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  1. Chelti News Homeworld Disappears, Cause Unknown

    Early communications disruptions have explained as dozens of sanctioned merchant ships arrived on terminal approach to the home system only to find themselves in empty space, witchspace storms slowly disappating from the now empty void. At first, faulty star maps were suspected, but military...
  2. Chelti News Witchspace Distortions On The Rise

    In minor void-related news, the navigational phenomena many are calling "Witchspace" nodes have been detected forming within most sectors of space both home and abroad, with some reporting flying into such nodes and emerging in completely different areas of the void. Little is currently known...
  3. Chelti News [Chelti News] Witchspace Anomaly Causes Traffic Chaos

    Interstellar travel became massively congested today as a new type of anomaly spiked in activity around the home system and elsewhere within the territories as pockets of strong, unknown energy popped in and out of realspace. Military responses to these pockets added to the chaos as freighters...
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