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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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The way this year has been for me, I wouldn't be surprised if I wasted a lot of time on this.
Look on the bright side, I'm pretty sure someone will be interested in adopting the character. To keep this from happening in the future however, it might be a good idea to contact the players before getting started.
Well it was paid by Wes and Wes updated the list after the sketch, I went from there. But now I do need to know 'cause colors do take time and I may need feedback
Look on the bright side, I'm pretty sure someone will be interested in adopting the character. To keep this from happening in the future however, it might be a good idea to contact the players before getting started.
Can this character be adopted after I am gone for a year? NO
Reactions: raz
Might be best to hold it there before colors are added, then, and see if there's an active player who could use that artwork.
tbh, the art can probably be adopted. Wes owns it, technically. I know there are several character arts on the wiki that users have put up for adoption on their departure that use the aforementioned reasoning.
If someone builds another character around the art, it can most def be used if Techno is gone.
Hell, I'll state right now, I'll adopt that art for a character right here, right now. Hands down @Zairyo @Wes if the player is gone & will be more than happy to reimburse Wes for the cost
Character Name: Norogumi Misaki
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:norogumi_misaki
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL: This Uniform In Command White Type A style.
Notes: Shy stance and expression for the generic stuff.
Her rank is Chui so here is that article here.
Rank pin above left breast and all that usual uniform stuff, without the cap if you could please.

Who is paying, you or Star Army? SA

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N): Yes, Several Times
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): Yes, Chibi (Ish)
How long has this character been actively played?: (0 Years/2 1/2 Months)
Plot Character Is In: YSS Kaiyō
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: 110/110

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I would fight for it too, except it doesn't look like my new Neko.. Unless I change her hairstyle.
I can change a few things to adapt it to a new character. Hair and ears mostly, the rest stays.
So... Since @TheTechnoVampire hasn't said anything, should I assume you get to approve the inks @Wes ?
Also I forgot to add the Santô Hei patch, I'll add it with the base colors.

View attachment 7469
The inks are approved! No rank symbols are required for a Santo Hei in the Type 35 Class B uniform. Let's proceed the normal way and I'll figure out how we can best use this art later.
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