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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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This will be the last character I request for art, cause I've pretty much gotten all I wanted! Cause @Zairyo is awesome.

Character Name: Yumi Matonaka
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:yumi_matonaka
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL: Normal Yamataian Uniform (Can Provide link if really needed)
Notes: Sniper rifle pointing up in the air, with a pose of confidence if you can.

Who is paying, you or Star Army? Me (and as of this post its paid for as well)
Character Name: Mihral Leko
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:mihral_lekos
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL:
*Top: (only needs the ribbing not the pattern, in amaranth pink( link to color in notes) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/03/6f/35/036f35d811656ba955e492248aff6448.jpg
*Pants and shoes: (preferably the jeans should be navy of a darker blue) http://assets.charmingshoppes.com/is/image/LaneBryant/77051?$product_main$&wid=354&hei=460
Notes: Stretching her arms upwards like she's waking up in the morning with her wings out stretched or upwards(if you don't have images for that just go with what you have)
Amaranth pink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaranth_(color)#Amaranth_pink

Who is paying, you or Star Army? @Aendri
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Matonaka Megami

Check that everything is in place, I put the pin since it was one of the references given. Her rank is just one bar right? Long straight hair that curls up 3" before the end. Anyway let me know.

Oh right the ears, are the ears OK?
I think you should remove the pin. Here's why:
  • The pin is worn in the "Class A, Formal" mode of the uniform, so if we use the pin we need to use the medals too (I could edit these in later, but still...)
  • Boots can only be worn with the "Class B, Everyday" mode of the uniform, which means they can't be worn at the same time as the pin.
  • "Class B Everyday" uniform mode is designed to be easy for artists. The Class A version with all the extra parts should be saved for more expensive commissions.
    • Like you said in the OP, more details = increased cost because you have to spend more of your time on it. That's fair.
Commissions Tracking Post

Order #, Character Name (Reply #), Order Status (Person Paying)

1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes), Completed
9. Abigayl Dorkley (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
10. Hugar (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
11. Yori Kataoka (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
12. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri), sketched - @Aendri
13. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
14. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
15. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - PAID (paladinrpg), Completed
16. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
17. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
18. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - PAID (Aendri). Waiting on sketch.
19. Chūjitsu Anjin (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
20. Ishikawa Chiasa (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
21. Matonaka Megami (#176) - PAID (Semjax), SKETCHED
22. Sebestian (#253) - PAID (Archander)
23. Anabel Ghent (#253) - PAID (Archander)
24. Jei Hakuna (#254) - PAID (Wes)
25. Aran'ya "Widow" Lycosa Lmanel (#277) - Not yet paid (PaladinRPG)
26. Mochizuki Sayoko (#299) - not yet paid - (Paladinrpg)
27. Ji'xa "Bright" Seurik L'manel (#301) - PAID (Semjax)
28. Koto Nobunaga (#302) - not yet paid (Jimmy)
29. Ketsurui Yuumi (#302) - not yet paid (Jimmy)
30. Yumi Matonaka (#323) - PAID (Semjax)
31. Mihral Leko (#324) - PAID (by Aendri, for Syaoran)
And just because I apparently missed your response all those weeks ago, my apologies, hairstyle for Kel'ryn would be something like this, but a bit shorter, I suppose.
Character Name: Claire Winters
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:claire_winters
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Yes
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL:
No need for a uniform, she's a civvy now. So Today we'll give her a purple halter top, Like so: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=61807637
(Other side, for reference http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1EJwx...LC25028-new-2015-atacado-roupas-femininas.jpg)
And since she's rather casual, let's give her some tight fitting jeans. I know she's a bit more curvy than usual, but I was hoping to emphasize her large rump more than anything, the second reference picture is also the pose I'd like if that's ok, but with her hand closed into a fist at her hip instead. (If that's not enough info, ask and I'll elaborate.)

Who is paying, you or Star Army? Me! I have a family paypal account if that's acceptable?
Have I ever mentioned I adore the way you do hair? It always looks fantastic.
I was going to gif reply to the comment but forgot the reference. I have the voice and line clear in my brain but can't remember from where lol. Still Thanks.

Need to know if I got the panel color right and her skin. Anything else color wise that needs to be addressed too, please let me know.
Her skin is actually Lime Green;

(Its in the spoiler to not make people blind)

Other then that, I like her!

Also, Logistics is the orange.

Strategy I don't think has a panel color, I put it there since thats the job she is most qualified for, but as there is no 'official' job, she was placed in Logistics.
Huh. That doesn't sound like an actual job in the Star Army of Yamatai. Semjax can you clarify her occupation?

I know logistics is orange:

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