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RP: United Outer Colonies Encrypted Message from Jason Starlock


Inactive Member
Sonorhc said:
Encryption is..... Enabled
Data Transfer..... Audio and Video
Delivery.... 17th Kasairyuu Power Armor Wing Command
Transmission.... Active

A young man with long black hair and a completely forgetable face appears on monitor. The young man bows then stands erect a slight gleam of strength in his Deep Blue eyes.

"Sir, I am requesting permission to join your command. Attached is my completion documents of training and field of expertise. My talents are more mechanically inclined and specifiically in Power Armor use and repair. I appreciate the consideration." He finishes in a very flat, no nonsense tone.

Transmission.... End
Caine was now sitting on the Akuro III at a desk monitoring the others of the 17th's progress on Tokyo and how they dealt with the situation. But when Jason's message and blinked a bit and sent a response after a few minutes of consideration.


Relax some man, I'm not going to bite your head off over beign so stiff and formal. First of all, I need to know where you're at as I'm currently on the Akuro III, if you're already on board, seek me out for a face to face interview. If not, inform me of where you are so I can know where for my own informational reasons.
Jason walked away from his station to check up on some mechanical device drawings. Keeping updated on the latest in Power Armor technology is a pain but it doesn’t bother him. He lives for new ideas and better equipment. Just as he popped down on his bed to review a slight buzz sound came from his station. He immediately jumped up and checked the message… Hmm I don’t know exactly how to respond to that. We are in the military right...? Well at least I can tell him where I am and possibly get assigned.

The young looking man fidgets slightly on the screen as he tries to act more casual. “Sir, I am currently on Hotaru Station. If you need to interview me sir, I am at your immediate disposal.” He says trying very hard to sound more relaxed but not accomplishing it very well. “I’ll await further instructions from you.” He says as reflex takes over and he bows.”
Caine shifted some and leaned on the desk, bracing himself on his elbows as his expression turned serious. He wanted to know just why someone would come out of the blue to request to be a part of an elite unit. Generally he'd prefer some actual experience to keep up the notion of it being elite. It was the Taisho's right hand afterall, not some newbie babysitting service.

Alright, First off, I want to know just why you want to be a part of the 17th, in detail. You know this is supposedly an elite unit of combat pilots and expert soldiers. You say you have mostly technical skill, what makes you think you're ready for a position here?

Caine wasn't trying to be mean or judgmental, he just wanted to see how this guy would react to such a thing. The answer was important yes, but what he was looking for was the emotion and belief behind it.
Jason stood more erect if possible at the challenge in the commander’s voice. This is what he was use to those in charge taking charge. His blue eyes glinted slightly with rage but he suppressed it quickly.

“Sir, while my combat skills are untried. I am not some child who joined the military because of some fad. I joined after I went to college. I was a researcher before I joined and I believe that an advanced unit such as the 17th could use a tech who isn’t only worried about the maintenance but the best way to enhance and improve the current systems to optimal performance. Not just standard specs.” He pauses slightly almost unsure if he should continue but decides to anyways. “I requested this unit because it is the best. I need a place in this army where I can achieve optimal performance. Can you think of anywhere else that a power armor tech could do that?”

Jason stood still, letting his facial expression remains determined. Even though internally he was concerned that he had gone to far and said a bit to much.
At that, Caine chuckled in a good way and looked directly at Jason over the volumetric window. The answer was satisfactory to him, this guy seemed to have drive and ambition which was a good thing. and they could use a dedicated technician for the Wing's armors and such to keep them at top performance.

Hahaha. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. You see, I was looking for a dedicated technician for the wing itself so we wouldn't detract from the ship's or district's engineers. But as a requirement for this wing, you'll have to undertake at least 5 hours of virtual PA training each day for a week. This isn't meant to be insulting to you so please don't take it that way, it's just that I want to maintain a certain level of skill. Otherwise, you're doing good.

But I have a couple more questions about you.

1) Do you have any health conditions that I should know about?

2) Would you consider yourself more geared mentally toward range combat or melee combat?
With the commander's chuckle, Jason’s spine turns to stone thinking that the commander was laughing at him. However as he spoke Jason began to relax. This commander’s sense of humor could be interesting and a fleeting remnant of his own self before the incident of sabotage began to emerge and he grinned slightly. Jason couldn’t shut that emotion off. It had been so long since he found anything to grin about that he really didn’t want to.

I am glad that you approve sir. I will do my utmost to live up to your expectations. I understand the need for 5 hours of PA training and will gladly take the additional training. Perhaps even 7 hours a day would be even more useful given the status of the 17th’s reputation that must be maintained, at least till I am up to par with the rest of the unit. Currently I have no known illness or injury. This body is new to me. I haven’t had it long and I’m still adjusting to it slightly but I can use it within acceptable parameters.

As far as combat style unless a plasma torch is standard complimentary melee style of combat. I think I’ll go with ranged combat, sir. The only time I should be up close to other PA or ships is when I got a torch in my hand. Else the further away I am the better. I would even request Heavy weapons training. I think I could provide the best support in that regards.

Is there anything else you need commander?

The commander’s attitude is a bit more relaxed than what training was like but for an elite group I should expect a bit of idiosyncrasies.
Santô Hei Saito Altair sat straight in the chair outside of Taii Motoyoshi Caine's office, his dress uniform immaculately clean. He was on the YSS Akuro III, pride of the Fifth Expeditionary Force. The Ascendancy class Flagship was massive, and by far the largest and deadliest vessel he'd ever set foot on.

It would be safe to say that his entire body was tingling in excitement. As a Yamataian, and a young one at that such things still seemed amazing to him. His digital brain allowed for a dispassionate analysis of everything aboard the Six Kilometer long vessel, but his soul, what made him who he was could not help but gasp in wonder.

The shuttle ride hadn't been long, but it had been enough for him to soak up every bit of knowledge he could about the Ascendacy class, and more importantly about the Kasairyuu. Their short but decorated history made for excellent literature.

Of course none of this made it past the stern demeanor of the young warrior. Truth be told he was fairly nervous. He was here for an interview with the Commanding Officer of one of the finest Power Armor Wings in the Star Army. To even be considered for this straight out of Basic was no small honor.

Thus, Saito forced his body to remain rigid and his conduct strictly composed. The burnished metal of the door before him was all he looked at, and the coming call to enter was all he cared about...
I see, well then my decision is that you need to come up the Akuro III to start doing that now don’t you? Come find me when you arrive and I’ll see you set up with all you need. Hope to see you here soon.

With that, Caine cut the transmission and closed the volumetric window to bring up the events going on with the Tokyo incident. In a few moments though he’d notice he had someone waiting outside the office in a chimed message from the Akuro’s AI. When he was ready for the visitor he spoke up to call the newcomer in. “Saito-san, come on in now.”He said to the new guy telepathically.
Saito waited several more moments before he heard a cool voice in his mind.

“Saito-san, come on in now.”

The young soldier rose quickly, and with precise posture, walked into the Taii's office. He looked at the man in front of him and was immediately surprised. 'He couldn't be much older than I am' He thought to himself. Cursing himself for foolishness, he banished such thoughts from his mind.

"Santô Hei Altair Saito reporting as requested Taii Motoyoshi-sama," He called with a deep bow, before returning to a stiff attention...