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11th Squadron Episode 1: Fire


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Virgo Star Fortress, Samurai Sector
Day twenty-six, tenth month, thirtieth year of the Empire…

The Type 30 Space Yacht that was now docked in one of the starbase’s six concourses would have been unmemorable if not for the four Yuuko that had accompanied it into dock. If it hadn’t been for that, a passerby probably wouldn’t have noticed the Star Army Command registry number subtly marking its hull or paid any mind to the persons who were transported aboard the ship. But as the yacht’s access point opened to the gangway that had been extended next to its hull and the twenty infantry soldiers carrying Nekovalkyrja Burst Automatic Rifles lined either side of the walkway, all eyes in the vicinity of this particular docking slip did notice and pay mind to the ship and the persons it transported.

As Taisho Hokusai Akiyo of the newly-created Ninth Standard Fleet stepped across the gangway, down her rows of honor guard, she was infinitely pleased with her spectacle. When she reached the dock’s causeway, the waiting Chusa and his detail of two raised themselves from the bow they’d maintained since she’d appeared, a bewildered look about their faces. The Taisho would give a quick nod in recognition of their courtesy, letting the man know he could speak.

“Welcome to Virgo Star Fortress, Taisho-sama,” the handsome Yamataian man said after having his mouth hang open in silence for a few short moments. “I am Chusa Lang Xin, the station’s security director. I’ve been sent by the Chujo to greet you and extend an invitation for you to join her for a meal.” He was silent again, quickly weighing the consequences of what he wanted to say, before finding the courage to say it. “And let me assure you that you have no need to fear for your safety here, Taisho. I personally guarantee that our own security forces will be adequate,” he said, glancing over Hokusai’s shoulder at the twenty infantrymen standing at present arms behind her.

The Taisho immediately looked very angry and insulted, looking up at the taller man as she stepped to just inches in font of him. Just as a look of absolute failure fell across his visage and beads of sweat began to fall from his temples, his two aides no doubt making plans to testify as to his insubordination at the court-martial to surely follow, Hokusai gave the Chusa a wide grin. “I know,” she said cheerfully. “I just brought them along to see me off the ship. They aren’t mine, anyway; they belong to command.” The fleet admiral turned at her waist, waiving to the guard on the gangway. “You can go now!” she chirped, giving them the signal to snap their weapons to their sides and go back aboard the yacht, marching with the same drilled precision as they’d come out with.

“Ah… about the Chujo’s invitation, Taisho,” Lang said, at a loss for what to say or how to continue the conversation with its abrupt resolution.

“I’m afraid I won’t have the time to accept. I’m too busy with what I need to do. Doesn’t the Chujo know I’ve got a timetable to stick to?” Hokusai asked rhetorically. “Now it’s time you show me around Virgo, Chusa,” she told him, grabbing his hand and leading him off towards the star fortress’ interior. “And you two are dismissed!” she called to Lang’s aides when they began to follow the Taisho and the obviously thunderstruck chusa she had in tow.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

A Shiny new Plumeria, the YSS Aegle, blinked into existence near Virgo Star Fortress. After following proper protocol and gaining clearance, the Aegle approached the Star Fortress and docked. Only a single person exited the ship, the Black Haired CO of the NG-X1-430 YSS Aegle. Silently, with a somewhat brooding expression, the man inquired telepathically as to where briefing room 621 was. Checking the mental map upladed into his computerized brain, the Yamataian measured his steps as he paced deliberately toward the room, never one to be late.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

An empty section of space near the Star Fortress was suddenly filled by the YSS Erytheia. Proceeding towards the Star Fortress, permission to dock was asked and granted, allowing the sleek new ship to unload her single passenger.

After exiting the Erytheia, Ryosuke mentally checked his orders before requesting of the Star Fortress' AI the location of the briefing room. Receiving the required information, he checked his location before striding off, not wanting to be late.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

"This is the YSS Asterope, identification number NG-X1-429, requesting permission for docking clearance." The woman communication's officer aboard the freshly built Plumeria-class Light Gunship announced their request. The ship itself stayed at a slow approach, keeping in the necessary orbit for the security protocol to go through.

