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  1. Approved Submission Border Guards

    Part 2 of the Ranger restructure. Turning the Garrison Regiment into a proper MOS with its own page, separate from the others and designated to Fourth Fleet. Therefore, also doing my job as manager of Fourth Fleet insofar as border protection being a key part of their duties. Two birds with...
  2. F

    RP [Exodus] Aside 3: Transfer Window

    Plant 188-604, Prison Complex "Camp Inferno" Tarmac 3 23:43 hours (Local Time) A scowling, rugged figure - whose granite features had long since gained creases from the passage of time - stood waiting on an equally-weathered cement tarmac, heedless of both the inky darkness and the maelstrom of...
  3. RP: Section 6 Up and comer

    Jack sat lounging back in a lawn chair on a stage out in the desert, a number of chairs arranged before the makeshift stage, as likewise a number of people sat in some of said chairs. Jack checked the time displayed in the corner of his vision as he waited for Uso to arrive. "So, you guys doing...
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