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yss resurgence crew

  1. 2024 Poppy Pink 4 by Wes

  2. 2024 Wong Caihong by Wes

    Caihong is a NPC technician on the Resurgence that is a minor NPC. Bio: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:wong_caihong
  3. 2024 Hachirobei Sakuko 3 by Wes

    Sakuko is one of the supply specialists on the YSS Resurgence. This art shows her in a Type 42 style jumpsuit. I made it using Midjourney and then edited the uniform to be correct in Paint Shop Pro 7.04 (yes, the program from 2001).
  4. 2024 Hachirobei Sakuko pregnant by Wes.png

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