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  1. Chiaki Tier Update Discussion

    I post this because though changing the articles for the Chiaki in regards to its Tier would be a quick thing, the reasons and justifications for it require some significant discussion and elaboration. I have spent the last year pondering its Tier, only making the Chiaki 1B Refit a Tier 10 for...
  2. SACN To SAoY Command: Plumeria 2E Refit and Chiaki 1B Refit

    To: Star Army Command From: Kage Yaichiro, CO, YSS Sakura II (NG-X1-395) After comprehensive analysis and review, including contacting serving and former command and crew in the field, I have completed specifications for both Plumeria (2E) and Chiaki (1B) refits. These two refits notably...
  3. Approved Submission Chiaki 1B Update + Ke-D2-W4000 Shock Cannon

    Submission Type: SAoY Escort Destroyer + Main Gun Template Used: Starship Template Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:chiaki_refit_scratch Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starship_classes:chiaki_escort_destroyer (replacing...
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