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Year-End Festival πŸŽ Gift Fest of YE 44 🎁

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Motoyoshi Kaoru, Taisa - YSS Mazu

Your Highness, the happiest of holidays to you. I would like to ask you for a purple and pink electronic guitar, with the infinity symbol on it for Midnight Infinity.

I will make a song about you, you're such an amazing person.

Motoyoshi Kaoru aka "Midnight of Midnight Infinity"
Hoshi got some really nice jewelry with the biggest sapphire she'd ever seen:

Estrella Yamamoto got a Rikugun Teddy Bear and a 3 Star Army onesies.

Trowa Yamamoto got a quite nice violin.


On Yule morning, Motoyoshi Kaoru would discover his request had been answered with "The Infinity Guitar."
To Her Imperial Highness, Himiko the First, Empress of Yamatai,

Empress, I desire nothing more than peace, prosperity, and profit between the Yamatai Star Empire and Quallox Vaibal. And I think the best way for that to happen is with me serving You as Imperial Premier with duty and devotion.

Sincerely and Always,
Baroness Soon Bardoon, Governor of Sood Zadra
Soon Bardoon would get a hand-written letter from the Empress,

"We shall see what the people decide. --Himiko"
Shoi Anthiathia "Thia" Keslie


How are you? It's wonderful to hear from you. Did you hear that I took a commission and I'm helping the lovely people of the Resurgence? Only the furniture in my office isn't very good, so I worry that my patients can't get comfortable. Could you send me something to help with that?

Yours whenever you want me,


NitΓ΄ Hei Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi

Your Majesty,

Thank you for your generosity. I hope you like the song I wrote at Glimmergold; you were in it!

Anyway, I have a very hard time seeing things that other people seem to see so easily. I think my eyes don't work very well. Could you send me glasses? Or something else that would help me see better?

Thank you,

Kwabba-an (Music Bug)

NitΓ΄ Hei Kari Sunde

Your Highness,

I'm not worthy of the grace that you bestow upon me. I've worked tirelessly to be worthy of the existence and purpose in this universe that you gave unto me 3 years ago next month. But I would never be so ungrateful as to turn down a request from you, so of course I will do as you ask.

Please do not think me defective, oh Empress, but each time I sleep I dream endlessly of great women wearing glimmering armour riding winged horses through the sky carrying golden spears and only descending to the planets below to lift the worthiest warriors from their resting places to dine with their fellow chosen in the halls of Valhalla while they await for the final battle that will end all of creation.

With this in mind, I ask you for a spear that I may make manifest this destiny that fills my every slumbering moment. It will be only then that I am truly complete.

Yours devoted forever and always,

NitΓ΄ Hei Kari Sunde
Greetings highness

me and frank sterling are going to go on leave and take a vacation. What I would want if able is a ship that is fast, can comfortably allow 4 or 5 people to live aboard for a extended period of time and cargo space.

Glory to Yamatai.

- Santo Hei Delmira Brunhilde Lulie.

PS can I be selfish and ask for another gift of rings in addition to the ship. I'm sure you might be able discern why.
My Glorious Empress,

Star Army active duty and reservists moving out in mass from Rikugun Base Fujiko and dozens of our military ships landing at the starport of Red Sands City caused quite a stir among the Reds. While most kept a close eye on their armories as they assessed the reasons for their presence, a small minority always exist to cause issues. High on whatever illegal drugs they have smuggled in, they loudly proclaimed the Star Army were taking over. Imagine their shock when they were presented with a letter from yourself. I dread what foul ideas of a gift their diseased minds might come up with.

As I am born of the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan and adopted into the Reds, I feel that I can help bridge the two to further the Reds recent desire to grow to be better. Like children reborn, they need guidance to help them not stumble back into old detrimental ways that cause so much strife. This can only be good for the Empire, a voice I have been elected to present at the Imperial Senate.

There are other Reds in the sector that could benefit from having their eyes opened to the new order of the their faction's core. Some such as those on Halna are reachable, others such as those on New Bernese are not as easily reachable. Due to their past leadership and goals, there is a massive rift with the rulers of Nepleslia that needs to be allowed to start healing. I ask for your blessing to lead a diplomatic mission to Nepleslia to seek to repatriate the lost souls located there back to Fujiko and to start healing the massive rift between the Greens and Reds. If both can come to an agreement, it will show to all that anything is possible.

Yokota Tamafune, Senator of Fujiko
Itami Tariaki, Ranger/Vanguard, Awaiting transfer to the YSS Koun

My Empress, I am a soldier at heart it runs in the family, as I await the shuttle to transfer to my first official posting upon the YSS Koun. I can think of only one thing to better defend the Star Empire and my soon to be shipmates upon the YSS Youn. I humbly request a the Type 38, Special Duty Revolver, though my my Type 28 GSP is tried and true having a back-up will help me sleep easier.

May the light always shine upon you, your Majesty.
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Shoi Anthiathia "Thia" Keslie received comfortable office furniture including a version of the famous "psychologist couch."