The answer from the station came rather promptly. "This is Virgo space flight control, YSS Asterope we got you on visual, confirming your identification now." A bored youth male voice on the other end of the communications paused a moment as they did the routine check. "Alright you are cleared for docking with concourse four. Forwarding docking data and trajectory corrections."

"Thank you Virgo, YSS Asterope out." The Yamataian communications officer responded politely. She then closed the conversation and brought her hands to the ship's flight controls.

The Yamataian Captain of the vessel settled into her chair, recrossing her supple fare legs and preparing a data-pad. "Take us in Toda-Heisho." She said with a simple nod towards the communication officer who doubled as the ship's plot. The other Yamataian woman on the bridge did just that; she punched in the new course correction and took the YSS Asterope in towards the fourth arm of the Virgo station.

That's when the CO took the time to turn to her executive officer sitting close by on the Asterope's bridge. "Yoshihisa-Chui, I'd like you to come along with me, I'll need you to copy down notes of the meeting. It seems we're running late." The black haired Taii said to the Nekovalkyrjan XO. They had a list of the already arrived ships, and being last meant that she would have to do more talking then writing.

"Sure thing Taii." The Chui said with a corresponding nod, before turning back to her own station and preparing a data-pad with stylus to take notes. The black haired, ruby eyed, Nekovalkyrja was just glad to come along, taking notes for the Captain was a easy price to pay for the previous YSS Senbu weapons operator.

The Plumeria-class vessel floated into lock, the loud thudding noise of the pressurizing entrance sounded throughout the small ship. "Toda-Heisho you have the bridge." The Captain said as she rose up out of her chair and floated out the exit, using her Yamataian gravity manipulation to float through the gravitationless halls towards the exit. She was closely followed by her NH-29 XO, both armed with data pads and tied hair.

With the Yamataian-Heisho left to watch the practically empty Light Gunship, the two officers quickly stepped along through the station towards briefing room 621. The Nekovalkyrjan executive officer with her black hair in a messy pony-tail stood at the same height as the Captain, who had her own long black hair in a tight bun. She was in a Female Version of the Star Army Male Uniform, while the CO was dressed in the Type 30B Female Duty Uniform with a professionally straight skirt, pressed to perfection. The two of them walked with such steady steps and an air of importance that people actually moved from their path. With an almost stoic seriousness, they made their entrance, the XO holding open the door for her Captain to enter first. "After you Kameko-Taii." She said quietly before following the CO into the office.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

"Ship's log."

The computer acknowledged the Taii's command. A panel was brought up, a blinking cursor block waiting to scroll across and trail Yamataian as it went.

"Some total nitwit gave me a gunship. Command's been taken over by ... shit, someone without brains. The crew's nothing but a bunch of tight-assed Nekos that can't appreciate drink. Or heat. Or wind. But they appreciate milk, hohhhhh yes, they appreciate milk. They're all polite. And they're hot in that kind of manufactured way. But they're way too professional. Back at Kyoto, my fellow grunts and I would burn off steam from a long 7-hour day at a desk by drinking, eating and perusing the town. Now look at me. I'd rather have that goofy freighter than this. This thing's meant for shooting shit on the front lines. Since when was I meant for that? I'm leaving it to the Nekos. They're pros; they're designed for this crap. I'm gonna drink myself into such a stupor, they'll have to send me back. It's the perfect plan. Just me, a few dozen bottles and maybe that cute XO of mine. On occasion. If she hauls the Mishhu carcass out of her ass."

A pause.

"Log off."

The panel closed just as a Neko with short green hair in a ponytail stepped into the captain's lounge. She spoke in a disappointed tone, her arms folded before she even stopped before the commander's bed.

"Taii Ozaki Kyosuke," Shoi Kohosei Hayama Yohko said. "The crew has taken stock of your leadership and ability to utilize this vessel to the fullest, and we have come to a conclusion — you are a drunken fishmonger without wit or tact, and you could not shoot your way out of a child's classroom with a Daisy. You have disgraced us with your sexist comments, and disgraced the uniform you don each day. We can no longer tolerate it. After two weeks, you are hereby relieved of command." She then stood at attention.

The thin, bored Yamataian man on the other side of the desk sighed after a tense moment of locking eyes with hers. He took his flask out of his open jacket and slowly unscrewed the lid. The silvery metal caught light here and there, shining up her body as he tipped it back to his mouth, then back at her feet when he was done. He sucked a couple of his teeth, to get the last hint of alcohol from them, then nodded.

