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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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Here's a 3000x3000 one (click to enlarge).

That works.

Update: I've replaced the large sample above with a better version with a little less sand color, so it looks more like the smaller, original one.
I feel like you could probably get away with 1 layer for lines, and just 1 layer for all the colors like I do with mine most of the time.

Also are your monitor settings correct? Everything you've finished lately is looking very dark and very red lately in the final version. I've had to try to manually correct the color balance on the last few. But the WIP colors looked normal. The green uniforms don't look green.

That said, you did a great job on these as always and I'll send you some extra payment for the multiple versions if you let me know what sounds like a good amount.
I can't, I would mess up. Even if I flatten the lineart after I'm done (which I usually do) I still have far too many layers to manage appropriately, especially in this case. File was so big it slowed down my system considerably.

As for the monitor settings, maybe, I had to get a new monitor 'cause my other one decided not to turn back on. Also been having net issues for over a month, and this heat is a bit much.

I can't fix their colors though, but will try to get my monitor calibrated correctly before I paint the next one. Thanks for the heads up (they look fine here, that's a problem I haven't had in years)
Maybe you can send me the file or the lines and I can give it a try?
@ArsenicJohn Who is paying?
Here's the updated tracking list of requests!

Commissions Tracking Post
KEY: Order #, Character Name (Reply #), Payment Status (Person Paying), Order Status

1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes), Completed
9. Abigayl Dorkley (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
10. Hugar (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
11. Yori Kataoka (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
12. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
13. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
14. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
15. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - PAID (paladinrpg), Completed
16. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
17. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
18. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
19. Chūjitsu Anjin (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
20. Ishikawa Chiasa (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
21. Matonaka Megami (#176) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
22. Sebestian (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
23. Anabel Ghent (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
24. Jei Hakuna (#254) - PAID (Wes), Completed
25. Aran'ya "Widow" Lycosa Lmanel (#277) - PAID (PaladinRPG), Completed
26. (Cancelled)
27. Ji'xa "Bright" Seurik L'manel (#301) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
28. (Cancelled)
29. (Cancelled)

30. Yumi Matonaka (#323) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
31. Mihral Leko (#324) - PAID (by Aendri, for Syaoran), Completed
32. (Canceled)
33. Truly Venus (#541) - PAID (Wes paying for Reynolds ), Completed
34. Raphael Castiel (#353) - PAID 9/13/16 ( Gunhand4171 ), Completed
35. Skade Masashiga (#545) - PAID 8/28/16 ( Acewing13 ), Completed
36. Yamashiro Natsumi (#399) - PAID ( Wes paying for Gunsight1), Completed
37. (Cancelled)
38. Ashtoreth Demir (#455) - PAID (@cyborgakadjmoose ), Completed
39. Freyja Yuuki (#459) - PAID (Wes paying for @ArsenicJohn ), Completed
40. Ziara Wyld (#537) - PAID (Wes paying for @TheTechnoVampire ), Completed

41. Juno Ricket (#795), PAID (Wes paying for @Legix ), Completed
42. (reserved for Wes - uniform example #841), PAID (Wes), Completed
43. (reserved for Wes - uniform example #841), PAID (Wes), Completed

44. (reserved for Wes - uniform example #841), PAID (Wes) - see below
45. Miharu Yuzuki (#688), PAID (Gallant), Completed
46. Kanath Qin-sharri (#694), not yet paid (Wes paying for Gunsight1, courtesy of Ametheliana)
47. Miharu Nao (#696), not yet paid (Wes paying for Gallant)
48. Koyama (#729), not yet paid (Wes paying for Soresu)
49. Raphael Kallias (#731), not yet paid (@Acewing13)
50. Ramiro Trinidad Valencia (#752), not yet paid (@Gabriel )
52. Norogumi Misaki (#776), not yet paid, (Wes paying for @HAMnJAM )
53. Jun Nan (#869), not yet paid (Whitehart)
54. Samael Demos (#877), not yet paid (ArsenicJohn)

Artworks in queue: 9 (1 paid)


3 of 3:

Character: Tan Ann Pan
Uniform: Bodysuit with jika-tabi and an unzipped jacket on top (with Star Army medical patch)

Please let me know if you have any questions @Zairyo.
It's been over 5 weeks since Zairyo visited this forum, I think we should hold off on payments until we see some activity.
I just talked to Zairyo and he was finishing up pending commissions on DA. He is currently in the path of Irma, hopefully, they aren't hit too badly.

"Sadly now we're at the mercy of mother nature, with Irma crawling its way towards us. There's still hope but it's a category 4 hurricane. Unless it goes up before it reaches the island, we're screwed. Our infrastructure can't handle it, not to mention the countless loss of property and possible lives."

He will let me know how things are going. Hopefully, they aren't hit too bad.
Thanks for the update, Kim!
Hey, um I apologize for the delays and everything. I've been through a lot of things (working hard, saving money to buy a better PC and stuff) but now...

We are usually prepared for storms, (although the infrastructure is crap) but a category 5 hurricane is just... last time we were hit by one those even people in shelter died. That damned Irma went from 130 to 175, I don't know if we can survive this, and don't want to think what our losses will be. Only a miracle can save us, so... just in case, I want to thank all of you for your support, commissions, comments, pretty much everything. I love Star Army, really enjoy working on your characters, (even when I "sound" pissy) I've been here for over a decade if I remember correctly. Good times.

Hope I can talk to you soon, but for now I'm going back to prepare for the worse while hoping for the best.
I will pray for you and everyone else in the path of Irma. Miracles do happen, keep positive.
What is your game plan for evacuation, in case you need to evacuate?
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