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  1. F

    Abandoned Submission Business Treaty of YE 40 Update

    Submission Type: Treaty Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No. Changelog: Link Checklist Requested? Yes. An update to the...
  2. RP Chapter 4: Of Talk and Treaties

    Lady of the House Space Bukor 3, 942 14:00, Commonwealth Standard Time "Commander. We are detecting....signals from Azorea that aren't of Azorean make." Tam opened his eyes and looked up at the overhead holographic progection on the spectrometer. The dark haze of the bridge seemed to sweep...
  3. SANDRA Yamatai Withdraws Vekimen Protection Agreement

    2日 4月 YE 39 Kyoto, Yamatai -- After evacuating the Vekimen to the Komodo system and providing defensive three months of support to the Vekimen and Vekimen Defensive Task Force, the Yamatai Star Empire announced that it was withdrawing from the Vekimen Treaty of YE 39 effective immediately. On...
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