"Well, if you've got to," he said, deadpan. "But one thing I've got to protest, for the record — I am not a fishmonger."

The cadet looked at him intensely. He only returned the gaze. Then she hung her head forward with a heavy, dramatic sigh.

"I don't believe it," she said. Her head was raised in a flash, and her hands were raised as if she needed something to bash. "WRONG WRONG WRONG! You're not even trying! Honestly, how are you going to learn to be taken seriously at all! The crew wants passion from you, Taii, not such slothful responses. You must try harder, Taii, or the Taisho could notice!"

Kyosuke snorted, the flask back in his uniform jacket, which was zipped up. He stood up from the bed and, as he passed his navigator, patted her on the shoulder. "Don't sweat it, Yohko. It was a good effort."

"Don't give me that!" she snapped, turning to face him as he but a step from the door. "My delivery was perfect! You had no way of knowing I was testing you!"

"Know the saying, 'MEGAMI watches you pee'? She also watches you shower, too."

Yohko's jaw clamped shut, embarrassment ruling her face. Her mind was obliterated in just a couple seconds. "Y-YOU WATCHED ME SHOWER?"

"Well yeah," Kyosuke said, shrugging. "What else is there to do when you're waiting in port for five days straight and you're trying to conserve the good stuff?"

The Neko had steam coming out of her green-furred ears. The Taii just walked away to the bridge, as she eventually did too, after he was seated.

"Taisho's here, correct Shoi?"

"Yes commander," a slim, black-haired Nekovalkyrja stated from the mission operations station. "She arrived about twenty minutes ago. She's touring Virgo ."

"Good, more downtime," he said, not at all happy. "Well, we've been ready for her for a day now, so I guess an hour or two couldn't hurt. Everyone go over the ship again; I'll be starting the rounds in 10 minutes."

The Taii sat in his command chair, cursing as he always did the fact the chair was bolted to the deck. Oh well. I'll wait for the call to show up somewhere. At least the Hesperia is a good ship. He looked at the main screen for a few seconds, then got to planning out the rounds, linking his communicator to his mind so he could be alerted to the Taisho's incoming presence.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Kyosuke only had to wait about three minutes before his annoyed Shoi and XO, Aiko Koriyama, spoke out without even looking at him.

"Commander," she said, "have you forgotten? You were to meet the other commanders in Virgo briefing room 621."

The stench of dead Mishhu wafted under Kyosuke's nostrils. "Oh. Right." He got up from his command chair and stretched, then scratched himself — only his side, to the relief of all the Neko around him. "Better 'mosey' then, as my Pop would say. Coming with me, Shoi?"

"Someone must conduct the rounds," came Aiko's cold, unimpressed reply.

"Let Yohko do it," he lazily shot back, walking up behind her and putting a hand on the back of her chair. "C'mon."

"The Shoi Kohosei has never done it before!" she cried without even looking up from her instruments. "She is not ready!"

"Won't get ready if she doesn't practice." He patted Aiko's shoulder. "C'mon. You make me look bad. If I'm lucky she'll promote you and send me home."

Aiko imagined her frustration as something palpable, something that she could throw up all across her station and then be perfectly calm. If only it were so, she lamented. " — Yes Taii. Of course."

The Neko got up from her chair and kept to the Taii's side, though at a respectable distance. Aiko was typical Neko height, with typical long'n'loose black Neko hair and a typical lithe Neko frame. She kept a little ponytail holder on her wrist, but it was under her uniform sleeve. She probably would have to pad herself to be a B-cup, but Kyosuke had quite happily taken note of her lower half, which had the curves of a "great jumping cowfish" in mid-jump.

He chalked the note up to boredom, and the fact he'd been surrounded by sausage for most of his military existence.

Problem was her eyes. Not typical Neko eyes of red or gold or some other bizarre color that made them easy to write off as artificial. No, they were this really pale, icy blue. She froze people she looked at. Like she had ice beams or something. If only she could chill drinks as well as people, Kyosuke wished.

