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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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I don't know if you care, but just in case you do, this is another commission I'm working on. I won't be posting it anywhere any time soon 'cause it is time consuming to get all the details right. I'm more concerned about having her look like her, but in my style you know. Anyway I'm in love with Overwatch's character designs and really liked the beta even though it's a game that covers three things I dislike in video games 1. FPS 2. Competitive Multiplayer 3. Arena Shooters. I do not own the game, it being $60 on console is rubbing me the wrong way. For one the Origins skins are ugly as sin, the rest of the stuff isn't even for console games (except for Mercy's wings in Diablo 3 which I don't play) But still, I really REALLY want to play it.

@Zairyo Loving it so far; Also I love Overwatch as well. I've been playing the heck out of it, you're doing Mercy justice.
OK, I don't have an AC and boy do I need one. Temperatures here are too damn high, I can tolerate hot weather but lately it's a bit too much even for me. Easy to get a headache (not yet in the heatstroke levels though but technically summer hasn't started). The whole thing makes me go slower than usual so I apologize. This is the current state of the commission.

For those wondering, Mercy is inked too. You don't want to know how long it took to ink that freaking armor of hers. And the wing things.
That's incredible, awesome, and majorly bad-ass. Great work Zai.
It sounds like you weren't happy to shade in her armor, but I gotta say it looks great. Love that play of the game!
A reminder to everyone. These are $15 commission, not meant for too many details or multiple characters. If you want that, feel free to contact me directly so I can tell you the price. I increased the quality of the work (digital inks instead of pencils like before) a while back and didn't increase the price, don't go overboard.

OK so how's this?

I tell you what though, that looks awesome!

And you're pencil work is so clean now, I could swear it's cleaned up inks
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