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  1. Approved Character Seumas Maol-chaluim Kinnon (Ersetu)

    This is an application for the Ersetu Dominion's HMS Harlaech Castle. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:seumas_maol-chaluim_kinnon
  2. Approved Character [HMS Harlaech Castle] Nukeloa Taloa

    Nukeloa Taloa! @HAMnJAM
  3. Approved Character [HMS Harlaech Castle] Chief Engineer Beathag Hadanish-Isah

    Submission Type: Character Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:beathag Faction: Constitutional Dominion of Ersetu FM Approved Yet? (No) Faction requires art? (No) For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (No) Contains New art? (No) Previously...
  4. Approved Character [HMS Nemesis] Dagon Clancey Inness

    Link GM: @Gunsight1
  5. Gibernes for the Ersetu?

    @Gunsight1 - I was wondering if the Ersetu army used a giberne. What is a giberne? It's a cartridge pouch, usually black leather and often with a decorated flap, with a thick strap, often in white or black. The bayonet scabbard is also usually attached to the strap.
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