't at first understood why Bhelith had waited for so long to meet the new Vice-Premier. It seemed that, for a little while, the...
  2. Approved Submission [Religion] Church of the Risen Savior

    Submission Type: Religion Template Used:None Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:religion:the_church_of_the_risen_savior Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=religion:the_church_of_the_risen_savior Faction: Asteria FM Approved Yet? (No...
  3. K

    RP: 188604 [Asteria/Section 6] Jack, the Sales Pitch

    Lorani Province, Asura III 4 Days after the Battle of Kirikuu Ranch The still morning air was crisp beneath a brightening purple and gold sky. The growing dawn had not burned away the evening chill, over the open blue-green grassy plain that was a few miles outside the Azalea Company camp...
  4. Approved Submission [Asteria] The Magister's Consortium

    Submission Type: Organization/Grouping/Occupation Template Used: It's not a company, so I went freeform. I can adjust to fit a proper template if need be. Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:magisters_consortium Submission Destination URL...
  5. SYNC A Second Option

    Lord Creature du Rochon - Lorani Province Asura III It has come to our attention that you are in dire need of military supplies. Our company is able to assist you with the acquisition of such items. Any friend of Yamatai is a friend of ours. These items will be provided to you immediately as...
  6. Approved Submission [Asteria] The Order of the Knight Marshal

    Submission Type: Military Law Enforcement Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:asteria:order_of_the_knight_marshal Faction: FM Approved Yet? (Yes- @Gallant 2017/09/25) Faction requires art? (No) For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (No) Contains New art...
  7. [Furui Jiyuu/Asteria] Request for deed records

    To: Morioka Bakufu From Kage Yaichiro-Taisa, Land owner of most of Furui Tokyo Greetings. I recently obtained legal ownership of Furui Tokyo, save for those holdings already held by Peacekeeper Heavy Industries and other businesses that have rebuilt there, from the Yamatai Department of Lands...
  8. Help Color A Faction

    Okay, so there's another thread happening for the name of the new faction Gallant is working on, currently known as Asteria. But the real question I want to know is what color scheme will it use for its uniforms? Suggestions go below.
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