The pair exited the gunship after Kyosuke was reminded to get his sidearm. They walked down the concourse and along the station's perimeter, not a single word traded among them (Kyosuke did make several attempts to start a conversation, but Aiko's responses of "I do not talk about other crew members" didn't seem to qualify as a trade).

Briefing room 621 already had a bunch of people in it Kyosuke didn't know. Aiko was going to telepathically explain who each one was, but the Taii raised a hand and stopped her, and purposely sat next to no one, especially the Neko with her hair in a bun and the super-serious attitude that was always a party killer. Aiko did sit next to the Taii Izuki Kameko, politely bowing before taking the seat.

Kyosuke checked the relic of a chronometer on his wrist, and, satisfied, leaned back and crossed his legs, staring at nothing in particular.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Seth counted off the people coming in to the briefing room, to pass the time, and noted that some of the commanders had brought their XO's with them. He should have thought of that, but figured that it did not matter at the moment. The most recent occupant of the room was a Yamataian man who carried with his the scent of Alcohol. Very unprofessional. The Taii wrinkled his nose momentarily in a minute amount of disgust, but just as quickly decided that that, too, was unprofessional, and returned to his regular, blank, somewhat bored expression.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Being almost the first to arrive in the room, Ryosuke took note of the layout before seating himself towards the left side of the room. Knowing he would have a little wait, took out his PDA, checked it was on silent, being relaxing in his chair and loaded his unfinished BattleChess game.

Hearing others entering he looked up to take note of who entered and saw it was a Taii with who he presumed to be their Executive Officer. He nodded towards them before going back to his game and thought Should I have brought Saki-chan? It seems that a couple of captains have brought their XO. Hmmm should I send for her? Pondering for several seconds he decided she would be more productive doing her inspection tour.

Checking the time, he realised they still had a little time left before the stated start of the briefing.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Kyosuke yawned.

How long had they sat there, all these officers (himself included) stiff and bored and uncomfortable as hell, waiting for this inconsiderate Taisho to get her ass in gear? A brief query to the station's computer was replied to with the AI equivalent of "pbbbbbt." He apparently wasn't allowed to know where the Taisho was, what the Taisho was doing, when the Taisho would stop doing he didn't know what, why the Taisho might be taking so long, or who the Taisho might be doing it with.

He didn't ask about the how.

"Anyone hungry?" Kyosuke asked out loud. "I could go for some sushi right now. There's a place here that delivers; great stuff."
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Ryosuke was numb from the waist down or so it felt. He had been seated, along with the others, for a while now and still no sign of the Taisho. Putting away his PDA he started stretching while yawning. Finished, he took a look around the briefing room seeing the glazed look in some of the eyes. He was sure his were similar.

One of the Taii's suddenly broke the silence and asked if anyone was hungry. Deciding he could go with some food, Ryosuke responded, "Sounds great. I'm starved. Anyone else?".
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Seth had never been made to wait for so long before. The lack of professionalism in the room was infuriating him, as well as his commander's lack of respect or care for her charges. never one to be swayed by emotions in such simple circumstances, he had remained rigidly in control of himself, acting as if he were sitting at attention. The time that had passed, however, had the odd effect of making him fall asleep, with his eyes open. To the unwary observer, he seemed to be waiting patiently, completely zoned out.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Briefing room 621, Virgo Star Fortress
Day twenty-six, tenth month, thirtieth year of the Empire…

It probably seemed like a month and a day since the captains of the First Expeditionary Fleet’s Eleventh Squadron had all come and diligently taken their seats in the briefing room. In reality, it’s only been about two hours—an excessively unacceptable amount of time to wait, to be sure, but not nearly as long as boredom’s tick-tock-tick-tock had made it appear. And just as the captains were getting weary of sitting, a thump resounded from the secondary entrance at the room’s back side, just behind the small briefing podium that sat down in front of the rows of seats that filled the small space. Not a moment after, the automatic door shot open to reveal a man, facing out into the hall, another’s hand quickly receding from its place around the side of his neck when they realized their privacy was no longer assured. The man stumbled back, turning on a heel as he entered the room with a shocked look in his eyes.

“Attention! Taisho on deck!” he barked instinctively, not paying any mind as to whether or not the assembled were already standing. He bowed deeply himself, not having time to be embarrassed at his disheveled appearance—his open collar, wrinkled uniform, and sideways rank insignia.