NitΓ΄ Hei Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi got some glasses, an a referral to Star Army Ophthalmology for free eyecare.

NitΓ΄ Hei Kari Sunde received the Spear of Valkyries

Santo Hei Delmira Brunhilde Lulie received a Hauler-class Logistics Ship:

Itami Tariaki got a Type 38, Special Duty Revolver.

Yokota Tamafune got a response letter from Himiko, that said their mission to Nepleslia would be fully funded.
Zeck would like to ask for a tool box full tools. Zeck is mechanic and has a lack of tools. Zeck has a EM-G17-1A tool kit that was salvaged but it is old and missing tools.

I know we haven't always been the best kittens, but we've been trying to be good for the last 10 years or more. We've even been holding down legitimate jobs as real security forces. But, we really just want to get off this miserable snowball and back up to the stars. UX-3 III is really cold and the food isn't much better than an NMX field kitchen. We just need a way off the world and a way to get around, just the two of us.

Commander Rurunaru Kamatara and Superior Elite Narapara Apparatta
New Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp, formerly
Your Majesty,

When I was young, I felt very standard and not unique as a soldier of Yamatai. However, you gave me the opportunity to serve on the YSS Resurgence. This has given me wide experience across Yamatai that few have. I have endeavored in my previous letters to you, to have been your eyes and ears as you commanded us that first day. In that time I have developed my preferences in terms of combat style. I would like a large sword, suitable for use both with my powered armor and outside of it.

Your Obediant Servant,
Cheilith Unknifto
Zeck received a very nice set of high-quality tools for working on starships and other vehicles.

Black Sands Test Range, Yamatai
YE 44.9

//TO: Ketsturui Himiko ι™›δΈ‹
//FROM: Kurusu Misaki Chusa

It was difficult to think of what I could ask for that the Imperial Clan and the Star Army hasn't already provided me with.

If it is still asked I request something, may be a touch selfish? I would like a combat functional 倧ε€ͺεˆ€(odach)/ι‡Žε€ͺεˆ€(nodachi) made in a style that is visually appealing to Ketsurui Heika. I am able to wield it if it is a traditional sword, or power armor weapon of some kind.

If this is not feasible, an easy way to change and improve the color and style of someone's hair that I can deploy with would be very helpful. I always find other soldiers that want a little lift.
It is my sincere hope you enjoy the end of the year, and New Year's.
My life for the Empire,

Kurusu Misaki ζ₯ζ –ηΎŽε΄Ž​

Attached: A picture of the officer sitting presumably at a photo studio in her dress uniform, giving a slight but awkward smile. The image has her signature (in kanji) at the bottom.


Kyoto, Yamatai
YE 44.9

//TO: Ketsturui Himiko ι™›δΈ‹
//FROM: Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akina

I appreciate the time you take to go through these. I am fortunate to be able to celebrate on Homeworld before departing on the joint operation. In that thread, may I ask for a tree or plant to add to the arboretum aboard the YSS Mazu? I would like her to carry a special piece of home wherever she goes.

May your burdens be light and joys many.

Until next we meet,

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Rurunaru Kamatara and Superior Elite Narapara Apparatta got a Mule Ultralight Freighter.

Cheilith received the Empress-Gifted Greatsword of the Ice Queen Mountains:

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Misaki got a gorgeous Ketsurui Samurai Zesuaium nodachi.

(OOC: Having a hard time getting a pic so far)

Akina got a bag of perfect acorns of from an ancient and gigantic oak tree in the Trisylvanian forest of Yamatai.
Shosa Mikael Harris

My Empress,

Getting paperwork is a common occurrence as an officer of the Star Army of Yamatai. More so since I got the full Zhenen Upgrade package and I stopped fitting in most places. Imagine my shock when it was a request for a gift from you. After much consideration, I honestly do not desire anything. I have everything I am looking for at the moment. Long life and wise decision-making my empress.

Mikael Harris
Shosa, CPS Detechment 72 Overseer
For his gift, Mikael Harris received a place in the Empress's order of succession, as a potential replacement for the Empress if something happened to her.
Season's Greetings Empress Himiko,

I've hung your picture up in my office and thank you for the kind gift of that and for your more open-ended one.

I am asking for one that spreads positivity in the universe. Since the launch of the YSS Kaiyō and to this day on the YSS Kaiyō II, Ketsurui Aiko's personal bodyguard -a Ketsurui yojimbo by the name of Rei- has served aboard the ship. Though field combat, failures, and successes have all taught her much I don't think it can amount to the training she has always sought from Tsuya, head of the samurai. I request training for Rei from Tsuya.

What's more, Kitsurugi Uesu mentioned knowing Tsuya among Hanako. I offer the invitation to either of them to come along for a trip to the Southern Frontier to spend time with him as I have, albeit more intimately due to their shared past with him. I thought I should offer the trip in the same breath as my request to perhaps share some of Yamatai's beauty with him, too.

Thank you for this opportunity,
Yule Wishes to you and yours,

Reactions: Wes
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