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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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Yes! Pants like those!

I know you use stock wings, I was just hoping you had some that weren't quite as open and, if possible, not quite as white. But I'm sure whatever you've got will work just fine!

She looks good, so far. Just remember that she is a bit older than most and should look it.
Christmas spirit got you drawing again? Nice. I better get my payments in for Aran'ya and Sayoko before long...

OK with the pants but what about the top? should I keep the jacket thing whatever that is? Also the whole "she is a bit older than most and should look it" where does it say so? This is what I read

Age: 35 (Looks to be 25)

And here:

Physical Characteristics
  • Measurements: 34C-26-32
Build and Skin Color: Anabel is like most of her fellow Caelisolans, looking relatively small in build but a lot stronger than expected, though of course not as strong as one of Patricians. Her skin tone, when she went from being one of Plebeian to Caelisolan, is still that of normal flesh.

Eyes and Facial Features: Anabel's eyes are a light brown color and shaped more rounded than oval. Her nose is small and pert and her lips are rather thin on top and bottom.

Ears: Anabel's ears are normally rounded.

Hair Color and Style: Anabel's hair is a deep russet color that falls straight, so she usually has it pulled back in a ponytail to keep it out of the way.

Distinguishing Features: Anabel's wings are primarily white with gray mottling.
Yes, everything else looks wonderful. And I had forgotten that she looked younger than her age...lol. Okay, everything else looks good then! I shall leave things to how you see her from that description.
Character Name: Rathe
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:codename_rathe
Character wiki page up-to-date? Yes
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/f...acter:screenshot_2015-01-29_at_5.59.23_pm.png
Notes: Please include a black backpack sitting next to him, backpack is in the wiki. Also, the jacket should be unzipped to reveal a bulletproof vest.

Who is paying, you or Star Army? I am.

Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): Yes, but it is via online chibi maker and is subpar at best
How long has this character been actively played?: 1 year, 3 months
Plot Character Is In: Bounty Hunts
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: 103 (A+)
Commissions Tracking Post
KEY: Order #, Character Name (Reply #), Order Status (Person Paying)

1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes), Completed
9. Abigayl Dorkley (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
10. Hugar (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
11. Yori Kataoka (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
12. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
13. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
14. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
15. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - PAID (paladinrpg), Completed
16. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
17. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
18. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
19. Chūjitsu Anjin (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
20. Ishikawa Chiasa (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
21. Matonaka Megami (#176) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
22. Sebestian (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
23. Anabel Ghent (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
24. Jei Hakuna (#254) - PAID (Wes)
25. Aran'ya "Widow" Lycosa Lmanel (#277) - Not yet paid (PaladinRPG)
26. Mochizuki Sayoko (#299) - not yet paid - (Paladinrpg)
27. Ji'xa "Bright" Seurik L'manel (#301) - PAID (Semjax)
28. Koto Nobunaga (#302) - not yet paid (Jimmy)
29. Ketsurui Yuumi (#302) - not yet paid (Jimmy)
30. Yumi Matonaka (#323) - PAID (Semjax)
31. Mihral Leko (#324) - PAID (by Aendri, for Syaoran)
32. Claire Winters (#335) - not yet paid (DragonNova)
33. Kumiko Endoh (#350) - not yet paid (Wes paying for Aendri)
34. Raphael Castiel (#353) - not yet paid (Gunhand4171)
35. Matt Henderson (#358) - not yet paid (AceWing13)
36. Yamashiro Natsumi (#399) - not yet paid (Wes paying for Gunsight1)
37. Rathe (#428) - not yet paid (nite train)

Artworks in queue: 14

I put it at the bottom of every tracking post. See above image.
Didn't get any feedback from the rough and it's been a while so I'm gonna keep it going. Changed the legs 'cause they looked weirder each time I looked at them. Anyway I don't know what rank is santo hei. I also assume his panel color is gray (Starships ops) as that's what is written on his profile.

Reactions: Wes
Santo hei has no rank symbol on this uniform.
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