Following just behind him, a small, equally disarranged woman stepped into the chamber. She looked Yamataian with her round ears and five-fingered hands, but had a distinctly Nekovalkyrjan face. As she surveyed the briefing room, she ran a hand through her short, black, pixie-cut hair in an unsuccessful attempt to make it more presentable and tugged at the sides of the form-fitting Type 30A Duty Uniform that rode up in small ripples on her hips and waist. She stood there silently for a few, long moments before a glance at the chrono-display floating off on a wall to her left prompted her to speak.

“I made you wait that long?” she said with a genuine disbelief. “My apologies, to all of you; Lang-chusa’s tour of Virgo’s storage compartments took longer than expected,” the small Taisho continued, causing the man who’d stumbled in preceding her to cringe. “I am, of course, the illustrious Taisho Hokusai Akiyo, the commander of the new Ninth Standard Fleet.” She paused, scanning the rows of officers before her. “And I already know who all of you are, especially those of you who command the ships of the eleventh.”

Hokusai stepped past the podium that she’d been standing beside, walking parallel to the rows of theatre seating in review of those she’d summoned there. “Each of you has risen through the ranks of the Star Army from lowly santô hei and that is commendable. But this is also the first explicitly combat-oriented command for all of you as well, which is probably why I was given the Eleventh rather than the Third Squadron as I requested,” she stated bluntly, addressing the commanding Taii as she stopped pacing and turned back towards the officers. “That is no reason to be ashamed, though. I am sure that you, the Eleventh, is capable of the mission that I requested you for.”

At this point, she turned her head and looked directly at Kyosuke. “Except for maybe you, Ozaki-taii. Your file tells me that you’re quite the failure; even your own former second from your last command, the Goban, has surpassed you—and a Geshrin, no less!” She spent a few moments to giggle at her own mocking of the man before continuing. “But from my own research, I think your loyalty to the Empire makes up for whatever it is that Star Army Command seems to hate about you.”

She was silent after that as she turned and walked back to the center of the briefing room, taking a place behind the podium. “You may all be at ease and take a seat if you wish,” she said, looking up with her eyes as she flipped tapped through pages on the data pad that she’d removed from her belt and placed on the lectern in front of her. “The assignment you’ll be conducting for me is simple,” Hokusai began as the lighting dimmed and a volumetric map appeared following her telepathic request to the PANT-IES for such. “You will be transporting me aboard one of your vessels—it doesn’t matter which—to the shipyards at Sbuhfaba,” she told them as a flashing blue dot skipped from Virgo to the aforementioned system. “The shipyards there were built by the Mishhuvurthyar and are being re-purposed for Star Army use. Currently, Yuuko-class gunboats are being produced at the operational facilities there. Apparently, your squadron was going to be ordered to patrol that area anyway, so I was given you as my ride.”

The volumetric map dissipated and the lights brightened as Hokusai looked up from her data pad. She examined the assembled officers for a moment before saying, “As I said, it’s a simple assignment. Any questions?”
Re: Episode 1: Fire

The party killer, with her hair in a tight bun matching her attitude simply greeted everyone who entered with a simple head bow. She was especially curt with the man who entered reeking of alcohol. His XO on the other hand seemed like a rather agreeable Neko, but still Izuki remained silent as she waited with her hands folded in her lap. The seconds ticked by, the minutes and then finally hours. But the Taii and her first-officer didn't seem to waver, remaining well postured and diligent in waiting. Part of Kameko training is patience, and the exercises to achieve it through her ancient rituals were downright scary. So she had her ancestors to thank for her innate ability to literally sit and do nothing without complaint.

As for the Chui, she had to be able to match her commander's expectations so she sat just the same. Only-- she busied herself with connecting to the station's systems so she could make supply requests for the ship. Though the Light Gunship came with its own set of goods, there was no hurting in making sure you were prepared for anything.

Then finally, before the others had a chance to get their food ordered, the door opened and signs of proceeding with the briefing stumbled into the room-- quite literally. With the announcement of the Taisho arriving, both Izuki and her Nekovalkyrjan second in command both professionally rose to their feet simultaneously. Izuki's falcon gaze analyzed their appearances, and she withheld a grimace. 'On the Empires' watch, and they're wasting time fornicating. No different than the Senbu, what a glorious new station indeed.' Internally she cursed her fate; it looked like there really were no commanders left in the Star Army that took their jobs seriously.

