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international relations conference

  1. RP [IRC 46] Negotiations

    Conference Center Continued From: Day 1 The previous night's diplomatic kickoff at Reikan Park had gone well into the evening with Yamatai's head-of-government, the Imperial Premier Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, successfully leading a few initial discussions to agreement. That first meeting had...
  2. RP International Relations Conference of YE 46

    Reikan Park Conference Center Dignitaries and diplomatic delegates sent to attend the Yamatai Star Empire's biennial International Relations Conference had been arriving to orbit above Planet Yamatai aboard an impressive assortment of interstellar transports from whichever part of the Kikyo...
  3. OOC International Relations Conference YE 46 Planning & Discussion

    Hey! Because a thread on this topic hasn't been made yet, I've decided to go ahead and create one so that the goals and themes of Yamatai's renowned International Relations Conference of YE 46 can be ironed out. Traditionally, the biannual conference aims to begin early March OOC time and...
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