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  1. Worldbuilding Prompt How Should The Nepleslian Military Protect Itself Against Small Insects?

    Here's a world-building question: How does the Nepleslian military protect itself against mosquitos and the like in tropical environments? Are there low-tech solutions like mesh bags that go over the head? Or some sort of bug spray or chemical? Could there be some higher tech methods like some...
  2. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Elysian Military Equipment Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet? No, @META_mahn. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Yes. Elysian Ammunition Elysian Munitions Elysian Weapons...
  3. Approved Submission FMS Aerospace Seat

    Submission Type: Starship component Submission URL: link Faction: FM Approved Yet? Yes, me. @Zack, approve for U-1 reference and win free seat usage. Faction requires art? Yes, later
  4. Traditional Flak Vests (of Yamatai/Nepleslia/Uesureya etc.)

    I've finally written an article for the Traditional Flak Vest that was used when the Star Army was first created, and also long before that. I couldn't really think of a better name for it, and that was its traditional name, despite "vest" being a questionable term for that type of article of...
  5. Updated Standard Issue for the Star Army of Yamatai

    Hello Star Army! The Star Army of Yamatai's set of standard-issue items has been updated. You can see the new set here: Star Army Standard Issue. We got rid of some stuff that was almost never used (like the drones and extra pistol mags) and added a few things like the rain poncho. The bags are...
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