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  1. Forum Game Your Character as a Food!

    (Apparently this is what I do now lol) Hello, come in and sit down, everybody! So this was a little joke of a game that came from general shenanigans on Discord, and I decided (again) to make a forum game about it! It's pretty simple, really; if your character was a food (or characters, I...
  2. Guide to Reviewing Characters

    Hey everyone! I'm making a guide for GMs and staffers that says how to successfully review a character. Here's what I have so far: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:reviewing_characters I'd appreciate any advice or feedback you have to offer.
  3. New artist offering commissions!

    Hello there! I'm an illustrator offering commission work for all you lovely galactic guys, gals and things. I was first introduced to Star Army via r/ICanDrawThat on Reddit where I took on two requests from u/SandGod for Aala Dash and Meissa Nashira (original posts here and here). I'm in the...
  4. Abandoned Character X

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