She felt at least a little better being commended by the commander, wondering just how deeply her own profile was read into. But her interest didn't pique until the Taisho pointed out one of the ship captains in the new unit, Izuki turned to glance at him with a inquisitive brow raised. The man whom seemed the most unprofessional of the group seemed to have quite a record of failure, no surprise there. Based on impressions alone, his loyalty seemed rather questionable, even if the Taisho said otherwise. Everything about the man seemed questionable.

Both Izuki and Kimi, her second in command, sat down after being given permission. As more and more of the preceding sunk into the Kameko-Taii's head, the farther she was realizing that she had signed up for the wrong squadron. Even this routine escort flight seemed rather lacklustre. She weighed the option of taking the Taisho aboard her ship, but then soon after decided against it. She had something else in mind that may be at least a little more interesting than waiting on the Taisho hand and foot.

"I would like to volunteer the YSS Asterope to take formation point," Izuki said first out of the group. She folded her hands on her lap as she did so, adjusting her posture to sit a little straighter as she spoke. "That would make the decision easier for the rest of my colleagues here on whom would be offering you accommodations aboard their vessel." At least this way if she was given the lead she wanted, she could try to assert herself in the position. As well as be the first ship to make contact if they run into any trouble, which would mean that the Taisho would have to be on another vessel to keep away from harm.

The Neko Chui; Kimi Yoshihisa, couldn't help but smirk a little at the idea. She knew that the Taii was crafty, but she still didn't quite know to what extent yet. With this set up, that would mean that their ship would have a much larger chance of getting tangled up in a fight, and the weapons operator was excited at the prospect of being able to see the Plumeria-class Light Gunship in a fight from a bridge perspective.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

"Um, Taisho, if I may." Kyosuke stood up again, a confused-but-unconcerned look on his face, and bowed. "Not to get your panties in a bunch — though it's probably too late for that — but why were we commanders picked or reassigned to this mission, when you have prominent commanders at your disposal?"
Re: Episode 1: Fire

When the man entered and announced the Taisho, Seth woke with a light start, blinking his now dry eyes a few times as he stood up and bowed, partially out of reflex. Content to listen through the explanation, he sat when the Taisho gave him leave to. Seth kept himself calm and collected after that, patiently listening to the others of the squadron.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Ryosuke was briefly startled when there was a loud thump. Looking around the room, he almost missed when the door opened. Not good to be this out of it, he thought with a slight grimace, hiding a small yawn successfully.

When the man inside the doorway straightened up and turned around, Ryosuke was just starting to rise from his seat and enquire what was happening. As he gained his feet, despite his legs being slightly numb, the man barked out a command and instinctively without even processing it fully, Ryosuke came to full attention.

He took a good look at the Taisho as she strolled in and began to talk. He couldn't really believe it when she mentioned why she was late.

He sat down when instructed and listened intently to their orders. At least the first cruise seems a bit of a milk-run, unless the Mishhuvurthyar decide to come out and play.

When Asterope's Captain volunteered her services, Ryosuke cursed himself wishing that he had thought of that.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

“In the event that we maintain a formation that requires a lead vessel, you are more than welcome to order yours to point, Kameko-taii,” Hokusai said to Izuki, confirming her request. “However, since this is going to be a fairly quick and safe mission, traveling line abreast should be fine.” The taisho didn’t seem too worried about the prospects of combat. “With the Mishhuvurthyar gone, who do you think would attack us? Nepleslia? The Colonies?” she gibed, chuckling some as she listed off all of the surely great threats to the Empire, “The Freespacers?” The little admiral sauntered around the room with a big smile on her face, satisfied with her methods of proving a point as she waited to see if there were any more questions.

