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Inactive Member

My name is Malefic, and I'm new here. Very new. Registered a second or two ago. Which means that I know practically nothing about this site yet!

I went over the races and checked out a Free Spacer thread or two...

That's it.

So I'm here to ask for the support of all the veterans here to help me out should I have a question or seven.

I've had experience RPing before and I am moderately good at it. I enjoy to write things, so PM me if you're interested in RPing with me!

Now, if you excuse me, I need to read a lot to catch up with you pros out there. Thanks for reading!
Welcome to SARP, Malefic. There is a lot to absorb here, but everyone pitches in to help boil things down when you need it. Don't hesitate to ask here, in forum PM or in the IRC.

Enjoy the roleplay.
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