When Kyosuke asked his, she rerouted her course so that she was facing the man. “Ah, Ozaki-taii, as I explained, I didn’t request your squadron, so I believe that indicates that I do not have any prominent commanders at my disposal,” she told him cheerfully as her pacing step came to an end before him. “But aren’t you a prominent commander, Taii? Doesn’t that what being given command of a ship mean?” The Nekovalkyrja paused for a moment, leaning in closer to Kyosuke; she could smell the Nepleslian whiskey on him. “Probably not,” she said simply to him with a grin, moving back to an upright stance. “The fact of the matter is that you’re here. Being that my fleet is under construction, I don’t have the resources to divert to tasks such as your current mission and have to make due with what operational fleets can spare. And if they did give me someone like, I don’t know, Taisa Hanako’s and her squadron, or Taisa Sydney’s 3rd as I’d asked, I think that I’d have to respectfully decline. Our empire’s heroes are better used on greater tasks.”

With both of the stated questions answered, Hokusai moved back to the small podium. “If there is nothing else, please go and prepare your vessels for launch,” she said. “Any further queries or concerns can be presented to me before you leave this room. I will meet the 11th at its dock in thirty minutes, the Chusa here still has to demonstrate the construction and durability of Virgo’s bulkheads,” she informed them, glancing over her shoulder at Lang, who had remained at attention since he’d stumbled in, letting him know he could do whatever official procedures that he felt the need to do.

“Dismissed!” he barked officiously before falling at-ease.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Larai Taii stood up and bowed respectably before leaving the room, walking back to his ship, the Aegle. His Plumeria class light gunship was still ship-shape and ready to go, as he had left it. With nothing to do, the Taii went to his own private quarters, taking a small box from his desk and pulling out a piece of candy. He stuck the sugary substance in his mouth and happily, carefully sucked on the confection, taking bliss in the flavor, and momentarily quelling his sweet tooth that occasionally bothered him. In approximately twenty minutes he would get up and inspect the Aegle before preparing for Izuki's arrival.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

Kyosuke looked at the table. His eyes were sore. Not badly sore, but sore like they had been open too long without blinking. He sighed.

"Shit. That wasn't informative."

His eyes turned to Aiko, who was standing up. Her back was perfectly angled, legs bent at the knees, arms at her sides and fingers pointing through the floor. She remained erect even as Kyosuke scratched his chest. He yawned.

"Wehhhhll, ah, mmm ... If the Taisho can get some in under 30 minutes, I figure we can to. Ready?"

Aiko's head turned so slowly and with such noticeable twitches Kyosuke wanted to grease her neck. She didn't open her mouth for nearly a full minute, then said, "Why has HR failed to reprimand you appropriately for you disgusting behavior?"

"Dunno. Guess I'm not reported often enough. Funny, huh." Kyosuke shook out his legs, as if he'd garnered kinks in them from sitting for only an hour or so. "Ship's been ready for at least a day, right?*

The pause hung in the air for several seconds, bobbing before Kyosuke's head. It threatened to smack him, but he just ignored it. "Yes," Aiko replied.

"Good, because I'm starving. Let them know to be ready for the Taisho; we should get some food. You've got to try this sushi place. Great stuff." Kyosuke led the way.

Aiko imagined killing Kyosuke would earn her a medal ... but then she would be promoted, which she did not want. And sushi did sound good, her stomach thought. She followed without further questions.
Re: Episode 1: Fire

After being dismissed, Ryosuke began making his way back towards the Erytheia, on the way passing Ozaki-Taii and his first officer. Overhearing what the Captain said and his XO's response almost made him laugh out loud, instead he managed to keep it down and just smiled as he left the room nodding toward the Chusa.

Walking down the corridor he contacted his first officer, Satomi-Chui, to enquire about the readiness of the ship. He soon had a response that the last of the inventory and equipment had been brought aboard and stowed and awaited his command to disembark from the base. Acknowledging the communication, Ryosuke soon made it to the docking collar and onboard his ship.
Making his way to the bridge, he encountered his Chief Engineer who made a beeline for him, "Scotty, to what do I owe this pleasure?".

"Captain, I jus' wanted ta inform you tha' engineering is functioning at 110% an' also I've dropped off ta' special request yer order'd. It's in yer quarters."

Smiling to himself, Ryosuke responded, "Much obliged, we can sample some of it later. "

"Thankee Captain, with your permission..." he indicated his desire to get back to engineering.

"Of course, of course." Ryosuke then continued to the bridge. After submitting his readiness to the Taisa he sat back to await the Taisho's orders.
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